PAGE SIX 1 WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 9 p.m. TOM MIX Preserving Pears Hook your order now as the near crop is equally poor as 4he poach crop. We expect advice within the next ten days as to placing our orders and your order if hooked ahead will have I he preference as to price uml completion. RupertTablcSupply Three Phones: 110,111,212' Tea and Coffee PRICES ARE ADVANCING very rapidly and we have been fortunate to secure a quantity of very high grade quality al a low price. We have installed a new upbvriale Electric Coffee mill and can give you fresh ground coffee daily. Samples free. Our Highest Grade Coffee- 05c value, per lb. .... 50o 3 lb, for $1.35 Our Highest Grade Tea None better. 75n value, per lb. . . G5o 2 lbs. for ... ... . . $1,25 Orders including Tea and Coffee delivered. Order preserving Peaches now from us, Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders of $5.00 Delivered. in "North of the Yukon" 1 A drain a of the vasl, white wilderness. Something new for Tom. Poignant drama, subtle comedy, ravishing heaiity coupled with amazing thrills, were never so well MIX-ed he fore. A photo-play of vivid contrasts. A whiz of u picture.. Swift action. Daring feats.V Kathleen Key and strong cast. Imperial Comedy "A MONKEY MIX UP." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. Sardines! SPECIAL This is the largest liar-gain in Sardine's ever known here. We have just received a large shipment of high grade Norwegian Sardines A.l. Price, per tin 15c 7 tins for $1.00 15 tin lots $2.00 Try them. Your money refunded if not good. E Cdi STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. a II HE M I Preserving Peaches $1.85 per Case Note the advance in price. Those who have not already bought would he well advised to delay no longer as our prediction of a week ago was well justified. HURLBUT CHUMS Welted Shoes of the better class for Children. Made on orthopedic lines, allowing for the natural growth of the feet. The best Footwear for the infant, child, growing girl, little gent, youth or boy. Agents in Prince Ilupert Family Shoe Store PHONES LAND' ACT. Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Purchaia Land. In Oueen Charlotte island Land District Itecordlng District ot Prince Itupert, and situate in the East Entrance or Justkatla Inlet. Take Notice that Edward Shannon ,r Port elements, In the Province or British Columbia. Gardener, Intends to apply for Iermlsslon to purchase the following de- uitiimeiicinir at a post planted at uonnwesi point or this island: LAND ACT. PRINCE MOONLIGHT Dances At the Auditorium Dance Friday Evening, Aug. 15. Hanson's Orchestra. HcfresliniL'iits served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles BOo Phono Mack 440. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. Advertise in the Dally News. Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years exporlence. Satisfaction Is positively assumed. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think it over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist m TIMBER SALE X 6343. Scaled Tender will le received by the Minister (if Land.'., al Victoria, nut later than noon on the Utli day or .ii(tu.t, IV24, fur IIib liurrhase of Licence X 6313. to cut I.U5U.MUU reel or iieniitx'K. spruce, i.euar and Mal.sain, on an area situated on the west side or lllshop liay, Hoxer Heart), iiawre i, Coast District. Two it- years will be allowed ror re moval or timber. Further particular of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, rrlnce Ilupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6304. - Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister or Lauds, Victoria, not later than iMt.n r.i, thu 9l8l rlnv I.f &tllrim.l 1U41. Iror the purchase of Licence X 6304, to cut z,3.iu,imiu teei 01 spruce, iieunor. Balsam and Cedar on an area situated on the south end of James Island, Matliiesou Channel, llanxe 3, Coast District. Two li' years will be allowed for le-moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester, Prince Bupert, B.C. 189 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Western Region. Sealed Tenders will be received at the orrice or the Ohter EnRlneer. Wlnnlpeir. I Man., until twelve o'clock noon. Monday. ...ithe eighteenth day of Aucust. ISiM. for thence,'"0 rollowln work Erection brick frelirhl southeast and on around the Island follow- Mlel aml "fire. Morth Battleford; erec-Ing- the shore line to the place of com-i""" 'nr,t' ,a" triik drtltlon and altera- mencement. and conlalnlnir one and nne Hons to "ouna House, uranium; mnsirue- half acres of land, more nr less. En. shannon. Dated at Port Clements this gnth riav r July, HU. tlon or tl. C. Culverts at Miles SSV.O and 87.3 To?o sub division, and Mile 119.3 Martro siib-dlvlslnn-. construction of n.C. culverts at Miles 1MU.5 and 1 1 12.2 Tete Jaune sub-division; construction or stream diversions or the Hosebud lllver to eliminate bridge Mile 339.8-340.1 and Miln 3(0.3-340-5. Drumheller subdivision; Notlca of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Land, excavation and laying 1150 reel six Inch In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Iron pipe at Chandler. Sask.; erection Becordinif Dlstilct or Skeena, and situate fourteen miles or fonre Brleiu sub-dlvl- in ironi oi uiock i, u.u 7, Plan mo, " ;ra- ' ' '" (,'ueen Charlotte Islands. Swift current branch; stripping; ballast at Massett. occupation cannerv manaa-er. In. I I'lann. profile, specification, form or tends to annlv for nermiisinn tn luu in contract may be seen and rorm or tender rcllowlnfr described roreshore: Commen !"''"1" at the orrices of Chler Enirlneer, clnir at a post planted at the southwest' Winnipeg '.Man.: nijlrlei Inilneer, Ed-corner of Block 19- thence west 33 deit. monton. Vita.; District F.nirlneer. Saskatoon south about J00 reel to low water mark; .; District tngineer. Vancouver, i .i..; thniil-O nnrllil-lir linn. Inn- m-rl. IMVlSloI) KM nePN tT WCC BUPert. B.C. to a nolnt west 33 rie smith nf nnrth. Division Engineer. Beirlna, Sask.; Division west corneror Block 19-. thence easterlv tn.tnMneer. r.aia-ary, Alia ino nonnwesi corner ot uiock !; tnence southerly along- high water mark to post, and containing; 3V4 acres, more nr less. II. B. BABINOTON, !tame of Applicant Dorothy says: There is just one safe manner of cleansing valua h 1 c text iles anil that is . by dry cleaning;. Hy o u r advanced methods the most delicale fabrics are, returned lo you thoroughly cleaned hut BOX 39 2 RUPERT Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied by the nail wav Comnnnv and accompanied bv an ac repted cheque on a chartered bank erj"l itn five per rent of value of the work, pay- ianie to inc oroer or tne ireasorer, i.un rlian National rtnltwnv. i The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. I A. E. WAMIF.N'. I General Manager. Winnipeg, Man., I August Jnd, 1924. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. ! NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. i 1NVDI SCHOOL. SEALED TKNDKHS. endorsed "Tender Tor One iloom Addition to Anynx School." will be received hv the Honourable the Minister of rnbllc Work up to t oclock noon or Tuesday, the mh day or Aurtist, 1034, ror the erection or a one room addition to the present rour room school-hnus at Anyox, In the Allln Electoral District, B.O. . . Plans, Specirications, Contract and Forms of Tender may be seen on and after tho 8th day or July. 1034. and Mrther Information obtained at the Department or Public Works. Parliament Birtldlnirs, and at the orrices or the Government A (rent, Vancouver; the Government Altent, Anyot; and Ihe Government Airent, Prince nupert. B.C. I Copies of plans, specification, etc., can be obtained from Ihe Department on payment of a deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00), which wll be rernnded on their return In aood condition. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accented. P. PHILIP. Public Works Engineer. The Department or Public Works, Victoria. B.C. July ICth, 1034. NOTICE. WIIKIIKAS under the provision of the .... , -1. .. I a 4tf ai.i.itn. 1UI, Ihe royalty on timber to be collected l-rlhlllnir Jaimarv 11 lUiS. will, rililn 111' Irormatlon now available, bo more than three times the royally now beluir col lected. 1 A.ND WIIKHEAS urirent representations hiive been made that this Increase In I royalty li much heavier than the Industry ran heiir. I . IVfi ll'IIL'ULMU M,.....,.d,.r. t1,.ll& THE DAILY NEWS Tueiday, August 12, t92t CONTRACT MAY BE CANCELLED After Accepting Higher Bid, Council Now Seeks to Award Contract to Lowost Tenderers Work in connection with the erection of Ihe electric suh-sta- lion at Cow Uny by Tony Christian, who wits awarded the contract at a special ineoliiiff of Ihe city council last week, was ordered slopped by Hie city engineer this morning on instructions issued last nif-'lit by the council which has. decided lo seek legal advice to ascertain if the matter of letting the contract may he re-opened. At the special meeting of tho council last week, the tender of Mr. Chrislian of $1,082 was ac cepted. There was a lender for' $907.65 from K. C. I.aTraco and J. I.aurensen hut it was felt at. (hat time that the bidders coul.l not do the job for that figure Subsequently, they have again approached the city and havo offered to put up bonds as a guarantee that they can do the work for the sum staled and in a manner satisfactory to the city. Aid. Macdonald brought the matter up. Explaining thai he had fallen in with the advice of Aid. I'erry ami the superintend ent at the meeting last week that the $1,600 llgure was the proper one and that the job could not bo done for $900, he now Tell that il would be doing only what was right to re-open Ihe 'matter if that were possible. If nothing could be done, the council, and he would lake his share of the blame, would have loal least lake the onus of having exerted had udgiuent in accepting oilier than' Ihe lowest fender. He moved thai legal advice be sought lo ascertain whether or not it would be possible lo caucel the contract of! Mr. Christian. Perry Stands Pat Aid. Perry stilt piainlained that he diil not think tho job could be done for $900. The men who had hid that were lucky they had not received , the contract. He understood that it was proposed lo use old lumber. Aid. Collar! look the view that now Mr. Christian iiad been awarded and .accepted the contract, Ihe city coufd not lake it ut of his hands. Aid. McMoplie, who was nol present at the. meeting where the contract was awarded, criticized the action of lite council in ac cepting other than the lowest tender. Mr. Laiirensen and Mr. .a Trace were well-known andj responsible contractors ami he fell would be callable of carrying out the job for what they had given In any event, he did nol see that it was up to the council to decide whether or not a job could be carried out for the figue bid. He second Aid. Mac- louald's resolution. Aid. Clapp was of the opinion starting the pouring of cement in (he morning. Aid. Macdonald's resolution calling for the seeking of legal advice witli a view to breaking Ihe contract with Mr Christian Mrs. M. Charles M. Edwards Woro Wedded Last Evening 'made have gone so Mr as to say that anv I he Wedding look place ( 1 1 1 1 C L I ' miriu jniinirv it i.i in i.niiixi A.i una .,.... niyauy ihn i.ii.i ,r tim ""ii al it,., llie I i .il ,,i, 1 1 1 c i n 1 1'irfr. iaisotiiigc at nl 7 Iprcsrnt Itoyaity Act would Immediately re- l(,vi(ick " K last eveninir. Ilev. P. E. Ifiilt In a -hutdown of the entire Industry,"' l,,.JV. , , in the province, lllaisler offu'ialiiig, of Mrs. Mm- r- Ihpo',, ArWVh'i'SSile Klvina llendricksei. and '!'!". Ei.y''YJ C5l'"Lri. '?.r"",".'."L iCliarlos M. Kd wards, capliiiu of rll or such Members thereof as may belthc then present, beirliinlnir at 10 o'clock;,, Wednesdav. September 3rd net. JUT. Anyone wnu nas any eviaence 10 uw- w iiiiiis Af pi- Mm ceriMilim v n Wlllltssts, aim lliu tl 1 1 ninny , u t or or rni'ii.iittlnn renmapiitiitlnnt in tn make make on on the mil halibut schooner II. and II. and Mrs. Thor Johnson were in..., I..n l,...,nl.Ma ...III will t.A be tlvan Tilnnn1 or timber Hoya ties Riven weili lilt illliner look. Tl ace al llie opportunity to be heard and the public It . . , ,. - t . ',i. .requested to take notice accordingly. l r. v. PATTUUUU, Minister of Liaii. ibome of the couple 'Apartments. in the Hesricr IS your kitchen Don't build a fire in the kitchen and heat up the house in summer, when you ought to be on the front porch. Save coal, save health, save money by serving Shredded Wheat. Nothing so delicious and nourishing and appetizing as the crisp, brown shreds of baked whole wheat. Being ready-cooked and ready-to-eat it is so easy to prepare a nourish-ing meal of Shredded Wheat in a jiffy. Two biscuits New York bus passed Ihe 0.- 000,000 mark. Chicago is approaching 3,000,000, and Philadelphia the 2,000,000 mark, while Cleveland is somewhat short of a million. Detroit, for which no es- was put lo llie vote ami carrieii,iimate was nraue, iiKeiy nas pass- uuaniinously, the city engineer ed the million mark as ils popu being instructed to slop his workilalion was estimated al almost first tiling in the morning pending Hie receiving of sucli advice. HALIBUT SCHOONER 090,000 a year ago. The estimates of population of soino of the cities in the 100,000 cVass follows: New York, 0,015,50!; Chicago. CAPTAIN MARRIED iiiHiwuiiii 2-!,ni'-no5! I'l.iia.ioiphia, 07fi. 1)plroil nol Mlfinnle(l. (;lcvP. " , . j'Jand, '.112.502: St. f.ouis. Hl?.fi'J8: u. nononvMon unu -u, nuo. , -v,. I 'l 1 1 1 JIIUl l , ni.iin.I, IMIHMIi II".- 783; I,os Angeles, not esllinated: Piltshurgh, 025,015. San Francisco. G 18.28 1; Ulif-ffilo. 515,27.1: Milwaukee, 405,- 087; Washington, I8(,!)3f; New ark, 115,030; Minneapolis, 117.-280; New Orlinns, 100,531; Cincinnati, 507.835; Kansas City, Mo., 350,050. O. A. McNicholb C.N.rii. ilislricl passenger agent, is re I Orbing lo Vancouver on the r.iinlen.l- this afternoon. New Potatoes, 10 lb New Green Peas, :t lb with milk make good meal and but a few cents. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. I'ronip! Early Morning Do- VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 6S7. McBrlde Street. POPULATION U.S. CITIES Now . York Passes Six Million Mark According to Latest Estimate i WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. Kliivcn cities in the U.S.' havo Ktown into the 100.000 popula- Ihat, if the lowest bidders wero'(on ciaMS during Hut lnsTf year. willing lo put up a bond, they jailmates or population of the should pel the job. principal cities oT the country as Moral Obligation 0f juy tf this year, show there Aid. Casey felt that it would aic 79 having 100,000 or more as probably cost as much for the (.mn,-ired with 08 last year. The city lo set out of the prei!iiljGniiUs Jtureau in preparing the contract as the saving would be nsljinates did not calculate the if it were possible now lo accp!.jj)()luiation of some of the rapidly the lowest tender. There was a growing cities, such as Detroit, moral obligation, however, that i,oS Angeles, Snaflle, Denver, Ak-sliould be considered. Iron, Uridgeport, Houston and Mayor Newton pointed out that Spokane. The population of Ihe Mr. Christian had already ns-'country OH July 1 Is estimated at scnibleil tils lumber and intended j 12,078,01 1 Cash a cost The Cantdian Shredded Wheat Company, LU. NlIr Falls, OaUri. ed & Carry pecials ( For Wednesday and Thursday, August 13th and 14th Only. for for 2Sc 25c Men's Athletic Combinations in fino quality Nainsook, sizf :, to, 12 ami ti only. Special, iter suit .... 95c Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose, reinforced lincls mid t"f all sizes, in black and white. Hog. lTn: Special, I pairs for 95c men's Oxfords, Slater and Murray make, newest skies in black ami brown, all sizes, lleg. $0.00. Special $6.95 Universal Trading Co. Dr. J. F. Maguire Is attending the Dental Convention in Vancouver H's office will again bo Open on August 13 TT a mat co Fur panelling your rooms it rivals tho utout costly hardwoods. ' Hojiivenalo your Homo Quickly and PebnoiieiiUy. Solo Agents Albert & McCafFery, Ltd. Phones 110 and 504.