The Home of Domestic Bread Bread is your best food. Kat more of il. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phone 580. NIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers1 Club Situate, in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. PAGE FOVR. THB DAILY WEWa Monday. Janinrv i, We Start The day with grape fruit and a smile. Cheerful service anil Ihc fallowing prices nre bound to toll. Ladles Brown Xld High Shoes, low heel, all sixes ... . $6.75 Men's Work Shoes, nil solid leather , ... $5.50 Rubbers and Rubber Boots fnr all members of the fnmilp. Family SHOE. Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation . visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket., Hales ,and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. BRINGING UP FATHER J Q J II llllll vow: III I rod 1 . Ml UJi! .. 1 LITTLE, il What the Salvation Army did in 1033 and what il hopes lo do in 1921 is the subject discussed in a pamphlet recently issued by Ibal organization. Generally speaking, it is pointed out, the effort of (lie Army has been in the past and will be in the , future cenlered on the wilh the poor of all nations, wilh the fallen, Ihe erring, those lending lo or guilly of crime, both men and women, wilh a view lo their redemption and restoration. At Ihe beginning of 1021 the Army is established in 8(1 coun tries and speaks 55 languages. It operates 11,000 Corps arjd outposts und has 21,000 officers; 00,000 local officers, about 10,000 bandsmen and practically the same number of songsters. It publishes 100 separate periodicals with a total circulation of approximately a million and a half copies. Contrary lo the lielief of many of the Army's own friends, it gives the. best of its attention and care to its religious and not lo its social work, believing that the hope of civilization is bound up in the conversion of the individual from evil ways lo good and up- rigid lives. Shelters and Depots In its social work at Ihe be-inning of 1921, Ihe Army oper ates 60 shelters anil food dojiots for men, 20 shelters and food depots for women, 15 separate food depots, 180 hotels for working men (some of litem very large) 18 hotels for working women,, 170 homes and indus- 'rial institutions for men, 150 labor bureaus, 22 farms, 100 slum posts in large cities ard 0 homes or Inebriates. In connection with its prison work it operates 16 prison gate homes into which il will receive at least 3,000 discharged con vicls during this year. Last year it received 2575 criminals and lias good reports of 2f200 of Ihe Army number more than' 1(00 and Ihe officers and cadets in social work number more; llian 1,000. During 1923 the Army found employment for about 125,000 men and women and secured temporary employ-j uient for more thnn 200,000 men,! II supplies meals In about 15,-1 000,000. British Boys During 1923 General nram-j well lioolh arranged a plan tot send 10,000 Ilritish boy lo the colonies, the majority of whom, will come lo Canada. A few hundred of these boy arrived in Winnipeg in 1023 and a Iar- ger number will come during 1 1)2 1. Every arrangement isl made for their settlement nndf supervision. Practically every one of the boy already brought to Canada In the past' has succeeded. The Arijiy will also send In Canada during 1021 large parties of girls for domestic service, widows, children and some oilier classes, a may seem desirable. The Army believe Jp assisting ami doe a- Klsl the migration of these clas- mutated ma of and xiImiiwum matter frin the fyatetn. headache and lckrw to my tnarh. I plans noW ill process of fulfil la.r PlTu'and eve"! .f, JT T"1 0n. f ' tMia" as wen at I ever did. w I lway keen "'"' nanways. them in hand." i - GERMAN SETTLERS Milhurn's Lata-Llver Pills are tit a vial at all dealer, nr mailed dlrert tin! I IITI V ran Ai it in a reeelpt of prlre by The ..T. Mllburn Cc UKfcLl i"Uu LAN ADA Limited, Toronto, Ont. ses. The rvligious work of the Army in Canada made steady progress throughout 1021. CANADIAN NATIONAL W WILL INSTAL RADIO inal news items anil concert may be broadcasted to trains cn route across Canada. Very sue cessful experiments along., this line were carried out during the MADE IN CANADA LlHtWMTtST.UCHnSL lll.l. m a. visitors .rom rtamourg are Looking Over Country View to Sending Settlers KHMOXTON, Jan" I L Securing information a lo (he np-portuniliese for immigrants Hr. I'l-eusse jspcrbcr. irmnager of the association of Herman im migrant, and Wilbelm Kelger. QPT IN THF TRAINS I "ll oI "nniburg, fJermany. were ULllU 111 1IIL llVnllllJ iiti i V.lmnnl.1,1 .nn.ii1lln ....II. D. Robb Announces Innova tion to be Inaugurated During Coming Year According to an announcement made by V. I). Hohb, vice president or the Canadian National Itailways, radio will prove an important 'part i Ihe service ,of the .National system during Ihe coming i-ar- Ily making use of existing liroadf-astinu stations ami by the ereeiion tf others programs of entertainment and news will he broadcaslcil from one end of the Dominion to the other. Another important item will be the equipping of all transcontinental train of the Canadia.. National Railways with radio receiving sets am) placing them in charge of skilleij operators, so jlocal authorities yesterday. The Asocialitn of Gorman immigrants is an organizalioh which undertakes in give reliable information to. people in Germany who want lo Immigrate ami lo help them to reach Hie land lo which I hey wanl lo go. Accompanying Uiem are John Sclirellen of the Canadian National colonization department and Henry Mnhr representing the Ctinanl line. Dr. Sperber slate I bat he ha found conditions very excellent for immfgrantion and dial if the plans of the association are approved by the Canadian authorities, there should be a considerable number of German farmers come lo Canada. EDMONTON PROPOSES REPEAL EARLY CLOSING KDMO.VJ'ON. Jan. II. The charter amendment committee of past summer by the Nationalise cily council considered the In the women's industrial system, when all special train form of the advertisement cov- iiomes, rescue institutions for,' unfortunate and fallen women. I it received during last year over; 8,000 ami released over 7,000 wilh hopes for their satisfactory ! future lives- Of Ihese institutions the Army maintains and will operate 50 maternity homes through 1921. wilh accommodation, for about 1600 women. The list of Social Institutions Magic Baking Powder is scientifically made and has never failed to give the maximum leavening efficiency. Because of this and the uniformly satisfactory results obtained by its use,' we recommend It as Canada's perfect baking powder. E W. COIXTT COMTANI UMTtO Toaomo m ering application to the legis. lature for charter amendments. ,Tlie following changes ore under (consideration, which will, of ;course, have lo be discussed by leoiineil later: 0 I. To repeal all section of the said charter, which impose liability on Ihe elty (or non-re- pair of highways, streets, side. walk, etc. 2 To authorize the construction of sewers al he cost of the e.tty al large, wilh the right to I Impose n frontage charge upon 1I properly abutting I hereon, instead of constructing sewer as local improvements. 3. To aiilliorle Ihe issue of , interim certificate lo purchases of debentures, pending Ihe is- isue of the regular formal t. To validate, certain local '! imnrAfmiiniil v.u lnu-a 0. To repeal Ihe clauses of Hie Edmonton charter relating to early closing. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert P. G. La Grue, D. fi Spot I. .lame II. A. Stephen and V. W. (Crawford. Vancouver: Charles F jOabrnra, Haitellnn: C. A. Manor. ,Tcrruce: J. McNeil, Telkwa, Miss iMltlli Daniel. Sriillher! II. A. 'Heilgard and II. J. Thompson. M'altle, Central G W. Jenkins, Smilher. Mis right. England; P. Daniels, f! Ml D. Dorothy. Seattle; Mrs A, Woodlmiisc, Georgetown: Mr and Mrs M. It. Pointer. Wrnn tedl, 1-raiicois Culbut. Edmonton REPAIRING ANYTHING IN CANVAS. Phone 780. P. LeCUire. Cow Hay. LOOK HERE MR. TRAPPER. Here is where you gel the big prices for ymir furs. Se me first ami lul before selling else where. I like you make money. W. Q0LDBLOOM, "The Trapper's Friend." Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Good nought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture end Croery. Third Ave. Phones Hlark 13ft and lie, I II. TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. (Call Georgs or Gust) Rots Brother. Prompt svire ami Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Qrlii Third Avsnus MISCELLANEOUS. G. ANDKIISOX. Sailmaker Sails and Tarpaulins made to order , and repaired. Third Avenue, opposite Pioneer Laundry. Phone Ureen 392. P.O. Hot 723. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday, close al 5.30 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursdays Awl. Saturday. 4.30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sundays P. M Wednesday ( P.M. Fridays A.M. January It and 18. To Vancouver- Tuesdays. Mail close at t P..M Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays A.M. C.P.Il. January IK. To' Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier Wednesday 10 P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier Fridays .M. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Sundays ' 7 p.m. From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, -Stewart and Premier Tuesdays A.M. To Alaska Points January 1 1 and 28. From Alaska Points January 18. To Queen Charlotte Island Points January ':, in, .10. cioc 11.30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Points January I i nnd 28. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson-Thursday iq j. m From Naas II, er Paints Saturdays A.M. PRINCE flUPERT TIDES Mondav. Jn "'K'1 7:50 a.m. 18.2 20:2(1 p.m. J5.3 ''ow 1:01 n.m. H.n H:l I p.m. H.rt Tuesday, January 15. 8:17 lulu. 8.3 , 21:11 p.m. 15.1 '"w 1:3(1 11.111. 9.0 , I ft ; 1 0 rl.ui. . ... WednedV. January 18 ni'' 9:38 n.m. 8.0 . ??:33 p.m. 1 5.8 ,ow S:55 n.m. 0.5 I0 IH p.m, 7 By George McManui ft. ft fl would !W: CXiTfc f. 1 " , Ol4 T lNt t riTU Stwica. Uc t'lh ' SALVATION ARMY FLOATING SPECKS DID GREAT WORK BEFORE THE EYES Record of Achievement for 1923 ! Is Stated In Pamphlet Just Issued Jwere equipped wilh radio receiving sots, and coneerts and hows picked up by Ihem while ill.. . n:.... . .. , MEANS UVER TROUBLE receiving set installed in the car iued by Mr. Lloyd George was . , . means of bringing to him ?a TwS Nri. ror a rew seamd and you reel a ir y.m ante an, causing him to char-ere init u rtnt. jto ran r?t assured arleruc a "inevitable" lifs spe-ttiat your liver U out irtu. pri.periy.ciat feature of the Canadian Nn-Thr nwniui ihinr to in all rar -iiial service. The official an-nbere Uie liver l alow, laay ir torpid. 'nounoemenl of Mr. Itlilib in as to llr It op by tin- ue of Mllharn's follows: Lan-l.lver Pill and Hear aay the aceu-1 .im,1 j..... . ihA radio conception in Canada, . iiiere now being over ... , . Mr. Cha. A) land, Frankvllle, A Onl, . 1: .. ... a,,,,, "-"ts. at not be rtti: -I ui i n. iih.rrt may amiM submerged lenlh. Its work is with rioaiio .perk before, my eye, for me to .stalp briefly the radio Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. Nu Advarilaamant Taken for La than B0eJ WANTED MOLKK ItAIlllKIl COLLF.GK wanl men and .women lo learn Ihe Harbor Trade. I'aid while Jearningr Tbi is your opportunity to learn a trado and' get into steady employment. Graduate earn from 10.00 to 50.00 per week. Writo for free catalogue. 50 Hastings K. Vancouver. FOR SALE FIHl SALK.- "?3" Transfer and Taxi consisting of one Dlzo enclosed car with shock absorbers and Weed chain, two Ford deliveries with covered bodies, tool, etc.; Ilusines has been established three month and receipts are Increasing each month. Cari are in good condition. 4100 cash, balance terms. Apply Northern Exchange. If FOlt SALK. Timothy hay ;S..i0 per Ion. Wild hay. $16.50 per (on. Mixed hay IH.OO per Ion f.o.b. Hula!!. Apply Huralt Mercantile Company. Hulall. il.C. FOlt SALK Sixteen room boarding house and ore. furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose FOR SALK. Large healer. In good condition. Phone Green 231. L3 FOR REfiT HALCONY to rent in Indies' Jleady-to-Wear store. Suitable for first class milliner. Apply J. Hent, Third Avenue. I'rince Ituperl, H.C. 13 STEAM Heated Flat for rent Hesner apartments. M. M. Stephens. LOST LOST. Siring of crystal lads. Finder pleasi return lo Daily New Office. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue, i'bone 137. If SCHEDULE OF BASKETS! January It. - Grot!" Leafs. Adanaes, S ) 18. Kaiens. !' t High Sehool; Co!t t 21,CnH. Hegl M Kalen; 'IVachers. si ?6. Adanaes. at School, Groli". Sim 28. Coll. IhKh Teacher, Maple I,. Teachw. February I. Helen. Au hirollo; Traehers. s I. Grotto. d,tn. M Adanaes; S.O.C.. (:; 8. Kalen. T"a-High School, LV il-ColU. flegl . M Kalrn; Teacher, s.u.i 1 6. Adanaes. Tea' School, GrtMio; S.O.I M. iUAi. lis lenctter. Mite I TAacbem. 22.--Kaien. Ad;r Grotto;' Teacher. " T Jfi-Grollo. ft Leaf, Adanaes; S.(Mif March J I . Kalen. Tearher High School; Colts i 1,-OdL Hegt.: Mj Kalen: Teacher, s '. 8. Adanaes. Tenth , School. Grotto: S.ii t- llColl. High rjf If "H !er. Maple Leafs. CP- I 15- Kaiens. Adar .r Grotlo; Tenrhei. G.W.V.A.; K -f P SI. Andrew's v- S( Il nil" Si. ii nf l.:i''i., : V 1 If 4." T Ki WHIST LEAGUE Jan. 17 Knight oitchr ' Jan. 21 K. of r l J of Canada vs (iAV V of Kaaland vs. L ti v ! Antlrew's vs. M n ' Jan 31 SI. Anilrew s K P.; L.f).f.F. v Lw " vs. (I.W.V.A.; Snrr -rf ada v. Son oM Vthi 7 f SI. ,ndnv T " I.O.O.F. v. G WA Vl Crftnnda v. K. otl!. M' 1 K. of C Feb. 1 1 Son of Ft of C; K. of P. vs P v. I.O.O.F.: Andrew's. Feb. 21 Mooe v. Sn; ada; St. Andrew v K. nf P. v.. K rlf C England v. Elk. Feb. 28-IC. of P. v,gi S t Moose v. Elk; Sor; -f ada v. LOUI.F ; ssrrf r!i vs k' ntn , i March ft K. of I" Son of Mnalnrtil Son of Canatla v K of 1 March 13 -Sons of i;u?'1n:l G.W.Vw. BILLIARD mCM Jan. 1 1. Elk vf s.(M' .Inn trt flrnllo Vs V.R Hard Parlor. Jnn 18 HI AtnlJowV ' W.V.A. UJ Jan. 21. Elk v. GAV V A Jan. 23. SI. Andrew M Hllllard Parlor. , . Jan. 25. Grollo 1 s.n.F Jan. 28. o .W.V.A. v s0' Jan. 30. Grollo $ ilrew's. ti Feb. I. P.n. HilllSrd1 W v. 'Elk. , .