Thursday, June 20, 1024, I ''k II Awakens Old SIcmories 'The same unmatched ojSujKrb, rare, quality y OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY BOTTLED UNDCR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION X ill 1 1 mm n mm I Jlli CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE - PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and' Seattle-June 14, 21, 25; July 2, 5, 12, 16, 23, 20 For Ketchikan, Wrnngoll, Junoau, Skngway June 0, 16, 20, 27, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 28 6.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bolla, Oceai falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van oouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. Tin advertisement i- not published or displayed liy the Liquor Control Hr-urd or by Up Liovuritnicul of British Columbia. Lakelse Lodge Lakefse Lake, via Terrace, D.C. Now f 1 1 fur service under management of Mrs. M. ItO't'iU Ideal ldtift" In H'iid your summer holidays. lles-omible' ruti. (iood homo cooking. Comfortable rooms; Kiliiiffr. limiting, lialliiug in Lukelse Lake ami Streams. BATH8 AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE . J , HOT SPRINGS. , J- Terrace T ACI Motors Opcniting "Taxi and I.Hiiiicluiir mgr. between Terrace mid LutlgeMaudiug, assuring guest of quo'k, comfiirlnblejf trip. ' Aho operating luxi'scrvice to all mrl of the vulloy. For reservations mid rales, apply to 'LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, ' TERRACE, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George WIN ,t) on PRINCE RUPERT lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA', SEATTLE find tulcriiiediate "pinnls each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednedav, 10.00 FOR STEWART Finlav. 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. I ill-tif June ;to, S.S. PRINCE JOHN tor M asset, Port Clements mid BucMoy Bay, every Monday. s.00 p.m. For Skldegate and all purls south every Wednesday ul r$m p.m. , PASSENOtR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. V" I' mi r in n.m. fur il.i:E tlKontlK. eomo.nto.y wi.x-NirKO, til poind Entrrn Canada, liniunt Hlalo AQCNOV ALL OCEAN ITtAMIHIP LINES. OllfJItkat Of flea, SSI Third AM Print Rupart. fhen fto. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing from ITInra Itui'fN, or.VANftOUVIR, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuaaday, 8 P.M. fof VANCOUVIR, VIOTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, ,10 A.M. 'or ANVOX, ALICC ARM, STEWART, Walaa laland, Sunday, S P.M. Por PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlar Oannarlaa, Friday A.M. ?,,?"(. Aianua, J. Barnilay, Aganl. Prlno Ruparl, B.C. i Local and Personal u.c. Oil's; Undertakers. Hayuers, Undertaker. 361. "Tlacball Hill, at 0.15. Phone 4l.j Phone tonight. Acropolis Hons of Canada vs. l or qualily and preparation, gel JlunlertrCoal. Phone Green 022 or Hi uc '015. v- E. 11. Shockley relumed liy the I'finre (icorgtj ' yesterday afler-iioon from a Ijuoiiiert! trip lo Vancouver. Mrs. J, Vigcr and Mr. II. II "ilson" -Returned lo the oily from Vancouver Ju the Prince George yesterday afternoon. . . Harry Ward, son ! Mr. 'and Mr. lluhert Ward, At'liii Avenue. la relumed home after a trip (o England and Scotland. Mi Edith Kclsey, slcnugraph-er lo Cily tsulicitur K. J". Jones. leaven on Saturday night lo upend holiday in Vancouver. Mr. G. A. Iluuler is sailing on Hie Prince George tonight lo spend a mouth holidaying in anonver and on the Inland. .Serpentine Dance, Elks Home, Friday, June 27, 9 p.m. Music by Eddie Bressler's Olympla orches tra. Snappy music and a snappy time. Gentlemen 75c. Ladles 25 - . Miss Florence Joy nf I lie mun icipal telephone exchange slafT relnrned lo the city on ihe Prince lienrge yeslerday afleruoou after a hrief holiday trip lo Vancouver. .Miss Irene Stewart, teacher at Seal Gove school left last night on Ihe Prince Alice for Van corner where slip will spend the holidays with her uncle, P. It Stewart. Serpentlno Dance, Elks Home, Friday, June 27. 9 p.m. Music by Eddie Bressler's Olympla orchestra. Snappy music and a snappy time. Gentlemen 75c. Ladles 25c. .MpsrJcviif. -SIvjii.Ti Grand Chief of the Pythian Sislcr of H.C.. who has been in the .cily payinu an oflieial vitl lo the local lodge, iftunis nitiith on Uie Prince George tonight. Thomas Oxley arrived on 'last night's train from Ihe interior and will proceed on Ihe steamer Prince George tonight lo Van couver where his family is resid ing. Mr. Oxley for several mouths has been with the Federal Mining & Smelling Co. at Dome .Mouiiiain ami owen Lake near Houston. He is a brother of Mrs. John Mctae, Fourth Avenue East and whs formerly located al Any- o.. - - Mr. ami Mrs. W. II. Melliar and family are leaving on .the steamer Prince George touigbl ror Monterey. California, where Miey will lake up their residence. Last .Sunday evening, after the service in Si. Andrew's Anglican Church. Mr. Melliar was presented with u travelling bag by Archdeacon G. A. il V on behalf of Ihe rotigrcgulinu and choir in re cognition of Ins many years of Mvviee as choir leader. Mrs. N. Makes White Sauce ill One of the nicest While Sauce recipes we have tried comes front a lady on First Ave. West. Not leasl of its virtues is simplicity.' Simply scald 1 cup of Pacific Milk, thickened with corn flour which has been mixed with cold water. Season to stilt. No Imtter is required. Tliis is so easy to make Unit one cannot imagine what n de lightfully flavored turns out to he. Pacific Milk Go. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. THB DAILY NBWS. PAOB THRBB. J I MM mmi aaata aar-a km 11 j mmr I Mf "If Be Well And Happy nd you it Natora's f'tUM rill. Natur' hemcdr IMT,liUlil a vacetabla taxativa. lootl Ui erg ana and telima Conatipation, BUiotuneaa, Sick Headache. fenawina Ikat visor and vood fact- laf as Mcaaaury to tauis wall and PPr' . JTaTr. Vfd for Or Ca 25c. AZs&St 30 Yw tiax. Chips off ihe Old Block K? JUNIORS- Little Ms Th m W lo cmo-tbird d , cacvJy-coattxL. Yot chfldrtn rxJ adultt. Lm Sold Dy Your Orutit mm Get Ituperi ICxhihitiou book this week. Head it. firl7fi Fair I'rize lists ready for bona- fiile exhihidirs. Call at Ullice. If Mrs. WUsoiwif Ihe II. ,S. Wal lace Co.'s : slalT. relumed from JAPANESE BASEBALL TEAM FROM 0. FALLS EXPECTED ON JULY l NeKotialiou.t have hecn practi cally cumpleted By fhe Hons of I Canada for the bringing of the Japanese haschall team frornl Ocean Falls to play a local all-star aggregation at the Acropolis Hill grounds on Dominion Day in connection with their sport pro gram. II. is anticipated thai two games will he played on Dominion Day ami one game the evening following. The Japanese learn 'from I lie paper lowii has an ch- viahle reputation in haselKfll cir- Icles on the coast and doubtless I local fans will be treated lo a fine brand of play. MONKEY GLANDS ARE ONLY MYTHOLOGY IS OPINION OF DOCTOR 1 n . M .l.ltlll Bt.u.1 i r.oiarancc mcnniiaiua ui nnni York Is an Advocate of Plastic Surgery CHICAGO. June I'C Itejuvena- Dr. J. A. Vesl was a passeuger'lion by IransplanlaLioii of any fur fSinilliers on last niglil kind of glands was branded as Irain. ; mylliology before the surgery! Section of the American Medical I Prince llliperl Annual Exhibi- Association, liy Dr. Clarence A. lion .September "J lo 13. Entries McWilliants, New York surgeon, close September 5. If in an address yesterday. Ihel , -- speaker considered the subjeell A. A. Cox, architect, arrived in relation to skin grafts or from Vaucmiver on the Prince trrafts of internal organs froml George yeslisnlay afternoon and one creature to another. will be here a few days on busi ness. CP. It. steamer I'rincess Louise, Cap! port tomorrow morning from Vancouver luiund for Alaska with a full list ortourisl passengers. "In numerous instances I cai point out where the uniform re sult is the disappearance of the grafted tissues," Dr. McWilliams Arthur Blater, is due in asserted. "The scientific reason if. that between animals of the amc species, even, there are unknown biological differences thai prevent the survival of the transplanted arteries, neporled siicce-ses would indicate Ilia' the souih 'yeslerday, having lliee grafted organs "seem lo graduated .aiaijrertificaled fillerilake. but they suddenly disap. of Lite famous .Uyssard iiehool of J pear, in a few weeks at the most. Corset ry. Miss S. A. Mills, vice-principal of Ihe Ilorden street school, is sailing for 4'"' south on the Prince tleorge tonight. She ex-mcIn lo speu!J.b' ' summer vacation in California Mr and .Mrs. l T. Kenney of lerrace , who have heen on a tr;ip lo Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday afternooji and proceed-ei by train lo the,, interior. After Ihe'r regular lodge meet ing; last night in (he course of which were several initiations'1""'- tlie IStRs enjoyed a social hour. Hefn'slunenls were served and Exallcr lluler Hen .Self presided. Mrs. M. M. Mel.achlau and her Iwo little daughters, Margaret am) Marion, sailed last evening by Ihe Princess Alice lo spend I lie nexl few months in Nelson and Edmonton. Kn route thc- will visit friends in Vancouver, Vic toria and Seattle. Itichard liircli, brqlher of Harry Hirch of this city, is visiting the coast in the course of a luisiiics- trip lo Canada and expects lo proceed to California. He may visit Prince lloperl later. Mr. Hirch represent a large importing concern wilh headquarters in London, England. Mr. and Mrs. James Monroe Hill, formerly of Prince llupert. have returned to Vancouver from England, where they spent (he past two years, and will leave horWy for Washington. D.C. with a view lo takimr un it.r residence in the Hulled Slate .Mr. Hill wus ul one lime l .s. vice-consul liert. Mrs. ,1. H. Kelly and family are leaving uexl Thursday for, Kelso, Washington, where Ihey will join .Air. Kelly who has located at that point. Miss, Annie Kelly will go East on Monday accompanying her grandmother, Mrs. Falconer lo tier home near Hegiua and laler joining Ihe rest of the family at Vancouver. Harry Howson, representative sauce it;"' 1 "les, wood & Wilson in the ceuirat interior mining field, Hr-rive.l from Telkwa on hist nights train and will sail for Vancouver on the PriiiWNieorge tonight. Mr. HowsOii stints that his principals intend to Institute develop, men! work this summer on properties whidi Mhey have under opt ban in; the Dome Mountain U(rlct. v r Skin Grafting "The same facts govern the grafting of skin from one iudi vidual lo another. In onler to grow, skin must be taken from Ihe snme person. Apparent sue cess of olher individuals' grafts is explained by the fact that the patient's owii .skin grows under Ihe transplant and pushes i aside." Plastic surgery holds the greatest promise lo those having either congenital or unfortunate ly acquired facial deformities. he added, "A hideous defdrmitv may be transformed .ii'ilo'' a scarcely noticeable disfigure. TORNADO STRUCK CITY OF BELFAST JIEI.FAST. June 20. A terrific tornado struck the cily ycslerdav wrecking many buildings and in juring a great number of per sons. WIRELESS REPORT , 8 a.m. IMGHY ISLAND. Foggy, ealim barometer, atl.02: temperature. o.; sea smooth; a.m. sjmke steamer Prince John. I.ockeporl for Thurston Harbor, north bound. DEAD THEE POINT. Cloudy. mini; oaromeier, SV.Ui; temper attire. 53; sea smooth. ut'i.i. IIAIIHOH. Overcast, calm; barometer, 2!.'J5; temper ature. 51; s,.u sim.oll,; k ,,, spoke steamer Prince John leav-ing Hose Harbor hound for Jed. why; 8 ji.m. spoke lug Cane Scot; 'ji'l-eam Namu bound for Powell mver; 8 o.m. spoke lug Lome atteani 1'ine Island bound for rowell Iliver: 11.50 p.m. sptko steamer Venture crossing Oueen i.tiarlotle Sound northbound. Noon DIGHY ISLAND Cloudv. calm; barometer, .30.18; temp'ei-alure. H; sea smooth. DEAD THEE l'OI.T.4:ioudy, calm; barometer. 2JM8; lemiier-atute, 02; sra sinoolh. HULL HAilHOIt. .Overcast calm; barometer, 2.W8; tinper. attire, 00; sea smooth; li.m spoke steamer venlure in Mil- bank Sound luu'lhbound. Dr. Martel't Feoale Fills Bar aaaiattd natur thooMada caaaalaathaU ""Hi mnasjiBB cauM, ouuuina up aaa and "PAINrDL MENSTRUATION, NKfU VOUSNES3. BACKACHE. DIZZINESS, att nodMaroujdru. Bold anir In SaaMHIngv-Covar TIN BOX with euraicaatura. Druniato avary whara, or diraet by DiaiL nlala Dacaan TaroaU,Caa. Owalatawlaa'aa raaaart. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG NOW PACKED IN - Y?t . ALWAYS THE SAME s am aWam X Hi OGDEN'S W W LIVERPOOL tflb.TIN YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye , For picnics, chouse "Rupert Brand' Salmon. , A few tins in the pantry are always tiandy. Slock a supply on your boat that's a good idea. SOLO EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Pictures Add to the attractiveness of your home We have a large assortment in our window for your inspection Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. The House or Quality. Phone 123. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern i , makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of """iv, MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 386.