Whm Yh Win! A The Latest In Restauranta. TAXI 99 BOSTON GRILL a hurry Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Beet Car and Bail Sorvloa PRINCE RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. H In the Olty. Ratea Reasonable Take Her to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper J NO, 28. I .1 VOL, XIV,, IUIINCK IlL l'KUT, H.C., SATl HDAY, FKHHL'AHV 2, 1021. VMUfitf't Circulation 1878 ttrt Sim MA- PRICE FIVE CENTS. RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT CLOSER RELATIONS WITH UNITED STATES Russia is Recognized by Great Britain and Treaty Likely to Follow LONDON, Kt'l. 2. The government of Soviet Iliissia ha been accorded recognition by (irenl llrilain, according lu the text or u iiule given out at the foreign office lust night. The recognition i unconditional ami leaves ull question, of treaties, debt claim and oilier obligation to he nettled luter by ugreem?nt bctweu the two governments. Itustfu lias been invited lo scud representative lo Knglaiid to negotiate a treaty sellling all outstanding questions. NEW CONTROL OF CIVIL SERVICE Announcements Made by Gov trnment In Campaign for Cconomy Now In Progress OTTAWA, Feb. 2 - Kxpcudi- "J lor utr rivii service of Ci! till are tilurrd uiiiler the 4i.f" uiervtion . of the Audi-' .1 ' wnrrel under a new jolicy r -n -ed bv Ihe government I fi.J.j(n a niliiiirf fonfrreiife h cliisf nf llm covrrn. uienl depart incnU and tnciul-ers t Uie ri service eommiMlon. I'rrmirr King said in addition; '!:! (he Audit llounl bad heeni sv i the ri(f III lo recommend; ' liarliameiil nny changes In ilew of personnel of the ser- v In the campaign for economy iij In progress complete list f Ifinixirniy and iierinancnl employee n(it be submitted for.lhe objectionable feature of the I lie review by the board. BUILDING FUND STARTING WELL Presbyttrlan Church Campaign Goes off With a Bang and Success Seems Assured The I'lT'hylcriau Church build-liif uis rmiqiaigu, which foriually open, 011 Monday and I lo bo tb'inieil up wilhln a few day. Marled nff In formally yesterday illi 11 rilllp w heir the huiii oT wiik MihMcrihcd by twelve 'ieii, Hum hi a few miiiulc KiiarunleeliiK nliitol one fourth of Hie objective. This will be u Kieat bud for Ibe big drive that il I" nniiouiiced, will commence hriltlil Hint early on Monday. Tlirro wu 11 ineellng of' the Kenerul eoiuntillee lal niulit , when final niroiiKi'iiienls for the com ami were made and territory allollH o the varlou group, liveiynno wim enlliu.tlaslic a lo he oulrome and it 1 confidently expecled that the kiiih reipiired vill be rained. WASHINGTON WOULD LIKE CURRIE THERE Would Reciprocate by Sending Representative to Ottawa at Once WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. VerU flciillou of the "reports Uml Sir Arlliur (lurrie, l.s lo be offered Iho posllioii of Canadian ainha-sndor lo the United Slates will bo. highly m-allfylng. It Is staled Hint Iho United Stales (iovern-eit will lose no timo in providing for ti reprcsenlullve at Ollawa If Jh0 reported selection or Cgrrio or some other Canadian vf Jmiiienco u borm out FLOWERS IN BLOOM QUEEN CHARLOTTES Hr. llayne in a special wireless message lo the Daily New from Queen Charlotte Cily says: "II may te interesting to you lo know that wall flower and snowdrop arc in bloom and alo jmall trees are well 4 sprouted here." . NO TAX PAID ON GASOLINE Motorbeats Are Now Exempt Through Good Offices of Member For District Through the good office of Hon. T. I. Pdllullo of this cily gasoline lax as applying to motor boals ha been remote! and now all tliul fishermen or others Using ImmIs liaVc lo do is lo sign a dc-elaiMlion sa)ing thai the gasoline lo bo used exclusively for molorbout. This ha Im-uii in force for the past two weeks. The mailer bad beeu taken up by I be local 1m hi n I of, trade with Hie government at Yieloria and among the replies was Ibe fol. lowing from John Hurl, mini.tler finance; "lli lercieuce lo your com-iiiiiiih-aliini of Hie KMli In.-taiil and copy of a resolution ndnpled by Ibe council of your board, I may say I hat Hon. Mr. I'attullo made !roiiK repiCM'ntalioiiH nloiiK the Hint of your re.o1ulioii and Hie department i giving con-Kidcralinir to these. We expect lo be able lo make satisfactory arrangements. u Ibe mailer as we are anxious In ail lu .hobb iiiK (his business wJtbiu the pro- Incc. SECRETARY OF UNION NEW KING'S PRINTER Charles F. Banfleld of Victoria Times Staff to Succeed William H. Cullen VICTOIUA, Feb. 2. Charles F. Hanfield, secrelary of the Typo graphical Union hern and oftho Allied Printing Trndes Council, is to bo appointed King's Printer in succession lo W. 11. Ihillcn who resigned a-iew days ago. Mr. Hanfield is at present a member nf Iho composing room sliilT of the. Victoria Daily Times. W00DR0W WILSON IS L0SING GROUND WASHINGTON, Feb, 2. Woodrovv Wilson has hud a fairly restful night but continue- dui'".v 'j lone a'lound, PUBLICITY ON THE PRAIRIES Effort to be Made to Get Edmonton and Other Alberta People Interested Here THIS CRUCIAL TIME Board of Trade Asks Stork and Dawson to Interview Authorities at Edmonton At (In; meeting of the board of trade last night it was decided to request Fred !lork M.P. and F. (r. hawson lo slop off at Kd-moulou 011 their way Fast mid take up with Ibe board of trade II....... 11.., 1 i,... ..r .....1.. .1.1.. ilili.IV : iiuirxilirii plum silll'- jiiienls Ihroiigh Hie port of prince ;iiupTi. won a view 10 securing Iheir eo-operaiion in any move- nient looking to the erection of (clevalor or the making of ship-4 ments. ' S. K. Camvbell s-aid he thought Ibis was the psychological time to press ibe grain shipping situa- lion. He thought someone should be yen Mo preach the go- el of Prince ltuperl as a ship ping port, and get Ibe eyes of the grain' sliMibers directed this way; ImiMtrtaiil xldng that could' he done. . F. Williams favored rather the luviliug of a practical grain man to come to Prince Itupert and report on the situation. It. Ili-aiiinonl suggested gel ling J. I). O. Motbersill, I tic man who hail been sent lo Vancouver, to come and .make a report. Mr. Mrl.eiinaii said Vancouver did not wail for grain men lo come. They sent their own men lo the prairies. II, I'. Pulleu advocated sending someone In order to gel needed puhliefly. Hy doing thai they would let people on the prairies know that Prince ltuperl was bidding for the grain trade and Ilia! there were advnnlages to be gained by shipping Ihroiigh this port. This was the crucial time lo lake up Jlie matter. Mr. t'amph'rll again urged thai all the energies of Ibe pVuple be pill iulo this. lie thought thai not only should the boanl get the local reprexenlative lo slop off (here hut that Uo they should send a delegation to I'.dutontou. W. K. Williams moved n formal resolution I hat Fred Stork and F. !. hawsou be usked lo In. lerview the authorities at Fd-monton and ask them lo send an expert here to Inspect and ulso possibly lo interview verner Smith, formerly of this cily, and n member of the .Siberia govern ment in regard lo Ihls mailer The resolution was seconded by S. K. t',ainiliell and curried unan imously. CUSTOMS RETURNS SHOW AN INCREASE Total Collections In January 1924 Were $33,037.95 as Compared With $27,587.1. Last Year Customs and excise revenue for the month of January this year totalled $33,U37.l5 according to report made by Jams MrI.eod collector of customs, tills morn ing. This total shows an increase of $5, 150.H1 over the collections for January ll2:i which were 2?,5H7.I I. It shows a decrease, however, from Iho lolul for last December which was $01,803.11. HOCKEY SCORES Vlcloria 1, negina 2. f'ulgary t. Saskatoon 1. "4P fKH ff Hv H When a delegation of 77 0age Indians from Oklahoma viited the I'.S. capital to confer with federal officials on various Indian affairs, two Indian flappers accompanied the group. The girls in modern dress presented n striking comparison to others in the party. Closerl Relations with United States was the 1JI TVI ineme r LONDON, Feb. 2. Amplification of the Anglo-American friendship into "neighliorliuess." he relationship between the two great huglish -peaking nations f Hie world, v-as (he general theme taken by the speakers al he Pilgrim's dinner in honor of Frank Kellog, Ihe new Uniled Hates umba$sador. Iliiuisuy Macdouald referred wilh emotion to (he illmss of Woodrow Wilson. deferring to international Stales and Ureal llrilain reuuired laud side by side in human fellowship to help ;ach other. WILD SCENES CONVENTION Mine Workers Gathering Adjourned for Present Owing to Disorder INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 2. Amid riotous scenes the biennial convention of the United Mine Workers of America was declared adjourned sine die by President John Lewis today. The adjournment was announced by the president while the delegates howled as Alexander Howat, president of the Kansas City district, was dragged from the platform by two sergeants-at-arms. Howat was forcibly removed when he sought to address the. delegates, despite the president's refusal to recognize him. The convention was thrown Into turmoil and police reserves were called In. JOHNNY DUNDEE BEAT PAT MORAN GETTING umm uinner that would cenmit still lighter relations lie said Ihe United no formal uliiance but would OLD COUNTRYFOOTBALL ENGLISH CUP. 2nd Round Itriglilon -amt Hove 5, Fverlon 2. Manchester C. 3, Halifax Town 2. Crystal Palace 0, Notts County 0. West Ham United t, Leeds U. I. Derby County 2, Newcastle U. 2. Swindon 2, Oldham A. 0. Southampton .3. lllackpooi 1. Swansea . Aston Villa 2. Sheffielfl W. 1, llrislol Cily t. iltollon W. t. Liverpool I. lluinley 0, I'lilbam 0. I West Mroinwieli 5, Corinthians (I. 'ciiarllnii (i, Wolverhampton 0. '.Cardirr City t. Arsenal 0. Fxetrr Cily 0. Wationl 0. , Manchester U. 0, Huddersfield 3. ENGLISH LEAGUE. Division I. . Preston N. K. 5, Notts Forest 0. Ittackburn II. 2, Middlesboro 0. Division II. Coventry 1. I Jury 0. Nelson I, South Shields 2. Stoke 0, Stockport 0. IHarnsley 3, Port Vale 0. I SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Division I. 'Hibernians 3, Ayr Uniled 0. i Kilmarnock 3, Patlick T. t. ;Morton 1, Celtic 0. 'Queen's Park I, Hearts 1. llailti Hovers (I. Hamilton t. Hangers 3, Motherwell 0. Aberdeen 2, St. Mirren 0. Alrilrieiinliiiis 3 Tlilnl t.iimirV I RUSTGARD CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION AS ATTORNEY GENERAL JLM'.AU, t eb. 2. John Must- Kurd, attorney general of Alaska, DECISION OF JUDGESit1"'.!'"""?,2' , (Falkirk 2, Clydebank n 0. NKW YOHK, Feb. 2.-Johimy Dundee, velerun of more than three hundred ring battles, surprised experts by defeating Pat Morau, lightweight. He obtained the judge's decision in a fif- teen round bout abruptly check, ing the upward climb of Moran BEEN IS THEME RECOGNIZED AT PILGRIM'S DINNER Recent Earthquake in Japan Discourages the People who have their Confidence Shaken VICTOIUA, Feb. 2. "If the loll of lire und property exuded by Hie second earlhiiiuke was small compared with the frightful havoc wrought by Ihe September caiastrope, the effect psychologically and spiritually 011 the Japanese people has been rno.-l serious," said Cuplaiu l I). Douglas, R.D., ILN.H., coni-iiiauder of Ihe Kmpress of Asia, on her arrival here from tin Orient. "Less than fifty people were killed and about 200 people were injured in the second shock. It made 110 material differ-ence lo the appearance of Yoko- ' ara ihama and Tukio, which rcsem- ble the devaslaled areas of r rauce aner uie ureal war, ai-( (hough it did topple over somcf 3,000 buildings in twenty-two! different towns. Hut all the! confidence of Hie people has! been shaken to its roots. '"In a hurst of enthusiasm' following the first disaster, ela-lKirale plans were laid by Hie Japanese for the rebuilding of their, stricken cities. Hut now the people are wondering if it U really worth while to build again when, al any moment, another earthquake, worse perhaps than itbc lirst, may ruin the product of their labor. they are in -Jleiisely -dejecled. . There- -ariv ffrow..weaker. aud, weaker. But umuiijui. j c "5 4 t7t'.g',,1"ill,', iiisicu iiiruuj$u me login l'-IJHCIC.H . a 'There was of. course' be said, "widespread lerror when the earth opened and shook for the second lime. People rush- ed from .their barracks and makeshift habitations in Tokio and Yokohama in. their night clothes; bul, when the hocks I had subsided somewhat, their, fears were soon allayed. . "A thick mist m Tokio at the. lime of the shock added lo confusion reiifiiing there. Hut as there was no wind the fires that started on the collapse of buildings were quickly brought under control." LAUNCH GERALDINE DESTROYED BY FIRE Forestry Department's Boat Total Loss Following Bilge Fire Down the Coast The forestry department's launch Ccrahlinc II., used by the forest ranger in Swansou Day district, was totally destroyed recently when a fire broke out in lien bilge white it he boiu. ' Nvas about six miles north oT Swan-sou Kay. II is not the intention of the department to replace the Oeral- dinc It. for the lime being at least. The Leila It. of this district will be used lo take care of the Swan-sou Hay end since there is not much activity there anyway following ihe closing of the Whalen mills. WOULD BEAUTIFY CITY Board of Trade Asks For Im provements From Various Interests Here 1 Al Ihe noani of trade meeting last night on the motion of J. W. Nicholls, Ihe following resolution was passed without discussion: "That Ihe Canadian National llailway Company bo res pec I fully requested to commence the work j,f Invintr mil crniNlntiu alnnrul.lj wnlk rr,,,n ,i,i Second Avenue; murine provincial 'gov- eminent be asked to extend the work started last venr of henntl whose sensational knockout of .has filed his papers Tor re-noio- Tying the grounds of the govern-Charley While and Johnnyiiation on the Ilepublican tlckeLjinenl buildings und that Hie cily Shrugue recently poinle.f him to- Ho is said to be at outs wilh the council be nsked to plant the trees wards n title match with nenny.ndminislratlon so tho campaign purchased last year with a view Leonard Kva iia- uooia' ig-nffitfaucc. boa'dlfvi" the oltv'M 11711 PAH PI A1HI 17 MLdUll OLU TI L I PASSING AWAY May Last for Possibly Three or Four Days Physicians Say CONSCIOUS ALL TIME Able to Answer Yes or No But Not to Converse Further WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Sleadily losing ground, Woodrow Wilson cnutlniiPM till nflirn,.n ..!...,!.. I...,- ,......., i:.l I'Hainuiifl tuiijiui pitruiwl now, long his remarkable vitality will enable him lo hold out. Although he has. taken no nourishment for 2t hours his pulse, respiration and temperature are uracticallv normal. Nevertheless life is ebbing away. At no time has Mr. Wilson been unconscious. He always knows what is going on about him. He is too weak to con-tbe!verse but whisper yes or no to questions. Physicians say ho may linger for three or four days. There Is no lelling liow far his tenacity may sustain him, but something may snap any minute causing him to slip quietly away. MORE CLUB REGULATIONS Attorney General Augments List of Rules Posted by Liquor Board VICTOIUA, Feb. 2. New club regulations in addition to those drafleil by tfie Liquor Control Hoard and put into eilcct on February I art announced by lion. A. M. Maiisou, attorney general. They provide, that clubs holding licenses shall not charge more than 5c service fee for serving or liquor and the locker fee shall not exceed 25c per month. No club may put up a guest for more than U days In Hie year. SCOTLAND BEAT WALES HDINHUIU5II, Feb. 2. Scotland defeated Wales ut llughy this afternoon by a seore of 35 to 10. GENERAL MEETING OF LIBERALS ON MONDAY EVENING Thero will bo llio general annual meeting of Prince Ilupcrt Libcrul Association in Iho Carleton Cafe at 8.30 for the election of offlcers and to conduct general business.-Speakers Hon. T. D. Pal-lullo und Fred Slork.