P-.UE TWO. the run.v nkwr lu'wltv Marefc i. The Distinctive Flavor n Has Try of SALAD A E401 won it millions of users, it today and Know why. The Daily News PRINCE' RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exe;pt Sunday, the Prince-Rupert llaily News Limited. Third .Avenue, II. F. PLTLLEX, MyaiBK Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: loibly 3lonieur Laflaimii: t righL Some of it l.i-t of our Euglih parentage, ome of our .Scidlih, and ome of our Norwegian, and ome of our Italian or.fJreek. SVne are looking for opportunities" outh of the' iMNindaty line and are rady at any moment to hop over if there eeu the leat financial benefit from so doing. Few of 11 Xwr- how to ing "O Canada, and of thue who do ing it, one gnmp ing ime vere and an-idher group another. Among the jounger men IhTe i growing up a pride in iktnada, but they, in -pile of llirir profeion of loyally, are ju-t a roue to leave for Ihe mmiIIi the immigrant. Greater Internationalism Is Absorbing Us All. It .-eein a if 1he greater .inlernatioualtni i aborliing n al). We are seeing thing jiigcer than did our father. We are looking at thin? from a wide angle. Palrioti-m i becoming more intelligent. What i the u-e of. declaring we are the be-i people ami onr i-ouiilrv the br countr) tmle it i really ! live in Canada beeau ,it i the bet country" lo ui If it were not o we houId not he here, unle we arc fod. We live in rnnce IlUfert becau-cj we like it letter than any other pl.-M-e. it may ie that we like the job we hold, or the condition of life. If thee are not belter than we can get eNewhere, why lay? rndoiibtedl) tho-e:"of u..who itr hexa remain be-caue we wih (o do o, and we hould md wih to remain if we :iw a better opening elsewhere. Make Our City Best In Country. in onicr to encourage civic palnotim it i ui-e lo make our riiy as fine a place a po.'ihle. We are impniviug our Mrert auti oiner laciiuies. ue expected to develop road into the country ana to erect tine i.uiimng here. Playground are Iing imi.nixco tor me young people and a. good library i now avail able for Ihe tie of citizen. Everything point to improvement rr ur riu,.ii our pnoe. ii we are to Keep our young nivn anu women nere a tney grow up we mul make the condition or life here a good a poih!e. That i the way lo develop htiriiiini. "I Suffered Terribly With Sore, Aching Back" writes: SS lid, Mrs. Rolaad Fergwoti, 194 Lake St, Peterboro, Ont, C" r& Tor oer two yean I MuTered terribly with tore bcL I wi shnott md with the pais, n lud doctored with it until I was di-cara(f(L Then my father, who ii a tnn belief tr In Dr, Qiate't Medi-clnci, advued me to try Dr. Quk'i rudoey-Uver Pills. I followed bit advice, and am fja to say I wai completery relieved of that torturing pain in my back. It u om a year since I utcd thete pill, and I have had no return ( the trouble, bat akvayi keep then m the EoW.H Dr. Chase's KMney-Liver Pills KOI lit SK HIM. IMMHW, HtIM M I4L, TuTMUv TWELVE MILE ! BOOZE LIMIT Treaty Before Parliament In Connection With Eatension of Seizure Powers ! rrrV. March ?S .,?- 'f the ruMienlian.belwf-.v It -a and the I aitn Slate lat.; z ;v4Ut Ibe rirhl of -ears-h .f rti t-, rwer- the initial tRi-rce ef'rr 'he hoe Ibi, afternoon. I ' Moins concurrence, (be prime nHjiler etplained the roaii; r - .Iah of the treaty. The ,' eirde of the three-mile limit mas upheld, tut il wa pr i.e.i rha -riiure of ofr-il -L may take plae er Beh a titanr-e a J the .Hoperlrtl erafl i cai-aM- Of teamta? ia ne amir. l'riHxi wa roab f.r a eont- Cily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month SI.OQpnd. rtaim By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slate, in advance, per y?ar . , . ICOO To all other countries in adranre. per year' 7JVQ Transient Display Advertiln:. . . .11.10 per inert per insertion Transient Advertising on FronT Pajre. . . . $2.RQ per in'h Ieal Reader, per insert Jon. . .. 2.Vr per line (aified Advertiina-. per inertMn c pr wortl Legal Notice, earh insertion !" per aeale line Contract Rale, on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - S6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DALLY EDITION Only Way For Edmonton. Tueday. March 5, 19? I. If Edmonton ever expect to heroine the ue-tern grain market, her hope lie in eniriur an outlet for that zrain at Prno-e Rupert. A it i. Vancouver i the choice. With the opening of Prince Rupert a more central point than Vancouver would he dejral!e and that point would naturally 1 Edmonton. It i uele lo argue that there may ! a number of grain market. llUtory indicates that one centre a I way- dominate- riiniig tne master poMlion and that one thing i at Priure Rupert. - . li - . . . I 1. , " . .. j mi . nmi ' -.-ehare or rnafi-ealimt e-et ia fee thereto. The treaty. Ihe prrr -jmI. r an evrtfBeala1 nalare Which wmihl lape at the r,l f la year IniI wa renewable Three month before expsralma --xelr tro-tiftealMsM roold he ubmitle. Canada's Stipulation Ttf Canadian ;r eminent had intimated that wbea ra-e a Heel-inz t-tnadiaa veel were before the adjudication ) Marti I he Itrii- ih representative btd he mim. ina!d by Canada and si-, thai the lrraty-Hef -Iowl he ratified thy the ltadua parftaroeal. The. view bad fceea aeee4 lo The lrei imwe oMiralhoK ii all pari of lite eaiitire. AM f Uheni had -ijraified Ibetr readi. ! In bae the llntih anj.a- ador for thoai. Tlfe treaty wmild not A- rali-fie'by the Eiasr astfl tf do minion had done .(. The ire. mwr einreM the rieu- that il iwa hmi huahh thai Caaarfa boKkl m.tmvr&Xr with Ihe I'nilerf all other. The lrug?lr jut now i at to w hich hal he the Slate, in ihi inianee n4 natr ia biminant market centre. Edmonton ha an eleator in couoe the inlrei of ialernalotaal zot. of erection and he need jul Ihi one thing to al her in e- wttl hut alo wraue it wa a grain outlet fnnded on a jrreal moral j.r-foe. Itriti-h hi.n? !. no; Kject to it. While the Hsht ol Is Canada euure w iirn.il. !irttth A nauon? . hip wre allwN U, rarnr iiouor r vicn Tift 01 uanaua a a nation, ihii in err i a nieiq-iunir real iitte American wrl oer 01 1'ariiamem oowti ut namej unammc wno a me are nothing of Ihe orf. To quote hi word-: The term 'Canadian Nation lie in the dictionary like a corpe in a nerropoli. Whal we are i. not a nation but an aemblage rtf welbiutentMnied individual-." I R0 TRUCK ORDERED FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Ford Machine Will be 0er to Utilities New Motor to Cost $1,540 The city cMincil dYidd lat nizhl. on motion of Aid. Clapp ewmjed by AW. Maolonabl. to pure haw a I nce a 7it-w Un Irurk for Ihe Hrr ibpaiirnent lo replace the Konl machine which i lo b I urn I ofr in ih- uliii-lie drpartmnl. Il wan reMiifJ thai Ihe lalter deparltnenl nee.1-eil a machine immediately ainl Ihe UMiner il wa otdaineij th quicker money wimiI.I m avd. The Iteii truck will rol "tll and can deierKl within a week. Sx j Ten Years Ago I in Pfinc Rupert j March 25, 1914. J. Sidney Sniilli. inanacer ol Ihr Alllll Kiicn. ay halibut boat can buy icr rhcaiwr at Ketchikan an. I Mill Ray than at I'rince Hujirrl. The attitude of Mayor NVwlon in turning down the IO.ooo puhlicily zranl lal wrek by u-Inz hi power of clt i Mug generally crilicizcl. The Daily w ha larled newnhoyt. roini.eition. The boy eilinj: the mol paper in a month i jo receivr a uil ol V replace meat by Clark's Spaetn. vilh TomatoH m Sauce and chere WITH TOMATO SAUCC AND CMCUC I le . In the Letter Box PARENT-TEACHERS Kditar. I telly Ne. Thr afeaml ha ywr aMiirr on Salsmtay. Ma.ii . mail of Ihe nr I n Ital'-- Iay" A et a i h a tt II reprtnt tttat a: hat nieetlag Mr. J. S. JpfcawM Mi l. Tli Parent-TeaherV A.ia- Itan i aa Arzaaualfon toa4r a f flualing pofHilalMS whirh ak- rtl Ur evrierblilure a th iart of Ihe prterly uwner. ' la t!e flrt piar Ih I'arvul. Teaeheo" AoeaalMa bs ! lale thai ft ineaan erhH r,,o- i-l of sstftr than HO jt mil parent h are ffmanrni r-i- b-ni tf the eil. Ih- oiaji.nl of hon oMitrihsile .tirrr-iry liwir bare of lave l Ihe eity. Sridly, It a- I Kr Schotd Hoard awl not the Parent. Trch- er" .-oeij whn wrr re-Mirhie ti-r Ihe arotwi rtm- eemiaz the Meltr Mrwl and iilh A. roue .ptavzrHiM4. .nv faal fecary fur the aru aaee of r am are raii h our metHher thenetve. Il i hr rzretlfl thai aiiy-inf bWM asake rah owimhlins lalemnt a ahv Htaol.-sl. rm. ceruoiz any v-zamiaiom. the meuiher- of wtoelr hate aeh a trui-lw Mriitciiile a ito- ..f Ihe Panal-Taeher Aoria- Pre l4rrefMMral lnr itui-rt I'arenl-Teacher A-vialutn. "I I I I I II I II I 1 I HI, .11. , j The Mao in the Mooo j I SAYS- j IK a printer iiikuin tax, li. HIE oe houid PRINCE GEORGE U"t ay differebt Mwmi a oro- lecle.1 infant industry ami a ay ..ii : . . uuirr in i am it mat it neier zrow up hnt aU-ay want lit he protested. Til Hit E are two important .limp in huine.. T. nri i lo pMu your ih4 and tha eew.I I" work your plan. Itolh are neceary lo uecce. OME youn iimmi enn t liiink Ihe riM.I u mwm lb- m wirkinz the i.i man. - NEVER worry Init Ihe etood Makr ui ,f lb unhln. '. TIIEIIrTS mueh more fun in wliiiiiusr the rewahl lhan in having it. The game the Ihinz. - . ILHEKH i hal n frirl ha while he i. wailing to gel mar. ricd. The local Ulf of Fixle ha rleclet) o nicer,. a follow: al clolhe from t,e Acme Importer.!;. , ''--'" M'Ki! Impre; vice-preidenl. II. BURNS LAKE The Con erva live Asocial ion, which was or'anued herw lat week, elected officer a foll..w: I'rrxidenl. C. E. lmeoii; vice-prellenl. Itohrrf 31. tierow; m-c-relary-lreaurer, V. 3lcK. Tufl. fl. Saul or Occker I.akn ha been appointed a deputy herilT for I'rince Itupcrl districk Alex. A. Oontmn wa a viJIlor here from llaiellon lal week. Fnd Aslin U evtendiiur hi 4 fur l.iiMiie. and intend to e. lahliKh ikiIh in Hie nuci ,akc and Ilaliine diftricls II. Perry. M.I. A.; chaplain, J ter?unn; erreary. firo; treasurer, lienrtre lioc-lierly; inner jiutnl, II. . pinkcr-niaii; ouler nipl, It7 Ileiil trustees, E. Thoinpson, ' ii. , C. Miictalr ami II. N"tiros; con-ilucii.r II. J. (iarcy. . E. Thouip-ii'i, one of the Iricfs mot successful fanners, sUccuiiihed Iu pneumonia iu the I'ruire licorse llospilaj last week. W. Hello wa arrested lat wk and charged wilfi lliefl. Tlie case aroe over a checlf IHIo cashed for N. J. XeUVm'. " o Marifu Oane r.f the t fireman I Lumber C ha completed his tie Another Canadian Railroad Record , w i inm pnraiiw i mils. J 1 cmlai hnv miim. tMI a mrm nil vnh kistor' ry Jt la tHctr short m lunnn. osrrr. iiuau ivaawar rati uiu. rril. Ibr Ota Tr-4 IWU raflMtVi Aitaowcb Casaila ow iu prafr.tT. aid eva it trs-ic Finteazna the Uala with ikf J7-T. -i-I b- th Rilmdi mthteh Wrtik atro of sjr.aj fca- d mx itP.acm thm ra t ete c.i: - ri t the DojuaHt. sad ft-lrs awta aad strwih tsts iu , aViar the trac. vu: i t:; old it-i V , - - -- J ' - r" - m rr.a. mii D - hare prorrested. tttmNfwtHtsDMibiumtiMiarii'iMl ! lur iku . v.. . . ' o TTaarra! ot it rocairr at tar ta towsreu tfee centre of the trick. TW -s unmpj."! oil verm rxiraoroiasniy raoia. -o. tttf i Ummi Into place sad Ifkr4 vere the eariscrs natord hr the Canifii Puiit I ikauVW a( ik u f rj.iM t.. i. . ""tT1 u r- va vae rsn&e si a i tuutiMui ttmeh. Thu resurrtf its; iht ki.er mu t l par hUerto uakaoa-a. rttardWt of tfce many difirelb ! surface of Ue track rvmaiiMd uadhtarted. Tm r - - . .vi m.y mivaQiru DOU Ml L EUOT m IHimMl UTffT pUias sad ia tbe Rockies w&ica ere oace tkoeint ta- panable. but eoaptiuon wita other Kaes and the oemsaa ot Use traveflmc puohe for rric. eomlort aad coarescae has stimolatrd tse activities of the uftrr- rrrsap tht matt iatrrmte morwr of t V old rad to tie mi ft l.rt,rti..a . mi.L . . .ft... 1 . k. . : . i. . t . . mm a . : s t oprrsUoa x. o cf tie trsr t cooJd be pkird Bp by the salrare train. The ! v u oot eahoited. Loiur ooe eoaUaooku -- . .4 Ba in n a nwm unn can s nm ta ksivb. i sm v r. a of ettapiieat and servko riirrosdj ia this Donatio aretarova ouUide tke r.r track tad as s hrev 1J bo. surpauea oa the eostiaent itrotk was tuked slowfy by a per erf i ar ? c W ivipenmc-i i raitd in roBftrjctics dsjr- were sot ! sUaares oa its femaost Mi ed tht s 1 ?r it? I" e lladlnl cieaey which stfaafised tie aw to the oeOM of the track - a assi- the CtaV- esjitw been lesned. aad today Can- !ot oe wkich. itv.Mdt(r yesn . -diiai daisa U be ihm world's Jeatkrs ia raflwsy cocattrsr-! paty thousands of doHir. As a t&Htrr of lirCnh r w rsilBteaace aad op-rst.js :os of re-byte? trsek. prafiMd Ir l by tfc- . i n n""u-i rtio rortbods. tke CsnadUa Pacifc on the llrcaattc Sottdhuten. Iu rao reccBtiy lasd oeer 100 mdn o 100 pound i-v"' at sttti.a of rsirusd oSHal a3 over t . therste of a saile or taore sa sour temrinf teu) dsfly rainy a ween have srt ifrtst - ia jt f?1" 'V "f4 -ad thus estaUtsb'tx 'y l Ta laecare rt sand ke .o f tsf lE- ran3- ThU while tie rttd was aadcr hanr tfrnal ak.ir. ii et 4. OMstrarU and lared -awinj .ti hi mMI at Ihe end of the --'k a,.- tieiwrz ilafkbf1 hit In life Im. eet.whi alleokftMi rn Ihe Frher Itreor weakeswd Me -hH. Hie Ha reroteffett. CONSTANT HEADACHES U I Tli city eosmcil ba reprle.t the polio etMMMitoa to cffe with Ihe bawdy , hone nuioaace; in I'rtetee lieorge. Frank llark. brnortie foreman. Ita returned l lrtre llupert after pendin;; a i nonlh' vmcimIiom ia California! and ollior Patflc Slate. The M il. .Tmoi"-" Ouiirii-lise AMarialhn ha- rlrele.1 uflt-err a follow; Pre-hk-nt, A. Dahl, Fori, Fiijier: vir-tn-i-dent. ii. fttghe: efrHar lrvurrr. C H. ljujh-: dtreetMi. John liuncan. ' I. ti. Tale, fornieriy city rlcrg of Pnwcr lieiinie. ha joined I be faff of the Kendall, Uarr' k C-.. arrKinliiip firso. Vaneouvrr. ' O 'Pie Pouee fni Itoord o' Trade lia ftae. a rrnlulion fuX'Ting lli Pruiro iirnrfr rtHlIr lor a railway I lie I'.-a. e Iti.er. - Archie Walt, t'.X.H. piaster iKrliaiiie, ha uiivei In office from Sin il tier lo Prince (o-o.civ AND DIZZINESS It It turd I Mratrw Se 1lh Iwad llul artir Had iiB a he me. ind lo mm- no .ml nt ln th TMini nimaV.1 mmm wrinr-ur-i 1'txlwut.artfljr ise raoM mutt be r- awted brrre l-rmaoeM iUr nil t M. Burffcirk PWJ autrrf reimnrs IV ei-e -t Urn fce4eM. II It sis us tiery orsaa of Hk Ulr sn4 Mfearth. punrVri ii rriUR u wbiJ srtlML r. frier rerria. It horrlwo u Sioney. V. riles - hse Un Irouhll r-r the lat fO year wim emwunt Madirlvs asd dllim,. nttt trjlns serrral r-lnedles, wUrh I rwil I" I " ' Vll. Mti BHW reernitiirnited lo w. B.ri.H. dM nm a wnrld of rud, t rarml Jtil-- IMt r-nwdy etexiik. t Masnrsrlarot iir by The T. VHtxirs Ca ! Mulled. Toconvi. Ost When you buy advertiser you buy CinCULATIOM. and ee that you net It. 11 I WOKED FISU kJAT ITS BEST - - There are juit Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. Thee Itule 1 Buy 'Rupert Brand." It u pert llrand i ! bveml to Ihe lor in clean new lov-.-tamped "Itul'erl Brand." 2 Wrap in looking paper, ek in inoderalc 2 (J to art minute, remote pairr and ere x Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fih and Meal Market, and fir-wer Canadian Pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT ft Bargains n Potato Rots -llcg. 2.".o. for -Itejr. 2.no, fur See our Window. Si .40 KAIEN HARDWARE CO? Phone 3. P.O. Bo 1646. ELKAY'S STRAW HAT DYE Make old Straw Hals I.K.k like new. It t iermnf nnd waterpniof. Ea.y to npply ami dries quickly W"'' ing finislt . In All The Popular Colors, ORMES LTD The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Drugfllsb