rAUK TWO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by 'mail or carrier, per month .,. $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in. advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per' year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ,....... .$2.80 per inch Lpcal Readers, per insertion ..25c per lino Classified Advertising, per insertion. ... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion.... 15c per agate line-Contract Rates on Application. Senate Annuls Action Of Cpmmons. The House of Commons spent a good deal of time discussing and deciding to pass two bills recently, both of which the Senate has defeated. This is simply one of many cases where the second chamber has proved to be little more than an interference with the rights of the people to pass what legislation it may think fit. Members of the Senate are mostly old men whose usefulness has passed aud yho represent a past generation in their ideas a-arj ideals. To, have the Legislation of the country controlled tyy such a body does not speak well for the intelligence of the people of Canada, who, are willing to stand for the system. Uif-tit the people of Canada express their views plainly 011 the matter, evidently nothing will Jbe done toward a change. Borrowing Money For The Dominion, This autumn the Dominion Government will have to borrow $,300,000,000 to retire maturing' war bonds and for other purposes and financial people in the. East are discussing how this money should be raised. On several occasions the Government has appealed to the people of the Dominion for money for such purposes with very good results and today the people of Canada own a large, quantity of Dominion Government bonds on which they draw interest. The objection to this plan of financing is that when people invest in Government bonds they cannot at the same time use their money for developing the industries of the country. The result has been that while Canadians have been investing iu Government securities, Americans have been comjng here and developing the natural resources and today people from the U.S. own or control most of the big industries iu this country. aiu ujui 41 nicy uu nut m(cm wieir vasu 111 uuvtsriiiueiit, securities they will invest in the United States or Great Britain. The whole queMiuji is uu interesting one anu no one .seems to ue well 111 formed in regard to the matter. The banks find that if the people put their money into bonds, the deposits iu the savings department are less and there is less cash to use for loans. If it were possible to depend on the opinion of experts wj should J,. ll.i 11. . . ... mull u.ui uus uiiucuuy is mat most or tne experts are biased becaused they are financially interested in the outcome. In the meantime the minister of finance is silting light and Mixing ne win raise tne m,oney where he can get it cheapest which, after all is the best policy. How Small Things Influence Bio. Prolects. Showing how small things influence very big projects may be cited the case of a bhiejoy alighting on a high powtr wire at beattle close to where the wire was insulated from the pole.- By flicking its tail or flapping its wing a short circuit was cnusx'd . .. . In tit a r.nln Din Ir. I t m v, ,v mo juj electrocuted ami tne whole electric sys tern was put out of business for half an hour., Just a whisper or a careless word is sufficient sometime iu upsei ine equilibrium, of the whole town or to chamrc Urn V The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Punished Every Afternoon, exc9pt Sunday, the. Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. All.T EDITION Monday, July 21, 1924. An effort is being made now to get the minister of finance to borrow the three hundred million outside Canada and thus re lease Canadian money for purely Canadian development pur poses. Will Canadians Develon Industries. Even if borrowing is done outside Canada, will Canadians develop the industries? It is claimed by many that they will not nml tUnl It II..... .1 1 : 1 11..:. 1. . HEAVY TAX BURDEN ON WOOD PRODUCTS TAXES ON STANDING TIMBER INCREASE EIGHT-FOLD IN 20 YEARS. Operating End of the Industry Also Contributes Increasing Millions In Support of Community. Tne forest Industries of Itril ish Columbia enntribulo more lo the upkeep of ,tho Province than all the nlher industrial groups put togelher. The H. C. timberlioldcrs dur ing tlie last llfleen years have paid into the Provincial treasury, in Iho shape of royalties and rentals, the enormous sum of $10,000,000, or approximately one-fourth of tlio total revenue of Hrjlish Columbia for that period, Tlie timberholders' direct pay ments towards the running ex penses of the Province in 1023 were- more than four times greater I ban they were in 1901, and almost twice as great as in 1915. In twenty years the receipts from H. C. timber-owners have risen from $155,000 to $3,G00,- 000. Many Forms of Taxation. Again the' operating end of tho industry, represented by the loggers and manufacturers of wood products, pays annually several millions of dollars in income tax and other form of Dominion, Provincial and Municipal taxation. Heavy customs duties on equipment, workmen's compensation, ami oilier direct im posts also enter into the cost of manufacture of a product, the price of which is not arbitrarily fixed by the producer but by the actual consumer in a highly competitive market. Embarking in the lumber In dustry entails a big initial out lay and the menace of over taxation is even now actually diverting the entry of fresh capital from British Columbia's basic Industry. ' This series of articles communicated by (he Timber Industries Council of British Columbia. j Ten Years Ago j 1 in Prince Rupert J um,. JJ July 21, 1914. Rev. C. C. Owent of Vancouver, has been spending a little holi day iu the north as iho guest of Bishop lu Vernet. He has just returned from, a tour on Iho Northern Cross. Mrs. P. Black ami Mrs. J. Black left yesterday . on the George for a couple of weeks holiday In Vancouver and The Skecna fishermen have been averaging 150 sockeye to Ihe boat the past few days. Several, boats got 500 and COO fish on one drift. Miss Martin, lute of the- local school stalT, has been appointed to a similar position in Victoria TENDERS CALLED FOR NEW SCHOOL ANYOX Tenders are being called for an addition to the. public school at Anyox by the erection of an other room adjoining the present building. At present tho Anyox school has four roonns but this is inadequate to care for the number of children attending and the new room Is designed to make provision for all. OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL Will LUV THE DAlrJ NEWS. Monday, July 21, i 4 COAST HALIBUT REVIEWED BY FISH JOURNAL Pacific Fisherman Says Large Business at all Ports on Coast Halibut landings in Juno were largo at all pacific ports, tho total being some 080,000 lbs, larger than for May, and 800,000 lbs. ahead of June, 1923, says the Pacific I'tshcrinan. Prince Rupert shows a substantial gain oyer both previous months mentioned, as does also Seattle. 1'ishing conditions have been far more favorable than earlier In the season, and Iho new boats, as well as older ones recently equipped wilh hva.vy-.oil engines, are contributing largely to the supply. Prince Rupert shows a decided increase in number of fares, and Iho Canadian vessels Increased their catch somewhat, while the American boats did considerably better than iu May. The largest fare of Ihe month was lauded Juno 18 by Ihe C. V. & G. S. Co. boat Foster, 70,000 lbs.; while the Republic on May 31 landed 05,000 lbs., soiling to tho Canadian Fish i Cold Storage company at lie. The Omaney 01 tho lttb, Iho Kelly on Ihe lOlh. and (ho Resolute and Commonwealth on tho 17th landed 00,000 lb. fares, and several others brought in 50,000 lbs. at a trip. Prices fluctuated between 10.Cc and 17.5c, being most of the lime between lie and He. Landing's at Ketchikan kept well up to recent average, with a few large fares, but no great number of trips. The New Kngland on "the fth landed 1 05.000 , lbs., the Scandia on the 12th, 03,000 lbs.. sold to Aew Kngland at 12.1c. Vancouver also had about an average month for this time o.f year, all fares being delivered by Canadian boals. Fewer atfeeattle Arfivals .Seattle' fishing vessels showed a decrease as com. pared with May, and also wilh the summer months of lasl year, but this was-mriro than made up by a further increase in shipments from Alaska by steamer?, which reached tho exceptional total of 1,208,797 lbs. This brought Ihe grand total at Seattle to the highest figure in several years, ami within about 000,000 lbs. or the month's record at Prince Rupert. The num ber of fares was quite a bit less than for May, while tlie average showed a seasonable increase. These included several of very fair volume, tho largest, 50,000 lbs., being brought in. by (he Seymour on the 30th, selling lo Sebastian at .Mc. I,a Paloma on the 20th landed 13,000 lbs., sold in Booth, at 12 and 12,- 000-lb. fares were brought by the Corona on tho lOlh and the Seattle on the 21st. The former brought 10c for No. 1 and 10c for No, 2, in equal quantities Most of the largo fares appeared in the latter part of the month. All at Ten Cents for the last week of Juno no distinction in price was made between No. 1 and 2io. 2 fish, Hi latter selling most of tho month at lOe. The lowest price for .No, 1 was about the same as for several months previous, while one small fare was sold at 30c, and. others at 21c. This is not a guide to Ihe market, however, tho highest price aside from these being 19c. Most sales were at 13c to 17c, and during tho latter part of tho month got down to a range- of ZYo to lie. Tlie only Booth Fisheries com pany vessel landing for the-month was tho Zapora, arriving at Silka oil tho I9lh with 85,- 000 lbs. Tlie Princo Hupert halibut halibut schooner Kdward Lipsctt was in port recently for the In stallation of a new 30 h-p. Frisco Standard engine. The new five-man halibut boat Prosperity ., built for him self by Andrew Christiansen at Vancouver, B.C., landed her first, catch, amounting to 17,000 lbs., at Prince Rupert June 7, PRINCE GEORGE Fred Bunion, of Fraser River, is upending a fow days in Kd inonlou on a holiday trip. Following the announcement of Iho absentee vole, tho Perry supporters immediately organ Watch and Mrs, Perry. Paul Wielanil left on Sunday with liis wife and family for a two-weeks aulo trip lo Van couver and points in (ho Pacific coast stales. J. II. Johnson lias left on a business trip tn Portland, Ore Dr. W. Ross SIoim, of Van- derboof,- who is on a trip lo Vancouver, with members of his family, paid a visit lo the Pro vince radio station. Harry Parks and his wife ar rived in the cily a few days ago in an aulo upon which had been rigged a housing as living ipiar ters. Harry is one of the old limers in Prinen (leorge and has been busy since his return in renewing a lot of acquaint ances. Rev. Father Wolf.-, O. M. I pioneer priest of tho Prince fieorgo district, received a great send-on" at the railway depot on Wednesday evening, on Iho occasion of his departure on a visit lo his home in, France. .1. B. Armisliaw and J. Wilson, of Vancouver, spent a couple, of days In the city last week. 8ubcribe for the Dally News. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. rv the Matter of the AdmlnUtratiou Act; and In tlie Matter or tho Estate or Uonald . Mclilarmld. l)eread: InleMate TAKE NOTICK Hint by order or ill Honor K. McH. Young, miitle thl 3rd day or July, A.I), ltm, I was appointed Aclinic Administrator of the estate or lioiiatd John Maniianuiu, deceased, anu all panics liav Inir claims afraliint the ald estate are hero liy required to riinilsli name, properly veriried, to tne on or liernre the ton day f.t August, A.U. t834, and all parties tit-(li.-liled l the (Male are required to pav Hie amount or their Indebtedness to mo WAi.TF.H OAl.E Acting Official Administrator. iTim-e iiupert, u.t;. Dated tills Bill day of July, 19 in. WATER NOTICE. (Dlxralon and Um) TAKE NOTICE that Uume 11. Dablngton. whose address- Is Masxett, will apply for a licence to take and use 5,ono irallona ot water out or an unnamed pond. The water will be diverted rrom the pond at a point about 300 feet north or the north-east rorner ot block 40a D.L. 7, plan 040, Oueeu Charlotte Islands, and will be used ror Industrial purpose upon the land de scribed as block to I). I.. 7, plan 040, Queen Charlotte Islands. This notice was posted on the ground op the 1Vth day or May, 1034. A copy or this notlro and an application pursuant thereto and to the "water Art, 1914," will be riled. In the orrirn or inn waier iterorner ai it mr-e nunert. fin. Jertlona to the application may be riled with the said Water1 Recorder or with iho comptroller or water lugiits. parliament nmlillnifs. Victoria. n.C. within nrtv .iav rter the rirst appearancu or this notice In a loral newspaper. The date or the first publication or this notice U May SOtli, II. B. BAUINOTON. Applicant. ji ineir leein Children fed on white flour bread and mushy porridges are certain to have poor teeth and soft gums. Let them have all the Triscuit they want it is the whole wheat, and its tasty crispness encourages thorough mastication. Just as healthful and delicious for grown-ups. A real whole wheat toast delicious with butter, soft cheese or marma lades. Made just the same as Shredded Wheat Biscuit except that it is compressed into a wafer. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Nitr F.lli, OnUrU hredded Wh Triscu ized a celebration. A large number called at the residence of the successful candidate to extend their congratulations, where they were received by Mr. FOR AN EVENING'S COMFORT Sea-grass Chairs and Rockers from $8 to $9 each Cocoa Matting, in pattern squares, $2 and $2.50 each Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House of Quality. Phone 123. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. amatco 3jlOTTg-N WO Q P VENEER PA N E L S, For panelling your roorns it rivals tho most costly hard woods. Ilcjiiveiiato your Homo Quickly niul l,eniinutwl.lly. Solo Agonts Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 1m t 1