25 TAVI VOL. XIV., NO, 180. Servica' Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. I iwnoil in a handsome costume imported hand made crepe- ,. ...in. .. i..., r v......ii 'riniic wiiu a inn in .-iiMu- t I , . I ..I ...111. ...I.lln n iirnin iriiiiiuru wiiii v.iiii ue crcpe-de-cliine and hat lo iilch and I lie latter pale yellow ,.,. .i ,.ni, in in iiicli, Hot Ii carried nouqueis oi wi'i'i iun ii ii 1 1 iiiiiiv n iiit'itiii. '"er ue e no r sa k a nymn. " i.iiui i avii'les f' ,v v ,,,,,1',.,,- Arier the ceremony, the bridal "rly repaired lo Iho home of "e bride's pit rents where a buf- ''i luncheon was served, only "lurves anu iinmeiiiaio irientis 1 be couple boarded the sleani- I'linre iiiiii'iii linn win miipiiii 'fief honeymoon In Vancouver ml Jasper Park after which Ihiy III lliuv.1 r.tt. uui'iiniiuii .itir MihL' .v.., i u;nivuiiV ..v .v.n, iiiip iiiny win a Ke nil ii eir I'siilence. The bride's travel- 1 One of the supply stations along the telegraph line about 100 miles north of Hazelton was also burned out and the supplies pe-de-chine and silver cloth lor the operators uesiroyeu. me d carried a bouipiel of Ophelia 'wire is still up I here and a new e. Tli charming brides-lot oi supplies win nc seiu in. aids were Misses Lucy anil 1in oilltiliiu'v tfilir nr the ride, the former wearing pale IN COLLISION ims Amelia P 1 sburv. another ..i,, n.nir. Fniinwlnn islcr of the bride, made al anftri-ni Durlna Manoouvres iflly lillle flower girl. She wore off Fttttery It it e crepe-de-fliine and carried banket of Shasta daises. . uhhmEUTON, Aug. 12. The Hie groom was attended uy'j(.stroyPr!, Lilchriebl and Faren-is rather und the ushers were )h)11 r ,lt (j,,it0, states battle iclianl Pillsbury, Alex. Hix, I f- ri..e collided during the m.anoeu- "ie Keenleyside and Hevcrly .... ,.ff r.m.e Klallerv. aecordinir lvllson, j0 wireless despatch received Huring Iho signing of Hie re- , ..... jl(Ju, vessels are pulling in for repairs. NEW FREIGHTER TOWED TO PORT Richelieu Taken Into Victoria by Tug Nltlnat When In Dan gerous Position vir.TOllIA. Auir. 12 Forced to ri nuslstance owing to tTl If Mil II ,.f 1.1,,.. ..,. ,l , I I.ln 41m " u,., ,,i inn; nine eiiKlue aim pump ihmh,h. "Mil llill III llllllPII l.'l I V... I..it I llltl I .lllllllll II H wen nnown uoupie Mrs Keenlevside Is oarticular- ly well known In Prinee Hiiiiert. "ivlng come here with her i:ii'i,,il 1.. 11.. 1 . ' received her elementary and '"(oi School education in (ho eitv ' "HUsh Columbia where sho srii.lualed with .lislinclion in '920 after linvliicr 1 1, ton i nrn. "lUCtU uarl in cfilleire afT.llr. .11 1 if v imi'ihi,""" fnilirliliir . nielielieu. making her She JIOUUIAM, W-isli., Aug. 12 ed a fire last night which in was shut off temporarily. Today,500 men are thrown out of worn was it is in operation again. DESTROYERS WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. illlOCKVILLE, Out., Aug. 1 im,.i 1..1., i 11,,. ei.iislwise ser- vice was towed to port last Samuel Wells, cheese nvakor, night by the lug Nitinat. The Dairy Instructor Murray and posi- George Morrison were killed, and ship was in a precarious lion just off llaco Hocks when Rtewari tiiompsou mjureu u n... vni.. imr on. A not expected lo recover when lb '"id laler went to tho University .in,,,,, ii.i ninnlmr and Iho boiler exploded in a cheese fac ,...!.. ......eiieallv out of ory. '1 wo otticrs were siignuy .nnlmii . linjured and tho village and sur ti. '.i,.'- ...iii .n renalred rounding country badly shaken 1 ue iitiiiinc "iii - . ... , l,ere, " 'by Ine explosion. Boat owners of the craft uud act as a convoy r u.r Exhibition Hall. At tlie reception Ouick work was nuule in re-'slroyed the mill and eigiii mil- an .a,j,rert will be presented to pairing the telegraph line between lion feet of lumber and -causing gqua(n.oa Leader MacLaren by- ii, u riiv nmi Aiivni. Alioui a mile damage estimated at a million of it was burned out yesterday 'dollars. fM,i inioirrntiiiie. nintnuinicalion ' The result of the fire is that Mayor Newton on behalf of Hie city and each of tho other members of the flight party will be presented with small lotem poles. The band of the First North H.C. Regiment mtay also take part in the welcome. reception of the flyers DEAD THEE POINT. Cloudy, 'drafted by the committee PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPEHT, B.C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 192 i. balm; barometer, 30.12; temper-charge of arrangements and sub- Following is the detail n lure 53; sea smooth. 'milted to the cily council by Aid.1 sales :About 200,000 lbs. Saturday! Circulation 1,750. BtrMt ! . VARIATIONS IN HALIBUT PRICES Today at the fish exchange there was quite a variation in ii ... ii . i i j i . t H, . HULL HAHHOH. Overcast, Evilt, chairman, at last night's American calm,, barometer, 30:01; temper-meeting. This will be carried out1 Neptune, 18,000, lo Cold Stor-alure, 5(5; sea smooth; 8 p.m. if the Thiepval arrives here on age at 17.10 and 7. spoke molorship Yukon 396 miles Saturday during tho day. If there Tahoma, 10,000, to Allin Fish-from Seattle northbound; 8 p.m. is a change in time from, that eries at 17.20 and 7. spokwsleamer OrilTco, Anyox for which is now expected there will Columbia, 28,000, to Pacific I'neoiiin. 137 miles fruin Tacoma: necessarily be some changes and fisheries al u.ou anu o. 10 p.m. spoke steamer Princess if the vessel arrives on Monday it I Eastern Point, 7,oou, to. racuic Healrice Pine Island southbound; is proposed to declare a half Fisheries at 15,10 and 7. 10 n-.in". p.m. fehoke steamer Camosun, holiday. V abash, 0,500, to Hoyal risii. left Nainu southbound. i lie program was auopieu aner uo DIUHY ISLAND. Cloudy, a brief discussion. calm: barometer. 30.28; tempera- It was staled by Aid. Lollart. lure, 6?; sea MOTORSHIP BRINGS SALMON Molorship Helliiighnm, Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 7.30 this morning from Ketchikan with 8,000 cases of Alaskan salmon for transshipment EnM over (ho Canadian National al iD.'JO and 7. Canadian Swing, 1,000, to Hoolh Ft her. mooth; 8 p.m. in answer to a question, thai the ies, at 13.50 and 7. spoke tug Lome, 31 miles north, fisheries patrol airplanes at pre- of Lowe Inlet bound for Swanson.sent in ine cny wouiu also parr Hay; 8 p.m. spoke molorship Ore-Uicipate in the welcome lo be acton. Ouiulra for Chomley. 5 miles 'corded Squadron Leader Mac- from Chomley. Noon DEAD THEE POINT. Cloudy, cairn; barometer, 301 1 ; temper ature, 66; sea smooth. HULL HAHHOH. Clear, light northwest wind; barometer, 30.-05; 'temperature, 08; sea smooth; 10.30 a.m. spoke steamer Prince George in Milbunk Sound southbound. DIGHY ISLAND. Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.28; temperature, 71; sea smooth. DAIRY INSTRUCTOR IS Laren on his arrival. They will meet tho steamer Thiepval as she approaches port. Daisy, 1,500, lo Hoolh Fisher ies al 13.10 and 7.50. Atli, 10,500, lo Hoyal Fish Co. at 13.30 and 7.50. V. it F., 1,500, to Royal Fish Co. at 13.50 and 7.50. 1 Inez IL, 6,500, to Royal Fish Co. at 13.50 and 7.50. .' Fisher, 21,000, and P. Dorcen, 8,000. to Cold Storage at 13.10 and 7.50. Capo Spear, 15,000, by Fisheries at 13.30 and 7.60 Hecate Straits Towing Co.'s lug Lome, Capl. Lewis, is enter ing the dry dock today for boiler and minor repairs. KILLED IN EXPLOSION British Barracks Attacked With Bricks at Atbara and Egyptian Soldiers are Killed disturbance in which Egyptians, attacked the British barracks wilh bricks. The British government has sent troops British garrison in th.e Sudan as a result. ll,e ime unit ior evacua ion or ine '"' BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding parties. For rates, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ITII ATI ON IN SPAIN k DGPnPTRn rp Avr S. AIRPLANES LEAVE ICELAND THURSDAY IF WEATHER IS FAVORABLE ins or wain may Abdicate in Addition to Retirement of Premier De Riveras Government LIVKHPOOL, Aug. 12. A grave view of the political sitiui - :.. . I ... I t... II... Ai1iHiiL.-fiiinliiiil ..f II. n ,! 111 7t I 111 I II IX I M'-IT 1 1 I t'l I II V lilt .Willi r III Llll 1 CIMIIIUCHL ll I LI 1 1 "II III I - - "v,i . , . . . .... liremeiit uhu the irausrer of the mciaiorsmp lo a consuui- i i i i I . ii i. hi of King Alfonso is being considered by the king and Ins nun- nr ai i.ady is MARRIED HERE ctme Bride of Llewellyn Keenleyslde Last Night p rrtly and most Inlen-Hling to ..f MIuj Cnt lutiliut. Hull IIMIUIJ, ruiviii ihiuhih' .i ur? .i ii i'iumirv riniri'i mur y'jsf I'limr iiut i. mihi m t ft till Inul fitfrlil ni H H III juiiv inni lift it ui, ii' AihIi pw A n ni Iran Church. MUH'IILiMI U. IUA wini. t ilia . nl.lltll tfllllll ll'fia Itn !1 1 1 1 I f I tl r LIMll V III V 11 IV. II "Mr- r4a4t(.ia- lia VMIH' U "Mil ni flowers brought especially mil VHiicmiver wan crowded for .i i ii. i...i.. ....... i. I" IICCHIIOll MIIU I IIV tllllll III tendance. Charming Bride The bride, who was given . , - I r.. I I ;i TIHKr uy ner lainer, Afler gradual ion at Vancouver, (he look a home economics course al Symonds College. Boston, and laler did .social service work In. New York City last winter. Mr. Keenloyside, practically a native son of Vancouver, was no less prominent in (he University of H.C. having graduated in '1920, Later he obtained his minder's and doctor's degree at Syracuse University. N.Y. and is now attached to the historical! ilcpai'lr.'ont of thai institution. I Mr. and Mrs. Keenleysiile will receive I he congratulations and best wishes of many friends in HrilMi Columbia In their new sphere of life. - TELEGRAPH LINE IS PUBLIC MEN GATHER AT CARVELL FUNERAL TODAY AT WOODSTOCK WOODSTOCK, Aug. 12 Public men and representatives of -the Canadian railways are gathered today for the funeral of Hon. Frank Carvcll. Hev. F. O. Fulton, former local pastor and an intimate friend of Mr. Carvell, will con-due! the service al the Bungalow on I he Carvell Farm, on the outskirts of the town. MILL BURNED AT HOQUIAM Million Dollars Damages and BOO Men Thrown Out of Work Earl llaig photographed while leaving to open the regatta during 'veteran's week on the occasion of the visit of the fatuous soldier to Newfoundland. , Procession of Boats Will Meet Stuart MacLaren on His Arrival And Mirny Civic Doings Planned Hop off Thursday for Greenland if Weather Suitable Say Flyers REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. 12 Weather permitting, Lieut. Lowell Smith and Lieut- Erik Nelson will hop off on Thursday morning on the next lap of the United Slates army round-the-world flight to the east coast of Greenland. Angmagsalik, the base in Greenland that it was feared would have to be abandoned, will be the objective for the Danish ship Gertrude Bask, supplying the flight, after being icebound for a week, has freed herself uud reached there with fuel and other supplies for the aviators. POLITICAL EXCITEMENT AT NELSON FOLLOWING ELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT I The hop to Angmagsalik from here will he 500 miles and it is lexpecled that it will prove the most difficult and dangerous thai the flyers have yet encountered. The flight over Greenland to . Ivigtut is not expected to present v ;as many difficulties. In fact, if NELSON, Aug. 12. Political nie 10 now roI,sei ror Tliurs- excitenjent runs strong here fol- ,iay is successfully negotiated, the lowing receipt of word that tlie;8UCcess 0r the entire venture seal wouiu De openeu ior l-re- should be assured. The fivers mier Oliver and (hat the Conser vatives would contest it port are to be asked to decorate their. Indications point to a straight and all conditions, are as aus to G.G.S. Thiepval when that vessel ar- fight between th'e premier and a picious as possible, rives here at the end of the week with Squadron Leader A. S. C. Conservative. The Conservative Stuart AracLaretMconimander of the BriUsh.. ro;iiid-the-yrId executive is meeting today to con flight, and his companions aboard. Owners of buildings will be sider the situation, requested . to decorate their premises in as bright a manner asi - Ml I el ft - 1 i possible ttiiti " an nags win oe uowii. uiere win oe u civic uiiiner ... .i.. i.:i ..i.., f ... ... i DIlDkim AWn DCDAIDCn 1 1 M l" Elks' Home and a brief program or addresses anu music DUKNfcU AttU Ktr AlAClJlhc National Lumber Mills start-! f, ., : , a nuL)ji(. reception and dance will take place in the EVACUATION IS DEBATED French and German Delegates -Meet to Discuss Ruhr Situation have been well resled here, their machines are perfectly in tune UNEMPLOYMENT IS CONSIDERED Reserves Suggested as Alternative to Insurance at British Association Meeting TO H ONTO, Aug..l2.--The for- -malion of a plan for unemployment reserves will do more to LONDON, Aug. 12 French and stabilize industry than any form Herman delegates to the interna- of unemployment insurance can ucii is ine program ior uie uaiiiiui, puces hub '"n.wn ..- . .,. n,.iMv anmniui,' n,..iinn in here as boat g,,ing as high as 17 cents.' V'l'lL-."."'" Wnf .1 n pmnB. f ih. . i. in and another as low as 13 Vi cents. rux e ior cou.piumise on .e 11 lllnln- The r.ernians r.nnlen.l UlSCUSSlllg the limits Of Uu- was suiu.i - , , . , ,. Allin LONDON, Aug. ii. Ten Egyptian soldiers wereied and nine wounded in a clash, wilh British troops al Atbara following to reinforce the that evacuation should be com- --umu,ihchi. msm-miL-i: m uiu,-pleled six months after it has wonomlcs section of tho Dritish been started. The French hold Association today, l'rof. Corn-out for years. ;nVon sai,,: It is believed a compromise' Mo'lern 'lulry bas three factors unknown or not appre- will be negotiated. NO DOMINION ELECTION YET CONTRACT LET FOR CLEARING AND GRADING WINNIPEG, Aug. 12. Contracts- have been lei by the Can adian National Railways for clearing and grading of 57 & miles of branch lines, the work to be completed this year. cidieii uy ine cnrir ecoiioiiusis." lamely, overhead costs, business cycles and organized labor. It s these that indicate the need of unemployment reserves for the overhead costs of labor, just as capital requires reserves for its .fixed charges.. Yet, as long as ilrends, cycles and Jerks in the At Least One More Session First general purchasing power of and Possibly Several Says jmoney and credit continue, un-Mlnlster iemployment insurance cannot ac- ccniplish its main purpose, that EDMONTON, Aug. 12. Hon.'of smoothing out the curve of Charles Stewart, minister of the employment by reducing the interior in the Government of peaks and filling Iho troughs. Right Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King, j Yet a proper plan of unenyploy-conlradicted the rumor that there meat reserves, Iniposed cither by is likely to .be a Dominion elec- unions through collective bar-lion Ibis year. He says there will gaining or by Hie state as has be at least one more session be- been done in the case of Work-fore the appeal is made to the'men's accident compensation, country and possibly several. ompels business establishments Mr. Stewart, who has a farm to reduce costs by stabilizing em-near Edmonton, met Sir" Henry jployin'ent. Eveillually this Jwill Thornton and discussed railway have Its effect on the politicians. matters wilh him. He told the and bankers, who through tho newspapers that whenever an modern system or central reserve election took place he proposed banks, have it in their hands to being a candidate for a western, ureally stabilize Industry by sta- constituency. biliziug the over Issues and under issues of credit." Prof. Com mons gave il as his opinion that neither an Individual firm, nor a single industry, nor even a single stale, can accomplish much, un til nations co-opernje in an effort lo stabilize credit, industry and employment. Mr. and Mrs. E. Yv. Keenleysiile and family are rijjurnlng lo Vancouver on the Cardena (hip afternoon,-. . ,,