PAGE SIX. LADIES' RAIN HATS Special 3 Dozen Ladles' Rain Hats Values (o $2.75. To clear, eacli $1.00 Tlie line comprises" colors of Mack, Hrown, Gresn, lied, etc. Some small, sizes suitable for misses. Misses' Plush Hats 0 only, suitable for ages i to 8 in Black only, llepular $2.50. Special , $1.50 Boys' Cord Velvet Hats In convertible brim. Values to $1.31), for 85c 3 Only Left, Model Hats-Values to $12.75. To clear Half Price All other Hats at proportionate reductions. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Third Ave. and Fulton SU WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND SAVE MONEY Barrels of SPECIALS for Everyone Profit it made in turnovers not in holdovers Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Phone 84 Cash & Carry ECONOMY! ECONOMYI ECONOMY! Start the inonlli of February with Kconorny. Give us a trial. It is impossible to list all varieties of Groceries but we feel sure that we will save you money. We guarantee our goods to be satisfactory lo you. Here are a few of our various bargains: Flour, per 19 lb. sack. $1.85 Flour, per 98 lb. sack $3.65 Jlolled Oats, per L'O lb. sack ... $1.00 Holled Oals, per G lb. sack ... , 35c Lard, per 10 lit. pail . . $2.10 J.anl, per 5 lb. pail .. $1.10 I. anl, p4r 3 lit. pail .... 65c All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store ! 417 Fifth Ave. East. CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSETS, BRASSIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Boi 327. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Blcnm Healed Hot and Coltl Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. m TIMBER SALE X5626. Tt-rc ltl I urrerrd fur sale it I'ublic Auction, at nuon uu the Kind day of teuruary, llti. In ttie office of I tie hi tntt former at I'rlnce KuiH-rt, B.C., the tlrenre X iC6. to cut tr.liu.ovo feet B.M. or Spruce and lleiulork. on an arra situated at the head of Chief Matthews' Bay. Hanre L Cuatt Land District. Two ( years will be allowed for re-iihihI uf timber. Further particular of the Chief Kor-ejter, Victoria. B.C, or District forester, I'rlnce ltuierl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5767. MlnlMer of Land at Victoria not than noon on l lie sin day of Feb 181. for the purchase of Llrenre X CoaM District Three (1 years will lie allowed for removal of timber. i Further partleiilara of the Chief Forea-ter. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, I'rlnce Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT. Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laa Land. i In Skrena Land Dl'lrlct. Tternrdinr Dla- Jtrlrt of Coast, and alluate on Zayas Wand. Tane entire tnat tienrite fcerr. oecura tlon butcher, of Prince rtnpert. B.C.. In tenda to apply .for pennlmlon to leaae the follow In r described landa: Coinmenrlnr at a pott planted about four chains north of Jacinto Tolnt on Zayas IMand; thenre fol-' tlowinx the sinuosities of the shore line all GEnnoc kerr. ame of applicant. II00.MES K. FREEMAN, A (rent. SOMETHING NEW! SOMETHING BETTER! Glendale No. 1 Creamery Butter Afler thoroughly examining all the best butlers on the Alberta market wc pick, ed out (ileinlalc as the fore-most in finality. You want a Heller Hiitler- wc have it in (ilendale. We stand behind Glendale. ASK FOR IT. Yalue Heller. It's The Ucsl. We Sell for Less. We Sell for Cash. Farmers .Market Phone Blue 428. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Soft Drinks. Yc have a pleasant back rocrn. Come in and make yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS ED80N OOAL In anx quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 6. GOVERNMNT RADIO PLANT GOING NORTH Towers and Apparatus Passing Through Edmonton for Me-Murray KIMONTOx Feb. 2. The lowers and apparatus necessary lo the erection of. the first of the chain of wireless stations which will span the hope distances of the north, are on their way to Kdinoutnit from the east. The steel framework, electric gener ator, engine anil other component parts of the unit, are on their way here, billed lhrnui:h to Mr. Murray, and occupying an entire railway car. This marks the commencement of the federal government's scheme to link up the north with wireless sending and receiving stations. In addition to Mo- Murray, oilier stations will be placet! at Fort Smith, Fort Simpson, and llerschel Island, the two latter being linked up with Dawson City, Y.T. INDIAN REVOLT IN EAST IS QUELLED Six Nations Taken In Tow Mounted Police Near Ottawa VIXXlPK(i. Fell. A Hiiceinl lurrnje of Licence . ;, orortre latin. luniMiewa ittiei, v.t.J.. in rut 5U7.J7U of Spruce and lleinhM-k Sn.r. one Hi year will be allowed for removal of limber. Further particulars of Ihe Chief For-eMer, Victoria, or the Oittrlct Forester. I'rlnce lluert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X5S51. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands al Victoria not later than noon on the 7 III day of February, Tor the urclue of Licence Xinil. to cut SU.Ouu lineal reel of Poles and rilinr. on an area situated three miles 3.F.. of kltwauva, Casslar IHslrlrl. Two (t) years will be a lowed for re- riHivai or tinnier. THE DAILY NfiiVB. Snttinluy, February j( ij2, Veterans' Associations' Bovril Poster Competition closes definitely MARCH 31st Each donation of $1.20 entitles to ticket-folder containing 16 color -posters, giving an op portunity of winning 1st priie, about $55,555.00 or others of the 2,003 prizes, combined value, 130,000, about $138,888. Send Doaatio of 11.21 sad play th. game. AMrru doaatient to aay of tk follewinj evtaauatioai or their branch iaIMO Street. MwbHL Imperial Vh,ii la Caaaia. 7M Maia Street. Wlnala.,. Tubercwleua Vataraaa AaaecistUa. lUaaa 47. ClUia Balkllaf. Ottawa. 1-34 ALASKA TAGGED FISH despatch to the Free Press fromlluwlnp lcnr NVa rwenlly e'lEtientie Chabot. w" " 1,1 'VJM.t. Tin. ruintr ..r e.i m.. iI'JjK wascatialit. I lie local !. . ' J -i'rucr- '' a! a a rpn result oi nf . a ,iii,,,iniui nationalist nirit-i aglla-i .resmeiiis nit not jiay 1 a ' y alien-; lleiuliirk and Cedar, on an area tttuated on v.uaiiuri i9iuu. uiruurr iauai. iaure ttlllllll nun v:l mukti llin it...-. i.t.i .. iiiv fniinr.. ,,f n. v,.!!,,,,, i..o.t,.. was rieaneii aim ruriiHT ia imriicniars of me uiief rores-1 , , 1 1 .... i ti ter, Mrtorla. Il.i:., or rltii-e linperl, B.C. ll .irri lurrilrr. I iunib nit liliuoij, TIMBER SALE X 5763. Seali-d Tenders will lie rerelted by the Minister of Lands al Victoria not later lluu ihjoii 011 the tlst day of February, IVY I. for tlie ptirrlMse of Llrenre X i7i3. I cut ,feet or Spruce, ldar. Hemlock and Balsam, from an area situated at tlie head or Tucks Inlet, .N.W. uf prince llllerf, nature i. tUml fHslrlrt. Two (. years will Im allowed for removal of timber. lurllier iarllmlar of the Chief Fores ter. Victoria. B.: or blilrki Forester, rlli'-e llllirl, B.C. ESTATE OF ALFREO WVNOHAM CRTElt Ultdersliriied DECEASED. A7SII Fl T Oil TAkr. MITICF. that on ltd after tlie First day or March. IV I. Ihe F.ieruirli will proceed to distribute this estate tiavlur rerard only to tlioe claims or which she Hi J II have been duly oitften: Ibis Dili day or January. It4. CIIF.ASE CHF.ASF.. Solid lor for the F.iecuirlT, 410 Central Btllldtiir, Victoria. B.C. WOODCOCK DAIRIES LIMITED Starting February 1, The Woodcock Dailies Ltd. will take over the business or the Prince Hupcrt Dairy, delivering milk and cream direct from the farm, nt Woodcock lo the Prince Hupcrt homes. All nur cows have passed the most rigid tests as lo health, etc., and arc living under natural conditions, ensuring our customers get-ling a first class product. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. INCRASING STEADILY For Year 1923 It Is Expected to Reach Substantial Sum of $35,000,000 JL'NKU, Feb. 2. - Alaskan trade during Ihe calendar year of IP23 amounted, in round figures, to S'JS.OOO.OOO, according In preliminary estimates of J. G. Mellridc, collector of cus- llridc is now engaged in the preparation of his annual re-port for last year and final ami complete figures will not be available ni early next month. The estimate total exceeds t lie Territory's IU22 trade by between 'J,000,000 and 1 0,000,-000, indicaliii.' a growth in busi-ni'ss of approximately 1 1 per cent. Increijes In both e.x-porl ami imports are eslimaled. Alaokan products exported TAk'K .NOTICE that Probate of tlie la.l lal year lite esllllialCil 10 Have will or the alive named deceased was . ..i,,,.! i,, r -viinlitv duty Issued out of I lie Victoria lleirlslryia VIllllllllOII OI Uppl OXIIII.IM iy of tlie Supreme Court of British Columbia' a-m (aaiaj ((ii 'Figures for the on tne irn. nay or January, tvvi. to, ' ., ... c.aiioi.of. A(i.KS iiKPPKi. CAiiTKit or first ten month of year Victoria, tlie Kierutrls then-in named: I , 1..1....11.. ..i mm ,, 1,. ALL Phlisu.vs havlna- claims aralnsl stum '.lummy y? n.M:,rT,.,rap', Penned' tt"!!"' " ".at n.e lOllll i'.oil 101 loci ji-ur "in be around .'IS,0iMi,(l00. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. iiiTtii 'A'pnon joiutiu unit ouihwes wind; barometer, 30.02; temperature, 10; moderate swell: 0.30 sooke steamer Prince llupert off tog Hocks southbound. Deatl Tree Point Cloudy, calm; barometer, 2U.70; tempera- lure. 27; sea smooth. Digby Island Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.00; temperature. 38; sea smooth, 12.30 a.ii. spoke steamer Oriffco left Anyox bound for Stewart; D p.m. spoke steamer .Northwestern left Ketchikan southbound. . Noon Hull Harbor '-Clear,, light southwest wind barometer, 30.00; temperature, 50; light swell, Dead Tree point Clear, calm; barometer, 2t.'75; temperature, id; sea smooth. Digby Island Cloudy, flesh southwest wind; barometer, 30.01; temperature, 40; light swell. Subscribe .for the Daily News, VICKS IS THE THING FOR ASTHMA "Should Be In Every Home," Says Saskatchewan Lady. Mrs. Thomas Kolott, Hot 3D, Fast-end, Saskatchewan, says: "Yicks Yapollub is the most wonderful remedy I cut used for asthma and catarrh. f gave it a very good test and found it satisfactory In every way. My sister used it for her ullim uipJ found great relief. Yicks Yapollub should be in every home." A good way to gel relief from aslhiiKi is to rub Yicks ocr Hie spine from shoulders to the hips; then melt a little Yicks in a spoon ami inhale the healing uiiors. V,tM ArMtU &"' lA,M' lnl'rt "' 1,1 1,10 IHtslrils Creat War Valeria.' BuiUlai. Ottawa. Aaaacistia. Citi.M Araay aad Navy Verae la Caaaia. III snuffing well back. You will be delighted lu see how it clears the head. Yick ronics as it salve the external direct treatment for all 'cold troubles vtbsorbed like a liniment ami inhaled a a xapor. Treatment with Yicks it especially desirable for children n a ...... 1. 1.. ..i. i. i . . PiTIfUT lid FiD riCT "it iiuirii nui-mui uva- lAUblll 111 rAK CAM I"?- Just a gooil, loo, fur cuts. burns, bruises, sores mid skin (Marked on This Coast It Found Hcliing. Dv Its Wav to Vladlvostock I u ul 'lr stores 5oo a Jar. For free lest package, write KinclllKAX. Feb. 2. The fol- ,ck Chemical Company. 311 SI mi ii. i ceiven uv l ie iinreati ni rumr. Paul St.. VV. MotUrral, P.O. , V." " . " ies from their Far KaMern " a remarkable sale It. eau hills, north of Ottawa, hate. been iii open revolt. The insurrection has been sutmrivsinl hv a delachmenl of Itoyal Canadian "" "PUl 18 of litis year. Jn Mounted Police. 10 strong, who u,c .river 1'ankara in the dislrict have arrested the Indian chiefs. " Pin. on me eastern snores ,iJlra J "p !"lnula of hamc lalka a sealed Tender, win be received by Coupe. Frank Wahi- and Though Yicks is new in Canada Subcribo for Iho Oailr Xew"-. the! Huieati with lieaibpiarU rs .at ' ,aM er u million jars used Yladivustock; it was dated Oclo- 5'Mrly. ber 28: OWNER OF INDIAN Charles Quzman Visiting City Connection With Mining Property at Stewart Charles (uzriian of Hakersfield. salted, and in't-alifornia. who arrived litis week to obtain recognition as a separ- xm ,oriu 11 wa '"seovereu uy me us uu- ordinal ow,.r oi me ale nation within the liritisb "euis m me rar iisierii risnery unniui .'imn, nrnan, ami is sun Knipire from the League of Xa- Moar1 al M'adhostok. the length inieresie.1 inanclaliy in tliai li.ins and the Canadian ami lm-,ul " v ""niiniciern. ! r"i""J; r ,".'"'rr " Iterial governnienls. TIMBER SALE X 5753. mis nut is nriicveil to lie one uou wiui tne mine ami win re-of 10,000 saljt)oni tagged by the main for a week returning south bureau sotithvtf the Alaska Pen- next Friday. jinsiila during llie last season. Ill Mr. Huzmaii Is now actively in-jis believed Ibai it was tagged on lerested in gold mining at placer-! July 1 il'J23'. tiff the north ville. Califortiia. about four bun-isbore of Urigi island. .""red miles from liukersfield. iulrh ater mark around the Island aud hvmIi-iI Trn,i..r. uiii iu. i-.i.i.t i,v nu ' u . re.urnin, to ..nt of commencement, and IiImVIi t Foresier .V.luJVi 'oT. Al ASKAN TRADF IS containing 3.000 acres, more or less. i !iuf .mr uth u.j day ui of February, rrufiiarj, mil. ivii, iur fur itw-irtLM tiHTj- JArtll lluXUL 10 SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unrtaerved. surveyed Crown landa may b pr-tmptd t British subjects over II years of age, and by alltna on declaring Inttnlloo to becoms British subjtcla, conditional upon residence, occupation, tnd Improvement tor agricultural purposes. l-'uU Information concerning: rsgu-atlona retarding pre-emptions Is Ivan In Uullstln No. 1, Land Maries. 'HOw to Prs-smpt Land." copies of .vhlch cati bs obtained frss of chargv jy addressing the Dspartmsnl of inda, Victoria, B.C, or to any Oov-rnment Agsnt Itscords will ba graatsd covsring inly Und aultabls for agricultural purpoaea. and which Is not timber-land. I e, carrying ever (.000 board feet par acrt west of the Coasl Ilangt nd 1,000 fast par acre eaat of that Rant. Applications for pre-emptions ar ;o bo addrtaaed to th Land Commissioner of the Land Recording in Alston. In which tha lard appllsd for la altuated, and ar mau on primal forma, coplea of which can b obtained from tha Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must ba occupied for flvo years and Improvements mads to value of 0 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at laaat flva acrea, before a Crown Orant ran ba received. For more detailed Information e'a the Hulletin "How to Prs-smpt fnd." PURCHASE Applications ar racalved for pur-ehasa of vacant and unraesrvtd Crown landa, not being tlmbsrland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price of first-class (arable) land la IS per aero, and aecond-elaaa (grating) land II. iO per acre. Kurlhtr Infor matlon regarding purchaa or laaa nt Crown landa ta given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series, "Purchaa and Leaae, of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Industrial sitae on Umber land, not aicsadlng 40 acres, may b purchased or lsaaed. th con dltlons Including plymant of alumpag. HOMESITE LEASES t'nsurveyed arsaa. not airaadlng to acres, may b lasd aa homeallts, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In tha first year, title being obtainable after raaldenc and Improvement conditions ar fulfilled and land haa been surveyed. LEASES For grating and Induetrlal pur poaea are a a not atcsedlng 140 aorta may b leased by on peraon r a company. GRAZING Under th tlratlng Act the Irov. Inca la divided Into grating districts and the rang administered under i tlratlng Commissioner. Annual grating permits ara Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being given o established owners. Block-owners may form associations for range management Vrse, or partially free, ermlla ar avallabl for settlers, smpers and travsllsrs, up to tee lead. Phone 376 The House Phone 376 of Quality Special Sale of Curtain Scrims, Marquisettes and Cretonnes IN GOOD PATTERNS. Sale Prices Range From 30c to $1.35 per yard Itcgohirlv .rlliig al ."ii t 2S per anl UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 "Masters of Men n Tin.' grealesl sen story eer written. thrdlitt; ilr r: of lie-iiieii, of devil-inn) -mi -.nlornien. rareles, able, loyal, imiiideul and loutble niniiM the Mtagir the Hpauish Main, A virile tale of the iwiw of t l tiirous joutli ami beautiful girlliood. A viud mii- .. lift b'-fore the inal. A Inn - Imttlf upward in Ihe v iiiol terrifiii: school, th hell-hole forward on a i ship. Tin deslruction or tlie Spiunli fleet at Saul., g Earle Williams, Cullei Landis, Alice Calhoun, Wanda Hawley and dittingmthtd cast rL'-ii- r i . hi n t-i J' Lnri5iie lomeay - rtoia Lveryimni Fun from the Press Admisiion 50c and 25c. j Be the 'Cand Kid And Buy a Box of PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Ideal for tho Home, the Party or the Theatre. A TOOTH80ME . DELIGHT IN A BEAUTIFUL BOX. All 8lxet All Prices, Holo AkciiU: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CA8H CHEQUE