FAGI TWO. "Was Freed of Gall Stones And Persistent Backache" Mr. AWwiVr Bradley. R-R. No. 1, Carp, Oat., writes: DAILY EDITION NEVBOX EST rv '.T mm ' It m "I uff ered from D stoaet, and commenced taking Dr. o.,.a. kTn..J Pitt. 1 feel safe in sarins that these AJ" cnPkle'jr orcam the trouble, as u is some years since I was afflicted in this way, aftd 1 have at suffered frm gall stones or even backache since. T Kftv at&A frwtinA fir fWat koft' Nerve Food excellent for heart trouble and shortness of breath." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills' JtS . a tni of 35 pill. I"dinjuion. Bales Oa, Ixd, TotboSo The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exespt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 3orSalad& and Dccp'ihying Mattl is pure refined Vf fle-table oil, equal lo the best oliveoil for making Mayon. mUe and French bretiinf. and it ii preferred to other cooking fill for frying and kwinlol. MU U nort ccMa-bkiI la Ik kUcb.il. Attttm Onur. wniunwiw im tm caxao wflJU' mxji u. uiHusid iw 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day pr? ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Thursday. June 2C. I9it. Professionalism Pervades Everything. In sport professionalism seems to pervade everyone. It ha-so grown tin the world that a good many learns today will tort play except "before an audience that ha paid to see the game. In Scotland it is seen iu a recent attempt to bribe players to throw a game. From the little folk up there is something of the same spirit shown. No game can be played without collecting a fee from the audience. No one is .safe today in slopping by the wayside to watch the youngsters play Tor fear someone will be passing; thd hat around. Time was when young people and old played a game for the sake of the sport. They wanted' no spectators but enjoyed Ihe game for its own sake. Today idl that is changed. We are not suggesting any remedy. Possibly nothing can . be done to change it. It is simply oneuf the signs of the times. Power Of Orient . ; ;J, Is Being Felt. When the United Stalesdecided to keep Japanese from that country there was a howl of remonstrance from Ihe .. yellow men. So serious were the Japanese over Ihe situation that one or two of them publicly committed hnji-klri or suicide t by ripping themselves open, more for- the sake of impressing their countrymen than with hope of influencing the I'uiled Stales. Recently wlien the Dominion fiovernmenl ordered (hat to present smuggling of Chinese into the cjtuntry all should be photographed and the photo kept in the official archives, there was a strong protest made by people of that nationality in this country. At the opening of the fishing season on the Skeena River Ihe Japanese fishermen went on strike and lied up the fishing Ihere. So it goes. Everywhere Ihe influence of the Orient is strong on this continent, and no one can say how strong it would have been. had not the Laurjer government raised the tax against Chine-e to $500 and made an agreement with Japan to keep nationals of that country' -at norm." The influence here luday i as strung as we want iL The race problem' is one that is n danger to any community. Any people that can be voted en bloc are dangerwui. Newspaper Making Young Man's Job. The late Lord Northcliffe. formerly Alfred llarmwnrtiff i crediled with saying that making a newspaper is a young man's Job. He say, that anyone starting a' paper should not be over thirty year's of age. The inference is that anyone to succeed in the newspaper game mul keep young. He cannot afford to grow old. The ravages of time and weight of increasing years must not depress him. Some people are old at twenty while others are young at seventy. The journalist must be perennially young for he must bring lo his work freshness of ideas, brightness of expression, kcenne of intellect and unbounded enthusiasm. There you are, budding journalist! Are you properly equipped or will you give up the task in despair? Running The Business To 8ult Everybody. What was supposed toibe a joke appeared iu this paper yesterday. A man was supposed lo have remarked thai he Could not find n hotel to soil him. The other replied that the hotel did not suit him, yet he owned it. So it must he in everv business. .Vonei or us are satisfied. If we are, the business j in a bad way nml cannot improve. Most of us realize our limitations but if we acknowledge .that it might be heller and conliiiuallv try to make it bctler we shall likelv succeed. VieBarlif "TMl'aiVB 1 fl W Slat Si Si m I gfgg6" &nin& nd Shortening FIFTY : MIUIONS INVESTED VAST SUM SUNK IN.OPERATIO' OF PROVINCE'S PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY British Columbia Only Cuts One- ' Thousandth Part of Her Pulp Wood Annually It is estimate,! I tiat the luiee sum f 50.ooo.onn i mve.ted in I lie manufacture of pulp and lpacr inJtriiish Columbia which is one of Ihe great divisions of Ihe Forest Product Industrie of this province. British Colum-bia 'os.e.sses Ihe finest si and of lush grade pulji wood in (lie world. The nunTitilv is placed at 1 feel or Jii.OlKI.- flOli cords. In ID Ihe plants of British Columbia converted 2 1,000 cord or roughly a thousandth part into Ihe manufactured product. Yet British Cotutiihia produced 9J? rfr cent, or all the pulp and 9.r lr cent of all Ihe pa-ier in I fie liominiou of Canada. Pulp and Paper In 192 Ihe pulp and paper industry of ItrilMi Colombia employed l3 person in its plant alone wild an annual payroll of 3J;,000 and spent ronider-ahly oer 3.000,0on in ihe pur chase of supplies. In addition Ihe logging of Ihe raw material employs many hundred of men ami greatly add Jo the imlulry payroll. Knomiou um are spenl an nually in renewals of machinery, enlargement of plants, and in keeping Ihe . processes up to the ( latest scientific standard riieVslahlishment of a modern pulp and paper plant entails Ihe xpendilure of several ' million dollar. The growth of an in-' dulry vat enough lit keep pace with our increasing pulpwood sirpply is only a question of creatinar laxation condition thai will encourage tlie inelmenl of Ihe huore sum needed This series of article communicated by Ihe Timber Industries Council of British Columliia. OPEN MIND ON ALL SUBJECTS W. E. Williams Urges Gyros That Prejudice on all Questions Should be Avoided Urging thai Ihe scientific mind be hi-ought lo hear upon mailers of nationality, religion, irolilir. and friendship and thai bias or prejudice he removed hy developing an open mind on all contentious NtihjerU, W. K. William delivered an interesting and uplifting address hefnre Ihe fiyro Chili lal night at iu regular uumlhly open meeting, Humorously opening into his suhjeet, Mr. William cited many human pc.hulngicat fralllie now acting a Kluuihliiig blocks In Ihe pro-gi'es or rlvillzniioit thai Willi ciillivnlinn of Ihe scientific mind might he removed, In addition lo .Mr. Williams' address, Ihe program of the evening included violin nolo y William Murray, jr. accompanied hy dyrn Vaughan Ihtvie and selections by an orehclra consisting of (lyrn Arf Bauson, Kenny Hood and Miss ft. !yr. Attitude of Council A lisciiion arose a to, Ihe allilude taken hy Ihe city council iu the mailer of assisting the Huh's playground project a reflected In reports of lal Monday night's council meeting. The suggestion Mint the rtyro Blub was not living up to its umler- laking when it insisted that the council prepan4 (he ground in iMcBlymoiit Park for (he erection of the playground equipinenl was iresenled and II was pointed out thai Hie chili's aim was always to do- (Is fnlr share and Ihal It considered' it was doing so in this case KETCHIKAN TO BUILLD NEW COMMUNITY HALL "KKTCIIIKAN, June 20, The Kelchikah post of Die American Legion will from July 2 lo July t make a drive for funds for the THR DAILY flttWft. Thursday. - Jifnr ii PLAYER'S purpose of raiin? sufllcieni ft. Currie; Campbell. Brighton, money In Ihe rilr to ererl a mm- Deniiia, Allah and llnrdy. Iry' munily htlilding with a largejliock McCrulh; Sniiih and Ann-1 putdic hall. The plan are tn!lronjr; lavidiu. DulT am hand and alreaily a pari of Ihe. Archie; MelBrry. Kervier. Kllioit. require. I sinii has leen raied. Iluirhe and luwe. I The hall will huve a flmir sace- of t.rtOU square feel and a bal- Tliere was a pnhlie meeting cony and lar la nlaiil lo eMihler Ihe cii)-' 'financial jllin. .Mayor .Newton The Mao in the Mood SAYSx- a citizen i whether he puis more inlis Ihe country than he takes out of it. A I.O.N'H, long. 1 1 hie ago there wa a provincial eleciion, so tour ago thai is cems''fn luive bet held in Ihe dim and distant past. Let ii he thankful thai we ran forget . A IHCKTOYVN i n place where the Bies. eal Ihe luiller and the people eal Hie file and Ihe grass grows in llie sired and you can on Ihe relative merits of fundii inenlnlism or modernism .. . IT ! easy lo make mislflkc In In a newspaper, II happened In Ihe old Country Ihal a news- The .Merchants defeated the Dry liock hy it score of 12 lo I iu the opening galne of the Dominion Buy cup phiy.olf last night. W. .MacLeod refcreM and Ihe lineups were as follows Merchauls Voungmuu: Bodson and J. Currie, Arthur, Garnet and j li"mni 11 1MI l r-r-niT-,i n r-iin , '(on the sitiialioa. Ttiere was a j ijrtMul deal of dlssHiii hut no rsulls were urvdueci. -C YVK have heard of a man whoj H- JcHMlnir. rad superintend, claimed lWore the eleciion that f'. detiie that au apprtmrlation he ronl rolled evenleen voles and "f. ,00 ha been made for a yel hi wife voted upainsl htm. 'mad up Alice Arm. He ay. . t . Itnil i . ft i . I IK the inami.ulalor of the sM-nl on a Inmk trail up the B-j fiM.lhaIlirainhliiiKdeice haehe)Haiiee llier. eliHHlinir its patron, people have ' 1 1 " 111 lwen wonderuiif how many af Ihej B DAY'S WORK older gamhlliig' coiccrp are run He wa a very pallenl and lotitr-alouar similar line. ' isufTerinc young funii, hut when al - jlai III belrothed arrhe.l al Ihe TUB real te of Ihe value oflcorner where they had arrange! lo meel he ventured a reiuoii slranee. After Ihe kts he afd "Darling, you are late." "(inly' a few minute." .he protected J in an injured tone. ' unl I'd he here al " o'rloek. and M' oulv 0 jwl now." "Oh." sighed the young man, "then you most hate mistaken the day! I'te ccn wail-int here ulnre tasi night !" Yortslilre Pot. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrivals from the south on the' 2.X. It. sleamer Priace lieorire. scrape mo from the hacks of Gapl. Harry Xe.lden. yeMenliiy the inhabitants. Watch out for afierniM.u included: i Ihe mos. Kr prrp Uukpi:) Mr and 'Mr ( III r row nml (illnilv Mr nml! NOW Hint iNililies Is labmi',fr., jj. u, Uower and child. Mlsl what about having a discussion t. Oampbell. Miss Orr. Miss! liorence Joy, Ham hoiigla. .Mi, H. Jncolisen. Mr. MrUeachy. Mr. and Mr. T. lUda. J. C,lnca. J I. II C I LI.... M - I l Pinii mi';, ..ii. iiiio iiir. I.. T. Keimey. IL. B. Ilavi. Mr. and Mrs. II. (i. .Ma.lill. Mis. Vori.r paper wished r. ny som.dhlngi.Mrs. B. It. Wilson. A. W. i.,,on. flattering about, a speaker so ilJj-. C. Badie; Miss M. Lalimer and mentioned in the address he Mjs M. Ilol-lon (Hmilher . Mrs. via overiiowing Willi hCOICIIIil.MMi,.,,,,, ,,,! f,iv A A ('.,. wit I'lie man on the machine i ttn.,.ii Mr. n m r lefl out Hie word "wil" and lhe proof reader did not tiolice the omission. It seems that Ihe speaker, who wn a clergyman, did nol appreciate -the rntnpll-tnenl. T. BOM made (lie country hit' it whs Ihe devil Unit made the polnln bug. MOWN enf tfiey 'ire sdylng Ihal in Brilish Columbia thcie are 2K,r,l2 horn leaders who have no followers and who therefore despair of llie-people, ' Bh llll province we know heller. Ucm we are well aware IhAl of the half million inhabitants Ihere are at least nii.ouo who consider themselves lenders. r Ten Years Ago In Prlncaj RufMtrt J Galium, Mr. Thompson. Mrs. W. ill I lie and child. Miss Houslance Oreen, Mrs. J. B. Lord and daughter. W. I.alng. Miss .Merle B. Foster, B. A. BowkCr ami lr. (libbon. For Anyo Mrs. lielmer. I". W. Viucenl and child. Mr. and Mrs. Tnwkin and child, II. A. Berry. C. W. Ihtgwitl, F. McLeod, Thomas Craig, Miss B. I:. Wray, W. Angus, W. linger. Mr. Way-les. L. Copeslake, Ml ti. Winter and Miss C. Henley. DYSPEPSIA WAS SO BAD COULD HARDLY EAT ANYTHING lira. C. Stone, .Nanlleoke, Om writ: "Some time a it 'i I had sry nrUni altark tit dyHil, Wnd wat IImi truiitilml wuii a on n ir atumarti, I emiid Iwnliy ct anylhlnr, and very iifion bad ialna aftsr nicala, I had nert. diffareul iwdl-flii'H, lint tlisy dldn'l awm to dn in any kihmI. At lost I liai-ii-d. to aim mi llie trarl lit Hilfiliiek IUismI III I I'M, and after imlnir It fut ah'irl .time I fell a hit l-Ur. C coiiunii! Ita ue until I w eotmileteiy relld and now I am raady in renmiinenrt it to anyone troubled a I wa.M , hnrdoek lllood Hitlers la niamiraetiirrd only by Tli T. Mllburn Co., Llnillad, Toronto, Onl. NAVY CUT CIGARETTES The superb quality, purity and excellence of Player's Navy Cut Cigarettes have made ! them the world's leading brand. .llllnmMIMIIIMWllllliw NOWSHOWG Betty Brown Summer Dresses Voile, Ratine, 'Linen. The Latest Styles Moderate Prices "Demers" Pkont27 P,0, Box 327 amatco 13 PLY COTTONWOOD VENEER PANELS, For panelling yuur rooms it rivals the in n ." i'-hardwoiKls. llejuvenale your IJome Ouickly and I'ennanc . .Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. STRAW HATS Light Underwear: Boys1 Sweaters Reasonable Prices STEVE KING Third Avenae Phone Green 85 NOTHING BETTER The Anlocrnt of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WI OAftH CHEQUES. Advertise in "The Daily News THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS if