TV, Broken Marriage Brings Peggy into Movies HOLLYWOOD (AP it t televisio; riage Peggy Le ged by tl y Fagen n I nad W give a“. k ae eapadital ole 70: as ; > I went out to sing the , “ie ; i singing, I fel Thomas q felt Rubber Plant Ts The Jazz Singer.” Toy aid a ail with such tear) Workers Strike 1as i for sath t started could get AKRON, O. (P)—-United Rub- p business? ber Workers (CIO) yesterday The e I can remember went on strike against the B. F movie ire to sing,” she @X-}Goodrich Company, but con- “Tt didn’t ' novies | PAainea tinued contract negotiations with urge to ex- | the firm g, and it push- The walkout ord though I was) union night nigh of performing Was a perience mented »k | SHY CANARY | wa i Another t couldn't grind, but the ex- was valuable,” she com. I was on several] times a week, and we did everything.” was that I face it. Getting up re an audience had always torture for me. I always myself a pep talk Oncc fine.” reason two pict wit! : ered by the was the 13,000 of 30,- > employed first iirst ron where television ler her un- spent a year or on various shows IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE way) two in the east (US SUn eee eRe EER eR ERSEEEseEEReeeeEeeeseeEeseuueceenes. We tt WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Pie. a ai sient a Fitba rapes — aa a =~ ge SERRE teclateentetetetetetentetes leet aletertadieenleteeteate ‘Slade Phone 866 $1295 $1300 $450 $300 1951 Austin 4-door sedan 1949 Plymouth 4-door sedan 1939 Overland 4-door sedan 1938 Chevrolet 4-door sedan 1937 Ford 4-door sedan TRUCKS 1950 Ford 12-ton pickup, 9,000 mile $1250 $700 1959 24-ton International panel 1944 2-ton Dodae Flat Deck RUPERT MOTORS Chrysier - Plymouth - Fargo Trucks Phone 866 It’s richer, robust, full-bodied ... blended to satisfy the taste of British Columbians, Try it... you'll like Captain Morgan Black Label Rum, Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks Captain Morgan Mack Label RUM Blended to Perfection from Carefully Selected Rare Old Rums THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL ROARD OR RY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 16 Prince Rupert Daily Tuesday, August 19, 19 Cuff C oughs. Up Diamond: By JAMES DELVIN Cop Cutts Cuff Quickly siscieiocte Sine YONKERS. N.Y, (AP) poiice sala Cuf ind Clinton Allen tealing a $425 diamond ring | Police said ng fashior A detec the missing ¢ 9 1. 2v Namonda Hospital Official Spends ‘ Summer at Training School ei : } The administrator at Prince Rupert General}} li iret I f smmer seccinn 1 UNINePr SCssi0n Hospital Council. The month-long at Regina College lectures and session held consisted of seminars and fol- lowed intramural studies during | €™trants a thorough the winter months Eighteen students four western their course at and a= similar eastern Canada Kingston British besides M1 from the provinces. took Regina College number from held sessions in Columbia students, Stevenson, were Al- lan Corner, Nanaimo; Harry Powell River: E. F. Mc- Donald, Penticton; Sister Mary Angelus, Oliver; and from Van- yuver were H. P. J. Gunn of the Crippled Children’s Hospital; Dr. Kenneth Ritchie, DVA, Shaughnessy and Sister Ag- athe-de-Jesus of St. Vincent's Hospital Mr. Stevenson said the rted for the first course, time last is attracting world-wide } ion confined to Cana- I will be taken not sufficient ympiete the course will be next one Ar- and aid, there tative from Saudi iother from Pari m the United States irse is open only to ospital administrators or peo- actively connected with hos- stration. It is back the Canadian Hospital with the help of the Kellogg Foundation The faculty consists of members of the medical profes sion and allied professions The initiated last winter with entrants study- ing and writing examinations to them into the summer ses- top course was first pass Alaska To Discuss Resources Special to The Daily News ANCHORAGI |pulp, iron, birch timber leum, chromite, tin and products new to the Territory will la meeting of the opment Board | held August 21 at Park, according to Don H. Goodman Members and staff of the ter- ritorial development agency will review work which has been done toward establishing indu tries in Alaska based on these resources, Goodman said, and will take action to advance those efforts Tax incentives surveys and a review of development problems of the Territory are other subjects on the agenda of the meeting which will be held in conjunc tion with the all-Alaska Cham ber of Commerce session at the same place August 22-24. In__ addition to Goodman members of the Development Board who will attend are Wil fred C. Stump of Ketchikan, R Boochever of Juneau, of Name and Robert I. Sachs of Fairbanksy George Sunborg, general manager, and Ralph Browne, assistant manager, will be present from the board’s Ju- neau headquarters. petro- Alaska Devel which will be McKinley Chairman rate Clayton ‘ coughed up the evidence to pi; Cuff answered q tive told Cuff to ope! + + +14 ‘ 444 ULIC LW ea pital administration sponsored by Aluminum, | | other j be subjects of discussion at! community | basic | A. Poleta ing anxiety among the usually- | |blase citizens of New York There was a time when vio- lence in the country’s largest city seemed to centre chiefly among bootleggers and other racketeers put not the average citizen | The chilling part about the) lcrime picture nowadays is that | ithe most insignificant and law- | abiding of persons often are the| victims—for no apparent reason. | After-dark strollers invade lonely | areas like Central Park for fear | of robbery and rape | | But the terror is apt to strike | janybody, anywhere ,in an office, | ja home, a subway station or in| jan apartment doorway | A girl secretary, reading a| etter from her fiance in Korea, | s shot dead by a frustrated | iff of Baltimore yesterday against him, 1k we ri te after allegedly popped lospital, Doug Stevenson, has returned from his} physicist, angered not at her but | ar course in hos-/at the scientific world that re- Tg he ae \jected his theories Seven persons who had turn- | ed in for a peaceful night’s h consisted of lectures | sleep burn to death in a tene- lars ment fire set by a psychopath. Police quoted him as saying he set 20 fires just because he techniques, approaches, liked the excitement. licine and all phases of} A man answers the buzzer of management his apartment and two teen- believed agers shoot and kill him—-because they were mad at him and he wouldn't give them money Official figures released by the police “department record a rise in crime figures for the first six }months of 1952 compared with corresponding period last l the Canadian ' course is to give knowledge Object of the Stevenson said he yurse will give all entrants etter insight into the ad- tration of hospitals in var- winces. He had 14 as- its to complete this win- ile of next session has not summer | the year. Fel years been named riles 40,248 to 55,304. Murders increas- Freighter ed from 136 to 132, rapes from M k D b 451 to 507, robberies from 3,184 to 4,630 and burglaries from qa es e ut 14,961 to 22,005 In Rupert NEW RECORDS A trim freigh vell-Known TWO FIRSTS DIGBY, NS. @ The first Turkish steamer ever to load here took the biggest cargo in the history of the port. The Kar- siyaka, bound for Istanbul, took aboard more than 3,500 cords of pit-props—900 cords more than the previous record recently However, Mayor Vincent Im- | pellitteri and Police Commission- oc . te ie George Monaghan ay the hern B. C,*waters, the! figures represent a statistical in- Capilano made her! erease rather than a rising into port of Prince | crime wave——because of a change the week-end this year in the way the police The 530-ton former City of keep their records elieville tied up at Ocean Dock; Charged with keeping law and ite Friday night and after tak-| order among the city’s 8,000,000 On a Capacity load of 15,000! residents is a police force of cases of salmon from Canadian| —-~, Fishing Company Limited on Saturday left for Vancouver The 151-foot freighter wa built at Port Arthur in 1936 and is under command of Captal: W. B. McCartney. She is one of the newest freightgrs in the Frank Waterhouse and Company fleet which plies the B. C. coast The Capilano LOOK | gpeusenseeesenteneemmmsmaan over the southern run to logging the SS Catala was! camps while in drydock She had made a trip to Rivers Inlet and then proceeded here on the special run to pick up the almon B.C. Tourists Join Hudson Bay Visit WINNIPEG.—Five lumbians are British Co the 250 and the here Fri Canadian one-week among people from Canada United States iday morning on the National Railway’: tour to Hudson Bay The travellers will Churchill, Manitoba’s only port, with stops at Dauphin Flin Flon, and Sherridon, On ithe return trip they will stop at The Pas PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know | Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd P.O. Box 274 who left visit sea- NEWS OF WE LIVE TIRE PROVED ON THE INDIANAPOLIS SPEEDWAY FOR Goat SAFETY ON + THE HIGHWAY, jals “ih utter disregard of the ranging from murder to selling narcotics, jumped from | on |New Yorkers Fearful As Criminals Strife At Ordinary People; Senseless’ Murdey 18,393 men—-larger than an army public safety division : Much of the crime plaguing | The fats m cy Of Ap both police and citizens today | Schuster, near his home int ; another of the a.m crimes— jolted realization th the law by erj pots knows n¢ Schuster pants presser. perp robber willie aa ei This does not account for the! the tip that jeq to fen senseless” killings rest out Judge Saul S. Streit blamed Police blamed eit mental institutions for loosing ‘guided admire; o, fond thousands‘ of dangerous crimin- | Sutton. The killer 7 large ey has been blamed variously on the high cost of living, causing some persons to turn to theft, and to the system of using radio-car patrols in place of the old-time cop who “pounds a beat” and knows his neigh- borhood intimately. the er: at Conten Minals op o » bounds, an 5 ag GLENN FORD i The laugh-happy ; RUTH ROMAN a 3 tontane A DENISE DARCEL Derm ae "YOUNG MAN a WITH IDEAS: oe f Georg Murphy & AMOUR FLATERS Teeavas ; . TODAY “i “TALK ABou Today and Wednesday A STRANGH First Show 7:00 — Last Complete Show 81 Today and Wednesday Evening Shows 7: - 9: pam RE - ROOF NOW Your Reof May Not Last Through Another We will give your free estimates on ro-roolity TOTE A Famous Players with asphalt and cedar shingles Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 115 Ist Ave. West P10). Bor THE WORLD IN WHICH There's news about your home, about social events, about food and fashions . about sport and world conditions. The Daily News “Your Newspaper”