PAGE BR E WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. "SINNERS IN SILK" Tlie brightest jewel in the crown of old King Jazz. Tlie slory of an old rone rejuvenated who was a combination of the subtle wisdom of experience with the charm of youth. See what happened to him. Delightful scenery and tattings. Kxquisile gowns. The Smart Set that lives in a haze of joy and makes love to order. Girls short ones, tall ones, pretty ones and no ugly ones, drama comedy, romance, everything you could rssibly wish, all crowded into one picture. Scenes laid in New York's fashionable Westchester district, scene on the deck and swimming pool of an ocean liner and a magnificent villa on the roof 'of a downtown skyscraper. Strong cast: Adolphe .Menjou, Eleanor Hoardman. Conrad Nagel, Jean Ilersholt, Edward Connelly. Estelle Clark and many others. COMEDY "FAST STEPPERS." International News. Admission 35c and 10c. LOCAL KILLED BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF Notice Never before in tin' history of Prince llupert has local killed Hulkley Valley Heef been sold for such low prices. Jlelnw are a few of them: illioicn T-bone Roast, per Hi 20c Sirloin Itoast, per lb. .. 18o Hump Itoast, per lb. . . 15c Hih Itoast. per lb. . . 2VzC Pot Itoast. per lb 8c Moiling Heef, per lb. ... 5c lleef Hearts, per lb. . . 12c Heef Liver, per lb 12c Look in our window for Heef Display and compare our prices. We lead others follow. 'try" to Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 Orders of $3.00 delivered MEAT MARKET AT CONOMY STORE Special Notice to Consumers In Sections 6, 7 and 8. Wi' fudially invite you to visit our Meat Uept. and see for yourself our slock of Fresh Meals. Why walk a long distance this wintry weather? Our prices are, just as reasonable as elsewhere and our stock is selected from the best on the market. Give Us a Trial Kconomy Hutter, No. 1, per lb 40c Per 11 lb. box $5.25 Sweet Clover Lard, 3 lb. tin 60c No. I Hacon, per lb. . . 45c 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84 r ince Rupert, B.O. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sulilovich ami Anion iserbich arrived Ibis afternoon on the Cardena from Alice Arm. Noble Watson, storekeeper it Mill ' Hay caunefy. is going through on the Cardena Ibis afternoon Ijound front Hie Naas lliver to Vancouver. Jack Pederson, will known Stewart mining man, is a passenger going through to Vancouver from the north on the Cardena this afternoon. CHANGE IN SERVICE CANADIAN NATIONAL ..'uiuiim,!, .vriuuci lil Mill lie (be last sailing southbound on the double weekly service. After that dale, the S.S. Prince Kuperl will leave Prince Hupert fof Van couver each Friday at 9.00 a.m. I his boat will arrive from Van couver each Wednesday at 3.00 I p.m. and leave for Stewart and ,.nyox the same night at 11.00 o'clock. The S.S. Prince John I will leave for Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Saturday, November 15, and fortnightly there after, al 8.00 p.m. Effective Sunday. November fG 1 1 be train service wilt be reduced to tri-weckly, leaving Prince Itu- ipert each Jloiulay. Wednesday land Saturday at 5,00 p.m. and arriving from the East each jSunday, Tuesday and Thursday at t.uu p.m. Further information from Citv Ticket Ollicc, Phone 260. (270 ARCHERY POPULAR IN FRANCE recently received 2,89d entries. J Y7 B2CaUS3 it ensures swift, clean, antiseptic healing: in cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, etc. Because it dispels irritation, al ays pain and inflammation, reducis swellings, and kills the germs of festering and blood-poisoning. Because it quickly grows new healthy skin where injury or disease has damag;d or destroyed the tissues. Because owing to it purely herbal origin Zam-Buk is safer thin, and superior4to,any fatty pore-clogging oin ment orsalve containing crude mineral drujs. I-'or it wide rinjji! of iistfulnrs- its imunt lirilinc jvmrr in Vin ailments and injuries am. lint i known " a Surgery in a Two intli .n." All itsltrt. iOc kon I 'or tjj D FOOD- IS ECONOMICAL ! because it keeps up your health and strength for better work and to resist illness. OXO is above all a food a real Beef food-containing nourishment from the highest grade beef. Oxo Cubes are mighty atoms of beef-strength, easily assimilable, and as a health assurance alone are well worth the money. 9 CUBES The Great Beef Economy Tins of 4 " " 10 15c 30c 1 Announcement TO OUT-OF-TOWN CONSUMERS. Our Mail Order Price List which we will issue twice monthly, is now ready for mailing. t We want 1,000 new names on our mailing list and a postcard mailed to our address will receive immediate attention. Rupert Table Supply P.O. DRAWER 1712, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I I,nral News Notes 1 K Bj Mr. and Mrs. Hoy McKiulcy ar- rived on the Cardena this after-! noon from Alice Arm. , Fathei Cliarliez arrived from. Anyox on the Cardena this after noon. H. W. Cameron arrived back on (lie bardenu (his afternoon after making 'the round trip to Anjox on business. Harry llowson, well known mining man, is guing throughl from Stewart to Vancouver onf (he Cardena Ibis afternoon. F. (iallagber, M.K.. who ha I been investigating milling pro- PAIUS. Shootintr with bows,1"?r,ie!' al A,ice Arii, " in and arrows is far from being ex-l"'' cil' 0,1 ,,,e tlid(,,ll U'is "- Unci as a sport in France. ArUM,oon competition for a national prize Tedilic lliues, charged with assault, was bound over in the city police court yesterday to keep the peace for six months. Itoger Powell, Indian, charged in the city police court this morning with intoxication, pleaded not guilty and the case wa adjourned until tomorrow. j It. M. Taylor, district engineer for the provincial department ol public works, left on last nigbl f , Irain for Smithers on depart 1 mental business. ! Mrs. Hormeisler, wife of the 'engineer in charge of the Home-J slake mine at Alice Arm, is in jibe cily on the Cardena this af-i lernoon on her way to Vaneou-I ver. J. Kealf, charged wild supplying liquor (o Indians, pleaded guilty in the cily police court Ibis morning and the case was dismissed, there being insufficient evidence. L. W. Pat more de fended. Minnie Johnon, charged with Intoxication, was let out on suspended sentence in the cily police courl this morning, the understanding being that she leave al once for her home in Massed. TIME For Sale Time is the measure of life.. That's what our salesmen offer you. They are selling a real service, giving you time for more Important duties than washing. Will You Buy? Phone t. PHONE 8 60X392 THB DAIU NEWH Tuesday, NovcnuW (g. All That A Gift Should Be Useful, Ornamental, and a lasting token of friendship. A visit to our store will convince you that our stock Is up to date, well selected, and marked In plain figures to compete with the keenest competition In Canada. DIAMONDS n the latest settings. WATCHES, all kinds, hundreds to choose from. CLOCKS with 12 day movements. STERLING SILVER and HOLLOW-WARE In pleasing designs." COMMUNITY and 1847 ROGERS In several patterns. CUT GLASS, the finest assortment In Canada. CHINA, English and French, In beautiful designs. UMBRELLAS We specially Invite you to see this line it will save you money. BRASSWARE and NOVELTIES, etc. OUR OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST will test your eyes and fit your glasses properly. OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Max Heilbroner JEWELER. GET IT AT! DIAMOND SPECIALIST. Hills r Utiderwood London Dry Gin The standard of purity for over 160 years. J3.25 A BOTTLE The Gin you will ask for again This advertisement is nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Rriih Columbia. MOOSE BAZAAR IS FORMALLY OPENED BY MAYOR NEWTON Is Two Day Affair Closing With Dance Tomorrow Night Tile allium! bazaar umlnr Uie auspice oi the Mn Lodge Mini Moor-ehearl Legion was oppned at .' o ' lock ilns afternoon by Mayor Newton and A. WalNdcdt f Juneau, dislricl supervisor. The affair will continue until to-morrow when it will be chued I willi a dance in the evening. Man altrartixe article are heiuit offered for sale on the hravilv I laden tables and Hie raffles are a feature. They include it Ford car and ii 5() victory IkjikI. The ladies in charge of I he PHONE 586 OUR HIGH CLASS -GROCERS OUR FRE3H GROUND COFFEE AT 40o and 50c LB. Christmas Cards lids year 11 re, the nicest we have cer InM more inlor more variety more designs and made up heller than ever before Prices,, range fro7nr each for the ordinary ones to 1.50 each for the large liund-paiuled ones. Calf in u'lri make your choice today while the selection is besL ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. A 8lth 8t. Phones 82 and 200 SPECIALS Specials We nre clearing out these lines of High tirade Mrr,.),,.., on Wednesday & Thursday Only ir 1. 1., I., ll.lf l,.r.i I.. l,.L.. ...i. . , II IIIIUIIIV I" I'll Hl I tllll it ( J prices, Phone Jl7u, we will he pleusd to spnl (hrm CHILDREN'S 3ERQE BLOOMERS MZivs year. . nap. ng. s,n rnce 9 PONGEE SILK ;!(" wide, smooth fluMi. Hslri v i..t U!? jM.Vo yard. Hale Price 90c KIWONA CLOTH For Indies ami GhildrvftV wiwr. Soft, w ,1 , (luralile. lledr. 7rc Sal Price ... 50c MEN'S POLICE SUSPENDERS Wide, extra truig, elastic weldiiog. - leather cuds. Meg. lot . Hale Pnre 50, Universal Trading Co, YOU WANT THE . ..E8T CANNED 8ALV.0N "Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "Hupert Hrniul' Sslmon, A few tins in the pantry are always hani'v Slock a supply 011 your boat (hat s a goad ;ti. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., lii Cliarleit Hdwnrd. Prime Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C, LTD. ftiiinr fruw Pno- Rvprt. or VANCOUVtM, VICTORIA, ! n UM Tl. ' for VANCOUVIR, VIOTORI. Altrt Br, 14 Bar, SalnHif. It ' for ANYOX, ALICC ANM, STIWART, Snr, S P.M. Fop ANVOX. PORT SIMPSON 14 Nat Rltar CamiaPlaa, PrUar ., I2S XM tiMiii. t. Barnaltf. Aiaal. Pp)m iV wiru.u departments arc as foil- Tea (aides inwn: Home ciHiking and candy -Mr. lf (;iirlsliaiieu and .Mrs. Toys Mrs. Harry Jaokson and ford. Mrs. J. Judge Muffle Mr. Swiuifon and Mrs C. K. Ylreberg. Main sewing and fancy work Mrs. (). Stegaxlg and Mrs. J. Held. M Mr. Fred S. . Mualeiu and M -' I FMi moid I La Mec banii at ioy CaMiicr Mi- J .Mr. Itali lif 'i x: lem are geiu'ial N Mi- A.hcrt!Jlti'hsni!y iT SOME ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY nAMAQfJll triup i i v i'i'I -,.,.mu.nwi.iii. ufiiit me laiiuury man. f"il it, nml it cleans wilh a damp rlolh. I'r' value n.'i:. Hpecial per yiifd ' FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, while or grev. ' size, largest made. Hpecial, per pair MEN'S SERGE. Ilritii Id or. Herge. ' " VV'illtl llntp ....I.... lint ik i 1 I ...... 'irtl H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St We stock Pictorial Patterns. fhn '