PADS 8TX. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 "CAMIMIRBY" A real romance of Dixie Lund. Adapted from Booth Tarkinglon's noled novel and play. A photo-play with a moral. The Mississippi gambler who proved himself a man in the game of life and love. Lovely scenic surroundings. Stern wheelers, negroes, strumming banjos, picturesque costumes. A woman doesn't have to reform a man if he loves her. He'll reform himself. John Gilbert, Gertrude Olmsted, Alan Hale, Eugenie Ford and strong casL COMEDY CARTOON MUTT AND JEFF "NEARING THE END." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c. GREEN STUFF ARRIVING EVERY DAY Orccn Onions. 2 for ... 5c Large Head Lettuce ... 10c Cauliflower .. 25c and 30c Cucumbers . . . . , .... 25c New Potatoes', lbs. for 25c New Hunch Beets and Carrots, C for 25c lcr dozen 45c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb 40c IUiubarb. 5 lbs. for .... 25c New Cabbasre. per lb. ..10c Iting Cherries, per lb. . . 40c Canteloups .... 20c and 25c Watermelon!, per lb. 12Vic I Strawberries, market price. I RupertTableSuppiy Three Phones; 210,711, 212 COFFEE HAVE YOU TRIED OUR 50c FARMER'S HARVEST COFFEE ? A new shipment has arrived. Fresh roasted, fresh ground. Tg introduce we offer 3 lbs. for $1 Farmers' Tea, per tb. . , 65c Creamery Butter, 3 lb. S1.00 This is the last week at this price. FRESH FRUIT FRESH MEAT FRESH VEGETABLES DAILY. Phone Blue 428. Ordors of $5.00 Delivered Farmers Market SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Eastern Canada United States Triangle Tour to JASPER NATIONAL PARK EDMONTON and CALGARY. One way via Vancouver. Write or call: City Ticket Ofrice, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260. (Nolle of PHONE 8 LAND ACT. lalenllon to Land. LAND ACT. IN Apply to Leaae In Skeena Und District, Hecurillnr HI Met of umiI, and altual iu taaipaolai like .Notice tbl Clarence E. Bimlrr ainl Jainee Uc.Nully, uf prince Kupert, B.U., occupation lUiuniKt limit and broker. Intend to apply for rs-rmlKn to tbe follow nif described latkli: Couunen-tint at a post planted at lue .liead 01 bay at the et end of Campania Island an-1 atiuul one tulle frun the aoutn rod or tbe Island; Umtkj following- tb alnuoaitiea of the Nxire line at hi art) ater line around the Uland to tbe place of conuneocetnent. and eontalninr K.ono arm. nwr or le. C K. BAIMF.fl k JAMES NcNCLTY, Aanie of Appl.cant. Per V. E. WILLIAM. arenL halM April ?nd. Oil. corner or HKV-s t: thence neM S3 der. oulh about ioo feet to low water mark: thence northerly alonr low water mark to a point wet 31 der. south of northwest cornerof Block l: thenre eaMerly to tbe northwest corner of Block IS; thence southerly alonr hlrh water mirk in rvt and contalnlnr 3H acres, more or less. II. B. BIBI.IITO.I. Name of applicant. LAHO CT. Atlln Land Olatrlct. District of Casslar. Take .Notice that Bennald Brook. tJ tUo. occupation miner. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the follow It. r described lands: roi ommenrlnit at a post Planted one hundred yards to tbe east of ine ir mouin iii'.uii, it, or acpert m.iirn i f j ttti, unr nine ea?i or oolden Gate on Tartan Lake, tbenre Isouih twenty rhalns. ttience west in ahnr DAINTY DOROTHY SAYS: You ought to do your bit by your wardrobe and pocket book as well. Old clothes yi siigmiy soiled can rS9 be restored to their original newness by our per-fel cleansing method. We know how to save you money. CAlRfcrs, arnaiaaaaaaaai I ' T M i7in;i.i'.'i!i.i'.'i PRINCri BOX3Q2 AO PERT 'jasper park Ml AT WEMBLEY Hon Attend up to June 7; Pictures of Dominion Attract Many MOXTIIKAL, June 20. Indi cations are not lacking that the Hritish Kntpire Exhibition is fulfilling Us mission in placing before tbe citizens of tbe Hritlsh Isles the opportunities and dc- t-iilnnmAiilit nf IIia I t.tmiiitntid V IVJI all C 11 19 Vt lltU I'UIUIIIIUlin overseas. In a letter received today at headquarters of the Cana dian National Railways in Montreal William Phillips, European manager of the system, stated that up until June 7 the million mark in attendance had been passed at the Canadian National Hallways pavilion at Wembley, the total number of visitors up to that date being 1.012,000. Distinguished Visitors lu addition to private individuals who have Kited the Cana dian National Hallways exhibi tion, there have been a large number of distinguished person ages. This list is naturally headed by their Majesties the Kin? and line, tbence alonr shore line to Point of pniiinnioiil ami he pxiiresiteii tiim. ' immencement. REGINALD BBOOIT. CAMPING And Picnicking Seasons are in full swing now. so take advantage of these specials THIS WEEK ONLY Libby's 1ork and Heans, 2's 2 for 25c Heinz Pork and Heans, 2's, 2 for 35c Heinz Pork and Heans, 3's, per tin 30c Quaker Pork and Heans, 2's 2 for 25c New Potatoes . . 4 lbs. 25c No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes 3 lbs. $1.00 All other Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in Season at Lowest Prices. All heavy orders delivered, (ihe us a trial. ECONOMY STORE Phone 84. 417 5th E. IH8B1Br?flBaitaiAa J ! jself as being particularly inter- esled in the tourist ami colonist cars of Canadian National Hallways. I Pictures of Canada A portion or tbe Canadian National Hailways building is devoted to the projection of motion pictures of Canada. .Some of lhec pictures show many of the most beautiful scenic features of the ...l ..,l... .iii I'iFiiiiiii'fii aim uuivin ucaiv vtiiu the natural resources and industrial developments of Ihe country. I'hal their Influeure must neces sarily be of a far reaching nature NOTICE. IX THE MATTER of an arnllratla fur Hie iMiie of a I'ruviiiunal Certlflrat of Title for Lot fourteen (14). Block eveti- tceu (17.. Tonlte of tx-lkatla. Map I01. sauarariury nnir or ine Urt or tn Certirirate of Title eorertnir tne above Url lumiir U-en froduced lu me. It it iiiy Intention to Istue after the e intra Hon of one iimnlti from tlie fmt pulitlrallmi brrrof. a rrmitKiiiai teniriraie or Tine to ine above land In tlie name of Ole Andrea oniiltrak. Tlie orlrinal Orllflrale of Title l dated tne glta July 1913. and la nuui tiered I0III. Land HrrlMfT Office, prince hupert. Iltb February. tl. II. E. MACLEOD. Kcalmrar cf Tltl", TSnOCHS ASKED. I'or ell Acre Timber Tract on South Hank of Skcena Hlver. twii inllea rl of Skeena i:nslnir; leral icrrl)tlnii Lol tit. Orouti I. (jlr Ul.lrlrt. stand ea- itnulrd at T.uuw.nun feet, chiefly spruce, llrniloik and Odar nultable fur llc and iwn. Addre i:illi:AOfi TITLE A THL'ST CO. Truttee In Bankruptcy. Harry A. Vasev i,o.. 6 Wet Wahlnrtm Cliirar, llltnola. WATER NOTICE. (Dltarilon and Ua) TAkE .NOTICE thai Hume B. Bablnrton. mhote addreaa la Mui'lt, will apply for a licence to take and use S.uoo aallona of mater out of an unnamed pond. The avater lll be diverted from the p,nd at a point about too feet north of the iHirtn-eaM corner or block Ida 7. Man tl Ouren Charlotte Inland, and will lie ued for Industrial purpose uimjii the land described at block It D.L. 7. plan 9I. Oueen Charlotte Inland. Thla notice waa posted on idc r round on the ltn day of Mar, ivii. a ronr nr mis nonce and an aenii ration pursuant therein and U the "Water Art. IBIl - will tin ri1ri In Ihj, t.ttlrm r. ithe Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Ob lernona to the application mar be filed with ihe aald Water hecorder or mih the Comptroller of Water nivhta, Parliament Buildinra, Victoria. B.C.. within fifty day after the flrtl appearance of thla nouce In a local neppaper. The date of Ihe flrM publication or thla notice la May th. II. B. BABI.IOTOX. Applicant. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. TCIH DAILT HBWB. Thursday. June H. or Uueen of Italy. Two formvris t l? ronrludrd when governors general, the Duke of Connaught and tbe Duke of Dev-oushire were also visitors. As was recorded some time apo. Hip brother of tbe King of !Main va one of those who was particularly interested in the transportation equipment exhibit of the Canadian National Hallways, and Mr. I'hil- " of '"U.B,I?"..U " u tan-,lii. roi.iirU 1 l.t r.i..ilr in vueen (.nanoiv I mi mil una uoiriri. i - - Recordinr Ol.tilrt of Skeeoa. and situate 'In front of Block t. D.L. 7, rian 46. Ouern Charlotte Islands. Take Motlce that Hume B. Bablntlon of Massett, occupation cannery nunarer. In-lends to apply rr iwrralef to lea tne following described foreshore: Cowroen-irlnT at a pnt planted at the routhwest or royally who evlnceil considerable interest in the parlicular cxhildt was Count Asa, brother of the Mikado of Japan who with Countess Asa was a recent visitor to the building. Tbe Countess ex-presed herself as tiisug rharmed with the revolving scenic iiuhIcI of Jasper National Park, Mount Itobon and the triangle lour. Count Asa gave the .equipment exhibit a must minute inspection. He slated thai owin? to the farl that much rehabilitation of railways is ti be done in his country because of the havoc wrought by the earthquake, he was casting about for ideas in ti-aiisH.rUtioii Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think It over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surety there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist I is real- zed thai up to J- tie 7 the alteitd- anee in the iiMMivg pintire Hall averaged 30.000 per week. R0TAR1ANS ARE HOLDING PICNIC Members of Club and Wlvos and Families go to Tugwell Island for Afternoon This aflerniMiii the members or the Ilotarj' Club. Hieir wives and families and house guests are at Tugwell Island picnicking. They left about hair past two with a few following later, anil planned to have dinner hi Ihe beach. The general arrangements for the day arc In the hands of (ieo. Ciryant. W. K. Williams. II. F. Pullen. lieorge Itorie and I. C. Mrltae and Dr. V. T. Kergin. Last night Messrs. Hryaiit. Munro and IllH-ie wut to tusweli in the launch Harla and took over lumber for Ihe tables and laid out Ihe grounds in readiness for today. Today they have been taken arrs fn launches ownetl by the tiiemlH-rs, (iames and amusements are in Ihe hands of Hie fellowship eum-millee consisting or Me- LetMl, It. Moore, lr. Frank Ken- ney ami Jim Meen. Tran.iiortation arrangements were in I lie liamls or Oeorge llryaul and I. C. Mcltae. Itefreshiiients are lieing looked after by W. K. Williams. II. F. Pullen and iieorge Itorie and iieurge Hichmoiiil is to supply various iiipediuieula necessary for the occasion. ROAD HOUSES IN THE SKY That Is the Prediction of Lord Thomson, Air Minister, Given In Speech LOMXIX, June SC. AHer hav. ing taken a peep into Ihe future. Air Miister Lord Thomson came down lo tile House of Lords re cently and' assumed the role of prophet. He said in three year's time he hoped lo have in the air two kinds of airshfTis suitable respect ivi'ly lo commercial and naval purposes. In leu years he hoped to see, at least six airship constructors competing lor orders in I his country and build, ing up a great and grow-in? in dustry, serving Ihe purposes or imperial communication, bring ing people of the empire and Ihe world closer together, and carry ing freight as well as mail. .Sometime In Ihe future, Ihe minister said, he foresaw the day when noble lords would leave Parliament House on glider wllli light engines, and wing their way westward along the Thames valley or northwards to Scotland. On their way they will need a rest ami perhaps they may call in al some great caravanserai rioaliug serene, safe, high up, far removed from terrestrial fuss and noise. If you find you cannot get the dally News regularly, call In and subscribe- for It and have it de-livere'i to your home. If EXHIBITION PRIZE LIST IS ISSUED Has Number or New Features Including Pictures of Past Presidents The Northern It.C Agricultural & Industrial Association's) III?! prut book has jut made il appearailee and arrangement are being made by l. Mcl). Hunter, mumming director, to ghe it widespread rireulitltoift among advertisers, exhibitors and the IMlhlie generally. It I H Heal Ci-pag" volume of it romenlctil p-H-kH sue and contains iiauy new ami interesting features. Inrluded in the features are an index to advertisers, picttmjs of all past president of the As siieialtoii and a review or the oilier r since the issue uf the eiiarter. in 1UI3. Holes governing tlie various elasses are earned as an Intro-duelioii to the list uf liriie nwartls in earli class and tin- elasses are arrangml so as to eonrorui with Ihe classifications or Ihe lHpMi-imeiit ol Agrieulliire Numerous special prizes nee eoiiiuhiesi among the awards ami a general retsiiui (if the various classes is lo he noleil III the book. Special emphasis is lul on Hie neeessiiy r all entries being in by September 5. Mr. ami Mrs. A. Lionel lliiill.y Iniiismuir Strel. have as Hieir guesl Mrs. Ilollby's rattier, lr Johnson (,Silioii., of Yiineouvei who ,iiiiHi frnio Hie stiulti on tlie Prune 4ierge yesienlay . SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "2.1" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons ctery half hour from I p.m. until 6.30 pjn. ami on other weekdays at 2, 4 and 0.15 p.m. The last bal home each day will leae the Salt Lake Host sharp at 7 p.m. So.nday and holiday picnic parlies specially arrange. I for. Launched, row boats and canoe for sale and hire. Prince Hupert Hnathouse. 4dvrlie In 'h- llailr Nw SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreaarved. aurveyed Crown landt may t pra-trnpud b BrlUab aubjcla ever II ara et as. an ay allana en daflarlnt Intention to bcoma Brltlah aubjacu, condl tlonaj upon raeldtnca, occupation, and Improvement tor agricultural purpoaa. ruU Information concerning refu-atlona r(trd!rf pra-oraptlona la tlvaa In Bulletin No. 1, Land 8r1ea. 'How to fr.mpi Land." copta et hlch can ba obtained fra of cbarga jy addrtaetor th Oapartmanl of inda. Victoria, B C, or to any Oav. rnmant At ant. ncorda will ba frantad covertnt inly Und aultabl (or aartcultural purpeaaa, and which la not "llmbsr-land. Lo, caJTTlnt ever I.SOt board feat per aero wait of th Coait rttnf a and 100 Xt pr a era aat of that Rant. Appllratlono for pre-emption r to ba addraad to th Land Com-mlalsnr of th Land Rcordln( CH vlalon. lo which tha lard applied for la attuated, and ar mau on print! form. copUa of which can b obtained from th Land CmmUlonr. ' rr-mptIona muat ba occupied for fire year and lmproramnt mad to valu of lit par acre. Including clearing and cu'.Uvatlng at laaat flv acre a, befor a Crown Oram can b received. For raor detailed Information th BulUUn "Mow to fra-empt Ind." PURCHASE Appllratfona ar rclvd for pur-chaa of vacant and unrarvd Crown landa, not being tlmbtrland. for agricultural purpoeae; minimum prle of flrat-claia (arable) land I tl par acr. and aacond-elaaa (grating! land I2.S0 pr acr. Further Information regarding purchaaa or laaa of Crown landa la given In nulUtln No. JO, L.nd Seriaa, Purehaa and taa of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Industrial ette on Umber land, not iedlng 41 acr, mar b purchaied or lad. th con. dlUon Including payment of atumpag. HOMESITE LEASES tJnurrjd ar. not oicad1ng II acra. may ba lad a homealtaa. conditional upon a dwelling being erctd In th flret year, till balng obtainable after rtdnc and lm provement condition ar fulfilled and land haa bean anrvayad. LEASES For grating and Induatrtal pur-poaaa area not xcdlng 140 acre may b leaaed by en perion r a company. QRAZINQ Undr tb Orating Act th Prev. Inc I divided Into grating dlatricU and th rang admtnlttri under Orating Commlaalonar. Annual Trailng permit ar laud baaed on number ranged, priority balng given to eetabllahed owner. Btock-ownara may form aaaoclatlona for range management. Free, er partially fra inrmlta ar avallabl for aattlara' camper and travallera, up to tee head. Cash and Carry Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday THESE SPECIALS WILL BC EFFECTIVE ALL DAY (No Deliveries) (Mo Telephone Order.) Until Futther Notice this 8tore will Open at 8.30 a.m. and Clote at 5.30 p.m. dally. Robin Hood: Royal Household FLOUR 49 lb. sacks $1.90 Ljmll 2 Sacks to Each Customer On sale in Men llejd. Ieliverie. mi tin-he tnude lullowiiiK d.i. (Inly I ( Hrks Jn l,r prn e, su we suggest jmi get here early. J jOUdoriiwi ' ) A 50 BOXES OF PRUNES AT 05c BOX On Sale In Dry good DcpL Thin is new slock jhM iirmed. I'i ked I weight in wiHtdeit hoxes. meiliiiiu ur I'rmies i the grealcst Imrguui m Kv tjMiraled Fruit otterr Ve;irge yuu to gel here carl) us this spenal w l up iiurkly. 70 ONLY, PICNIC HAM8 Atcragr weights. U II. Hud uer, al 05c each. On S.ile in Shoe llejit nnlil siihl uuL Drygoods Dept. Gingham and Crepe Houtedrettei, S2.25. Here i a range of tiiijij l)lr. wh- ' ? up lo :t.30. We re going t make it .. I.i a - - a this deMrt(iieiit. i;r e lrrse are h.iii l 0 Only, MUtei' Ratine Wath Suits Ileg. n.7.Y Special $8.75 Nearly 2 per rent rednrliou. Thm. "f ? liegiimiiig of Ihe seiison. Tliee Muil r hi H" L-" Janpictte sljle. .Smart Skirt with .Side IH'tt Thrv in llie mid While. Cuimmi and While, tireeii. M i v-. und Peucmk. 3 Only, All Wool Jersey Suit, $14.75. ' This i a snap for anyone who ii a :tH. Ileg. value 32.50. lidor: Nile tireii III Hr ml lleiniH. Ilrnutifully tailored. Foot Philosophy Corns at inosl ,iltrartie prues. Trrut '"ir ("' ' ( llieill rh'iili r Tlin-e spenal kind i should he wf inag besl on our (. ! i you the grfalesl .m " lie the shoes lor tl... .linn riK'.nis ' "rr from roriis. I.el rhj whal il should he s ' wear of nil Winds Hi ri; Oiiih- in TO HAY. :.:r BOYS' SHOES The Ontario Shoe for sinnll or I.irge loy- T w i rumen in Mark or Tan Uilf. Illilrher Col, T r r Oak Tanned Soles. e Hires M lo I0V4. S.enal Sizes 1 1 to V. Sperial " Siies to 5H. Senl 52,85 BAREFOOT SANDALS, SPECIAL $1.45 ( MisseV and Children'!. Ilrnwii Non-Hip Sand if ' ' Leather Soles. Sizes 5 lo !!. Mines' and Children's Patent Leather One-Strap Pump. Sue. Ti In 7 K Mu..-nl Sues. 8 lo 10 '4. Spceml Sizes 1 1 to 2. Special $1.05 $2.45 Men's and Boys' Dept. Men' Fancy Dreie 8hlrti, Special $2.85. I'inest quality Knglish Woven Madras and Tohnd 1 1-new flripo designs. Cidors guuraiiteeil. A shirl win selU regularly al M.00. Mtn'i Ontlnn and Soort Shirts. Special $1.65. Here i it Shirl whi.h relnils at 152.25 anywhere;- rii week-end special right nt the romnieiicrinent of the huh", season, should he a popular one. Colors: Pongee, and Stripe. Aratax Collars, 8peclal 3 for 85c A semi sort collar in four different lyle. Hues n lo 17. Men, here i 1 pporliinily to slock up on fits ew'" day rcipiiremenl. One of these collars will oulwenr wt starched collars. Men's Fancy Silk Lisle Hose, Special 65c llegular 85c und l.00 ! I" 0kmi Slilrh and t""r e.l Clox. Heiiirorced Heels iiml Toes. Sizes HV4 to II a Universal Trading Co. Watch for change of Advt. on Saturday.