VIl.TolllA. Do 12 Warning dial lie was prepared lo use i. ivunuhle, vi iimii lo tit .ike elfeTive the amendments he prole lo the Lopioi At-1, giving (he (ioveriimcul greater control ;, -liTr it'li'i m-. wa givu to Ihe breweries h Hon. A. M. ' M;:' u! nUuriM general, m Hie Legislature yesterday. Mr M.iiKtiii slated Hull if wa mil ucrcssarv (hat. I li (iov ! t :::;!"!! pill'1 hac beer from (he breweries, owners tr which' c ::Ir iilrtl Mint Hie amendments were ultra vire of Ihe pro- Hi I; Uiorni'y (nm-ial -ai'l he. i Mia' In- t 1 1 w I.Mmm I "' llfcl'-r.l WW 1 1 1 1 lulll III ;siii t" i.i!' "in the PENDRAY MAYOR OF VICTORIA It 1 HIA. !. l. I Oll U i.iln.. ,. ri. ,.nn ii allilp MAGOFFIN IS OPTIMISTIC Well Known Railway Contractor Tells of Psychological Change In Cast A great wave of optimism WtWtr SUrwtand Is Police Com- wn.h has just started in Mont, mlnljntr and Shanks I real i sweeping across Canada Among Aldermen ""'I "bould soon he fell on the . ll'arilM tHil ihrUfK S. S. Ma- Carl pulhn. Ihe well known railway I'aml Co.. w dueled ciiy irum uir mhi raw mam. ii( tin rlly lo follow. MagoIHn allributrs Ihe Howard, wl mm a vellum hologieal cl.aliM cliutife 4 i ln IcicioUlnrr Hi....-u i-oiiiI of : It Hi "n. rel( eUte and 31 bl"kT. It fAet i Iiiii' nllrilor ami Sliik. harlwr. S Unoijwiird, areretary. II Cnlliit, former King' v tr (II M j Man. limbermun. .Mua. n-iil eitlale broker, hl.nn-lulid. putiil iiian- .'I UHk lllllll!' A uiiceinenl is being made in Vancouver of the appointment of .1. (i. MeNali. for five years aenerul auenl of Hie Canadian I'aciflc .Itailway in I'rinee llu perl and since 11)15 district freight nw'ciil Tor the Canadian Pacific Steamships "'Hi. suo-reeding I'. II. t'.lendenniiig who has resigned lo lake over the uclive presidency of tho Kmplre Shipping t:o. Many friends in Prince llupert or Mr. McNab will be pleased lo learn r his promotion, lie. will he succeeded as district freight agent by Waller Wright, at present as- "f rock,, mu.j .....I trees Misianljo Mr. '.I'wnnm D'O yards loot eaiin down over. ' Zn., nMMi ; r.u,laiIiul, Nll,t..i Railway mud AND ROCK SLIDE ""ins just yAsI (U Tactile. it I'leveiitci t. ,.(,, leaving here f,,r Hie h) Wednesday urter-iio'mi golliiii Ihroiigh and also "'e train eortilnif west veslerdliv. Afcordiimly twiMsenirers. express; Wire Connected '"' niiiil weris Iransreried and J" west 1,,'inui irnlu returned '".ant tM, puMlhoiind Iraiu eiiini. i,.,,. jn,.0 m-pKiiuf about ""'I'dglll llts(r niKhl. G.N.R. slemcr Prince John. I t - p.. Mabbs, Is due front Vancouver Mi the Queen Chnr-;(Ho Inland,,!! Sunday nlghl. "e vessel vi reliirti soiilh on nine oil.. Mmi.lnv u -Ii' DELAYS TRAIN AND CUTS TELEGRAPH . WIRE . ... i. ... it . r.... i ..r ilu ii.-.i..!.. , riiiiintrmr. uiiii Hrriicti in if t'in , . m . a a a ri,- now in evidence iireeuy in me rc-iills of I lif- llnli'h and L'niled Stale election Which have had h sta&liiin;; effect On Industrie- nnd biiimf4 mid have caused a uiinuer of Am Iwriala-1 ff"rl rise on Ihe Stock F.x- cnansc. t Ait in tiMial at thin lime of year there it a pood deal uf unemployment In he seH ill such citi an Winnipeg ami Kdinon-lim. Mr. Magollln says. Mr. Magoffin is here on husi-nc and will remain in Ihe rilv fur rveral days, lie If reKiii- at Hie 1'rtnre llupert Hotel ,. fo. Iv :r.:: -?1;,, wa ii,.m j"'"d a m; nilii - of Ihe fNilire board - .: i, Jef,;,led laal year. He FflRMFR R1IPFRT MAN jilm-f IIIMllft VMI'alll llV iii -i la(l. 1 A Siiink". bHIer known as ie t'oiul Shaiikt. hax a i iiliilnlc for ithlei-mall. i- c- i'iiiiiii, Mnioner or iome i; iici- jmhiir allier nrry yeiir for : i y y.'ai - mt lnrelofore i- ;irer Itren eleeli-d. it:!!!!!-! In- t(Mit oorlli to Stewart ue--e tin iiifiin a barlier shop '' Hi- Utu l ilwaiil llolel and he " uukitj in Pnnee lluperl Uunng Kepli-iiiber. SLIDE NEAR PACIFIC HOLDS UP TRAFFIC Passengsr Express and Mall Were Transferred from Ono Train to Another Yesterday ' llllllllill a U BkB ( J- GIVEN ADVANCEMENT Q. McNab Appointed Foreign Freight Agent for the C.P.R. Succeeding F. H. During Night Parted Again This Morning A slide or rock and mud just east of Ihirreeu delayed Hie (rain, which ciiine through last nighl seven and a half hours laic. Following the cleanup of the slide one Iclcifraph wire BRITAIN MUST SHARE PAYMENT Newspapers Support Demand to Continental Nations to Liquidate Debts l.o.MKi.N. l.'f. i:. Allied war ilcliltt roiitluue lo hold first daee in l.otlilou liewsinipcfs, uhieii iinaiiiiiiKiily uMtrl the -haneellir of the exchequer. 11 ik lit lion. Wiii'ton Cliurolilll, in the amiouiiceiuent tliat If routmeiilal natioiiK liesiu-paying I heir debU to the Unilml i Slates they wituld be ejpecleil Ui make trop4jrtioiiate iiayiiienU on obli-galioiiit to linlaln. I'AIIIS. Dec. li. Premier llerrioll, who is ill with grippe, jirctided today at a cabinet meeting in the bed eliamber at n office. WORK COMMENCES ON NEW ROUTE TO GOVERNMENT DOCK Tlie work of leariiiu down the old overhead approach to Hie 'ioveriimenl iliM'k as part of the work of construct illy the new approarh which goe.t in from Cow Hay, ha eoui-meiieel, and it i understood will lie earned throiiKh lo complelioii by the l line Hie fishing season reopens. WEDNESDAY'S GALE VERY WIDESPREAD Alice Arm, Stewart, the Islands and Interior Points Affected by It The pule of Wednesday night which put the telegraph wires down on both systems and made newspaper publishing ililllcull was ipiile widespread. Word re ceived from the Islands is dial il struck Hie (Juecn Charlotte Islands Just as fiercely as here lso Anox reports that Ihe gale msed things up at Ihe smeller town. A launch in the harbor was wrecked and evcryvvheri along as far as Slevvurl Ihe force of Ihe wind was destructive. From the Interior, word was received from llaeltoit and other points Ihal they had Ihe blow- very lunch like il was here. NEW GERM KILLER HAS BEEN DISCOVERED LONDON, Dec. . Three F.nglish chemists claim lo hav discovered a new group of ger inieides of remarkable power. S intense is llieir autireplie action II is declared, Ihal Ihey will des hoy bacterid in certain cases in as weak a form as one part in I'd millions. The new aulieeplie group is complicated compound of the was counseled but it parted rare element tellurium, and was again tiiis morning and the 'rc- idiscovered as a result of Invesll sull is thai very little news isigallons carried out in the I'ui inug through. 'ver-Hv of lUrnilnahani. grab line along Ihe shore of Alice Arm for several miles a mess ol I alien irees. Is Perhaps Ihe most exciting ex-!4 perience of the day was that of4 Hie gasboals Yen la and Ace' t'.apl. Frank Naremon. The 4 Vesla. engaged in telegraph Into 4 repairs between Alloc Arm and 4 Aiiyox, late Wednesday afternoon 4 had spliced the last preak on 4 the line following a storm 011 ' Tuesday and Hie linesmen were 4 anticipating an hour's run honie; lo solid ptiniforl ashore when 1 4 serious engine trouble developed 4 25 TAXI nnd BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with hrwly laid dancing Service f'.oor for hire. Suitable for nvwhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wed-ding Haiti Royl Hotel, 3rd Ave. , parties. and 6th 81. 'V , PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. V. XIV NO. i!'J? VOL PHINCK IIUPKHT, U.C.. I 'J U DAY. DKCLMHEll 12. W2V rMttrdtr'f Clrulton 1.77S. Street Sales. 4(1 PRICE FIVE CENTS. . L- BEER QUESTION VANCOUVER DISAPPOINTED OVER GRAIN Mdnson Threatens Brewers to Take Extreme Measures Enforcing Regulations Regarding Deliveries DELVERE (jencrl I'allHs. ii'".v prt-sidnMl of Me.ico. and Ins predecessor, i-ener.i, (ibreicnii. arc shown on Hie balcony .if Uif "White House" of Mexico ilui iii' Ihe ma uj-im .ilmn ccri'tiiiinic. Gale Struck Alice Arm, Drove Power Boat Vesta and Did SAMUEL GOMPER'S CRITICALLY ILL I.A1IKDO. Texas. Dec. I-'. -- Samuel (lumbers, president of lite American Federation of I.alror, en-route home from the Pan-American Labor Convention in Mexico City, was taken critically ill and had to be rushed lo a hospital in Sail Antonio. 111 Ihe Vesta. Italher than snemit o i Hie. night anchored, Capt. While-! mute decided to row down in earch of the gashonl Aee which her nicest, aerial flops, her en-uine slopped and refused lo slarl up again. Capl. Wiutemtite easl loose the Vesla lit prevent il from being smashed lo pieces against the oilier boat. Tlie Vesta drifted ashore and those aboard made dry land although Ihey got Valher wet in ho meatt- ECLIPSE OF SUN ON was wintering at Way Point., 1AMIIADV 0 IM CACT l-'orluiuilelv. or otherwise. Diet JrtPIUrtttl 4 111 trtJl Ace soon came chugging along; lid Ihe crippled Vesla was v ASIIIXti TON. Dec. 15!. The lashed alongside. About hair an;)ota ,.,-jPse uf the sun on Sal- nour liner, me linesmen nan jnsii,ll..i,iv. .ij.nuarv 'I. liiLT. will be 01 uiceiy semen m me gaiiey oi1Visihte in Hie eastern seeliou of Vesta when the captain's ralljM , iPt stales, if the weather came down warning llml a s.lurmij,, favorable, iM .s,udovv patch was coming' aim orueriug tnc iHlraleliinir from Minnesota, just uie-noais tasiteu. 1lw. r 1 ..ri...,,linn. ,1VI,P w. ..s...s t ... . ..9 . . Soon afler everything had been 1 Michigan, part if Canada, New made secure. Hie storm came up York, Pennsylvania, to New Jer- in all lis fury with long pro-lsey. Conneelicut, Massacbuselts traded cyclonic variatlou. The and Rhode Island. lowing boat fought btuvely hut. Just as she was doing sonio of north of the llrilish Isles. Com niiie. 1 ne Are gut its engine ntunities outside the shadow pa(h tunning again aim gained shelter will witness the ec inse as narl tn a cove LEGISLATURE S AT PORT THIS SEASON Vancouver Penalized; Laxity of Inspection at Lakes is Chargded VAXCOL'VKIt. lie-. 12. Uusitiess people of this city are 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 perturbed ut the small aniuuiit of grain being shipped Ihis wuy (oiiipared with that going out by way uf the (ireut hakes and iiiesligations are being carried out with a view lu determining where the trouble lies. While (lie fact that Ihe Manitoba crop is heavy and the Alberta ami northern Saskatchewan crop is light, affects the western business adversely, that does not account for Ihe large shipments east compared with those west. , A bulletin issued by the Can- ' , 4.--t -44 adiau National Railways at the . n.t n . mi.- rr - SIZE OF FAMILY IS DECREASING OTTAWA, Dec. 12. Census returns show that t lie sue of Canadian families is on Ihe decrease. In 1 H8 I the average aize ol a family was 5.33 person. At the last census tills had decreased to t.. Tljvt largest families tire - in "'Ouifbee New Hrunswifk and Nova Scotia. In rural (Juebec Ihe average is 5.74 to the family. vine, uamage ai mine ' GENERAL MCRAE . LOSES UVULiU I !H rvnpn AGAIN nvXlll A,A(i 1 P inn and gasbouls belonging to Oust Anderson and Khuik Smith I and Is Sore With Legislature were sunk. The logging t-amps of Miles Duuakl ami Joe Wheat- ' vn- imn 1 1 i :..,...i icy w.ti e damaged. Part of Miles Donald's bunk-house was cum-; ' . ' '' M llrred a wasD'd d Plelely carried away Hmken lelegra.d, and telephone wire, f Irnrn- radio er,ls and unmofed building, are ,u evidence all , , . isiturp lu give ..I... itioiit. mI The Ilia iriiiirniiiiil government telH-1 lele .. . ' - o ,iroosinB . " . away fifteen million dollars to ihL. timber operators. Liberals and Gtiiservalives are stating thing in sight with Ihe object of cashing in on what looked like a sure tiling speculation. If leases were undesirable limber-' men would waul the freehold limber. Then came the action of lite Legislature refusing to play into the hands of Ihe speculator by giving a reasonable rate on limber royalties. The (ieneral weul up in (he air and is now using the Provincial Parly lo vent his pile. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert IS. Wood. F. 11. Hartney. A. C. week end showed that out of 50.173 cars loaded. on their sys- I -I lis year only 1,287 had '-oine to Vancouver. It is claimed here, that while the tioveriiment inspectors in- ,sist on the letter of the law at litis port, there is a laxity at Fort William and Port Arthur 4 which makes it easy for the 4 shipper. The result h that Van- couver Is doing only a fraction 4 of the amount of business it 4 considers it should have. '' 4 , Charges- ill" regard-. to- inspec-4 lion have beet! made by ihe j Merchants Exchange here and lhe chairman of the Board of 4 ( train Commissioners, Leslie II. 4 Iloyd, is coming to confer in re- j?ard In the matter. '.thai the (teneral is sore- because! l,ri"? his scheme lo make a cleanup has been frustrated. II seeni-s that in view of the expectation Ihal leased limber lands would lose .part of t heir value through an expected increase in royalties, the Oeneral had invested heavily in crown I granted limber, huing up every moisture not Penalized It is slated here that while grain with fourteen per cent moisture is allowed to pass witti- Spe. ial lo Daily News, i!IT"ul penally at Fort William, at A1.IL.1-' AHM, Dec. il'. ---Alice Arm inlet and town was vis-; Vancouver the Inspectors would led late Wednesday nighl b Ihe wor-l windstorm that has been; msisl upon a reduction of grade. experienced here in years. Hie pow er boat Vesla. Capl. James I As this has been a wet season inleniute uf Prince Hupei t, was wrecked on Ihe shore of the' cans w uasn in on opocuianon 0I1 ne j,rajnes anj grain lias not been in as good condition as usual, the inducement to ship by the lakes has been great. This I lias had a detrimental effect on the trade of this port. Front this lime on grain will come this way, because it can- Itinl gel out by the lakes until but practically all the earlier shipments have gone east. Be More Watchful Afler Hits Vancouver will keep Knight and F. V. Delcourt, Van-t,1(. pynu,uu, art -gallery. Lady couver: Mrs. H. liibson. Mrs. 0. As,ur ruvrs this. At..iayior aim l.. l'otliuger. Port Hssiugton : Mrs. "M. Frascr and Naval observatory scientists daughter. Springside, Sask.; Mrs. say il will he the first lime the! II. L. Frank and O. Main, Ter- east lias been able lo witness a total solar eclipse for many years. Tlie central path of the eclipse will run very nearly through such cente-s of population as Buffalo, N.Y. ami New-Haven, Conn. The eclipse: will terminate tn the Atlantic race; Mr. ami Mrs. T. Hall. Sal vus Hasl: O. Auriol. Haysport: a more watciitui eye on tlie I.akehead operations and will see that the western route gels art; even break in matters Of grade. Other possible handicaps will be. investigated and an effort will be made to induce much larger western shipments from this time on. PICTURE OF LADY ASM TO GALLERY Mayor of Plymouth Makes Request Regarding Portrait That Offended House of Commons LONDON. Dee. 12. The mayor of Plj mouth has requested (hat Ihe portrait of Lady Astor which is to be removed from the llousa of Commons in accordance with parliamentary action be sent lo ' RADIUM POISONING LONDON', Etlg.. Dec. 12. Suf- N. Parsell. Victoria: X. Wozney, fPriiig from radium poisoning, Salvus; Mrs. J. T." Jensen, hums Nurse Keoah. head nurse at tho Lake; W. A. McDonald, Edmonton: T. 11. Thaiis, Smiljiers; S. S. Magoffin, Prince Rupert. Contra! I. D. Diamprc. Kitkatla: P. II. Horner. L. (Jarfin and Dob Mil ler, C.N.R.; S. Marks. Langbank, Siisk : S. Svenson. Rose Lake Radium Institute, has had a finger amputated. Immense precautions are taken by nurses and doctors using radium, which is extremely dangerous hi those brought in regular contact with it. No real preventive, however, has yet beeu found.