PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 GLORIOUS GLORIA SWANSON In "A SOCIETY SCANDAL Adapted from Alfred Sulro's Tamotts stage, success, "The Laughing' Lady." The picture that makes an open hook of society's innermost secrets. Sh! Uo'nt tell a soul what happened to Marjorie Colbert.- It's a society scandal. Society isn't easily shocked, but the Colbert affair rocked it like an earthquake. Come and see why. See why they call her "glorious." .If you miss this triumph of triumphs, it will be another scandal. underfill gasp-provoking gowns. Classy sellings. A superfine Swanson, a superla tive story, a superb cast and superior direction. Hod La lUiquc. Allan Simpson, Yvonne Hughes and many distin guished others. CHRISTIE COMEDY "BACK TO THE WOODS." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE SATURDAY MATINEE, 3 P.M. Admission 50c and 25c Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY While Pickling Onions now in 15c lb., 7 lbs. $1.00 Medium sized Cucumbers, splendid for pickling. 6 for 25c Fresh :itnui, first shipiiion' now In, lb Sc Fresh Outdoor Tomatoes. 5 lb. basket 50c Hothouse Tomatoes, per 5 lb. basket 75c Large Head Celery .... 15c Oolden Bantam Corn, dozen 50c New Carrol s, C lbs. ... 25c Cooking Onions, B.C.. 5 lb. 25c Vegetable Marrow, lb. .. 5c llartfctt Preserving Pears, heavy pack in apple boxes per ease $2.50 Choice. Cooking Apples, unwrapped, per box . . $2.50 This store will be open all day Thursday RupertTableSupply Three Phones Qio,7ii.2i2 SATURDAY SPECIALS Mifk 'any kind . per tin 10c Limit to each person, 0 tins. Bacon, extra value, lb. 21c Brooms, 12 In sell, each 50c Apples, extra value, per box $2.25 Sugar, in bulk, 5 lbs. . . 45o Our FRESH MEAT MARKET can giv3 you the . highest quality at lowest prices. Give us a trial. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders over $3.00 delivered. Tower boat Bellinghani arrivem In port today and is discharging carjoi Sterling Furnace GOAL Dallvarad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thl Is- t very auperlor rurnare coal. It gives a clem hot tire arvl Is entirely free rrotn aoot, clinker, slack and dirt. Some of tLj largest beating plants In die city are now uslnc It with entirely sallsfaitory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sara;. At $12.60 per. ton. We arjs also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS, t Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Of flea! Hotal Cantral. Phona 16 S0 ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of her wardrobe Is Dainty Dorothy. She knows how to make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 BOX392 PRINCfcvTKUPERT WANTED SALESMEN & MERCHANTS If you have the ability to reach prospects for made-to-measure men's clolliiug, you can easily make upward of $100 weekly, representing Canada's largest exclusive clothing organization, with a Dominion-wide reputation for value-giving. Merchants will find it very profitable to incorporate this line with their own. Good Territories Open. Apply NOW! ROBINSON'S CLOTHES LIMITED 37 Mayor St., Montreal. Dept. D. Monday, September 8 High 9:33 a.m. 10.0 ft, 21:35 p.m. 19.0 " Low .... 2:57 a.m. 5.2 " v"; 8.4 " SAILINGS TO EUROPE MAKE RESERVATION'S KOW FROM MONTREAL TO CHERBOURQ-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWCRP Sept. 17. Oct. 15 Mlutiedusa Oct. 1. Oct. S9 Mellla TO BELFAST-QLA8Q0W Sept. S5, oct. 23 Marlocli Oct. 9. Nov. 6 Montreal TO LIVERPOOL Sept. it. Oct. it Montcalm Oct. 3, Oct. 31 Montnine Oct. 10. Nov. 7 Montclare FROM QUEBEC TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURG. Sept. JI, Oct. 8i . Kmpren or Scotland Oct. 8, Nov. i . . . . Empress of France TO LIVERPOOL Sept. 19. Oct. 17 . .Montroyat TO BELrAST-OLASQOW Oct, i .Montlaurler Apply to Agenta everywhere Of J. f. FORSTER, Gen. AL, C.P.R. Station, Vancouver, Telephone Seymour 2630, can. fae. Ky., Traffic AgcaU. NEXT AUDITORIUM Dances Tuesday Evening, Sept 9. and Thursday Evening, Sept. 11 Moonlight Dances During the Evening Miss St. Cyr's Orchestra. Refreshments Served Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 50c Phone Black 49. L. F. Marrcn, Proi "hlc" TIMBER SALE X 6425. Sealed Tendera will lie received liy the Minister or Land, at Victoria, not later than noon on the I till day of September, Hit, Tor tlio purrlitm) or Llrence X 0125. to cut 117.000 lineal reel or Coles and I'lllng- on Lou ms and 1033, situated about m miles and on other side or Skeenn lllver from Demo Station, llangn 5, Const Land District. Two (S) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, I'iince Huprt. II.C. TIMBER SALE X6464. Sealed Tenders will be rerelved by the Minister or Lands not later than noon on the Hill day or September, ttt. tor the iurchane of Licence X 04, lo cut 5Q.H00 feet or Spruce -811(1 a,ouu Jackplne Ties on an area situated on the south shore of Francois Ijke, opposite Cull) mount, llanfre i, Coast District. Three (S) jiears will tie allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars- of the Chief Fores, ter, Victoria, ll.C. or District Foresu-r, I'tlnie . Iiuptjt, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, September 6, 194 The Gift House Latest Novelties of the Season. BEADS, EARRINGS, BRACELETS, BARETTES, Ac. JUST ARRIVED See Our Side Window. We carry the largest stock of mounted and loose Diamonds in the North. Extra Special Low Prices on Bracelet Watches. Absolutely Guaranteed. UMBRELLAS IN ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES From SI .75 to $12.50 The Best Made. "See Our Optician for Correctly Fitted Glasses." Mar Heilhroner SPECIALS FOR FAIR WEEK ONLY. We give special reductions oh all our slock to the visitor and the outside customer. Milk, per case $5.50 Flour Maple Leaf, Purity, and Five Roses, per sack $2.35 Blue Ribbon Tea, per lb. 65c 5 lb. packets ..... $3.10 Economy Coffee, per lb. tin 50c Economy Coffee, fresh grdund, 3 lbs $1.30 Heinz Pork iV Beans, 2's. 6 tins for $1.00 ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. Church Notices SMALLEST FISH SALE 7 Presbyterian Church Morning worship at 11 o'clock.1 .Subject: "Christ, the Burden Bearer." Sunday school at 12.30. Evening service at 7.30. Subject: Decisions." Preacher, Rev. H. R. Grant, D.l). y Salvation Army Visitors! Welcome to Prince Rupert. The Salvation Army extends a hearty welcome to you and your friends to allend the following meetings: Sunday at II a.m., 2.30 p.m. am 7.30 p.m. Every night during Exhibition week at 8 p.m. Soinelhin?. spec ial each night. Good singing. Come! Central City Mission Corner of Dili and Fulton. Thi is tlie place where the whol" Gospel is declared for a wholo man, body, soul and spirit. Ser vices and subjects for the week as follow: 1 Sunday at ! 1 a.m. Communion. "Results of the Cross." 2 p.m. Sunday school. 7.30 p.m. "A Birthday Carnival." Monday at 8 p.m. Christ. Only Two Boats Arrive With 9,-5C0 Pounds of Halibut Between Them Today was one of the smnllcsl fish sales in a long lime. Only Iwo boats were in, one Canadian and Ihe other American, and together they brought only 9,500 pounds of halibut. They were: Slar, 8,000, at 15c and 8.50c to ,Cohl Storage, Mayflower, 1,500, at It. 10c and 8c lo Alliit Fisheries. NAAS RIVER WILL SAIL NEXT WEEK Capt. Henry Derby Expects Leave on Second Voyage With Powerful Boat on Tuesday to Capt. Henry Derby expects lo take his power boal, Nans River, on its second voyage to the Xaas next week leaving about Tuesday. S, C Gordon and A. F.,Priesliy of Aiyansh will go' up on tlio vessel and there wrl also be u full freight cargo consisting principally of freight for the latter who conducts a general store. The Nans River met with a mishap while coming down Ihe river on her first voyage in July when, running, afoul of a whirlpool in Owinalia Canyon, she struck the's.hore am) was slighlly damaged. Since then the vessel has been hern! I GYMNASIUM SEASON OPENS WITH SOCIAL Novel and Successful Affair Took Place Last Night In Men's Own Gymnasium Marking the opening of the winter's gymnastic season, a "gym-Jam' social was given in the .Men's Own gymnasium by the Trail Rangers and Tuxis hoys of the Methodist Church last night. There were about 175 people present and the affair was both j lively and successful. The program included bag pipe selections by Pipers Alex Mac-donald and Leslie; physlciat drill i stunts by a team consisting of Bronson Hunt, Boh Irvine. Ernie iRatchford, Tom Steen, Frank Morrison, William McLean and 'Cecil Hacker; a physical drill ex. hibition by Galin Contoli, a Swiss gymnast; a sketch by Mr. Conloli and P. 11. I.inzcy; mock surgical operation by V. . I.inzey as doctor, Mr. Contoli and Henry Heilbronner as patients, and Miss Mary Muse, as a palient's wife, and scene from "Maggie and Jiggs" with Karl Barrie as Maggie, CHIT Cameron as Jigg and (. W. Hunt as Dinly Moore. Hot dogs and colTee were CHECK ARTIST PLEADS GUILTY Cecil Rutherford Appeared Before Judge Young this Morning Sentence Is Reserved Cecil Rutherford, Committed for Irial on charges of obtaining money under false pretences by cashing bogus checks, elected fpr speedy trial before Judge Young Ibis inoiiiinw and pleaded guilly on all eight counts. Sentence was reserved until Monday. E. F. Jone appeared for Hie pro. secution and L. V. Palinore for the defence. : JAMES GILLIS DIES IN EAST i Word was received in the city today of the death last night at Port Hood, Nova Scotia, of Jas II i .i ... ii. . llililr. mIihIv "TIip Anil. ' wen known iiio.iii-rr oi no; 'ilni.iil:i v H n m "Tim Cil) aild l.'llc member Of til. ......... , ,. 1 oi ..I fr.llrll, mv-wli.ev nf ll.n k'inl,,.,. " . PO IT IIOUSC SUIU Ul PIIUWUIIUIIS a v u a, a a a - a a v itiiipMVMii, . Friday, 8 p.m. Young People's; ''uke- meeting Itrizl.f -ontr serviri. ",e Mr. (illlis.lefl here with vocal Mini instrumental about a "" aS or rtocliesltr, solpcMniis. Romp ml l.rinir n Mlmi., lo undergo an operation frioiwl Kv...v mm VL-Mrnmo. t l" Mayo Clinic for CailCer. It - ' ' r I I 1.. I Inr W t Kniirlits was luuim impusimu to uu miy Ennllh L..lhpnn r.hrh for ' "'" him "IC there so C - ' ' ' " ij st. Paul's Church,. Melropole Hall, Third Avenue. Rev. P. E. Baislcr, B.D. pastor. Services tomorrow al II a.m. Sermon 'foi Inf. in- II, ul II,.,... ' c.,,.1 NoVa 7.30 ii. in. sermon topic price of peace.,. Sunday and organization of confiruia tiou class al 2.30 p.m. his sister's home at left Port , Hood where he expired shortly fafler arriving. Mr. Gillis was a unlive Scolia, about CO years n. age and single. He was a inein- her of the local Catholic Church and oi the Knights oi Luminous. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAOUE Division I. Arsenal 2, Liverpool 0. Aston Villa 0, Newcastle U. 0. Blackburn R. 0, Wost Hum U. 1. Bollon W. 3, Bury 3. Cardiff City 3, Leeds U. 0. Everton 1, West Bromwich 0. Huddcrsfield 2, Sheffield U. 1. Manchester C. i, Nolls F. 2. Nolls County 0, Tuttenham 0. Preston N. E. 0, Burnley 2. Sunderland i, Birmingham 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Aberdeen 0, Celtic 4, Hearts 5, Morton 1. Kilmarnock 2, Airdrieoniatis 3. Motherwell 1, Ayr United 1, Parlick 3, Hamilton 0. Ilailh Rovers 2, Falkirk 0. SI. Johnstone 2, Hibernians 3. St. Mirren 2, Dundee 1. The best Toba ceo for the pipe Cash & Carry Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY wMALKIHS t BEST J M. D. JELLY POWDERS Assorted Flavors 4 for 25c. Per Dozen 70c VCOOKINQ APPLES 5 lbs. for SPECIAL CLEARANCE LADIES' HOUSEDRESSES fresh in tfie Nabob Vacuum fin NABOB & VACUUM PACKED COFFEE KULY. DOUGLAS O CO. LTD. FAIR ENTRIES PROVE HEAVY Lists Closed Last Night and Several Prospective Exhibitor! W ins Disappointed Today As had been anticipated, cn-Iries for the Exhibition litis year have proved lo he very heavy slated I). Mcl). Hunter, manager of Ihe Fair, this afternoon. The lists closed last night hut so far it has l)eeit impossible to gel the large numbers of eleventh hour entries tabulated so it cannot be announced yet how many exhibitors there will ho and how many exhibits, though it is ex-IM-cled that they will lotal higher than in any past year. Despite all the warnings thai had been Issued, there was a number of prospective exhibitors 25c Crepe. (Wnghain, Chainhray . $1.G0, $2.00 MEN'S FINE WOOL SHIRTS In Fancy Checks, Brown, Heather and Grey Sizes 1A Vt lo 18. $2.50, 53.50 and $4.75 BOYS' BLOOMERS '-' ; III Brown and Grey Tweeds. Size's 2(1 to 3i. Special, per pair 51.95 Universal Trading Co. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY rt'illl'l'lll'll IiTSllK I f m If LJf Ljt nil J yo y s & Peal 6ood coffee keptffi m 1 who soiikIiI lo cntw I'm ing They vere illF " when they found thai na mcnt entries were being rewiveil .ludgiiu; for the l'l" 1, 1 .... Diin six months in tne eonlesl .xlarls lns all"-' When all onirics in ti vn classes have been rerrivl k anliclpale.i that Mtete ml''" less than 60 infants inH''l,J Show. TIMBER SALE X 6370. Tlu-rr wlM be offered Auitlon, at iiixiti u V" ,r ll t..ihl.r, IVil, III tlio ufrir 1 ti ll I l in .lHr SITlltlllTJ. U. ..I X.0JJO. to rut ,000 ul area adjolnlnic the mirlli b''u"uYl 67(14, alluatcd approJlnnK'1 "j,,, mirth and east of Oei kcr L llanire 6. Coaat DUtrlrt. . j y tt l,ur Two ) yeara will 1 moval oval of or limber. iiimiiT. .... .1. l , initMT .M f aurll irilon dr "provided aiiyona una '! In Kr.m may -,"lin, " of r l,. lui '..npnml at llH' llf ' and treated a one bid." jtt Kiirllier parllniura ?ri!S( fort' ler. Vlrtnr a. Il.l IMInie lluiert, ll.C OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL CUT PLU5