PAGE FOUR TUE DAF.Y NEW3 Friday, Decrmb.r P tg( DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 60c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Hook, PRINCE RUPERT, 0. Office Hours, 0 te t. Phone 688. Open Evenlnga Only Per Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe ?rlnce Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing'. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. THE HOOVER It Beats, as it Sweeps, as it Cleans There is no Hi ft we could recommend more lasting, more ;j practical or more use- m fill than the Hoover. II Order it now for de- 'I lii-nnv .,1 I'l, ..LI..... . .i itw.. fll will i.-i.jiii:.. "When yon give her iiiMiMT imi give ner Ih.' Hest." Two styles, cash price $62.00 and $75.00 Also Hold on Kasy Terms Kaien Hardware Co. LAND ACT. Cattlar Land Dlttrlct. in H !l I I I Sterling Furnace COAL Dll !) In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thlt li very tuperlor furnace cot I. It (tlvi't i clean hot rire anl la entirely free from soot, cl.nkers, Mark and 1irt. Home of the lariteif tx-allnr plant In the rlty are now uatnr It witb entirely eatltrtilor) reaulta. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sackr. At $12.50 per ton. We are lo Arenti for tbe Fainout LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Go. aia'a Off lot . Ma. l Cantral. Phone It iii.l annate In A 1 1 In Lake, about one half) nil It. due wi-ht i.f Allln Tou nMle. , TAKE NOTICE that Paul I.. EifKcrt. of) Allln. In I In- I'ruvln.-e or Brill. li Cnliini-bit, orciitxtlon Jeweller, Intendt to aifdy! fr inilalc.ii to purrbate the rollowlnltl lirlbed land; , Commenelnr at a pott planted at tbe I outli point of tbe tmall Inland known as Sei-ond Itland In Atlln Lake, altuated i 1 theni-e norlhwett and on around j Hit Inland following the thore line to tbe ; place of coinmencvnient; and containint two arret, mure or le, I Sept. rd. Hit I PAUL LOUIS EOOEnT 3. BASEBALL BOXING WHIST (LEADING tlams are TneEb Two PEOPLE ) 4&" Ep. I I OXO Cube contain the I nourishment and atimulating 1 extractivetol prime beet. That It why they are to economical, and make dithea to tatty and -Al nutritious DEFEATED AT WHIST Elks and Sons of Canada Lost Last Night Both Men's and Ladles' Qames Played itollt the leading teams in the men's section of tlic Fraternal WhUt League w-crebealen in last night's games, the Elks goin down to defeat at the hands of the Moose by 5 to 1 and the Sorts of Canada being vanquished by the Knights of Columbus C (o 3. The third game was between the Sons of England and Knights of Pythias, the former winning 0 to In a postponed ladies' section game played at the home of Mrs. Thor Johnson, First Avenue, thr, Pythians Sisters won over the Mooseheart Legion by C to 3, League standings to date are as follows: Men's Section W. L. Ms Sons of Canada C 2 0 Klks 6 2 0 St. Andrew's 5 3,5 Sons of Knglaitd '1 i ' K. of C I Loyal Orange Lodge t 5 I Oddfellows 3 S 3 1. W. V. A 3 5 3 Moose 3 5 3 K. of l 0 2 Ladles' Section W. I,. Pts. I. or K. I 0 I Moose l.adic 2 2 2 I'ylhiau Sisters 2 2 2 St. Andrew's 1 3 I Orange Ladies 1 3 t Advertise in the llally News. C. I. . It ' "L TELL. HUM I'M OUT l MK-, 1 - WM C JOOOMC fWQK I j "ICSo""!! THCRE'-b 1 AH LET ME KNO CONG U(1N1 WM Mt VMO I'CO, I Lmms WHEN HE b COME.- ' BOJI AN D LvMUA V J I i' liTirMr I -a. 111 T iur in - n. y i i ClATH-r TOME ' H8-howM8 T SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY M aa BWeat BBaV JfJM With the league standing tightening up in an interesting man-tier, the Senior basketball games are now commanding a great deal of attention among the fan? and speculation is rife. The Sons of Canada, who arc. tiow in 50c. first place with a single game lead over the Klks, will meet the lodge men tonight. Should the Klks win they will displace the Canucks with (lie same nuiubcr of victories but willt one less de feat. On the other hand, if the Sons of Canada win Ihey will once again be prelly eafely entrenched in fir.-t place. The way things have been going lately with the Klks heating the Colls and the Colts healing the Soils.' upporlers of both teams meet ing tonight have a good ileal of confidence as to the outcome. Tito Intermediate game will be between The Orotlo and Hel-ment. The ' tobacconists are hopeful of winning and g 'ttinp back into first place again willt I he Colts. The third name w ill be a Junior League affair between the Colls and Tiny Tims. The veterans' race between eights representing Vesta and Kensington Mowing Clubs which look place at I'ulncy. near Lon don recently, called attention to the fad that rowing is essentially an old as well as a youiu' man's sport. The aerae age of the Vesta crew, stroked by llarry T. ItlackstalTe, IU0H Olympic sculling champion, was 50 Vi years, and one veteran confessed lo being on (he wrong side of 0. The presidents of both clubs Ian Kitle of Vesla and Major C. K. I.iles of Kensington -loo!. part in the coutcsL. The laller has won nu(re przes -than, any other man on the river, and in the early eighties he was a cycling champion. Anions the oilier sports he has licen successful in walking, running, shooting, box ing and yachliux. A Kensington veteran who, although tie did not lake part in the boat race, Is Mill to be seen out nearly every week end of Hie year U W. II. Kyre, whii was in the winning crew al Henley in the Oraud as far bark as 180. Four of the games in Hie "eimd diMSioi billiard league tournament between the Ureal SHORT War Veterans' Association and the (Irollo were played last First golfer (continuing fish-fnighl giving (he Orollo a lead of ing slory) -And er be was r,,J:' 502. The fiflh game he- about as long as that last drive . I ween 8. I.. Warrior ami W. .1. ot yours, .cisoii win i.e piayetl today. Hie Second (io'lfer Oh, I nay individual scores of Hie four really. 'games played were as Tollows: First Golfer Ami so I llirvwi '"' J. A. West ((treat War him back! Meleraiisi. I5(t: Oeorgi Kirollo) -J j Pint r r f Sinxt " J l' HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat a ley, 150. i:. 150. 11. Suga. F. it; FOOTBALL BILLIARDS HUNTING Fenelott, ll('; J. Ilillmaii, i I LOST. Wrarmoutlt, 150; 8. BASKETBALL DANCE lAN;K afler HASKpillALI. games Friday nlghl. Admission BILLIARD AVERAGES First Division (ianies. TH. A. A. A. Kassou U.l'., I H)l 2-V Col. Mc.Monlie ,V..' i I (MM) 2o Sgl, Jehsoil V. ... t HMM 2& (t. Mcllinoyle Jt.l'. , M W. J. Nelsott ((I.) . . 2 & 2J3 II. Jelich ill.I'. ..I liT5 '-3H F. Sleplietis (ll.l'.1 . i 212 Alex. Volume .V,:' 1TJ2 231 (!. 1'. Tinker i V. . . 3 K. l'earee ((.; . C. Ilalagmi .11.1' J. Walsh I V. .. li. Morgan (( F. l'yle (V.i ... li. Illyttic , l. 1 1 row ii ((!. (t. Watigh ((.) t i r , .tl ...ji " VI j ' " V it ..5 572 .A 50fl I. t &88 tin ,ilH 130 m i3 553 I3A 517 137 hit 130 407 131 583 133 217 121 K7 122 .1SS 117 351 I7 121 2 1 0 8'J R2 213 0!) Yfiuugmaii, I SO;. J. Iees-;wlin is on his amiiial vacation. BRIER mac donald's MONTREAL V2lb. 30f also in packages !5t&20P mms m m Ui&' 1 run n iiT&!ffiRB( 105 105 H'. K2 09 Fred Coram is ronilnir iiorlb lllythelon Hie Prince .lolm this week as I lHIIer ill nhtce of Iterl Iti.L.nn Daily News Classified Ads. I 2 CENTS PER WUHD IN ADVANCE. No Advert lament TttUt.ii fur La than BOcP f r j, LOST win. I watch, down town. Find-) er please return to Mrs. John Saldun, Western Itooins. Howard. 2W2 DOARD AND ROOM IIOAltll and Itooni al tne Inlandur centrally located, one half block rrum I'ost ofilee, H30 Second Aven. I'hoit 137. tf TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Pant or (litsl' Prompt Service and Com I or i Hay or Nlg'.l Stand: .1083 BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker t-lork. Across trom :s. lintel 4; "" SMOKING CONCERT fc -mh ANYOX MINE CLUB 055 2lj H5 2l:Many Bo,nq events and Musi- 880 Slti ca Numbcrs at Recont 788 107! Second Division rorun in Ul l'.r 'I 1 nam J. Iteesley ((I. ... I). Howe 'U.l'. ... F. .iemai . ( H I'.. .. A. Don4ld 'H.P.j . H. Wetirnionlh (V. W. J. Nelson ((i.) . J. Weir (O.i . I. Ilillman (i. .. .1. Brown (S.A. F. Aldridge (H.l.) J. May (C.S., Ir. West V., F-. Fentrlon 'V. (i. Hlytlje ((i I . L. arrior V.). 3 I. Maolpan (C H M. M;fcl.achlaiHS.A.;,l C I.. Vfillliirinaii V. i J J. Andrew- 'S.A. (i. (Il.P.j S. Suga (lr. M. Androws (S.A.j l. MnAttley H'.. ". I'. Tinker fV. I. Allan fS.A. .. . Macihniald S.A.; : harton C.s. W. Murray W. Milehell 'II.P. M. T.iiiiiIi fC. . Iesey (C.8. l. McLean C. ... II. I'arr tr..H: 3 .i. itniger m:.s.i . . . n . Males m:.S. t M. Stephens ((i. i . , J I. Mcll'Higall '(.. . . W. Alidnri,n ((-,. . . W. WilliMirofi .('.. 3 W. . Jiinnan "i.i t$0 ln t n i Jim ISO 301 15b IIHi I an IfO 150 10 I5n t.W ISO AX VOX. I I .'. I I loi-i- liters of I lie Mine (.lull are mix iR l hi winter a ai prttvieMiHrfiiott. many novelty night lo eut Willie niniblr dollar. Th last event lo all nil-1 a good rnitv was a smoker, a plendiil eartll Tieiiiir pmvidiHl, while NOtlW oleverl laieni in hoiis; and lance swsm workml ttv.een Hie bouts. "In I life laiivitiir VI ! I la lesvA Mttil .... !!!il'elei- provid.-d llif Teature ooul i3d H3, ..... ..... .. . 1 ii i me ett-uiiiB, vt.iivil h w H- 6(2 1 1- ! ,.. i iri r.. n. . o ni.- Boxing Moffatl v. llrwsvn; I.. .Moore vs. (I. MotTalt; McMilUo v. Owens; V. Moore v. W. Milehell; liearlove vs. Peters; Ar-coll v. Francis. Knlerlaliiers Hluiidell, i-ongs; Va. Cragtf. soitK"; lleuuy I trow ii, reeilations; W. Jaek, its - Hlrllllleiilul llick IIi-.iu.ii ?.Ti in I ll,,r',,, W. lleynolils; l,m.--W I"'01"'1'- T- ,J,I"'"'-- '' ' chair- ' IIIIUII fill- III.- VI-1111.1 U.H- till, &J" iPa,,,......,,. i . t , 31J.I 1 20 rr . 4 250 125 -,, n..nnn, .m iui !2ijlUKMiY iMUUl A I 107 121 MINIATURE RANGE Malcolm Lamb Carried off Prizo Last Nlaht After Tying With R. Wilson The prize oT a turkey al ,, shool of the Firl Xorlli i.;. HI jltegimeiil Itille Associal ion 11 1 Hie .Market I'hiee niinialui-e rang" last 11 iuh I was won by Malcolm Lamb. In the regular shoot Mr. Lamb was lied in first pbii-e wild It. Wilson, decision being made .in a shool olT in whn-li l.amli made 21 mil of 25, to Wilson', 21 out or 26. Th next prize shoot will lake place mi Tuc-day.. The score last nig hi vsjie M. M. I.Hfr, It. Wilson Col. Niehot W. Hnrrohln .1. F. Illtchlc W. lira .; II. IToy.l C. McKeown 20 20 28 27 20 SO 25 r W. M. Hrown 23 0. V. I Mil 23 8. Ilai'lt-lone 22 (i. I,. Warner u (t. Hell id A. Smith 1:1 l- Jjoiiller . ,., 11 ron sale length 33 feet; beam M feel; 3l foot drutl. For further particulars Apply lo undersigned, tleatal lender for purchase ot this hint will tie rmeived Unltf Unlkrr Xttit IncL frm :$w, onkii ai- miufelraTor, Pritteo Rupert, 1I.C FOH flAI.K. Kawreli rattire. a5.0tl; Wbctler Wilmn -itffl limehlhe I35.CMI; oult eliesl trawfr Itf.tMi; baity litiKirr I2U; healer, grae chair, bed. He. Apply Alt Hays Cov irrl. ' 23 FOR SAI.K OH ItF.NT. Mrs. llarry l.ipll'N reitlii0f. 431 FotirlU Avenue. Apply, Lip sell, CiinnittRiiani. Herond Ave. and MeHridr. f ArJCTIONECRS IT will pay you to lotistill u when yon desire lo nt4 or piirehiiM furniture, or any ait tele. PHINOK MUPKKI KX-( 111 A NO K. Aiietinnar. FURNITURE. New and HenofNlhand I'urni- tu 8lor-. We It' v, 811 and lix ao. papauupulis, WW Third Ave. Phon 4rv cH-nopnAcron r. e. cyolfson Jrailll.lle of I he NhIm.ihiI Co I leg" of Chiroiirucli. ('.tiirtK', No. 1 SUphcn's Clock Mfturs; 10 to IJ; I lo 5; 7 lo H, &ttdrtlay afternoons, and Sunday by appoint metiL Phouo llltirt 85. WANTID Lady's gold bracelet' FOR HALF, liaslma' "tftlie;"ir'UH Pluinhtmc arm IMiotie lllue 51 H WAXTKIl." Male ( i. Itrapher for Pi salary two jm i iu-didale report to Hrad). Iliad Si-hooi Inu'lon. Iwemiii i TO RENT . a, . CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS At H'Jtrt '"i l.i-,. tiaftit rOK RKKT l itre. Jaig.s aouaekevpiuff r , f eouipleta. XIH Sr . j -.r KIHXI8HKI) Ofti.. u mom to rent. ApHy sue. Vtm HKrYT. Fiirinsli' i t keeping will, ltd s. ij , KawL Phone lllue . ; FOR RKNT. Mole, i, .. . room ami bath- i, M ilrwa. TO RKirr.-Tfcre r... t j and ruouift. Kci. ! f 4. Ktraw baaiaii. luv..) tl. L . AT. h'Wt) HlNtBHNj fun... 1,. for jyul. . Pmhc I For RKXT. - - s,4. eiitairtainmev- fiiafiiMi ..New tf- ffc)aMi'l-teeMl' 'Wmm. HI NOTICE Advrtlers are remritd eil that eopy for sdrer tiemnU should be lo Haily News office tfcr I p.m. today lo ensure tn-sertion in tomorrow's -sue. I' Shop dl&crlmlnately, obtaining the highest values, yet escaping unwarranted prices. Carry this list lo the Government Liquor Stores and accept no substitute!. BOOTH'S LONDON DRY GINS Hi. use ol l.ui.L. 211 2-:t ux. Hollies, :t.7."i. High and I Six . 21 ... Until... i;t..-,li. BLAN KENHHYM & NO LETS KEY BRAND HOLLAND GINS It. .1 lmp.-1-1.1l (.hi.irl.. 'i.2o; (ireen euited !.".' !2.:.n; ii,, ! (l ,,. Motile, $.:t.-. DENIS MOUNIE GOLD LEAF COQNAC, 12 Years Old On. irt.. x i.T.i; Pint, $2,011. ESCIIENAUER CLARETS AND 5AUTERNS HI. .I Meihie .mil Murgiiiiv Clarets, (JuarK Pints. ir.-. limit .Manlemes, ynarls, $.:t5; piMu, 70c. (leaves Superienr, (.Inarls, Hoc. GONZALEZ BYAS3 SHERRY AND PORTS Pine Old. 1.0(1; l.ighl (ioldeii, .5tJ. lied Label, fl.tlli; lllue Lahel, 2.(MI. One Kagle purl. l.:,o; Three Hujb) Poll, VM'- HEERING'S CHERRY BRANDY 1.75 per hollle. LEMON HART RUM Hoyitl Nav Jamaiiii, Hit O.p., eulei Quart, I-'J0' liiiperinl ijnarls, sUll.oo. Ii.'inerani, Mo O.P., (j (,t, $J0; IlemU'l O.iarl. .i.00; Imperial (JunrU, n.00. J''1' ma, Proof. In ox. Ilollle, !J,O0; ltepiil'J y1- :U); Imperial Ouarls, $1.50. NUYEN3 LIQUEURS (hiineiiti llouge, 1.7r. per llollle. (heme de Meiilhe. t..m uvr llnllle. MITCHELL'S HEATHERDEW SCOTCH WHISKEY Ilepnleil Ouarls, $:.75j Imperial Oimrl. TloO. MITCHELL'S FINE OLD IRISH WHISKEY llepuled Quarts, $1.00; Imperial Quarts, $0.00. This advertisement is 1M, puhiishetl or tlisplayed ly iUe Liiptor Control Mount or by the (lovornincnl of Hrill" Coliunhia.