Monday January 14, 1024. Clearance SALE -.! of Electric Heaters yrfUs i nn opportunity for you (n purrha-c an article tin'' -tVey home needs nway In-low the regular price. Ideal hi v trriui'f? (he bathroom, for removing the ctull and a nfiMf'- from room- not heated. You simply press the liidliHi Villi Ihe lieat commence to flow. Vm 7 Maje-lii- I Ifii I er. Meg. price ij 13.00. Kale price 5 8.00 Niy .f'ijetir llenhr. Ileg. price s? 1 S.0(). Side Price $12.00 No. & .Jkjclir llenler. Ileg. price $10. 75. Sale I'rire $13.25 No. Ijilitjeslir Healer, lleg.price 2t.rM). Sale rii c $15.00 s J .Nje(tii- Healer. IU pn. 30.0O. Sal" Priee $21.00 Seo our window display. Buy,' Now at Reduced Prices Genuine Eversharp Pencils SALE NOW ON ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Rexall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. Wo Prepay Mall Orders. SOMETHING NEW KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL A new anil different fuiih for flours that is wu.-hahle, tary anil exceedingly tough and duralile. Ak for color ard, Pints 90c Quart $1.G0 Hair Gallon $3.00 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Te.3 We Deliver. Box 1646. v Phono 109. Helgcrson Block. ?. Dr. F. P. KENNY ,k, Dentist fl X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hour-: O a.m. to 0 p.m. Open livening Iy Special .ppuiutuieul. ,11 mm t Freo Delivery In Prince Rupert. Behind this label it the rennUtion of the Urt, moil hygicnicaU ly cirntific brewing institution in the Weil a rUnt tnl (uaranteci alwajrt tht utmott in purity and the per fection of tatiifaction in every bottle, Public endorsement of Caicade i proved by ever ! - now grriter than all othert in Britith Columbia combined. Get a supply of Cascade today SolJ at alt GoVKTttmtnt Liquor Slorfs Vancouver Breweries i xt .IMA r This Hdvjrrtisoinrlit is. rot publish' nr 'ispliiyed hy the Liquor Clil'l Hon tit or In H'' tiOVi' V- i (, 'u 11) : bit I ' ; Here and There A grizzly bear barbecue will be one of the features of the Winter Carnival at Banff in February. Ten Canadian and three United State teama have already entered for the Kastern International Dog Derby, which will be run during the Winter Carnival in Quebec, February 21, 22 and 23. Procrest and bright prospect! In the development of sodium sulphata in Saskatchewan is reported by the Bureau of Labor and Industries. Sodium sulphate recovered from Saskatchewan deposits is now being used in the manufacture of glass at Redcliff. A report of the British Columbia Industrial Commission Department shows loans to industries amounting to 1,17S,C34 embracing 60 plants. Repayments have been made on principal by 65 industries. Total repayments amount to 1181,428, of which $71,245 was interest. For 'the purpose of extending Canadian trade in Creece, Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean, W. McL. Clarke, Canadian Trade Commissioner at Milan, Italy, has been Instructed to' visit these countries and report on the opportunities for the sale of Canadian goods. E. D. Calvert, noted guide and sportsman of Rainy River, who has done much towards bringing tourists from all parts of the United States to the Lake of the Woods, states that th tourist traffic this yesr has greatly exceeded all previous years and anticipates a greater increase next season. United States grain shipped frrm Csnadian ports during the crop year, September 1, 1S22 to August 31, 1923, totalled 55,000,000 bushels. This meant total handlings of approximately 110,000,000 bushels, as it was necessary for the grain to pais through the elevators at lake ports and at ports of exit-Miss Marion Towne, of Berlin K.H., who in three years since she first put on a ski, has achieved fame through her daring and graceful jumping, has expressed, her desire to compete with Canada's best girl ski jumpers at the winter sports carnival in Quebec on February 21, 22, 23 and 24th, during which time she wiH make exhibition jumps. Further indications that the year 1923 will create a record in ocean traffic are shown by figures given out at the headquarters of the Canadian Tacifir Steamships. Bookings for wentbound sailings were exceptionally large, while those for sailings to the Old Country for Christ-mss ami the New Year were in advance of the traffic of aay previous year. The Calgary Board of Trade h taking interest in the proposal of large British interests, which involve Hie utilization of western straw for the manufacture of paper and other products, and is getting all possible information with respect to the development of industries. Hundreds of thousends of tons of straw are burned in the prairies every year, which it iJ" claimed has a commercial value. St. Jovite, Quebec, has been chos;n once more as a movie location, and arrangrmenta have been made by Conrad Nagle and Alma Rubens for the transportation of themselves, party of 17 and equipment to that place during the early winter. Last winter Lionel Barrymore and Seena Owen located at St Jovite for the filming of "Snow Blind" prior to taking other parts of the picture around the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec, and Windermere, British Columbia. Traffic through the Lachine Canal In 1923 showed an Increase o-er that of 1922 in almost every par ticular, the total grain carried bel- 88,285,270 bushels, as compared w..h 873112 in 1922, the best previous year; coal receipts totalling 813,591 tons, compared with 384,573 tons; the ship tonnage operated being 5.tS2,200, agint 4,786.543; shipments of pulpwood totalling 350,9(0 tons, against 313,134 last year; the cargo tonnage being 4,-411,183, compared with 4,360,325; and the number of passengers carried totalling 78,097, against 69,392 in 1922. FOR ALDERMAN. WM. D. MOXLEY. A resident for 14 year.', Solicits Your Vole and Influence. . Your Votes are asked for on behalf of F. J. FULLER as Alderman Your Vole and . Influence Solicited for CHAS. V. EVITT For Alderman ,( THE DAILY NEWS. PAfJE THREE. . ; Local laaAPersoaal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. 3.O.C. vs. Colts to-night. Grotto vs. Colts to-night. -t Maple Leafs vs. Adanacs ' Hayners, 351. Undertakers. J Phone if Your vole and influence res pectfully solicited for Alderman. (Jeo. Hill. 13 Try XANOOSK-Wcllinglon or l'clkwa Coal. More heat. Less oot. Philputl. Kvill & Co. If Women of Mooschearl Legion Whist Drive and Dance Tuesday, January 15. Metropolc Hall. 12 We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 625. .. tf P. J. McCrml(k, Ninth Avenue Kal, received, word by wire yesterday afternoon that his mother hail -passed away at Wapella, Sask..' The annual', inceliug of the Exhibition Hoard will be held on Friday night, January 18, at o'clock sharp fri the council chamber, City Hall. 15 Union steamer Cardeua, Cant. A. K. Iticksou; arrived last even-in? al 8.30 from Vancouver and wayporls and Mailed al 0.30 for Stewart and Anyox. (treat War veteran Associa tion general meeting on Wed nesday evening January 16 luioorlanl business. AH mem bers requested lo attend. Tin; American schooner K, Neilson, 5.000 hounds, was the only halibut arrival at the Fisl F.xrbatipe today. , Sale of Ihe catch is being deferred until to morrow. Twelve members of the naljvc Church Army from Kiucolith left on Saturday niylil's (rain (or Vauarsdol and Kilwanga. Tliey will siiend several week in I tic interior. Mrs. Jessie Jacob-, of Wesl-view, was admitted to the General Hospital last evening for surgical I real men I lo an injured foot. Mrs. Jacobs will likely, be in the hospital for the next six weeks. Alaska Slcauiship Co.'s steamer Victoria, northbound from Seattle lo Alaska ports, is due in port this afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. The, vessel is bringing it small quantity of freight here bill no passengers. II. McKwcu, division freight agent, and H. K. McNauglilnu, lis'rict passenger agent, are lej ig on tonight's train for jronlo lo attend a conference t L.N.II. Jralllc ollleers. They wjll be away for two or llirec weeks. . fc C.fLM.M. steamer Canadian Transporter, (".apt. A. It. Watson, cleared yesterday uflemoon at I o'clock for Vancouver afler loading 80,00(1 feet of spruce lumber here for Ihe United Kingdom. Capt (Sunns is lo pilot Ihe Transporter south. CP. II. steamer Prktve Mmv. Capt. Ormiston, is due in purl this afternoon northbound from, Vancouver lo southeastern Alaska porls. Hooked to sail for Ihel itorl It from here on (he vessel areM. M. Pointer and Mrs. Car- I rut her, for Wrauuell; Mrs. S. Musgrave, Mrs. 1. Musgrave, Mr. ami Mrs. P. l'awcetl, 0. .1. I). 0. Molhersm. special commissioner of Ihe Kdinonlon Hoard of Trade, who has been at (he Paclfio Coast investing grain terminal rales and shipping routes, notifies S. J. McLeodJ president of Ihe Prince Rupert Hoard of Trade, that ho will bo unable to visit the city al this time. Mr. Molbersill hud been invited lo come hero to inspect tlio port as an elevulor site. He, suggests that tho matter be taken up with tho Edmonton Hoard of Trude. 20 BENTS 20 Sr.! Discount Sale on Tuesday and Wednesday only 20 per cent Discount will be allowed on all COATS and SUITS in our store Watch the Windows RENTS Ladies' Ready-tq-Wear night' train from Telkwa and is registered at the Hotel Prince llupert. steamer Prince John, Capt. Neil McLean, from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, is due in port al 9 o' clock this evening. NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, while! light, even belter than gas or elect ricily, has been tested by the U.S. fiovcrnnient and 35 leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise no pumping up, is simple. clean, safe. Hums 91 air and 6 common kerosene 'coal oil''. The inventor. O. A. Johnson, 595 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, is offering to send a lamp on 10 days FflKE trial, or even lo give one FREE to the first uer in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full parliculars, Also ask him lo explain how you can get Ihe 8geney. and without .experience or money make ?250 lo 500 per month. 1 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 1921 CANDIDATES ENDORSED lty PRINCE RUPERT TRADES A LABOR COUNCIL For Aldermen: Aid. S. D. Macdonald Aid. Alex. Mackenzie Geo. B. Casey J J. Gillls George Rudderham James Black For Police Commissioner: W. H. Montgomery.. Your Yolo and Influence requested in support of the above snaiiicd FOR ALDERMAN. ARTHUR BROOKSBANK Solicits your Vote and Confidence. 'rviiim c it.., .,.).. i w i... j. j. j, a a a a a a a. j. x "I. II VII, , a'UIMI'IIJ, W, II 41IIUUI1, , " " T T T T T T T T .11. M. Henderson. Hurry Young. Alex. Hurnard, Mrs. and W. l.avvson. Ed. I.awlcr THIRD AVENUE Jack McNeil arrived on last , . City of Prince Rupert 6 per cent Bonds 11)00 due isl Aug., Mil. 2000 du? 1.-1 Aug., 1010. $2230 due 1st Aug., 1917. $1203 due 1st Aug., 1918. 1300 due 1st Aug., 1911). $1300 due 1st Aug., 1950. Price ?K)I.20. Price 101.23. Price 10 1.28. Price 10 1.30. l'rice $101.32. Price $101.31. Yield 3.90 Yield 5.90 Yield 5.90 Yield 5.90 Yield 3.90 Yield 5.90 Semi-annual Coupons payable in New York and Can ada, Denominations .$250, 500, $1000. Orders may be wired at our expense, we pay deliver) charges. Inter st accrued and date of payment must he added. Gillespie. Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. Recruits Wanted Ag- limit IS lu 15. Young men from 10 to 18 ran join willi parents' consetiL Commencing Wednesday, January Dili, a comprehensive six weeks' course of military training will he conducled under u regular army instructor loaned lo the Regiment for this purpose. Physical training and boxing tinder qualifi?d instructors. Recruits will be examined Mondays and Wednesdays v at 8 p.m. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block; Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! t.ASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 584. COW'S CELEBRATED RAIN COATS Manufacturer's St mples London, England CALL AND SEE THEM STEVE KING - Phone Green 85 Third Avenue