ludar August 12, 1921. rri-yojevu 41 6 . 2W Sweeji Willi a brouni llii'ii ; n-ip a carpet sweeper. The floor look pri-l ly clean. Now use ujiiiu it a Hoover Sue I ) Sweiei' ami il will he nuiel ly rlemnnlruied tij your lionsokeepiiiK inlelli. cnee lhal thorough Cleanliness anil sjniulutniii can only lie sewnVd liy modern me hods Hijrli a labor saver, too. Lef us demonstrate one in your home -!ilcl as low as $5,75 per month. Kaien Hardware Co. The Handy Andy Store. 608 3rd AVC. ' ' Phono 3 Hardware and Sporting loJcprcof ffasicry Pure Silk. br tei Ik ,-,. .,! il,,. !. ,, . :e $1.85 per pair. ifl.S.WaIIace Co. Ltd iThW Ave. A; Fulton Street. BEE USURPED THE I ! The Man in the Mnnn i SAYS:- j Cross the slr'-et. (When you've done lhat go on I Inline, 'You'll get eraeked arms the, dotoe, o you never more wril roam, If you eross the street. STATES ASKING BETTER RATES Canadian Railway Give BejLUr Deal to Farmers Than American Says Washington WASHINGTON. Aug. 12. (fly Canadian Press . The La Fol-lelte leaders have determined, among other tilings, lo force to (he front in the coming presidential campaign the issue of high freight rates and the question of a sweeping revision or repeal of the railrrfads. IN FAY YORK. Sua. 12. John F. They have pome lo this con- llley was sheriff of Suffolk elusion for a variety of reasons iuntv fioin lJt'O fn j!i?2 hut hut the particular thing which Wife usuriietl li - liincliims has prompted it is the receirl de-frequentiy tlmt b" ha.l lo dis-rision of the Ijilerstate Commerce Bis her as matron ,f t In jail. jCommission refusing a reduction (The cx-shei4fpnve 4his infor-rf rales to the facmers on grain, fatinn in an answer filed in algrain pnxlucls and bay. This floral ion nuK brnugJit by bis aclion of the commission, which If in the Supreme Court inwas by a bare majority, with five f'toklyn. Mrs. Kelley in her !of the eleven members dissenting, lit had said' hurt stie found it has disappointed and angered the ressary o i several asions to farmers in the grain and bay m i her husband in a room in slates. I he situation is therefore e jatl at limes, when he had ripe for an attack on Hie pend-'ii ilrmkmji. JJ was in her of-Jing railroad law. rial position as jail matron, she! Study Canadian System forth, that she imprisoned; In Ibis connection, with the. sheriff. ion what she alleged railroad issue being forced lo the pre frequent, orrasions. (front, it is interesting to know An Ambassador of Quality A very rare liqueur whiskey of great age1--"for those who discriminate " No.ll 1 EMBASSY SPpplAL OLD LIQUEUR WHISKEY mm This mlv,,.l. : i i.i! i i i, ..i. i i ... II. ,i I inline ---- uciiicii i is inn 1'iiiiiiMieii or iiispiaycii nj iu ji""- control Hoard or by the Government of Uritisli Columbia ?lial increasing attention Is be-( inff piven in WVshliiKton and in th the country generally- to the I wo orkings of the Canadian pov- t ernment-nwned railroads. Vari- llie eitv authorities i.,..i "H members of Congress arc Muck to the jtoo, mIiI .taiiKlefou stu,lyn& fhe Canadian railroad as preserihe,! t Kahuna inl and seeing bow it com- it might are kpon,y Interested, because, of ! of fanceUImj eclated by',l,e fa'1 lhat ,,,v Canadian roads'made by Mayor Net y, allow rales more favorable to Victoria that troops roops "'Wtift is golden. That is why Home people are always in debt. TIIK tar baby has come home to roost, as iUstus says. IK you go to the United Slates you have to learn the meaning jof I lm expression "frulruatorial I primary." II means somethirfg the same as in Ibis country when !we Kay "machine politics." SOMK people take vacations and other, make moUirboal trips. - X;i; upon a time there was a agriculture than the roads I be U.S. Make Comparison Senator Cummins. former the railroad law here is taken up in earnest. The believers in government ownership here, not to .malt hoy who turned up his nose., " V . Ji 'h ' a ' al oie and declared ai, pi were ! 'V''1 thJ? " m 11 ' a f .ly for ig to eat but C0Vntry. win re given ownership here. on Saturday. niMmnMC nr CUCDICC n,e i-"mmins-l.sch law, which is frugal. rUIlLllUilD Uf JlllllUrr !-.( large narl of the law governing lo government TERRACE NOTES Dr. Phyfe and his brother of Connecticut who visited this part of the country some years ago, were in town on Monday and Tuesday of last week and remarket on the wonderful development of the country. Mrs. I.eon Werko went to 'Smithers on Thursday returning .Mrs. McLaren and Miss Sophia visited Miss Fanny McLaren al Memo last week. Mr. and Mrs. (5eo. Warrick who have been slaying at the Hill Farm visited Hemo on Wednes day. Mr. Warrick was here dur ing cinst ruction days. Miss Anna Archibald .-of New Westminster is visiting Miss Mo The ladies of the Presbyterian Ouild had a farewell tea for Mrs. Hleecker on Thursday at Hie home of Itev. and Mrs. YV. J. Parsons. The verandah was beautifully decorated and almost all the members were present. Misses Margaret Lanfear, Jean and F.lirahelli Y ilsou of Prince Rupert, rose and F.velyn Rice and Master Dwight Rice, of Anyox all came from Hill Farm on Saturday to visit Miss F.liia-beth YVilson at Remo, who re lumed Willi them to the Hill Farm in the evening. Mrs. Charles Dunn and son of Prince Rupert -ore staying with Mrs. YVilson at Remo. Mrs. Itunn will visit Terrace and Usk-before returning to Prince Rupert. Rev. and Mrs, Parsons are taking the YVilling YVorkers to Lakelse Lake to camp for a week. The Union Sunday School is having a picnic to Lakelse Lake next Friday. MECHANICAL DOG THAT name. ANSWERS TO SPEECH TORONTO. Aug. It. In the course of an address on the vocal organs In connection with music Sir Richard Paget illustrated it bv exhibiting a toy dog "Radio Rex" which answered to its own Called "Rex," ho popped out of bis kennel, but with other names, he refused to budge. "This illus irates the greater energy of the vowels in comparison with Ihe consonants." said the lecturer. 'It also emphasizes the import ancc of the lower resonance half of the vowel sound." Hex is at tuned lo a note of about 500 vi brations per second, it appears When a vowel Is uttered one half of which Is a note of about this frequency, Rex knowingly re spends, hut unless this particular stimulus is given, he is duuVh The consonants don't worry him Called "Reex," or "Hoox," he did- n't hear, but to "Rex," "Raux," or "Rurx," ho responded promptly. If you find you cannot gl the daily News regularly, call in ana subscribe for il and have It delivered to your home, tf T1TR DAILY NEWS P.IGE FIVE Ten Yeara Ago In Pilncs Rupert August 12, 1914. Mead of eoverinir the streets will. l,arp wl, tft" United States A fpecial meeting of the city in their effort h in alleviit 8yf,,Pn1, farmers' organizations couucil is to be held for Uie pur- iio- iiou.te-uy menace f have ,een better appr lurioiis boUNRWiyes. .... ... . y the request ewton while in be sent here in to guard the city. In the tuean- lime, the Old Premier Hotel, the skating rink an,j a iJrand Trunk shed have been secured to bouse chairman of the Senate, Inter- Hie troops which are. said to be slate Commerce Committee, is already on ibe way from Vancou- one or those who has undertaken ver. a study of the Canadian roads. Comparisons of Canadian and American railroad policies are likely to be frequent in House and Senate whenever revision of The gravity with which the situation is considered is indicated by the fact that martial law has been declared in'fireat Hritaiq. United States papers say lhat many foreign ships are to take mention opponents of that policy, Jout American registry iu order to are narrowly watching the affairs avoid the risks attending the or me Canadian roads and how.flying of belligerent flags. government ownership succeeds. BURNS LAKE T ir:i rnni iiinr v irm I annit,on tawv n il .- i ... m a . ... was away back in the millenium. IV . "V '7" - '"'"i rs. r., J. caiven is visltinjf IP you wish to make your mark." ""LT"" " V 'T af Uurlton w'"' Mrs. Alex Con- t ' flip f?n p rn m 0 n , t a a Nino imnnnie , . Cross the mI reel. If you'd see I he radio spark', Robert Saul has , returned to Decker Lake after spending several months in the south. Mrs. Foster of Endako has left for Fjlmonton, Lethbridge and Swift Current on a holiday visit and Mrs. A. YVilson of Savory has gone to Moose Jaw. Miss Agnes Ramsay, sister o' the late Arthur Ramsay of Col-leyniount, arrived last week from Prince FIdward Island lo visit the district. Mrs, H. R. Hinkley has arrived here from Spirit River and intends o start a hospital. NEW HAZELTON YY'ork is to commence shortly on a doctor's residence and nur ses' home in connection with the llazellon Hospital, Jessie Smith is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ruddy at Hums Lake. Miss Hazel Harriet Hall and Leo Ralph Spooner, both of Nev llazellon, were married last Fri- lay at Smithers. (a nil.' have re turned here to fake uplheir resi- lence. Mrs. Reid, noled writer of Los Angeles has been, visiting al llazellon with Mrs, James McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson have arrived from Terrace and are renting Ibe Ardagh house. Tommy Brewer of Smithers was here last week renewing old acquaintances, Ir. O. A. Petrie has- returned: from Y'ancouver and is again temporarily connected with the llazellon Hospital staff. Major and Mrs. Ilurhank and family of Prince fleqrge have been visiting al Hazel titn, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). (ialloway. Arthur Leveretl has relumed lo llazellon after spending sev eral months at Smithers on the Out hie mine staff. Mr. and Mrs. iS id Wlnsby and sons have arrived from Edmon ton to lake up' their residence here. Mr. Win shy, who was formerly of Prjnco Rupert, is to take over the management of the local branch of the Royal Itank sue ceeding IL H. Lillle 'who goes lo Prince Rupert, , Miss Campbell, who has been on the hospital staff for a short lime left last -week for Vaneou ver. Miss boilings nas arrived from Vancouver to , succeed Miss Campbell as assistant superin tendent. Mrs. T. A. YValsh and family have arrived froin Dorreen lo join Mr. YValsh who has tak'en a posi. lion with the government tele graphs. ' Mabel Cox, Lois Anderson and James and Herbert Cox were candidates al confirmation service held here recently by Uls-bop A. U, IV Pencier of New YVestminsier. Advertise In the Dally News. Yours truly, John Smith A LL the world despises an anonymous letter. We like a man to sign his name to what he writes. But did you ever think that unknown merchandise is anonymous? Nobody to vouch for it. No name signed. Notice the advertisements in this paper. There in bold print are the names of those who stake their reputations stake your good-will towards them on the truth of what they have written. The maker of advertised goods realizes that he might fool you once but never the second time. His success is dependent upon your continued confidence in what he says in the advertisements. Read the advertisements with confidence. They tell truths that you shoujd know. The measure of satisfaction is larger in advertised products ; Bargains m Summer Dresses "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Sterling Furnace GOAL Dlltrd In Bulk, At $10.00 per ton. This U i very superior furntce coal. It gives I clean hot fire tivl Is entirely free from soot, clinkers, dark and dirt. Some of tl,e Urgent heating plants In the city are now using It with entirely satisfactory results. 8TERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.60 per ton. We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Goal Co. In Offlcai Hotal Central. Phone 15 LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to AddIv to Leaee Land, la Uutcu Charlotte Island Land District, Recording District of Prince Hiiert. ll.C, ami situate nur row inn, uranani isianu. TAKE NOTICE that I, lleorge W. Dow-Unir. uf 3684 Cambridge Street. Vancouver. B.C., orruimllon manufacturer, Intends to apply tor Ieriniiiii iu ira.m iiih ioiiuw Inir (lesi-rllmd lunds: Commencing- at i rwiat nlantpil near the foot of Tow Hill east skle. thence northerly to tow water mark) thence westerly following low water iliarn. ou ciiauis; uitwu'e auiuuwny inrre chain: thence easterly 8ft ch;ilu in tuilnt of commencement and containing 15 acre more or lesa, 0EOB0E W. nOWLINO oate, June o, ivi. Applicant DAVE MJTTEN, Agent STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m.. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. Fop Skldegate and all ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prlnre llupert &.00 p.m. Tor PIUNCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United States. SQENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, S2S Thlr4 Ave, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swjnson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings from Prlnre, llupert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuesday, B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wales Island, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT 8IMP80N and Naaa River Cannerlee, Friday A.M. 823 2nd Avenue, t. Barneley, Agent. Prlnee Rupert, B O.