,Jiy, November 18, 1021. The "Natural Touch" of the New Quiet 12 Rem-inRton lightens the day's work, improves the day's output, and turns typing (mm a task into a pleasure. fjo wonder this latest Remington model is winning the typist everywhere, no matter what typewriter she has used in the past. And remember that this Is only one of the many fundamental improvements of the New Quiet 12 REMINGTON Write or plume us for a demonstration REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY m rm m mm mm. C fS III I I n jc rvwc 7?v Watch your Skin r It's up to you to look your best Young cirlv old girls, plain girls, pretty S'rls don't we all know those days here the mirror when, with a sigh, wo' turn away and say, "Gosh-I do look plain!" On thoso days when our skin looks liad and won't ct richt our noses won't powder our eyes arc dull! We ail know them. Hut wise women watch their skin and at the first sign of something take the best remedy a dose of Beecham's Pills They purify tho blood, rler tSo kln, mke yoa hippy, brichl and Attractive. Sold Lverywhere In Canada. u hijluGnGG is wwndlng Nothing In the training of your child can tike the place of a musical education-nothing can help to attain that education more than the Vlctrola. t It will fan to flame your children's spark of musical genius -at x period when their minds are mrwt sensitive. It will permit them to associate and study with the world's greatest artists, such as Caruso, MeCormack, Elman and others-and form the foundation of their culture. A musical education Is your child's birthright. Lack of U-a nevtr-end-ng regret. Vtcfcir TalMntf HuiihM Company wt . I im4 Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Phone 11 Ilayncr, Undertakers, l'lionc 351 Flks' Chrislinait Cheer Ones illtr (".inilll ItllW lollST Will til candle burn? Ask any Hill I It Save, "SFPHKMK" Coffee cou- non inn eeure tree r.iiHiiso eliiriu t' Itcgular idiipments of famous FoolhilU slovc and lump coal ar- riviiur. You'll like ill Consumer P.n.il I'j, IMinnn 7. tf Once more we can supply the famous F.dsoii coal in any quan tities, l'lione 58. Prince Uuperl Feed ' Co. tf Miss (iudinundsoit from Dcnni-son will arrive Wednesday noon Mr Hue Hrus. l.ld. The Uuperl Table Supply Co took out a building permit thi morning fur a garage on Sixth Avenue West for three car. Hi.. P.,. ...... M. ...... llylUllF III o'clock Wednesday night. Draw ings lor prizes z ociock. iib freehmeoU. Admission 50c. The appeal ease if Ilex vs Takeboya-hl, launched by the city solicitor I F. Jones againe a recent dismissal by Magistrate. .McClyiuoMl of it gambling house charge, bu been adjourned Hi the County Court for dale to n (tel. Tenders for a supply of lum Iter were opened at last nizht's council Intel inr and referred to Hie Hoard of Works with power lo aet. The bids were: Hi? Hay Lumber 28 oer thousand for spine and hemlock; II. A. Do.bl for Prince ItHpert Lumber Co J6 for spruce and hemlock and 3 for fir; Albert .V McCatfery 2K.5o for cedar and 131 for fir, 1 C-aiTcHvr.VvV ksiiicuuu r ,vi'.. , VIM Vv7il I J ' f 1 '-VtAi fi I VIctrota No. 24 . $Hn.OO ! I A vicinoi IllHtr you Iwnllu HI Unulnc VICTROLAt mm ittorx Rett Svol Records art m 'iv Double-sidtd, Two telccliona for pruclkally Iht price of one. Ask for rt catalogue. "His Master's Voice- 1 VI THK DAILY NEWS Saved From Years of Headaches. MRS. HONORH VALIOUmTB The wonder of the famous Fruit Treatment are only reraled when you readIetterlike. this, whiehcomes from Madame Valiquette, 1133 Notre Dame St. W., Montreal. "For three yean, I was troubled with bad Headaches, Nerrous Dyspepsia and Liter Troubles. Then, I began taking "Fruit-stives". Very soon my .eondltlon improved, and thanks to theoe wonderful fruit tablets I am once more entirely well". "Frult-a tives" is the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, Intensified and combined with tonics and forms a complete fruit treatment for Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Skin Troubles. Sic. and 60c. a box at dealers or sent by Fruita-tircs Limited, Ottawa, Ont. II. C. Wrijrhl bavins applied for llierr nurcliae. the c-lly coun cil, on recommcnilation of the finance committee, ileculed last niiriit to adverH for sale lax ale lot 3 and 1, Mock 3'J, .sec- lion 8. Cancellation af teasel To house builders and boat builders. t)win? to eaneelhiliou of lease, we have for sale al preally re- luccd prices, diiuension and ilouble dreHed lumber. Slock most be siHd at one. Shockley Planinjir Mill, Cow I toy. If J. J. (iillis relurnetl on the PrinceM Mary yeterlHy after noon from Victoria J"her ,p went lo atlend a mH4? of the provincial exeeutivet of Hie Dominion Trades Congress in plane of Aid. S. I). UcdonaM who was unable to noutb. .Norlhboiind from Vauxuver lo Skaifway ami internn'ilial poin's. C.P.Il. steamer Princess .Mary was ii port fronl I lo 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Anions t't" passengers arrivinjf-lMHW! em Hit vessel were Harry llanon and ,1. J. (iillis. Frank (iomer., who was lei out mi suteiideil sentence jOui time ;iko by .ludKe Youn;; after bavin? been found ifuilly f breakiup and entering Ihe resldeWe of .1. W. MiHtrehouse, Kichtli Avenue Hasl, is lo be brought up again Ibis afternoon for sentence. II is alleged he did not. live up lo Ihe requirements set When sentence upon him was suspended. The fire chief submitted his reort for the Jitonth of. October to Ihe cily council last nfglil. There was only one call during the monlh, thai being lo extinguish a I'himney fire al Ihe resilience of . W. Kerr, Horden Jj-vel. The I depart meiit was reported to be in I pretty goinl order. Kxpenses of ileiarlmenl for Hie month lolal- led $1088.50 iiieluding: a payroll of $1027. v C5' ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Huxaar. Nov. 18 and IS). It Presbyterian Hazaar, Nov. 20. Lutheran Hazaar, December 2. Melropolt Hall. " TOO LATF. TO CLASSIFY 4, FOIl SAL)'.. Haby Imggy, $I5,(MI. Phone (ireen 500. 273 LADIES! SHOES IN ALL SIZES At Greatly Reduced Prices. FLANNEL AND HOUSE DRESSES FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. Chiffonelle A dainty flowered fabric from the looms of the famous firm of Grafton &. Co. White and .Mauve ground with colored figures, 30 inches. Per Yard, S1.00 West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. Trevor Clarke, assistant district forester, left on last night's (rain for Siiullior ami Decker Lake on departmental business. Tenders for a supply of nufn and bulls for sidewalk building were receixed by the city coun.-il last night and referred lo 'lie Itiiii'il at WfipLrf iL-illi ruiu'jip Ijl . ....... w. ......... ... J act. The Thompson llardware !l I , Af..f I .1... l . : ii uiu aim me rniue nupeii Supply Co., i 113.50 and 337.50. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wall left on Ihe Prince Ituperl on Saturday for Vancouver where they will sail on the II. M.S. ".Niagara" to morrow for Auckland, New Zealand. Mr. Wall has been with Stewart iV Mobley for the past year or so. H. .1. Hands, messenger here for the Canadian National I'.x-press Co., left with Mrs. Hands aud family last night for Winni peg to which point he is transferred. Due lo the cessation of halibut shipments and the cutting olT of daily train service, the. local express ntalT is being re duced. The local improvement bylav providing for Ihe paving of Comox Avenue was finally re considered and adopted at last light's council meeting. The bylaw nrovidiu? for Hie paving of .Ninth Avenue Kast from Me lt ride Slreel to thV junction of Kiglith Avenue was put through its first and committee readings ti. A. Mc.Vicholl. C.X.Il. geneia passenser agent at Vancouver. presided at the annual conven tion of the Pacific Northwest Passenger Trailic Association in Victoria last week, ll was Hi- first lime in several years that Ihe association had met in Canada. The next coin cation w ill be held in Seattle. Hishop ami Mrs. It. O. Stringer were passengers going north on the Princess Mary yesterday afj lernoon bound for Dawson. They have been out of Hie Yukon several mouths having gone by way of Herschell Island aud the Mac-keiuie lliver lo London, Ontario. where Hishop Stringer attended! Ihe triennial Anglican Church' Synod later visiting in Toronto and other Kaslern cities. Charles Hay, who died in Van-ouver last week at the ase of 81. was the father of Mrs. D. D. Muuro of Terrace. Deceased, in Ihe early days of the West, was in the fur trading business and later followed realty. He located al (irand Forks in I8t7 and foifuded the lovvnsite of I'pper (Srand Forks. For several years, retired, he had resided in Al a conference yesterday afternoon attended by Principal Hrady, Cily Solicitor K. I". Jones and the. boys implicated, tjic school board authorized the city solicitor lo proceed with prosecution in the police court against Ihe proprietor of the pool room where boys are alleged to have' frequented, and where on one ae-casion it is stated liquor was given lo Ihem. J. P. Dunne, special supreme apenl ot the Knights of Columbus; r. j. Dorsey. district deoulv and (ieorgo Colgan, H. W. Colgau and W. J. Hraull, who came to Ihe city for special work being pur on by Ihe order at the end oT last week, are returning to Van-corner on tho Cardenu this afternoon. F. 1), .MeCouuell has gone to Anyox and M. L. Sweeney went to F.dmotilou on last night's f r '.!!. LM "Fellows, That's Great" He could say ml more when Ihey presented him a thin model vvnli-h. II was just the thing he wuuteil. His old watch was out of date, hut he haled lo Ihrow it away. We have a 'teaultflil new desjgn while gold engraved 15 jewel Wnllham in the latest thin pattern and n guaranteed timekeeper for $43.00. For a moderate priced Watch we have a splendid little watch for 1 5.00 in gold filled. We have a big variety and can suit any pocket. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. fiu'ess who wrote this atl? Can you write a better one? 'The lime is extended to November 90. GR0E N WATCH E "The Family Shoe Store" "LADIES" WE ARE CLEARING ODD LINES OF SUEDES, CALF, AND PATENT, In OXFORD AND STRAP. "ONYX," "SUPREME LADY" and "TRUEFIT." All going at 95 Phone 357. THE ECKOFF STUDIO CALLS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE We are able to get any Fancy (Jooils, Drv .Goods, and Sundries you wish to get from the Orient or European countries. We Buy Furs, Jewelery and Cameras Do you expect lo make heller friends? If so, give him or her a gift of your Photograph. We do photography in any style at reasonable prices., ECKOFF STUDIO AND REGENT HOTEL Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Phone Red 69. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE Effective November 17th. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT till from ITUlif Hubert FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, lnteriiMHllil point rarb I'rldiy V.VU i.m. For STEWART Hid ANYOX AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Offica, 82S Third A,, Prlnca Ruparv. Wednesday, 1 1. Oil pjii. S.S. PRINCE JOHN fur VauruUTrr -via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. .Nov. , Pre. IS. 11. Ian. to. St. PASSEN0ER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, 3.00 P.m. fvr I'rllue Un.r(r. EDMONTON, WINNIPEO, all points Eastern Canada, lolled suipj. Phona 260. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK iOIANDU SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our planl is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385.