Canadian Youth Longs For Glory | aE es merry | repay TUT 7:-9: p.m. — “FOR MEN “ONLY” Of Matador in Mexican Bull Ring en MAIO Moy CHIUAHU A, Mexict P d and risks actual death. It is as |come “an altruistic bullfighter.” . . Wy if a poet were called upon to It is criminal to throw away . . scan his lines with his life. It | the money we make in the plazas a ; : i - Take it is the contemplation of this | at the risk of our lives,” he says 3 - ; visible violence and actual |“That’s the reason that I'll be = er as death that gives the art its | the first bullfighter in the world po pecular power.” Who will give 50 per cent from Freeman ambition has a/all my fights to charity and al- yecular twist." He wants to be- truistic purposes : | i : ‘ae % ' | ' A ta evs $B nnnnnnnnn | TE Ea * 6 terion Rupert Daily hai Wednesday, August 20, 1952 ~ ' x5 bookings for Coronation = : “Da yFloodLondon Hotels By NORMAN CRIBBEN LONDON (Reuters) — The Coronation next June has prompted the heaviest advance reserva-| » a, o Seat ince on Evenings 7 - 9:00 4 OTE tions London hotels have ever known, But hundreds ' Sages ae oO Rite ted : Matinee Saturday 2: p.m. A Famous Piaye; are being refused because the hotels have not yet tS ‘The been informed of the accommodation required for official : : . ° TODAY ~ “YOUNG MAN WITH py As” eae t, sor ‘ . ‘ et 38s % ‘ ou oucets ih 2s See a 7 - 8:24 TALK ABOUT A STRANGip ne ; ow re waiting to see what : Be PBB ges i ae ca hi f the Clan MacNe shows the biggest hotels have} We al Waiting to see wha CLANS GATHER—Robert Lister MacNeil, 45th chief of the Clan MacNeil, proudly oo _— expect reservations the governments requirements -lan’s coat of arms to two guests at the 14th annual Gaelic Mod at St. Ann’s, x 8 ey a 7 “e mee aa ™ wot ke > id 7 roe i eee , aig = ‘ ione rsvth > > t 2 inion } +, | are first.’ a spokesman said. “We hak StosDhen inf rector of the BB, and Lionel Forsyth, president of the Domini x 1 guests of i stats . es & a seh han a an Hugt M: Coal i Gaelic direc (CP PHOTO) new song STARTS imber requirec ¢ | She : auocate I ms Only ¢ Steel an al Corporation am ae ‘ad * smashes! as the Earl of Cl lar-| Our regular visitors, It is useless | ———— _ KN’ including... Lord Chamberlain, | for anyone not well known here pemnan's evens l om hn ~ aoe th He . ° ° - * “Oops” B cen every: wooden plsza| and. those’ responsible for the| *® aDDW.” SCREEN x | Canadian Airmail Pioneer? -cxzz. STAND STILI government's hospitality func The Savoy group, with approx- | Believing” have not yet compiled a com-j|imately 600 rooms available at ud 1 wat r th t ’ tie + lic : | é * FL “Noughty But _ 1otelmen are adopting an ae caaien ; strict: les e ove anes ’ , on a London h l ! i : : ne One of t ial and yourself h ty us Ti ifferent allocation policies ] first come, first served’)... ie Poa , experier in I ing ( seit aks : comedi for some HIGH RIVER, Alta, (CP)—John (Jock) Palmer ‘i oe : , y rosvenor Heuse Hotel, which | poucy Pe me opens Thursday a the Siu're tr me. You learn all the |2#S.moere than 500 rooms ed} Many London hotels are tell-|-rorTEM THEATRI and an old girl named Jenny have a pretty solid spot { | > : i ists for coronati reserva-|ing inquire that they are full} “wore Not Married i rou go ch tul ror he t i nda af 1 ner i anadian aviation history. On June 27, 1922, to dt ante y : tions two months ag aving|when actually they are keeping|..ous confection of mi h and in ( anadian aviation hist V Rice - 6 ee ANNE had more than 6,000 inquiries| suites vac for government : ; la oe ler wu. |confusion ds five pairs of sup-| the plaudits of a Lethbridge crowd, they took off since ing George’s death last| guests. Others are putting for-/ ried’ couple discowa’ : ‘ ‘ : : i ae The. Canadian looks on bull- | Fepruary Z eign visitors on a waiting list] th ae ¢ a whee Pie edd with 150 pounds of envelopes - on Canada’s first an lian look om bruary n visitor Ble a l nat a o years of wedde et figh ing as an art. not a spor e Dorchester Hotel has been and making no reservations life they really aren't married! sanctioned airmail flight. , pe “It is the only art in which |¢ ng hundreds of applications | until they hear from the govern-| .; gy i } Flying Corps in the First World 7 & { “nn the lan 3 , } the artist deals actual death very week for its 330 bedrooms. ' ment ‘They are all n an id sonny, = on: War and afterwards helped to A —|over-anxious Justice of the | 08 Since made her last land-| +n, south Alberta Air Lines.| g@ , fpr seoessonnscalsecenccasenpeeses=nsenaneemenn Ort: ust] : at the SA veer. ral a ; |} Peace who performe the cere- | "5 But the 56-year-old Palmer It was while operating this out « , ‘ 1onies before he was licensed s . . sees sunrises and sunsets fit that the airmail proposal sYaaning m| The all-star cast includes|°V®' 4irplane controls He has! was dreamed up ~ “i ln duces a timely and sensational when he took off from Leth-| qistriputors on courtesy flight drama of secret college societis bridge with those envelopes From that grey Western Air é, / , ft Paul Henreid is the leading His destination was Ottawa! ways eras, an : |Sstar. He also produced and di-, but he never got there because ; j ’ : @ | Ginger Rogers, Fred Allen, Paul) P!#ve¢ 1 a" = yee The Alberta government in "Fi ASTARE ; @ Douglas, Eve Arden Eddie | °° Wat a somes praelthose days—as now—forbade ® 4 e y ® | Bracken, Mitzi Gaynor, Zsa Zsa} @"¢ mountain flying jthis gap for the manufacturer oboe VERA | ®\ Gabor and Louis Calhern. Vie-| Palmer, who operates an elec- liquor advertising. Palmer filled L EN A \ 4 tor Moore is the JP tri business when he isn't) of g product called Purple Label \ ARIORE , ; ? For the last time today at the) fl Y 1 has the enthusiasm co ' ) ‘ Palmer then branched out on Ft rected the picture fa woman driver, of all things.| pis own with flying training di "2. Go Ses Re \t that time, flying routes were! schools in the mountains and : ae Coming Thursday at the CAP 1aphazard, to say the least, and » beer by buying a purple aircraft TOTEM, “For Men Oni pro- | bh vad that bright June day WALLACE Ss “Skating In Control Perk” to deliver the stuff and take ine — pioneered mountain flying with is the hee Oe. heigl la g LTOL THEATRE is.the “man of an oil company had arranged) forestry patrol until 1939. After ws apeciocolen de DEPARTMENT g cance Fred Astaire who teams ich of ] hes aviation fuel at vari- ‘ a : an instructing stint during the PWS g\}up with Vera-Ellen to tell the is points on the route : a ge sage i NEWS STORE ee @ | story laid in # ’ the nostalgic “per- fhe night of June 27 Palmer Second World War, he now flic 4 SELECTED SHC ®@ \iod of New York's gaslight. ths made Weyburn. Sask. for his with the High River club, add-! Evening Shows Fema SP CRN SR ERROR horsedrawn treet car The ; first stop. He took off again ing to the log of 14,700 hours R ATR 7: - 9: p.m, 3elle ¢ New fork i end - sing } s “. only n } Bi 1] " K v York” is a bl nc next morning but after check-| tallied since he began flying in FAMOUS PLAYERS THE . Sat Matinee 2-4 Of songs anda dances coloriul ing through customs at Portal, 1916 i _ sets and co tume and a plotinpD. he was over Minot whe ni bubbling with laughs old Jenny developed a wheeze Playing last time tonight is | ' : Palmer landed, repaired Young Man With Ideals,” star- ‘ ; S N I rid henn dard ann i d Jenny's ailing valves and took ling Gienn Ford and three e- er : off on a test flight. A woman} lovelies: Ruth Roman, Oenis« dive nto his landing field ta i. it >» Onto . Darcel, Nina. Foch. satie g ; get a better look: ant Palmer VV V7 eel ' wrecked Jenny's undercarriage mi trying to avoid the car. | 25-Year Badges The mail was delivered to Ottawa by train. Pal took | Presented To eans sac cn : me Lethbridge on - TO SCHOOL - Legion Members | (ee | Terur at AE a much to the disgust of those § TEW AR Stewart Branch s : : j Nc 5 Canadian Legion. BESI who paid $1 apiece to put | ‘ined the ean Auxiliary | these envelopes aboard. lilal and friends after their regular Palmer served with the Royal | : meelng for games, community| “ee rt inging and impromptu enter | tainment of the evening wv “ yeni 02 | PLOMBING RING THE BELL || som nee we | HEATING soo’ for the Kindergarten to College eo 2 oe oa The Reliable and nd there is your youngster among them. But, have view, and the late Ernest Lov Prompt Service who died in an accident recent): You Know ( € . 9ve adge necessities for proficient omrade Love's badge prevented to his son Ernest. _ Ph 4 ork? Remember, education is the parents’ responsibility After the presentation. Sa; one 17 ' Yor Repairs and Alterations ell as the teachers’ danc Kirkpatrick and George Bunn r dar . ' ing. Supper was served by the § th & Fk ltd Vv AL ladies of the Auxiliary Johr mi Ins You pave the way for an “A TY | ‘ | ) ol bells will repared him with all the “right” played old time music fo; when your child (big « 11) | Be k ‘ : \ i } or sma yuzek, branch secret ary, was P.O. Box 274 in charg of the arran gemen 1ade, comfortable clothes . a dependable fountain ae ——— Why be a washday slave? good shoes, school supplies and other necessary reid ee Let an ELECTRIC WASHER do the | An Electric Washer saves your clothes, saves your time | It will handle all items in your wash from the frilliest fabric READ THE ADS EVER Y DAY || 1930 DODGE SEDAN 425 to those dirt-stained overalls. It will clean them quickly, . . | Goed rubber, fair condition, bargain price thoroughly and so very gently getting rid of stubborn dirt 1930 F PICKUP $ : ; ; ’ tS 130 FORD PICKUF $ 25 without a bit of tiresome rub-a-dubbing. Pop the clothes in, : || 1930 CHRYSLER SEDAN 425 flick a switch and your electric washer does the work. It’s Fair transportation Magic! Ti lot} that ie ACaET t Eq) gic! Time-saving, clothes-saving, youth-saving magic th in: eded ‘Coualtion takes all the backache out of washday. 1948 THAMES VAN $ 650 Your electrical appliance dealer is eager to show you the 1949 S" AKER SEDAN § {| New Peint, alr conditionea, gowa raver =" ODO latest models. See them today. ONE TRUCK—AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY NL | 1945—15) ‘wt. 4-whee tive $ | Piovasca. ° aidan ‘975 f it ai E R i B a Superior Auto Service | He | 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 | LomPany pL