f AQB FOIIt THi daily jriwa. Thursday. Juii . BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManui Money you arc mr.jig-i aeueve- TLL THE; rORCUAOV IN THE T" rri.Lik.iiuf rtcr rv . - I roRHe.g?J TMCM I WAJST TO TCUL-fOU rlFg SET TNM" THE. FCKELA.OY in CCX.e HERE ILL LET HER KMOW , to ' Orders i I THE. "TRUMMtMC; OCPW4T MCNT WHO THE MEW OvjNEROr -yj I oh: arc nou n ' ? c 3 ' 7 TREVrj Me TEWttOU-y! jMlcn THT FIRM ,JT5 the rorir:LAX)' ; 1 I IW! 11111" J "i V J On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Currant Rate ill of Exchange. THAT? Make your reservations for that . Summer VacaUoa visit to the Old Land early. For Ticketj, Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Aflency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. n r n t i it I! UX.L lAlij DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 U 6. Phone CSS. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit . . . . 75c Phone 771. 820 Third Avenue P.O. Box 88. Prince Rupert, B.C. Ajer. for Society Brand Clothes sb.fwip? Sprin? Pal- terns and Style Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Rci-.'i. . f. w i-ars .if nnr Fain- 'is M.- Coal. From now n we ran supply the same i a y ji:annies. Call up i8 f--r qii i : delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6J. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing Team or Motor Service. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Speclallte In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phono Black 216. P.O. Box 895. Hon die manner voles. mate thai NATIONALIST SOUTH AFRICA General HecUog In Power Will Not be the Same HerUog In Op position There will le a general fcelin? of regret throughout the Empire lliat an outstanding fi?ure like Oeneral Smut.s will qnw be com pelled lit relinquish tbe direction of public affair jo Sou lb Africa say llie Victoria Time. On the other liaml of course, Uie result f llie elections is not in the re. molest way associated wit a Smuls the international sfates-rnan: liis defeat al Ihe polls jva ibrougbl alMMit bv his -Oovcru- i .. .. .'.-. men i s policy in respect or un-porlant local affairs about the disposition of which Ihe Pre mier' action from time to I'wie have been viewed wilfi ?rowin? hostility anion;; elements of the population who would wholeheartedly support him in questions of Umpire or international significance. As matters have dcvelocd the course which Oeneral will lake looms eetilaliv iflif of Premier Macdonald to be "nude from Prince Ruocrt in the Itritish House. i teat tieneral Kily as Ion? as republicanism or oilier radical planks in the Nationalist-platform shall 1 HnilT ted from the bvmlalhe fare thai may follow the assumption of if5ci by the newliovernment. Coloaet Cre.well, tae leader of Hie Labor party, ;ut lhroufa his deal with Hertrox for tfle sfilc reason of overthrowing the Co -ernment; hi nol important romlitinn was that the National ists should drop its secessitMiist movement. Hertxop saw the point and the chance which it ?ate Iiihi; he took it and won. IUir will hold him to his bar-train anl twobaldy want a seat or two in Ihe Cabinet to clinch it. Meanwhile, Nationalists in office, not forfeit in? I--ibor in Hrilain. will be quite different from Nalionalils afler the jwtll-liral scalp of (eneaal SmuU. RUPERT TO SUPPLY LIQUOR TO YUKON Arrangements Made for It to In by Way of Telegraph Creek go A special despatch sent out recently from Juneau says: The impending drouth thrcateuinc Ytikon Territory through exhaus tion of the jrovernriwnl liquor Ulocks has been averted, it was .made known when John P.. Mc- in Hrilish bottoms the Hie Nationalist. Labor pact, distance to Telezraoh Creek which has (riven llertio? his fnl- mU entering al Krlrhikaa loH? in sultk-ient volume to d- inrtM-eclins nmter cnovov muis. will uoi4 TEA AND SALE BY Paul's Lutheran Cliurrb. ome-tliin? in excess of 30 bein cleared. Tbe ball was nrellilr For those Smokftrs who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MONALISRneCut QSl Un Tikt-imx Semes le AT 80 YEARS OF AGE VISITING HEAD OF WAS TROUBLED WITH PYTHIAN SISTERS SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND FAINTING SPELLS Mr. Jl. O'Connor, WblteMone, Onu rtl: f lurr ben troubled. mol of mj life, van thurtnrtt ut LrraUi, palpi Ulhia of Ihr ltn i4 raiotmf fU. u a4tfed by a trU-ai la try MUtwrn'i Hurt aix tnt JMII. mhlrh I au, and tl onrc rnond relief, and I b?r mrr bad a rviUjf tu f(l flare. I m )tin of tse (ivl atmtyi I bra In the boa, and mben 1 ttH any tpaploms of tnj old trouble ramtar ed all I hare lo do I to take a few dw. Wllk the tJp X your TUU I eifwt to man; jrare yrl. I almaya rtfuiuuHMt thrra to aajr ooe bo I suf frrlnx frn hrart IrMtble." MllbenTa HraH and ?tere Fill are Sec a box at an riraltra, or mailed dlrert wi receipt at prke. br Tbe T. MHburn Cau UiivOed. TorbCto. OnL Alaska, announrol that arrattpe- nu-nts have been made between Ihe American chairman and Yu- 1 kon (Commissioner (. P. MrKen xie for the transportation litpjors from Princi Rupert rele?raph Greek. H.i:.. via stikihe river. to Ihe The official announcement said' entire' 7zb. tin80$ HONORED AT TEA Mrs. F. K. Wermu. 537 Ninth Avenue West, ltel.l a lea al her bom.' on Wedne.i.iy afternoon in honor f Mrs. In-if Sieih"if New Weslniiusler, ir.i'i. i:iiief of Ihe Pylhian Sixlers of tlnlish llolum-hla. Assisting llie hotes were Mrs. J. Howe and Mrs. 1 1. Me-Culloch. 'lhoe pre en I inclutted Air. Slein". .Mrs. (leortc lek. Mrn. (. V. Johiisloce, Mr. S. Ilamhlln. Mrs. V. X. Hfts. Mrs P. I.insey. Mrs. V. Y. Hari Mrs. J. Ilown. Mrs. li. Mc:ull... ii. Mrs. II. Clark. Mrs. T. J. siienton, Mr. J. Itnwalt. M. p. I Ryan. Mrs. Steven. Mr. V . iilrhnsl ami Mrs. A. Iv arson. s MAPLE LEAFS BEAT KAIENS the negotiation bad been ap-lLacrosse Standing prove by tfte lreaun ileoarl-; Hertz? loent at Wahinzlon and werei up interetinslylmade oossible by the t.rovi.ion in tbe si-ulalive field. Oilice f Article III. of the rum runninz! now awaits him; but surb xwfrtreaty between fireal Hrilain an4 a ne may Oesrre to wieM in llicln,. I niii ii.. ...i., i e of A--.eiHl.lv dfwnd-4iiM.uimfl.il. errwii i.v ttr.-;.i.ni rvj "ciorioiis m in whicn nearly a!i,it. , iv la.i score of Laborilrs Use tlrVirl The armnnuni. -,..fv m., Kam His position will approxi;U,e Yukon trovemrnent .hn.ment Evened up a Result of Game Last Sport Chat as Afler four fifteen minute periods. I be Mapl- Iuife raaae out er iUe. Kaiens by a core of y lo ; ia Inst niyM's la- IJius evenin? up Ihe islanding from tbe first panic lat week. It was an exciting enough match and the fan in attendance were well satisfied with the exhibition. In I fc.- u . ....4 .. -1.1 f ) - -J -.. throucb .... ,.: JT. American territorial waters, the ","mr.r mm? ' . 77 . Hquor can:.-s to remain ,eall'"" '"""" t" 7'"" " '"r " ' lbal th" f- while in American wnlers:. m ere,llaf an eXen.erf U aa.lMMl.wwl .- ll.-!,rl"' - wv -. vw.. " . k ' F , 1 1 All I ' . ' 1J nianr win e iraasporieo iroju Tcjestrapb Creek Jo Allin via the Canaillan ?oernmeijt trail and dislribuletl from Dawson and Wbitehorse. II is sabl llie np. plies of the bisr poverrwnenl stores there bave leen runnin? low. forecasting a ..horta?e which Llhe new arrangement nrevents. lay-up kir tnis player, to liven ithinK up. Jirumy Mitchell and Ralph Smith as well as Willie Mitchell and A. Ham alaiced j battle witb their 'licks in Ihe lat period and were rulel off for tbe balance of Hie frame which bad three minute to fro. I Tlie ecorer were: I Maple Iafsvjtalfour. 3; De Peck, t: firay. t: Perry, I ; W Mitchell. I: total. 0. t- 1 tl a m. LUTHERAN LADIES Johnston, I: Foster, 2; total. 1. I Don Ilrown -corel a (roal on Successful Affair Took Place Yes-iinielf fro-n a shot by Skinner. terday Afternoon In Metro- 1 Oeorpe D. Tile referee,! and pole Hall. $30 Being IHarry Love and Jimmie Mark Cleared were post umpire. . j Tbe player will ttave a prac A successful tea ami sale of rrmay ni?iii in prepara tions" cook in? was held in the ,Mn fpr the f rib to Ocean Falls Meiropole Hall yesterday after noon by tbe omeu Aid of St. decorated with contributed , Trout fi.bin? at iMipular Iwike fbiweyn and preeole .a dainty Khtada e.ois now to be at it ccn. t.'ifft. Sevi-ral parties friii town Mrs. T. Pelcren was oooven- bate beep ul there )uT recently er; Mrs. f!. Arwlersou arid Mr. P.jand all have brtught booie all v.. Ualster were in charge of Ihe : I lie fish they wanted. Willi Ihe home cooking table: Mrs. h. Hall-1 Kd weather continuiii?. Ihe ber? ami Miss A?nes Iverson pisvatot s ..f jie city who like to Miiervise the servin? of tea. make al least oiif trjp anniutlly and ,Mrs. Thor Johnson was lo Ibis unurpaseil fishiu? re ra'mT.f sort wool, I jo w-ll to ?el away a soon a- iU iile Many, it i Hride, collector of customs for oh.e-iKi. aT -- ar ,',.ajy ,,,-epanmr to do MACDONALD'S Fine Git la Lb. -.15 Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdT.rtla-.m-nt T.k.n or L. th.rt BOe WANTIB so. mi vuiicro(l. ikib Davie. Hilly Hei.1 and tber were Iwre la. i week and Tbor Jwbn- on and Doc Mans rHurned lu town on Montlay after a sueeee- fut trip. There I mi indirafioa of irtNit depletion al Khlada. - Oil's will be oilt la tonl?hf' City l.eaifue baeUitl fliture at croftolis J I ill Kroucxls to make two straUrht over the Sott . Canaila. 'Iley have every cott- fbletw thai they will be able to lo as well f n4 better I ha a they did in last weekV (rauie when I bey ilefeald the Canucks four 'o two. The So, on the other band, are just a eure that ucb thin? as that will not happen a?aln. llie lolarnils will ,e well in Ihe runnln? for lca?ue bonofs if I bey coiue oul on lop loai?nt ami they certainly should make a bbl for victor)'. INery- thin? ?ives romise of its betoz one of the season's, most inter- eslin? games. WILL TAKE TEAMS TO ANYOX DOMINION DAY K Kit "II I KAN. June .'f, Moior- shiji Prince of Wab-s has been secured lo carry the veiling s ports teams and their friends lu An ot lo help I be neller town people celebrate tbe Canadian National holiday. A lar?e nuin per in au.inion io uc leato are exiecled to visit the town that day. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Alex F. Oulhie. city; Harry Howson. Telkwa: . F. Ilinps and A. 1- Noel, Hftl- moral; W latins. Victoria; Mr and Mrs. II. A. Turkey. irnn.le Prairie: Claudia Thatcher and Mrs. Maud' IMilclvll. Minne apolis; Mrs. Mary fileoti. Cleve land; F. C. Kndie and Aj W. (lib-son. Ocean Fals; I". A. Itowker, A. A. (Vx, John O. tZIucas and . C. Moxhain, VanciHivcr; Robert R. Itarnard and C, g, Tulliam. Frcno, California. Central Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Madill. Ol- (inwa; Mr. and Mrs. Mower and child, Vancouver; W. O. I.ilile. Woolcck; Mr- M. Cniee, .o I Angeles; J. Krlandii, Reino. i 'Die gaJoal Salaiora was in port from Kelcjiikan yesterday and discharged 3 0,0 00 pound of fresh American salmon at Hie Canadian 1-fsli A Cold Storage Co docks for trans. hlpment over the Canadian National Rail ways to the Eastern Slates. FOR SALE WANTED. Furnilure of every! FOR SAI.K.--8ee. boat "Keno.' description. Highetl prices Lenirth 28 feet, beam S feel paiu. rrince itupen i-.xctiane. Auctioneers. Phone 652. WANTKIi. -iirl to take rare or child I H years old and to assist with houewirk. I'ttotie 4irtea 501. EXI'KHIHNCKO Waitress wnntevl Awly St. ReH ('jife. If POSITION Wanlr.! Phone 37. FOUND a Wall re... It FOUND. An l.O.U. Owner cat have same at Daily New office by proving owner hip and pay. in? tor this advertisement, t.f. MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRF.SSMAKINO and plain sewinjr, phone II. wind shield, canopy lop and curtains, two auto scat with seatin? capacity for HkIiI or ten persons, poweretl witfa it) h.p. Winlon Six en?ine, lUb I ?n 1 1 ion. storage battery. Has Paraxon reere (rear, Odum. bta propeller. C. I.. Hei.tdel. IUM Storage. tf FOR SAI.fj. Sixteen room room- In? house and store; all fnr-3llir.. Full sited bus-meot with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. Tliis bulldln? is right in froat of the Dry Dock. yiO Ambrose Avenue. If OOOD .erimtl-band coal ran re. also Wetingboue electric rnn?e for sale. Half price. I.. W. Palnwwe. FOR SALE. New and ued Machinery, lioats and Kngincr Northern Esehsn?e. tf Royal ltfc for Sale. For full particulars, apply cafe. if FOR Rf NT It) HKNT. Furni-I.ed hoii.ei k renins; suite. Ajqily itnsivtli Ave. FjI or pbotaa I Hue SI FOR ItKNT. Palmer Hon. for etteap rains m. bofite com-forts. Ilousee- for rent alo. tf FOR RKNT Four room. iiio-Wu. heated apartments. Apply Smith A Mallet t. Ltd. tf OFFICE FOR RKNT. with modern llvln? quarters. Wetenhaver Bros. If .I, i I'll It HK riHHiie.1 house lo reiii on Sllimoil Avenue. Phone Rnl r,u. is: BOARD AND ROOM HII.l. FARM, TERRACE. Hoard and residenee for Hie sumioer holidays. Not a convalescent home, (mi! where anyone mil of sort? will OHtvalesce. Home eookfnsr. Home grown vege tables and fruits in season. Fresh milk and home made butler. Tennis. Splendid accommodation for children, with playing fields, etc. Entite charge of children when desire!. To save disappointment make your reservation early. For terms, clc, wrfle l.anfear and French, Hill Farm, Tr-raesa. 1LC HOARD and Room al the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post -Olllce, (130 Second Aven. Phone 137. If .BEAUTY PARLOR. Complete up-to-dato lleauly Parlor. Dobbin? a speciality. Ilairdressfng, Hair Ooods made up. Skin and Scalp Treatments, Violel Ray. Prices Reasonable. MRS. LOVE, Room 6, Stephens Hid?., over Denny Allen Co. Phone 30. AUCTION SALES. Ooods nought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Hlack 131 snd Red 1(2 TAXI Taxi 87 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or OustL Prompt Service and Comfort tyay or .Night Stand: HOBS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. FURNITURE, New and Sei-.. . : i lore Store. V 1) change New ai (owls. . OEO. PAPAD0PUUI M9 Third Ave , r MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Monday. Wedi e-lay. rlo-t-s i From the East . Mondays. Thursdsti 14 urvkys, p.m. To Vancouver Muntlays. mail Tuesdays. Malt . . TltQfMiya . Saturdays .. Saturday CPJL June I From Vancouv tr , Sundays . Mdas 'jt(fedajrs Fridays P44a)e CJJt. u To Anroi, Alice Arm lllttSMf lirabam A AIJi A. -1st Ave. A Eighth alb Ave A I iillon S Hlh Ave. A TUoBip.on i. I Ilk Ave. A Sherbrook', Ave llhl Ave. A i'iirn.l St s-iM iMt. V From Anjrox, Alice Arm--- HHtrMays To Stewart and Prsmjecp SuHlays Frrilals . From Stewart and Premier SatsjrsUys Tuessiays .. , To Port Simpson Sundays ' ' Thursdays From Perl Simpson Tnossla) Saturday To Alassa Points June 9, to. .: From Alaska Polnls June 11. '-'I ami To Queen Chsrlotte Island rolnti June 7 and 21. From Oueen ClsrlcUs Pol June Ti jn.t 19. To Naas Rlvee Points snd Pt From Nass "liver Polnls Saturdays B0XC0LLECTI0N V if 31. AM M l M M M V V 51 y v KM. filli Ave. ,V ll iys 1 :. Aye. ... r' -J (lib Arw. A Hays fov'" Olrele ' ' Hli Ave. A Cotton St. fdh Ave. A Mellnde si Pro. (tov. HWgs. Prov Oov. Wharf ' ' O.T.P. Wliarf I .'nd Ave. .V 2nd St. M 3nl Ave. ,V Fulton Sf Ui H .ird Ave. A 0H1 SI J PRINCE RUPERT TD" 4Sf" Thursday, June 26 High V:18 a.Wi. 31:35 p.tu. Low 333 fl,a,l, 15:20 pyi,t. , Friday, June 27 High 10:11 am 22:38 p in. J.mv ....... 1:31 a. n. 10:21 ii.ui- Saturday. June 2 llifli ...... 11:33 at" i. 1 is if 11 t is 23 : 1 U P i ,a Low . 5 :'-' a ' i.7 :0tf p.if w ft