"AUE-CIX Tirr. n.tt.r The Fresh Flavor 2 DOZ. TRIMMED LADIES' AND COATS To Vancouver ' Tuesdays Mail closes at Saturday Saturday via train Fridays, I FUR PLAIN In Shades or Navy, Brown and Grey Sizes 36-44 MONDAY SPECIAL $18.50 BIG REDUCTIONS ON LADIES' DRESSES "BENT'S" Third Avenue MAIL SCHEDULE of "3ALADA" For the East '. Mondays. Wednesdays and Sal ' 1 unlays, closes at I p.m. I From the East ! Tuesday, Thursdays and Sun days, at I p.m. 4:15 PM A.M. 1 ti ti BOX COLLECTION P.M. P.M fSraham A Allln Aves. 2.15 8.10 1st Ave. & Klghth St. 2.20 8.2d nih Ave.. A Fulton SI, 2.25 8.2a 8h Ave. A Thompson st 2.30 8.3(1 Hlh Ave. ,V Sherbrooke Ave 2.35 8.35 11 hi Ave. A Conrad St, 2.4ft 8.', ftlh Ave. A Hays Cove Ave 2.J5 8.45 j fllh Ave. A Hays Cove Circle. 2.50 8.50 Hlh Ave. A Cotton St... 2,55 8.55 51 h Ave. A Mc.llride St. 3.00 0.00 Pro. fiov. Hldgs '1.5 rf.5 Prnv. Oov. Wharf .... 3.MJ 0.10 fl T.P. Wharf 3.15 0.15 2nd Ave, A 2nd St 3.20 0.20 3rd Ave, A Fulton 8t S.25 0.25 Jfd Ave. 4 6tti Ut H.2I HS17 reflects the absolute purity of the blend. Delicious to the last drop. Try it. MONDAY SPECIAL HE SURE FELT MEAN BUT MENDED HIS WAYS Said a well known local man i other ilny "Well, Sir. the meanest fooling I ever had come over me w Inst 'Christmas morning. I hail passed up the Cliri.! mas rani idea i r'Iy and of course was deluged wilti all i sorts nf lovely Christinas greet ings from relatives and old friends. And I here. I hadn't .son! nut a single one. I thought I lion if everyone had been likf mysrl' la lot of ri'al joy would have bcn lost. I determined o see thai nothing of the sort occurs tni .Christmas. I am going In dis pense sunshine on Hip "glad morn" s well as receive it." Your private greeting card nan tin selected at Hose, Cowan & l.atla", I'oiirlli St., from our wide range al moderate col, and .cards will hp prinlPd on day of inrdor. Phone Ml. LA.ND AIXI Qussn Charlotta laland Land DlaUkt. D'tlrlct of Princ Rupart Take .N.illee that I, Samuel Simpson. if Maett, H.C., ncriipalliui fltnemian. " leml in apply fur eriiilsliin to lea the fi.lhiu-lnir l.&rpllM.r1 laiiil- f liifiinieneln at mark In a nirtheti rly ilirrill-.n a ilK l.n,. r.t ,.rl... I t n.iU - flu.no u, RIH centemtier Peter Kea. vaeni THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE H:15 A.M.'I'l"'t,",'"' "r Trarti- k o,iiunrre, oitawa." '1 A lump suai lMHlr for the. work I rte ; An arrppli-il bank rlwniie for Ten . C.I'.fl. Iiecemher 111. From Vancouver-Sundays ..P. M. ij Tuesday via train due P.M. Wednesdayii ...........3 l'.M Thursdays I'.M C.I'.Il. hecember ITi and .29. To Anyox, ''Alice Arm, 8tewart and Premier Wednesdays .... Sunday 7 I'.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays -P.M Fridays A.M. To Port Simpson and Naas River Points j' Thursday P.M From Port Simpson and Naas f River Points j Saturdays A,.t To 'Alaska Point December 15 and 2'J. From Alaska Points December 19. To Queen Charlotte Island Points December 13 and 27 7 P.M From Queen Charlotte Island 1 1 and 25, hKALf.fl T4-mWr fur Mm limlriirtloll !uf i-uiii-r,lP fiMiiiilallniis for a (train cli-va-i tor, ullli i-rei.Miii-d plb and, liinlwr nx-k anil rrnxoinl pib rtiiiilalinn fur arkl I rraln wari'lkiifi-, will Im- rrri-Onl al oiiawa until imon i.f Kiiilay. Jamiarv Jml. Temlt-rs hIhhiIiI I M-nt In an iia(n aj.l...t i.nittl.j .akL-.... 'Tb...tABd TlHiixaiiil liollar iilii.nini.no. mail pay-all to Itif Vllnllir of Trailo k rommrrri-, mil"! armmpany earh tender. W1KI1 mini Will fie forfrllisl If Ihe party lenitprliiir ilerliiio. 10 eiiw-r Into a rontrart for th ork on the trrniv atan-rt In h( ii-imIt.' K.I mtlir-I-r.fi THn rli ..m I n t . u. Oinra. loyendr ?7lh. 19? TIMBER SALE X 6838. Sealed Tender will l rerelvwl liy the Vlinloier or Lati'K al Vieiorla. not later than noon on loe r,rti day of Krhruary. IW.'.. ror Hie pnrrhaiie of l.lienre X HHJX. In rut ia.9Ml.oiio reet of Spruce, cedar and llenilork, on an area adjolnlnr l-ol IttSfi. selwjn Inlet. Vneen i:hailolle lland Mud district. Two i year will he allowed for removal of tlniher. further particulars of the chief Fore, ler. Victoria. B.C . or Plsfrlrt loreir, Prlnre lliiiert, H.C. TIMBER SALE X 0830. Hemlock, on an area altnaicd on sedl jlllel, ijueen :nai'lote Maud llltlrlct. Two ii year will lie allowed Tor re-uioviil of tlmlier. ..... further pariinilars of the 1 hlef forester, Victoria, li.f... or lilorlrt foiei'ler. ITlliee Hiiei, H.C. NOTICC OP CSNCtLLATIO Of RCHCRVEi ANNUAL MEETING OF BANK OF MONTREAL; BUSINESS SITUATION Sir Vincent Meredith Expresses Belief That Canada'WIII Prosper r; Country Offers Inducements to Immigrants VaUy Superior to Those of Other Countries. Sir Frederick Wllllams-Taylor Points Out That Canada Must Put House In Order People Must Insist on Government Practising Policy of Economy. The l"lh annual general again stress tin necessity for merlins of the Hank of Montreal hnr.l work and economy, so often was held al the Head Office of ! preached and seldom put into Hie Hank in Montreal. The hoard ! practice, and the need for Immi- of directors was increased from eighteen In twenty, Ihe new positions, however, not heins filhil at the present meeting. Sir Vincent Meredith, President, in hi address to share-holder, said in pari: "Durinp the past year continued confused world-wide conditions' have been a deterrent In business generally, yet, despite relative dullness, of trade and the heavy hurden of taxation imposed on financial institution, I am happy lo he aide to say that we have earned our i dividend and bonus." Sir Vincent wenl on lo say that he was satisfied thai general conditions were improving, and he prophesied bright thin? from it business point of view in the future. He aid that Ihe past year had shown a heller rdemand for steel. in various forms, especially from railroad, that lex-tile trades were gradually recovering from. Ihe slump and that dealings in hides and leather have hrnndened. Figure of Canada's foreign Irade, he remarked, are encour-pging. In Ihe twelve month-prior lo Ocloh'er .11 si the aggre-gale value of this commerce was I I (Hi.flrtft.flnn greater than In Ihe a poM-planlMl near the titlieat mrner of i nrecedincr VPar. Hits, .alii Mr Maeil Inland, iHlll'ni.i! i-nam ii, ... , ..... - allrihiilahle I I .II...! nl.l a waier water mark: mark; ihenee ihenee fullun roiiowmir mir low low witn watei I j incenl. was mall degree In the in no enormous erly i rhalns Ihenee southerly an rhaln 1 grain crop of tfl?.l. Flour prn- itl mie. in p"M hi euiniiienremeni an. , , , .,, v- heen n Ihe, . i. lar- nmuininir t& aerea (more or te. duels have always hvmukl eiMi'soi. Applicant. conlrihulion to Canada export trnde. being grealpr than line comroiieii vaiue.pi an inner rhe oltieroulsianling. Item in A favorable Irade balance is shown li the excess nf exports over imports amounting lo Stijft.fiftO.iion, as compared with I'rliire ImpiTI Honor foiiiulallons" anl;ail PXCPss OI only 1 .1 ooo.liou in .... 1 ..'i. . aillrfu-(l lo -Tli- lifpuly Mlnl-lr. lip the corresponding year. Foreign period lat compel it ion. which for some lime pal had been nnlicipali'd, is now being keenly fell in several basic Can adian product in neutral mar Immjgraimn lias peep disap. 101 iriKH-rrr wii w jTianwn a Kworiiv , ,. , ,, , ,i,.., i for Hie lino fiilfillnx-nt of llu- rontrart lo pninlingly small, and WT I Until tn- li rnti-rMl Into, or rhwni' wv l.e re 1.." ..mniljillnn increase in tionil! r rPn" rf,.liln 1,1 popui.llion, nil n a Ml plarwl with rqnlvalrnt par value of or iim' rir.niinion of Canada. .production will remain obslln- l'lan. Mxrlf Ira Hon, and all iw-rpatary: . . , .r. . .... i.i.... . Informaiion rnnUng lb- pri,r-.ml woik alel.V slow. The problem belongs may l otiialnnl rroin C. n. Howe A Can-1 in ,n ,,lhi.r r H!"l Imiuls l than man mine mine, hut 111 1 1 I pany. nnnaiiltliir Knilneera. Whalen BiilM-' (nr. I'ort vritnir. Ontario. Di-i-ii of riftv' am conviticed Ihe day is not dls- noiiar oftii.un, is reqinrca rnr plana ann; . , . , ... .. 1 1 ,, ,1 land of peeflrallon, der..lt to lw returned on tint when this favored rin'titin ,Un ,"rlr'r""n ,n "f,fK, Canada will be sought by Ihe The loet or any tender will not nere- i Slirolll noiilllalion of ("treat arlly fn arrepled. . n.!il ...i t.'-,. ..u ,vll no hv order, .1 i" - F r. t frBtm. (j,y hne thrifty classes who will lere nun oniioriiiiio v inr inr- Iher improving their comlillnn. A Word of Confidence My last word is a word of confidence and encotiragemenl. The interes nf your Hank are more closely hound up with those nf Canada lhan Pver before, and unless Canada prospers. Ihe Hank cannol expect the prosperity II should enjoy. I believe Canada will prosper. II offers inducements lo immigrants vastly superior lo those of other countries, which are al present endeavoring to attract citizens. It stands third amongst Ihe countries of the world In natural resources. We possess half of Ihe fores! area of the Hrllish Umpire; our mines produced in 'if.fll fll t OAI AAA r.,rvtlti ft Sealed Tender will I received by the, ' """" Minuter of Land, ai vicioria. not later , melals, and Ihe surface s lhan noon on the tin wy 01 January, . . - , aB.i. tua. for ihe piiniw of Licence x e3i. scarcely scralched. Canada stands in rut .&I.iioii fco4 of Spruce. i,edar ami second In the world In coal de posits. Her water powers are eslimaled at 18.000,000 horse power and she enjoys unexcelled villinfinj lo work, Mi rhonp. firi I ti jI a r f n'n.lArn P.nnnHfi nf ...... . . - tii il ia 1 a 1 1 1 " -i 1 11 ""I'M"" jrralion. fiiven these three things, I look forward with Ihe utmost confidenre to Canada's future. General Manager's Address Sir Frederick Villiam-Tsiy-lor. fTicneral Manager, in a review of the annual statement. iiid in part;- The jncrea-e in Ihe nuinh' r nf depositors in our Savings le-partmeut has een greater in Ihe past Iwo ear lhan ever hefore. I should like, to emphasip in connection Jvrith Ihe growth of thpse deposits' that this Hank's services are al Ihe iiliiiial of every clas of the population, "nil thai we welcome tlioe who with n mal denostt wish lo open a saving account. The aciiuiUiou of The Md sous Hank, suhject lo formal ratification ly the shareholder will add lo our organisation the liiiines of their I2" hrnnche. (If these. 117 are located In the I'rovincp of, Ouelieo and Ontario, and ns the greater ,nnmher are al point Where we are not al ready repre-enled, the reult will he a valuable addition to our re presentation in these twv pro vilices. NVe shall welcome Ihe clientele of The Molsipis llnnk. and can assuiv IhcnVtlial in the Hank ol Montreal they will find n ser vice fully -commensurate vvllh their need combined with Hie courleuv und attention which they have n right In expect Although the wheat crop In Canada wasarthis vear less thiiu Ifor IheAs'ean of 9?3 by ome- rihfnjt $.pparhifil5. 5fni;nnntfion ; respect of export trade f-f foresil l.iishelsv foi-Uinalely for the far lias nilvanCPO IO products, in In ll.n the -nten seven nwniin mnnllwl nter nier I ine lit" prnir llflili eii.liiiir Oclhlier Ml shfnmenls of 1 ahouU I J' per , hii'hfl from iwnoil and wood products, inrlud-1 ing paer. declined in value about ijslK.nnii.ftoo. as compared iTand.ra for Foundation, ari Tlmbar Doca'willl the previous year, this ie- ; fc Drain tu.aior at Prirta Rupart, b.c. ;nr(.a.p occurring in lumber and not in paper. ahouf l.n last year. in th'at Canada's gross income from lhl lnie product should be about Ihe same. The increase In Ihe rtirrenl income of the furmers in nren which have yielded favorable crops Jias nalurally been reflect ei in Improved financial and business conditions in those dis tricts. This Hank, vvllh a largo vol 11 nfe of loans in Western Canada has continued its tradition o fair dealing wllh Its customers and has extended every assi ance to those: who have suffered repealed crop failures. We have followed a policy calculated In keen borrowers on the land, and considering the large number of individual loan. Ihne cases have been comparatively few In which through the action of the debtors we Jiave been obliged lo res.! i.jifjawv,, , .. .., ' ' feutinsfs Situation My view, in brief, of the situ at Iott is thai liiisiness generally in Canada l unallfaeory, hut with some liriglit spots. Thi expression of opinion may not be popular, but seenis lo he mucn belter lo look the frintler souare in Ihe face than lo allow our selves to he led astray by popu lar delusions. That general Irade is dull lo put it mildly. Is delusion. Many of our Industries iL''J ;.J;,J' V.a 1V1 '&. in. fee n menns nf healthful sub- Canada's Irotibles are' the nc riiixive naime s, uinrin, i r,n -Uin nnd. In lime. ,1 heller' ennviiloled result of what Ra'urday. T. 1 w TITE'S CHRISTMAS BARGAINS CHRISTMAS SPECJAL8 IN FANCY TURKISH TOWCL8 WITH COLOItED BOnoE,s .Sine !I8 iiiclii-s by 20 .inches $2.00 per p8if Sue ,10 inclii's liy int'lir $2 50 per Paif Sire iV jnclii's by 5N1 inches . . . ;. k ... : $3.00 per p4,r HEAVY MARCELLE ENGLISH UED SPREADS. EXTRA FINE gUiUry Sjie Xll inches by l"l inches . . . . Size SI iiu-hi's by 108 indies Special Christmas Prices on LADIES' HAND BAGS, VANITY CASES A FRENCH voHy See Our Complete Line of Portable Table Lamps, Piano Lumps, Chtt. ri, in() Boudoir Lamps. Also New Stock of Silk Lamp Shades In nil mk. See our TOY DEPARTMENT first before purclutlng ror thn Llltio Our GEORGE D. TITE Phone 20. THE HOME FURNISHER P.O. U0X let; problem in any country. No government can move tasier in Ihese mailer than public opinion will permit, and umiii the people ies the responsibility of vol ing for economy. Wo, in Ikiitada, hae much lo e thankful for. If Ibis were a poor etui 11 try our ene would lw; a bad one, but we have riches in; our forests, our field , our fisheries, iiiid hi our nriitwuls, also in our loinlily witter ixiwer. and in the iioliialrv an.l Mitsl.U4.in ,.f our people. We have 11 diffietill slltwllon on our hand, hut let its nM ok back or wfste liioe in mount inn l.el us ge logelher and. like a ane, capable, and unliis'lrion people, pnl our house in order. HOSPITAL MAY GET BIGGER WATER MAIN Inspection of Present Pressure Made by Fire Chlf and Matter Is Taken up With City Enolneer coHHiliiiuj, Ibal-b.ol i following owing en made lhliwi.ir presjAe for fire indsrJjii rtyrpse..' ' Ihn hosiflHl WH 111lde.pnjlf,- mi innpecliiiii vi nt.le by '!. II McDonald, fire chief. Mr. Mc liiinald. 111 a 'oMiioiiiui'alioii be fore Ihe hospilnl Intnr.l Insl uiuhl slated thai Ihe pteuri' was as good Us could be exiiiH-led Willi .' Ihree-ineh main. The pos.ihilily of pulling in a larger main and an addilional hydraiil was being taken up with the rily engineer. I!. II. Mortimer fell thai il was itdvisnble dial there should be a large main front Ihe cily Irtiiil line running along Sixth Avenue Ihe mailer wa referred In Ihe rounds cnmmillee. -t POPULAR INTHE WEST The I'aiinly Herald and Weekly Siar of Monlreal is the iopular paper in this seel ion of Canada, II deserves il popularity becuiisi I lie pulilsiers spare 110 expense 0i' ToaiiA il an inlereslliiK and useful paper for wesle'ru-hotues Cach is. ue 1. just brimful of Hie choicest and most Instructive reading, while the Information for farmers in each number i-. alone worth many limes Ihe sub scnpliou price for a year. No home in Western Canada should be without the big Montreal weekly. II cosls only two dollars a year. This year there beautiful calendar, I en thousand are running on half-lime wllh Hollars in prizes and other valu diminished nrofils or no profits .able rewards yiveu to mil, -mli. at all. Taxation Is heavy In an extent which discourages new enlernrl.ea The cost of living address. Is high and our population In point nf .numbers js al a stand still, or wore. These are the conditions as I ee, them, but I Jinpn and believe we will emerge from our diffi culties presently Firs! and foremost I would say that there must be an end In Ihe present apathy annul public affairs. In my opinion, those who will not go In Ihe trouble In register their vote In miinlelpal, provincial and federal nffalrs transportation facilllles. Tor. should be ppnallMd In some form llia.e wilh some capital and a for their indifference III 1 I. II . i tt' We -It Il.nl that all know opart from the cost and effects of the war ers. A catalogue of rewards will he sent free of charge lo anv Major It. M, Taylor, district engineer for Ihe provincial de partment of public works, K turned from Victoria on the Princess llealrice Ibis afternoon A transfer about lo be made in the department will involve the moving of Major Taylor lo Kain loops in a similar capacity In I hat which he holds here. relleil, u . . u 1 . . .. . ...t 1 t - , , 1 n j 1 i..,..,.ln lt, llpltioiu Itofilriio lliiu riflne I lii-.o. ii, ,Tiir..i, competence man can ne optaineo(iie terineri in mini nun ii-ini"ini- " ML ,MU,1"'r of UI"1 .elsewhere Yet cardinnl virtues .language Imprudence in affairs, moon from u bu inc-, trip to, ovtmtsr Ittb. 1S9 I must be practised and I would J. Good javernment Is Mrs. Charles IMwanU reluin-ed 011 Hie I'rincess Heal l ice llil uriernoon afler a holiday I l ip lo Vancouver. Mr. I'd ward ex pects lo be back .next week. .1. S. lingers of the I'rince llil- mny'perl Hy-I'roducis Co, reiiiined on hard 1 Vancouver I 3RIDGE PARTY FOR MRS. MASON ADAMS SMITIII'.IIH. Iec. li. A very leasHiil evening was spent at ihe home- of Mr. and Mrs. .1. ;. Stephens 011 Tuesday night, whett a number of guesi- wre i- .ier-lailied at bridge. TImtc wire six) tlilen of idayer-. Hie prizes lie-' lg W'f llV I lie following. I- If-' I V II I a I iarreMoncia (BULL DOG SIZE) crDc fill Best run x mi Menutatturrd U Cn J Civ f-ty imsU IMPERIAL T0DA((0 COflPANr Of (A.-wuAlrtUI 5Jt Oitlrlksitori pi 1 e. 1 - Ihe Si Of lie-: and Mi.. V lltghesl irie for -the nupt w ml K. W! Adntns w lix - I he eon si ..rii 1 1 -r" 1 V 1 1 1 yjHiiHP 1 mil LI J 11 1 iTSil OB j4!K ,i ,y til W hed or di! -ijl v'" '(jlI,nbi Nils nilverllsemenl : mil puhln Control Hoard or by Ihe Uoveiiinu'iit 1,111