Etf FLAVOR double richness of !iarle,os compared ordinary milk, gives w and delicious r not only to cakes ti t o 6(i recipes arm for free Recioe Dooli. ri rmm m m mt mm mw mm rjm. MONVULAL .A It .JB iianl JfVIIN K m BBI Famous Koses AITTV . , . i jh riiiiir nk (iwer far ROSES," r." I lest II a 1-1 1 I I IUIIU h-wbLUinuTun m tit suclit or bulk. t yiuir irrtom ir nlfilit UUUIl UUUI uu. MUITV ID. e Hotel Central. prlnrtinn '' i and Suits at NT'S ANGLICANS TO FINISH CHURCH Upper Storey of Edifice to be Built This Year Is Stated at Banquet I'hal il Im the Intention r u,, ougrogaiion or Hie. Church of Kngland hero In complete the church budding wliirli Ihey liavo 'tii using fnr a unrulier or year wn staled definitely hist ntRiiL by 'A. K. llazelf-.Jniic, who presided lal tin' niiniinl men's banquet jgiven in Hie church lal night, 'lie jib Dial if ever there wa a llni" when I In- city should iro churches In Ihecily put Ihcrn In shame. They fell 'that Ihi was the tune. wa an era of ,'prospcrily ahead ami he wskod support for I In- building rimil wlieiiex.T Ihey raine aroujnl to rolled. 4 Outside Urge Previously Hie editor of Die two paper.. , speaking, fur Hie pre-, hail referred In'lloV deslr. nbililv or building. II. V. pillion iii i.l all would lie ula.l in knuw IhI Hie I'reliylrrlaii hail leen ,n iirrenfuf ill iillllllS ier jtheir mmiiaiyii and lie Impeil the! iitfliran wniil.l aUu lake mailer in (iiiinl llil year. II wa a liirrurii In I tii ri'nretralimi ami the rfly li ee lie utironi-; l.-leil Inulilinir. I'enplo inilile the i-luirrli woro inlenxilpd in llii n well a 'lie roiurrjraliun. A an nulofiler ho lron?ly iirjrod (hut Die mailer he puttied atieal. Ho av plnnn nn Hie wall inill. enlinp thai llio -mailer n umler i'iniileraliiii uml I lie next flop wn have ho work ilono. Mayor Newlon fnllimeil hy nrp- iu Mini all put Iheir etiMUhler In'"' wai , , ' llll" H urn mill if- lifllllltl lilt- rClinF? The years use up the tissue of your body. It must be replaced by a food that builds. ' Oxo is the concentrated strength of Beef in a form in which it can readily be assimilated by the system. MAKE GOOD abend it wan now ainl limy coiild ni.l affnr.1 In wait wilhnnl cnni-jwere re-elected Ut reprint nut ph-ling their church. II was. a only iVrraro ,ul the surroimd-,fnr a completed, the huihl- M( dilrirs. iik in I'rif I-" IIiihtI aiul wa nil Ma.iy rr II..' tii,ir slorey. II"' pflfr nTTPP II A cuiporary mof Ural ha IwiAHIr K H H Al II I'll mi hal In ho renewed lhi.U1111 VUi 1 fLiJ yfn ami il wan I ho inloiil hm In j fir lllir lipvT rim.ii H.o huiiiiiiiK ami put ..n a IN IYI A Y Nr X I IlllUill illJkl permanent roof rather than renew' 1 It old one. (le agreed witli a' - previous speaker II wn a Eighty Expected to Pass Throuah mioifrace uiai mo Imlldifi;; remained uncompleted. Older Prince Rupert on Way to White Horse lii a newspaper inlerview nt Jllin-ail. Ilnliei'l Lowe of While. liore loiiie. llitif any hulTnlo liml heeu lilppoi from Alhertu for him. He Mii.l Ilial il wan I ho tnli'iilion lo plaeo oiithly of I he Wiilnwritf lit auiiiiaU in I lie Tak-lieni Valley where a government traine preene uoul.l (in elah lUheil. They would he xhippeil hy way of Prince Ituperl in .May, wlien roiMlllion" for elalililiinp Ihetii would ho more faiirahh: I hail jul now. I'lie vnller in wliieh I ho linf. ""falo will he plare.l i ahoul 20 lilie frriiu Whilehnr.'e on the nerlariil Irail In iawnn,' 11 i a wide, fertile valley, well wnnd- !od ami nhouuiN in natural food fur I he animal. .Mr. l.owo in Mthl In ho pro-h.lhly one of the niul influenlial cillionn of llio Yukon Torrilnry. !lle ha hoeii a memher of llio Yukon Council ince il n firft creatiHl. Iiol.liu? ntllce a it speaker. In llio lat olectlnn ho rnndhlnio mr the i.inorai Ion. for the Canadian - ..i... i I'nrliaiiionf, hul l.l .ii. The i.. I'rr.hylerinn ..i.i had i heon ahle,'r"',"P' .i.t. 'primary In il" it and il rouhl ho done hy thai eiinpi'ai i"ii. Ti nilACK. Feb. . I'nllowiiiB the iiieolinir wbl'h 1 1 'in T. ! I'utliillo nddroVfod here mi Friday laul in I'rouro Halt when lie held u tarue aiidieniotlnlore.iil for an li'iur nnd t half, there wi nn orynuialioii meet Ins to w hich practically everyone remained, when officer for Ihrnuninir year were elected. Officer rliinou wore: President. Or. Illeeker. Ylce.irei.enl. Ilert Kennoy Secretary. X. Shenvood. All oieriillve cuninullce wn elioen. I he member of which ollirtct. mil in llio IMII'-IH Ml Will Ml'- IHIIMi-i HI"' . - I rnM'' " underlood TERRACE LIBERALS ELECT OFFICERS Dr. Bleeder Chosen as Head of the Organlxatlon For Year at i Largely Attended llhal il wa Hi rou sh hi otTorlK thai llio lioxernineill a Breed lo ilahlth I he buffalo herd and Karuo roMone in llio Vhilehnr TOURIST BUSINESS FOR ALASKA RAILWAY Persistent Rumors that Boat May Ply from this Port to Sere Territory Colonel l.andi ha been le-inir Hie people of Alaska ahul llio iireparnlioiiK Hie Aln-ka Hail, road is making for haudlinir the his loiiril hiii'ine! Ihey expect Mil", year. Tlieii' is a rumor jrnliiR around and lneicainjr in periiniency Ihal Hie Imirif h will reach Seward by way of this port, bill Inothinir deflnile mi far h.l been iaiilioiuired. Suhcrihe for Hie Dnily New. OkBY S Jim w your jftwch 7ke Qualify Whisky of Canada Jincc 1359 inni ItofhlSfltirffdl LSrccl3l$kcW kTASLIHCa 1 N'lisenieiil is not Piilitislicil or displayed by IheUminr fioiilrohllminl or by llio ' . i . lin;lil. fnlnnililn liuvt'riiiiu'iii ui i"1""! THE DAILY NEWS. I Sport Chat j The Teacher will make aiifilher hid fur Innjr deferred victory when they meet, IhoColts in InnlcriiO Henior I.enftue han-kethall ramo, W.'litln Iho Teacher have, not made a very jrood showing In, dale a far a win are concerned in'llie league KChcflule, Ihey have proven lhemevei a jfamo hunch of porl and hain pill up pome miidily (rood ronlest. T'he frame. linc-tiji another oeaon wouhl iiiidouldeilly prove itself a very oeriou bidder for championship honor. A it K they have filled well the third place in Hie eerie I lii m wnler and Ihey have nuire lo their credit I hat ibeir oland-inir ifoe lo how. In Hie laler-uieifalo ?amo tonight the High" School are. figuring on taking the Klk into camp lo get closer lo I ho league. loader Hie Coll. On Die other hand, the Klk are going Iri be oiil for n win (n gel away from Miarins the cellari wilh the Ondlo. Another cellar' place will lie" staged in' the l,adie' l.oazue wilh the. nfeolfng f Iho Kaien and Teacher. Scnrlnjc record to dale in the Senior liakelhall League; V, .Mitchell (0o) 119. I), I lal four 'Son of Canada' ft'i. II. Menic (.Son of Canada j 125. A. A. Knnn (Clt)" 112. I. Mitchell (Teacher) ,'JTi. (i. Mitchell Colt) Ul. XV. I.atuliie ( Teacher) 7. A. l.ane (Teacher.) "0. K, Smith (Coll) 70. Vie. Menzie (Son of Canada , .10. Harry Atoh (Son nf Canada 16. lion (iraliam(Son of Canada' .19. Uric Mackintosh (Son of Can ada) 31. S. Hum (Teacher.) 2R. Kelly (Coll) 10. Shenlon (Teacher.) 7. Harllell (Coll 'fi. II. Ilarlne. (Teacher.) 5, S. Ilazelt .lone (Colt.) A. Mitchell and (L- XX'oodworth, (Teacher.) ,aml Hlylho (Son of Canada) 'l Ft. II. Skinner (Son of dannda) ' ' 1 . ... ' liitermoilinle .ensue crtring Inlal lo dale follow: '' li. Hlylho (Colt) 127.'. I. Kelly (Odt) 117. Y. Wralhall (Urotto) in. l. fiurvich (High Sclnml) A. Mitchell (llixh SciiiHd) II. Smith (Colt) HI.' , (i. Shenlon (Klk) 52. M. Hudenich (Coltsj C,..t I'.. McLean (llitrli School) I). Malhooti (High School) XV. Cnvulier (Klk) 35. A. Howard (Orollo, 32. . XV. iray irotln) 30. V. Meagher (F.Ik) 20. T. Fracr (Crolln) 2t! ' i. Aiuleron (flrollo,, 19, I). Fwzoll (Coll) 18. II. Hi'ccMwell (Klk) Ifi. XV. Lamhio ((Irulio), 15. III. Ilcrryman (F.Ik) 15. A. I'hillip '(High School) A.Mnli!lnn (Klk.) 13. H. XVendle (F.Ik) II. (I. Ilulger (High School) 10 l Alori (Klk)tl. I Ander.on ((initio) 8, K. Cragg (Klk) . A. Palmer (Klk.) ft. II. Kelly (F.Ik) W II. Captick ((irotlo), I. (1. Illll (Orollo) 2. ' Ladie' League I OH. 93, 42. (0. IL Mi l.eona IMrker (Adanac.) 92. Ml Caroline Mitchell freach- er 1 , 80. Mi .Myrn Harvey (Maple, Leafs) 51. Ml Sundae Cahlorone , (Maple Lear.) 30. Mi M. Casey (Kniens) 3(5. Mi V, Shocklcy (Adanac) 35 Mis A. Kelly Adanac; 29. Mis .Margaret Graham (Maple Leaf) 2(5. Mis Laura Friztcll (Maple. Leaf.) 25. Mis A. Morrison (Kaien), 2t. Mis Nora Prycn (Teachers) IC. Mis I'd' Trc,mayne (Ailaiiac) 12 Mis C. Harvey (Teacher.) (. Ml Margaret Lindsay (Teachers) 9. Mis L. Lowe, (Maple Leaf) 8. Ml. XVilla Dyer (Adanac.), (i. Mi M, Lancaster (Tacher.)5, Mis 11. Lundniiist (Knien) 5. Mi II. llihhard (Teacher); 1. Mi. 11. Ilrochu (Kaiens) t. Mis A. Slephcn (Maph -Leaf) Mis M. Long .mid Mis Ilyrne (Kaien) 2. BILUARD AVERAGES 'Vuf following averages htivo hnen madii to date by player, lit sl. i' 4 1 1 . tine, iTinee uupori Milliard League competition fur the Uul- ASSURANCE HEAD OFFICE ibi ire Condensed Annual Statement. 1923 New JBusiness Issued (Ordinary) .'.$66,302,285.00 Business in Force (Ordinary) ,...351,402,105.00 Incorne 14,866,029.29 Assets S23512'99 mhiT Surplus Earned 2,843,600.14 Provision for Future Profits to Policy Holders 5,601,356.00 Unassigned Profits and Contingency Reserve 2.033,975.22 Iger k Cameron Cup: fame Pis. A v. , Col. McMonlie (V. 3 600 200 F. I'yle (V. .. .. 3 00 200 1 Sgl. Jehen (V.' .. 3 .C00 200; J. May (V. ... .. 2 J00 200 F. Stephen (I'...' .. 2 t"0 200, M. Andrew S,A.) I 200 200; XX'. lllitrhinson j . 'ILK; .....'.. V 787 197 fi. Hlylho (O.i ... 2. 393 197 XV. Mitchell (Ivi I 773 193 K. Fenelnn (V .. 3 580 193! II. Jelich (.!. . 2 38fi 193 ! II. II. Shockloy j S.hLi 701 191, II. Morgan (., .. 3 570 190 ! .1. Suden. (fi.; .... 3 501 188 II. Howe (S.K.I ... 1 714 18(5; lr. XVesl (S.K.j .. 3 550 1 85 1 O. AlcIlmoylev(n.P.) I 730 184 .1. Smith (li.1V .. 2 355 178 O. XVaugh (O.) ... 2 355 178 S. I). Macilonnhl (S.A.' i . 1 l'' XV. Halagnn (K. ,. 703 170 J. Howe (S.H.) ... t 097 171 J. Andrew (S.A.; . 1 091 171 C. Ilalngno '.K.i .. 091 171 I!. I'. 'Tinker (S.K) 1 089 M72 J. Ilrown 'S.A. i. 1 080 170 S. L. XX!arrior V. I 170 170 A. A. Fison (K. . 1 00(5 1(57 I). Ilrown Mi. i ... 3 (91 I0 lleil Self (II.P.i .. i 051 1(53 C. Thompson (LV .'2 325 103 F. A. Ahlridgedl.P. 2 318 159 M. M. McLachlan (HA. I (525 15(5 It. Iiavie (S.A., 3 159 153 S. J. F.vnn (I.f. 2 27(5 138 T. Silversides (S.K. 1 130 130 j. Judge (C. .... 2 257 129 ' K. Klk; H.P. llillinrd Parlors; X'. XX'ar X'elernii;. fi (Irollo: Son of Kngland; S.A.- -SI. Andrew's. MEN'S WHIST Knights of Pythias, Moose and War Veterans Were Winners Last Evening Itcsull in I lie men.'. section of Lrtw ra ol Cretlil Cheque Diafn Money OrJera Mcuey Tianafere Oil COMPANY WINNIPEG Increase Over 1922 $10,185,610.00 35,280,169.00 2,063,664.04 7,036,887.97 169,915.52 768,719.00 185,886.95 EVIDENCES OF PROSPERITY AND PROGRESS ' 1. 'Large increase in new business and in badness in force. 2. -.Assets growing rapidly now over $56,000,000. 3. --The combination of a high interest rate with low rates of expense and mortality has resulted in a farther demonstration of the Company's Superior Profits to Policyholders. A 1924 RESULT ' 20 Year Endowment, Age 35. $5000, Premium $247.50 Policy Issued in 1904, Maturing in 1924 Total Cash Value Available in 1924 $7525.00 D. McD. Hunter ...Representative, Prince Rupert the .Fraternal XVhisI League last night were a follow Knight of Pythias, 5; Sons of Canada, A. Moose, 0; Kuighl of Coliimhil., 3 Hreat XVnr X'eleraii, 5; Odilfell low. 1. S. Andrew' .-Klk. game post poned mil il next Moiulay, I.. Klk , 9 3 Moose Son of Kngland.: C, XV. V. A .... K. of ! SI. Andrew' Oddfellow .' Sons of Canada,.. I of C XX', 9 8 7 (5 5 t t 3 Pis 9 9 8 ',7 0 5 4 4 3 AVheh you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and see that you vet It, W Canadian National Railways-Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ' ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. A LEAP YEAR PROPOSAL. AT YOUR GROCERS ALWAYS SELECT Electric Bread Banking Service that Travels with You WHEN you are preparing to travel the question of carrying your money safely may puzzle you. The Manager o! our nearest Branch will solve this problem for you, however. He can forward your money safely wherever you with to go, so that it will be quickly and conveniently available as you require it. Because we have over 550 Branches In Canada and Newfoundland and 110 abroad, as well as correspondents in all parts of the world, he can give you an Introduction anywhere you may want to travel. SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA S. J. MACLKOD; Manager, t'rlnce Hupcrt Branch.