uesday August 12, 19?i. 1 1 I I Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terraco, B.C. osv open Tur service under maiiiigenii'iit of Mrs. M. Hi,v ii. Meul place to spend you,- Minimer holidays. Hcas-oiialilo rates, (iood lionir cooking. (Comfortable rooms. Fishing, Hoaliiifc', Halliing In Lukelso Lake und Streams. BAJHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace ' ' 1 rmammm mmmtm m n , mibi! i n . mtMmmm mmmmtm mm mwmmm mm m August Q AI U Clearance Jl&LtLi KITCHEN CABINETS, TABLES, CHAIRS Yes, every item of Kitchen Furniture the housewife desires reudy for your selwliun at templing prices. LINOLEUM FOR YOUR KITCHEN FLOOR -.c are selling linoleum now at ,., $1.00 and $1.25 per sq. yard eolor sdu'iiics to please the. most exacting bi" err ami llic.sflie priee" saves you money. Bar fjllilld.IlCl MY- T 1. Motors Operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace niul Lodge landing, aspiring guel of quick, comfortable trip. Alto operating taxi service to all parts of the valley. '. l'V reservations and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. Slock i yuf iMmii e!il mid niul et of Linoleum h nut Uriiiled- there nre majiy Tie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Phone 123. iKiuiil.ir jiii'iliiini nriceii Miner, and since it is um made in Cm.id.i -no duty it is the biggest value on Ihu-riiuuJioL Thc makers sel the price. Ours is the same a- the Healer in Toronto or Montreal. I'njiglfJ... 65c and $1.25 Cn?feliirce Curds. Cold Kdge $1.00; Plain 75c UirFrtt"' Paper anil 50 Envelopes SI .75 . Select the -lidiniiciv Dial reflects yourself. Particular people ove Highland Linen. 1, . v pIcRAE BROS., LTD. -.?-. . : Ryy while Stock Lasts 2x'4t $17.00 per thousand 2x6 : $17.00 per thousand 2x8 . . . ; $17.00 per thousand Fonce Pickets $1.00 per hundred Sidewalk Strips $1.00 per hundred Chimney Brick (hard brick) . . . r 5c each Lath, Shlplap, etc. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Ltd Phone S61 Local and Personal ll.C. Undertakers. 1'hdne 41. Iiayners, Undertakers. Phone 351. , . Simpson' 8 Shoe liop is open again. Shoe repairing neatly dont. Fifth Avenue and Mcllride. tf All classes of exhibitors are urged to make their entries for the Exhibition now. tf Accounts up. to August i) total ling $3,593.21) were passed for payment by the city council last night. V. J. Abler arrived on the Prince Geonre yesterday after The request of the Women of Hie Moosehcart Legion to pur chase lots 12 and 29 in l'airview Miss Jean Uiykliatti, of Golden, H.C. arrived yesterday on the THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE IF TROUBLED WITH DIARRHOEA You Should Um It Will Give You PROMPT RELIEF Thil valuable preparation ha beei on the market for the paat 80 years. and holds a reputation, second to none., for the relief of all bowel complaint! whether of children or adults. Manufactured only by The T. Mil- noon from Victoria. He is on bis bn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. annual visit to Hie city in con uecuon wun ms extensive reauy .nnua Sale of Work. uomings. Wm,.i,'a Aiil Soeielv. I.uf lipr.in Church, November 25. Dr. J. !'. Maguire relurndd yesterday afternoon on Hie Prince Cemetery for $C0 and $t5 respec. ,,,. ,,.,., v,,,,,,,,,,, .i,nPn i,,, uveiy?was granted i.y .tno cuy .,., , ,,,,..,.,1 ,,. ,.m,vnntinn nf council last night on reconimen- j)(M,laI ,ho Gana(lian Association. oauon oi mo iinance coiiinui'.ec. MUs Itesi MeKniirlit nf liri- On recommendation of the fi- .;.. n..i.' i,,. I.,,-' uvun nance co.iiiifillee, the city council j wjth Mn McH j,,,,,-dec.de. luet night not to meet the , AmiU(J Eitl, ef, ,a,t niRhVv request or tl.e Dominion express tran f(JI. azeHou whprc h(rwiII Co, for fee. a reduction in So delegate from Prince Ilu pert will be sent to the conven tion of the Union of H.C. Muni- iiiensc R, t,lu KU(1)( of Mj!)S M Horbury for a fortnight 'before returning south. 11. K. Henson returned to the city on the Cardena this after cipaiuies at I'enticton tins year .,. fr,im Avrtv wIOm i,n it was decided by the city council keen f(jp lhc pas( few ()ays on at um .ecu......e..ual.uu UJ ,,usillpss j connection with the ...e nuance coinmmee. ,,ail. IJoat,ps carnival quecn con. ...... Ht. .Mrs. s. nawson reiurned io ino city on the Prince George yester day afternoon from Vancouver A letter .from Mrs. Hal Peck asking thaf' aTdol in l'airview where she lus been visiting for Ceme(ei.y purchaVed by her fain tl.e past moiun. bt.e was accom- f(TpvG0 jIy ju 19l3 be ,aken oir ,...me. ..y nt-r anu-uaugn.fr, Iiep hanjs wa ,.eci,ivt,(1 a, ,a, .Miss .lean l!rnve. I . . .. V night's councui meeting and re ferred to Ilia". fjuancQ committee with power Prince visit to her George on a Mrs Cupl,n njphl pn ,u,u, u .n,,,, , . the Prince Gilrgo for Vancouver Avenue est. Miss Huckha... is enroue lo .sstoon where she . .iiu.e. m o. uuM.am, wm xM n ,m7 ,laush(eri Mr M.P.P. for Columbia consl.lu- Gu; Desl.0,iei.s Miss IHanchB . '. "S' Miss AnMcO'iiilTan and .Miss Lonta Mpcfjaren also sailed i n .til iiitti ijuui.t, ui canhttimiu arrived in Hie city on the Prince George yesterday afternoon in the course of a holiday trip. Miss Corliss is a niece of Mrs. M. Graham, Hays Cove Circle. Tim Misses Hul.lah and Margaret Graham sailed on the Prince John last evening for Huckley Hay, where they will make their headquarters for trips lo the different poinls on Masset Inlet. .. . The Pioneers' Association at a meeting held Saturday night de cided lo give up the idea of hav ing an annual picnic this year because thu season s pctling bile and Hie. most of the Sundays in the immediate future seem to be taken up. Mrs;i Albert Davidson was a round trip passenger on the Prince George yesterday coming north to attend the Keenleyside- Pillsbury wedding last ninht. She was accompanied by her young son.. Mrs. Davidson formerly re sided here. Mrs. Jennie M. Hanson of Seat. He wrole to I he city council last night asking for cancellation of certain taxation penalties on the grounds of Inequitable assessment in 11)22. The matter was referred to I lie finance committee with power lo act, Aid. Collar! pointing out, however, thai the council had no power to remit any taxation or penalties. Mrs. (Dr.) Faskeu of Itegina arrived on the Prince George yesterday afternoon to attend the funeral of her sisler, the, late Mrs. F. G. tv.iwson. She was ac-, conipanied by Mrs. Ilolhwell of New Westminster with whom she has been visiting. James Jabour reiurned to the city yesterday afternoon from California where he was called several weeks afto on account of Mrs. .labour's illness, PCZEMA m B ment for Eczema ami Skin Irrita-M n tlous. It rrlleTpa at once and gradu-ally heals the skin. Sample tox Dr. . Chase's Ointment free If you mention tr.lJ pupcr and send So. sminp forjiostnge. we. a box; all dealers or Kilmnnmi iuus & Llmlt'i. toroin" lor i lie sou in ami will spend a holiday visiting- in Vancouver and Vicloria. A letter from the Hoard of Trade enclosing Mui -.address on municipal matters delivered re- cenlly before the Hoard -of Trade In Vancouver by (J.J. Vorath, former commissioner 'Of the city of Edmonton, was received at last night's council- meeting and referred to Hie finance committee. Slephen H.- llOskins, district leputy grand master of the Masonic Order, arrived last night from Smither.v and will nay his oillcial visit to t lie local lodges lonifflit. He N accompanied by Dr. H. C. Wrincli of Hazelton. They will return to (he interior tomorrow evening. The Good Howls League of Hritish Col n in li i a had a com- iim I. ( i (,.., ur..nA ii. A:i.. lion would be held in Peticlon on! September 2. The mailer was! referred lo the finance committee for report. On recommendation of Hn Avenues with a new 0 foot walk. The present sidewalk, it was pointed out, was beyond repair and would either have lo bp closed or rebuilt. Mrs. P. Armour relumed to the city on la.U night's train after spending three months' holiday with her parents at Munson, Alta. Mrs. N. Mussallem leave on tonight's train on a trip Id Chicago, whence she will return with her daughter Marie, who has been staying there with realiives for the past year. m. Fred Hall was found guilty by Justice of the Peace S. Mac-donaid in Hie city police court this afternoon, on a charge of supplying liquor to Indians and was fined $50, -- Robert Marsh, sentenced recently at Sinilhers for housebreaking at Telkwa, Was brought to the city last night to await escort to Okalla Prison where he will serve three months' lime. S. Hottomley of Edmonton ar rived in the city on last night's train from Hie east and will eave again on Wednesday night for Alice Ann to join his father. C. F. Bottomley. there. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Williams returned on last night's train from Francois Lake where they have been holidaying and where Mr. Williams has been supervis ing the completion of tie deliver ics from Hi Prince Hupert Log ging Co.'s lie camp. Miss Muriel Grant who gave up the position of librarian at the week end left on yesterday af ternoon's train, for her home in Victoria, going by way of Jasper and Vancouver. Miss Mortimer is now in charge at the Library ALL IS VANITY "I often wonder," said lhc hostess to the youthful poet, "if there is anything vainer in the world than you poets are about the poems you write." Madame," said the youth, "our eiTorts to sell them are vainer." 1 . IUJJJ mm Ocean Falls. CATARRH el the BLADDER rEichCou1e fMin bctrt otme t3rJ Jlnnnr of counterfeit HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edwards. Ketchikan; A. D. Mcllae, A. H. Amilie, II. J. Welch, H. Gallauger, G. A. Mc.N'icholI and J. Murphy, Vancouver; W. J. Alder, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Leavitl, Spokane; Hans Huch, Wetaski-win, Alia.; Joseph A. Hicks, I'aconia; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Drown, Giscome; Siephen H. lloskins, Sinilhers; Ed. X. Saw yer, icranlon, l'a.; Josepu v . Wallace, New Hazelton; Dr. II. C. Wrincli and A. Pi Home. Hazelton. Central W. West and A. H. Cox, Van couver; A. Larson, foresiuaie; j. 11. Hire and SShefskey, C.N.H.; M. Malheson and J. H. McDonald, Prince George; N. H. Sellon, BOAT ARRIVALS IXK'l IHU Cll I.IUII- v . rln.tt.rvii cil last night requesting a checkL r V " ' v" V m . . ,Lli'l( IIUl I J ,UIHl'll UIIMVll Itwill , . , 1 ' ' for membership dues' and point- .. . , ,,. .,., , ancouver and wayporls sharp ii . .i i ing out thai the annual convert- - o -.viLV ..noMn.i j U 11 i 1 1 1 1 . ttl o u viuvn ji.cii.iuu; jnfternoon witli Hie following jwis- sengers for Prince nupert: . Takuntaga, H. 11. Friele, H. Gallagher. H. Huek, Mrs. Roth jwell, Mrs. Fasken, Mrs. T. E. Mc- Lellan, Mrs. J. A. McDougall, J. Hoard o W orks he city council Jn, M am, Mys K F Ham.. ilfPfili.l Iflul lllfrlil l.t .n..l..n.. I " . p...... lupin yj ;i'iaiv nil.' present sidewalk oil McHride Street between Third and Fourth .merschield, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Clark, George Woods, Miss Mason, Miss McDonald, A. H. Cox, It. J. McDorman, J. F. Murphy, Miss M. Hissell, Miss R. Murray, Miss May Hrock, Miss Marjorie Priestly, W. G. Harris (Toronlo H. J. Welch. Miss M. A. Cooper. .Miss Clare Robinson. Mr. Ainslee. A dispute between W. H. Corn- Mr. McLennan, Dr. J F. Maguire, isli and J. Krikevsky in front or aMrs. Albert Davidson and son, lot owned jointly by them again Mr. And Mrs. Hrown, Miss Mc-came before the city council last'Afee, Miss Dalzell, M. Vandobo-nighl. Last week. Mr. Krikevsky.'pcrl, Mrs. A. Martin, Mr. mid who owns and occupies the rear Mrs. Huggles, Mr. and Mrs. Win-portion of the lot in question, Islow. O. T. Mills. Miss Grace E. asked that the fence be removed on the grounds that il was block Nickerson. Miss G. King. ; Miss K. King. Miss Jean Grieve, 'Mrs ing access lo his properly. ThejS. Dawson, Miss F. Diehl, F. T. requesi was granted and lastiLee, Mrs. and Miss Crnwford, Miss night Mr. Cornish had. a lellerljean Hiickhan'. Miss M. Codrlice, before the council slating that A. McAulay. Dr. O. F. Hush, Mrs. Hie 'fence did nol interfere with.Lainbley. Mr. and Mrs. Wl Hill, Mr. Krikevsky and asking Hint Miss Alice Pallerson. Master nclloii.be slnyed until. hi, counsel James Patterson,' J. A. Hicks, Miss puts the case beforiv lhe counc'llMarie Kelly. Miss M. Dupuis. Mr. The mailer wiik referred lo I he Kelly and Mr. and MVs, William Honed of Works. ' Leavitt. f V . How about those pictures" you made Sunday? mmmVmWLmWLm w, . gT icaiBssiiiMsiWI. 1 HiWsVBM. Better bring the films here for developing and printing. You want them developed correctly, printed properly, and returned promptly. That is the kind of Kodak finishing service we render. ' '-v Finishing that 's 'right and riglii' k on time is our specialty. , Ormes Limited The Rexall Store Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds uf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. YOUR DAILY BREAD IS IT WHAT IT SHOULD BE? ELECTRIC BREAD . IS KEPT UP TO THE HIGHEST Quality Standard Mellon Iaitltutt el In- K diit trlil Rtittrch by IT rllwhlp. ROACHES J !L W'STZmA. win m n Fiy-TDXvBMlk Moner Bclt atortt. stores, etc. tc. J-. llsnelactired W.'R. Btsty & Co. Vanceeirtr, B. FLY-TOX sprays Into sir. Pcnetritet cracks, crevices, and out-ol-the-wir places. Roaches sad Bed Bu(s crawl out. Another sprsr ol FLY-TOX, and ther die. For moths, spray right Into closet among rarmenti; cloae door and moths die. FLY-TOX . won't stain, llarmltis to humans and animals. N dust or dirt. Pleasant odor. Os- It il Os l -5 u os 75 m.os..:. i.ot Mnut I. n.,,, CDW fSX ImproTed Hand Sprajrtr to Sold by Grocers, Drudlite. Hardware Dealers, Depsrunenl