PAGE TWO. For Your Health II you should buy- the bt. The Daily News PR.INCB IIUPRFIT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Leaving in etrect salary schedule which II SALAD A ECOO i th purest and most scientifically prepared tea, sold today. Try it Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Unpert Daily News, Limited, Third venue. II. F. PULI.RN, Managing F.ditor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Ity mail or carrier, per month Hy mail to nil parts of the British Kmpire and the United Winn in Ill.tfllK i , j" i j -itii .......j... To all olher countries, in advance, per year . . $1.00 $7.r,n Transient Display .Advertising. $U0 per inch per. insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page,. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ...... 2c 'per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..., 2o pervord Legal Notices, each insertion.. . ,.irc per arnte line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - . 98 - 86 AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subjpct lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION SCHOOL BOARD ON ESTIMATES Budgtt For 1924 Given Discussion at Preliminary Session Last Night SALARIES NOT TOUCHED Decided to Reopen School Booth School Again Discussed Friday, February 8, 1921. fDorncslie Science M0.00 ; Manual "training G00.00 Medical Inspection .... 300.00 Secretary's salary 180.00 Insurance JC2.0O (ieneral supplies I.OOO.OO Subsidies 500.0,0 Lengthy School Library 100.00 Hus Service 2i0.00 ,VesView school 300.00 In speaking on High School estimates. Principal Hrady asked !for 000 for general supplies, a similar figure lo last year. We Westvlew also asked for ,M new, seals for one of Ibe classrooms to replace old seals which are not suitable to the requirements. The neces I lie sain- sify of having a playshed al prevailed hinp Kdward School was also last year, Ibe school hoard lasl referred lo by Mr. Hrady and re-night reached a total estimate ceived Ibe sympathy of the for ordinary expenditure in lioard. No definite decision was 1921 of 872,232, this figure not made, however, including a sum of perhaps; H. S. Hum, superintendent of 51,000 or more which will be public schools, asked for 980 required for minor repairs and for, general supplies as compar- wnicn win ne oeriniteiy set flown nl with ?850 lasl year. The at the next meeting of Ibe board, figure this year would provide me tniai esiimalp for last year for 150 worlh of special sup- was i4b,ivi and I lie cxpen. Mures plies as well as 9H0 for the Jan came very ciose to the rigiire set (tor's department. The domestic out. The board also discussed 'science department will receive exlraordinary eslimales but de- an allotment of fUi) as com jerreo nnai aeiwr, on llieni. In pared with ?500 last year. Only mis riassmcaiion a sum or 295 of the latter figure was about 3G0 will be set down for'snenl. The estimate on rnnnnnl new desks In a High School classroom and a sum will probably be asked of the council lo lake care of possible contingent expenditures such as disputed architects' fees. A new playshd for either Kin? Kdward or Borden School is ajso proposed. The board sal Cor three iours last night on the eslimales and went in detail into them. They are baed on last year's figures, l'rovision was made for I lie reopening of Weslview School af ter the summer holidays and an I raininjr was set at ?000 against H00 last year, of which fl5 was spent. .oal supply, light, water and telephone and contingencies make up Ibe totals heretofore tabulated. Salaries for the various schools are not included in I he above itemized totals. There was no discussion on Ibe matter of salaries. If any change are lo be made In this respect, it will likely come out al the next ! meeting. In the meantime, it ilern for dental clinic was elim-appears as Itrmgh Ibe present I nut Oil Tim nuli. ....I,.. ...ill 1 ' i . . . . ""imiirn win iip scaip wer 10 remain in opera finally adopted at a meeting to be held next Thursday. Detailed Estimates The eslimales tentatively passed upon last night were as follows: High School 3,375.n0 Booth School fi.100.00 Bordon SI reel 2,775.00 Seal Cove , 830.00 Hon. The mailer of medical inspe,c tion of children was1, discussed, certain criticisms being made of the present system. II was pointed out, however, that great deal could not be expected ror :)nn. Insurance An original estimate of ?902 Success Begins With Saving A Savings Account with the Union Bank of Canada will give you the right start. By systematic saving you'ean lay the foundation stone of future success. Do not wait until you have $25.00 or $50.00. A Savings Account can be opened with $1.00. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager pointed mil thai W0 had been slat ulory examination of the pent lasl year. The secretary's salary was lefl at $18", the same last year. Certain repairs will h requir ed at all schools this year but the making of the estimate was deferred for a week until fur- Iher information 'iin received- 'I'll p. Rorden Street school will trustee Rochester that Waller l.ongwill be engaged lo make an examination when a severe rain siorm was on, was ailopted on motion of Tru'slees Williams and Orme. Trustee Casey thought it would not matter very serioously If the school were repaired this year or. not. Westvlew School I'he opening of Weslview school was discussed, was the concensus of opinion that the school should be re-'opened, if Ihere were anything like enough children to attend il. , Bus service through the school being closed would cost Ibe board this year at least 00 anyway. Beside this, there was tlie disadvantage of children having In go so far to school and not being able to gel borne for the lunch hour. Trustees Orrne, Williams and Casey ex pressed themselves a being in favor of reopening the school if il all possible. Accordingly an estimate for Ibis purpose, was put in and the litis service estimate was dropped from )?10fl to 9210 as it will no longer he necessary when the school is re opened. Technical Education The mailer of an estimate for technical education Ibis year was left open at the reauesl of Trustee tlasey who expressed the opinion that there was need for the continuation of some thing nf that nature. In the course of discussion on this topic, accounts of $51(5.80 from Rose, Cowan A l.alla and .Vt.30 from Mc.Rae Bros, against the defunct .Norlberi Polytechnic Institute were read. Some mem hers fell that the board might legally be held responsible for Ibeiu while others were of the. opinion that such was not the case. Though no formal notice ha. been given, it was sufficiently understood and coutd be con- inned from the minutes thai af- ler June 30 last the board ws no longer responsible for tlie In stitute. Mr. Vance reported the total liabilities of Ibe Institute, including 9UK director's salary, lo be 11979. This was according lo the' report of the liquid ator; Outside, of the director's alary the net amount would THE DAILY NKW8. Friday, February 8, y t submitted by dm secretary for probably bo something over II,-insurnnre was nil .town to 102. non. Mr. Vance estimated, Other! II Was derided In ml Iho insur- school board such as. Terrace ance on I he llooth School from and Anyox were jnsf as muehf r0,noo lo '.r,nnn nnd eliminate responsible a prince lluperl, a jioiiry lor fi'.fMin on the. obi Trustee Parker foil. It wan domestic science building which finally decided In leave I lie ac I hp board Mill likHy sock In iis-. counts over for" further ronsid-pose of al an early dale a it jsVralion. no longer required. Policies, fort While most or the trustees ex-K,00 are In he, renewed on Ibe ' i r - j i'i I Ihcmsclvesriik.tuYor of a llordon Street school which hasldenlnl clinic, it wu the unanl- ju lolal insurance of $IU,no).mous opitiion thai i was not iKinp Kdward, Seal Cove and liusllficd Ibis year. Areoiilinelv iWeslview schools are already covered by unexpired policies. ine nem was iirortpe.1 ami any attention that sehonl children'! A sum nf $rno was set aside leeth receive Ibis year from Ibe for substitute, teachers, it being hoard will only bo as far as Ibe medical oflieer troes. Disputed Accounts Disputed accounts from .1. V. Poller of 9?,.)$ and A. A. Cox of IJ.r0 were referred lo ib connection with (he consideration tlf extraordinary eslimales. Tlie feeling of. thp board was thai I hey should not be paid tiu- nccd kalsornining, painting and less il became compulsory lo dol new MackboanU, painting of the jo. ccrclary Vance reported roor, blocking of a creek and re-lhal Mr. Poller flllt coulbjucd lo mnvat of slumps al Seal Coveicomnninicale. Nothing had been was Miggc.-lctl. .lack .Nelson will l engaged by Ibe board to e.x-aniinp the roof of King Kdward School with a view lo renailing or reshmgling it. Booth School the condition of Booth Memorial School came in for considerable .discussion. Trustee Rochester said il was till leaking ami was in need nf repairs. I tip leaks now seemed to b about the same as they were before the walls were re paired. He thought the trouble probably lay in the water coming through the cornices and down tin inside nf the walls. Trustee Casey-slated that be would oppose any expenditure on repairs of the Booth School unless it was definitely ascertained what was wrong. The building was not three, per cent belter than it was two years ago in spile of repairs that had been made. II was leaking, the walls were corroded and certain floors were In bail condition. II use assuming further a lo what might be the matter. There should tie something more Trustee Parker referred lo the difllcully of getting expert ad vice. There had been many dif ferent opinions expressed. finally a-suggestion made by heard lalely in mi' Mr. Cox. The necessity of playsficd , at Uonlen street and King I'dward schools was discussed but nothing definite wa decided. II was the oidnion that the erection of one was as far a the board could go Ibis ye'ar. no matter how desirable they rnlghl be. The meeting adjourned after II o'clock to meet again next Thursday when Ibe estimates will be completed and finally adopted. , The Man in the Moon ! SAYS:- i ! HAVK you sialic In your altic So your brains refuse lo work? Are you lazy Or just crazy ,t Thai your jofi t you -; wih to shirk? Wnlch your slep, then, let Mime pep, men, Tone your syslpm, clear your brain; Let your muscle' Red corpuscles fiel, and help your health re gain. IK you must tie a grouch ft to breakfast 'lime. TDK man who married a rich and ntiese lady remarked that be was about lo livo on I lie fal of the land. NKVKR mind, bachelors, leap ypar will not last for etcr and I hen if you gel 'past you -will be safe for, another four years. MAY I be yours?" whispered Hie sweet young thing as the evening shadows were slowly closing round llieni. And he whispered gently "Well, yes, doncherknow, bill not permanently drinchcrkiinw." - OKTTIMi married is some thing like death lo a wicked man. II is just where Hip trouble be. gins. 4 , ANY person who goes around lo a married man asking him lo purchase a copy of "Who's Who" is likely lo hear something about his own pedigree. He knows who is who al borne wild out the aid ijf a book. DID you ever hear abou) the woman who caught Itie Jellyfish? No? It happened on her wed ding day. THE SINQLK MAN A single ninu is like a siip wilbonl a rudder, a Ford wild one wheel, a plate of peas wflh-out a knife to eal lliem with. Nature abhors a vacuum and a bachelor the one Is as useful to the community as the other. v eekly Spasm. M MtJiiBTif ITb HI" lm JHIHNHftHLB b0bKbvbbiVb99 1 'Linger Awhile" is truly a glorious fox-trot. Famous Paul Whiteman.and His Orchestra make you want to "linger" and dance forever. It's a wonder. So is "Hollywood" on the reserve side, played by Waring's Pennsyl-vanians. Stop at any "His Master's Voice" dealer and ask for "His Maker's Voice"-Victor Record No. 19211 TERRACE NOTES Miss Agnes Oadock, superintendent of Huckley Valley Hospital of Smilhers spent Saturday in town. Miss Klanda Marsh was home for the week end. Mrs. Leslie Skinner of Copper i.Uy was in town on Saturday. Mrs. A. . Wilson nf Ileum was (Iip guest of Mrs. Marsh on Wednesday. . The Ladies' (iiilld of the Pies hylerian Church inel al Hip home of Mrs. Mrs. McKinnon was the hoslcss for" Ibe after noon. Mrs. Danhaiier of Copper fiily was In town on Wednesday. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church me in Pro gress Hall on Wednesday with an attendance of (went v. two. Mrs. Jiislinp ' entertaining. It was decided after this lo hold tlie weekly Hirelings on Thurs day. May 3 'was the dale chosen as the dale of Hie spring sale. The Provincial I'arly is hav ing a dunce tonight. lack I'rosl has moved Into Ibe bouse lately vacated by C. An derson. PUBLIC LIBRARY VICTOIWA, Feb.' 8. The sum of-n'o.780 has been fe aside in the Victoria city estimates for the public library there. If WT Three other dance gems! 19207 19204 19203 There Are Some Things You Never Forget Fox Trot (from the inusicW exjsnedy "One Kiss") Your Lips UWb (from themuMcalcomttly "One KIm") , International Novelty Orchestra (Take, Oh Take Those Lips Away vox J rot (from "Zicgfcld Follies") Brooke Johns and His Orchestra A Love Song Fox 7ro (from the muMcai comedy "The Magic Kins") The Manhattan Merrymakers Tweet, Tweet Fox Trot I've Been a Fool Fax Trot The Manhattan Merrynukrn HIS .MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED lar'Hls Masters Voices JeaJersl "THE HIT QF THE SEASON" PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Xolliing finer than n Mux nf this Delicious Candy. IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toollisunie Delight in a lleniiliful ox. All Sizes All Prices. Sole Agents: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CA8H CHEQUES. Shockleys p,anins Mi,ls J Phone 383. Sole Agents for noy.l Mills, Hartall, i.e. ...... 4 t Lumber J. Fyfe 8mlth Co. Hardwood Fewer Mill. , r , , , ...... rP y.neer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Spruce and Cedar Sliiplop. Spruce, Planking. Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Glass. Shingles. Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling.