PAOK TWO THE DATLT KEW3 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. If. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $100 By mad to all parts of the British Empire and the United btates, in advance, per ysar $0.00 To all other countries,, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising- on Front Page.,, -..$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day pre- ucuing ijuuiicuuuu. nu uuverusing received sunject to approval, Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 8R Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Aug. 27, 1921. Co-operation Needed Even In School Work. Co-operation of teacher and parents is necessary in school work in order to secure the best results. Teachers are not infallible and they can be helped a great deal if the parents support them as far as passible and encourage the children, to do their work well and to help the teacher. It must be remembered that with thirty or forty pupils under her charge, the lot of a teacher is not an enviable one and if at times results do not seem to be all they should, it is possible that pupils or parents are at fault and not the teacher. Change At Anyox In Methods. The change of method of handling the concentrates by the Granby Company conies as somewhat of a surprise to those who had an idea that the- Anyox smelter was designed especially for the treatment of Hidden Creek ores. While it is regretted that the work has to be done outside the prnvince, it must be admitted that, the first duty of the management is to the shareholders who, for a number of years have received no dividends. Ot late there has been a gradual increase in price of Granby shares on the market. A short time ago they were quoted at fourteen and now they cannot be bought for less than twenty and even at that price few are offering. It would seem as if with the new concentrator working well, ns it i nf nrwi.i iv,.-o is- a possibility of the shares going a good deal higher and of dividends beinjr naid. It is to- be honed that the mnnntremenf l way, of treating the concentrates locally so that the 9melter there wiii.ufe'ani ue uperaieu to capacity. ' Must Uphold Dignity Of Law. The affair at Ocean Falls, wjiere a member of the provin cial police force was ill-used, is most regrettable. The dignity of the law must be upheld at all costs and it must be made clear that in this country men cannot abuse their privileges with impunity. If the report of the affair, as published in this paper yesterday, is a correct one, and we believe it is, the men who undertook to defy the law should be severely punished. Once it ir uiiucrsiuuu wiui me law omcers can be ill-treated with impti nity, their influence-is gone. Influence Of Newspaper Is Clearly Shown. In Vancouver there was a crime committeed, A nurse girl was shot in the home of General McRae's son-in-law,, and the anon- wus nusiieu up, a coroners jury declaring death to be accidental. The matter was taken up by the Vancouver Daily fatar. General Odium's naner. and then lh iiiuh cr;0i: i. came interested. By means of continued publicity the attention of the authorities was drawn to the case and now an order of me court nas oeen obtained to nave the body of the girl exhumed and a further examination made. There was a Chinese boy in the house at the tinv, he beinir wuij unit: jjcimju mere. Treat Chinese Ji'-'V. As If Not Men. Chinese men engaged in domestic service are often treated as if they were of the other sex. Women are brought into close contact with themr every day and the public generally come to regard them- differently from those of the white race This unci icuus-iu uouses anu is not a desirable state of affairs hrnployers. as in the case mentimipri n young girls alone m the house with Chinese boys, whereas thev ; , uu,lie n'c Mime wan winte men. These bovs we iinerties wnicli should not be allowed. The custom is not juw une anu ii possible should be stopped. You need Mustard "Mustard taken ta mon; jM..dlv aids digestion J . medical direcy. - u dinner the mustara table. butitmustbeColmaifs I The Man in the Moon .j SAYS:- I KNOW a man in Prince Huperl who never speaks roughly to his wife because he is afraid to die. YOU can pet a man's number but it is ilillicutl to ?et the number of a woman's shoes. A SENSIBLE woman who can earn money prefers gold fish to a man because gold fish have to be fed only once in three days. OIRLS, be careful you do not craek a smile. v THERE is a difference between growing and swelling up. I SAT one night In the twilight Forsaken by women and men And sadly I thought to myself there "I'll never eat onions again." . - i "THERE'S no getting around that," replied the innocent young lliinjr when the younsr man re marked that she had a trim little waist. ONE tbinp that has been worrying me is who could have taught the radiophone to squeal THE fairest woman I ever met Caught me ul once In her fairy net. --- AN" optimist is the man who thinks the vamp would make him an ideal wife. Mr. Aren't you ready to go yet? Mrs .Tel I me, doesn't my gown look .as if it were slipping off my shoulders? Mr. No; let's go. Mrs. Well, you'll have to wait. It's supposed to look that way. GEESE after every meal i Cleanses month and leetn and aids digestion. Relieves that overeaten feeling and add mouth. lis I-a-s-t-I-n-g flavor satisfies the craving for sweets. Wrlgley's Is double valne In the benefit and pleasure It provides. Stalad in it Purity rackagt. COMPLETE WIRELESS ! WITHIN SIX MONTHS :Blq "Beam" Station Contract ! with Marconi for Hunderd Words a Minute Each Way LONDON", Aug. 27. A 'While Paper' giving the text of the agreemenf between . the. Postmaster General and the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company for the construction or a -wireless lelegraph staliOn on the "beam" system, capable of communication with Canada, and of being extended to Soujh Africa, India and Australia has just been is sued. The company are to complete the station for communication wilh Canada within 26 weeks of the date on which the sites for the sending and receiving sections are placed at their disposal by Ihe government, and they undertake to have a similar station available in Canada for common ication with Uiis country within Ihe same period. The station is to be capable of communication at a speed of 100 five-letter words per minute each way. A "beam" station is one 'which has an input power of at least 20 kilowatts in the sending station and an aerial in both stations capable of concentrating the emitted waves and focusing tb received waves. ALICE ARM Lumber for Ihe construction of the new government float has ar rived and construction is being started. John Currie of Prince Rupert has the contract. Ed. Ashlon of Anyox arrived here last week after having come overland from Terrace by way of Aiyansh. He prospected enroule and is remaining in the Alice Arm district for a time. A shipment of ore sample. from this district wast, sent this week to the Prince Rupert Ex hibition. A. Davidson is continuing development wort- on the Summit property and hopes o locate con siderable tonnage before the snow flies. Angus McLeod arrived in town last week from the Hasin pro perty near (he Kilsanlt Glacier hringing fine 'samples of grey copper ore from an 18-foot ledge which he recently uncovered. Mrs. J. Trinder was taken to Ihe Anyox hospital last week Latest reports are that she is progressing favorably. a- .- Miss Edith Fraser, R.N. arrived hist week from Los Angeles to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N Fraser at the Esperanza mine, Miss Fosie Fraser, R.N., is al reidy here. Advertise in the Daily News. Justly famous for its rare old quality 26os.bottlo 32 cz. bottle Old Kentucky DUUtilXIN WHISKEY BOTTLED IN BOND UNDER FEDERAL, GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION noon This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Litpior Control Board or by the Government of iintislt Columbia. Ten Years Ago f In Prince Rupert j Ml.!,-, ir. ii i an i ii- i .- August 27, 1914. Although no compulsory censorship is being imposed on Canadian newspapers, the militia department al Ottawa suggests to the newspapers that it is not in the best interests of the Empire to publish news concerning movements of troops and warships and war activities that might convey information to the country's enemy. During the last month tha Daily News has issued from two to four editions daily giving the latest war uews. The semi-annual meeting o! the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church was held yesterday afternoon in the Church Hall and the following olllcers were elected: Honorary President, Mrs; II. R. firant; president, Mrs. J O. Reddie; vice-president, Mrs (i II. Arnold; secretary, Mrs. Sinc'a ; , reasurer, Mrs. D. G. McRae. Advertise in the Daily News. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unrirveJ, surveyed Crown linda may be pre-empted by Brltlaii aubjecu over It yeeri of age, and bf alien on declaring Intention to become Brltlih eubjeoU, conditional upon reeidence, occupation, and Smprorament (or agricultural purpotea. Pull Information concerning- regulations regarding- pre-emptlom Ii riven la BulleUn No. 1. Land Sarlea. 'How to Pre-empt Land, cople ot which can be obtained free of charge by addreiilng tha Department of Landa, Victoria, B.C, or to any Government Agent. Reoorde will be granted covering only land eultable for agricultural purpoiet, and which U not Umber-land. Le, carrying over 1. 000 board feet per acre west of the Coait Range and 1,000 feet per acre east of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addreeaed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division, la which the land applied for Is situated, and are ma3e on prlntei forma, copies of which can be obtained from tha Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for Ave years and Improvements made to value af flO per acre. Including clearing and culUvatlng at leaat nve acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. Tor more detailed Information sea tha BulleUn "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for pur-o,")a of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposea; minimum prtoo of flrst-clas (arable) land Is JS per acre, and seoond -class (grazing) land I2.S0 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series, "Purchas and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including- payment of turn pace. 0 HOMESITE LIA8E8 Unsurveyed areas, not eiceedlng 0 acres, may be leased as homesltes. conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For graslng and industrial purposes areas not exceeding-,144 acre may be leased by on person or ,a' company. GRAZING . Under the O raxing Aot UM Province Is divided Into grating district and the rang administered under a razing Commissioner, hi Annual grazing permits are Issued based on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owners. Stock-owners maj form associations for range management Tree, or partially free, permits are available for settlers, campers and travellers, up to tes SLICKER WEATHER! Children's nnd Hny' Slickers from .... $4.50 to $6.50 Cbildren'M Wnlerpronf Ilain-eapes wilh IMaid HoocIm, fnin $3.75 lo .lXt Lailjes' Kn(?lifdi Ilubber Hoafs with Velvet Collar $14.50 H.S.Wal!aceCo.Ltd Cor. Fulton A 3rd Ave. Phons 9. 51 i is ii i a l 1 1 i ,n I Im BABY'S SUMMED MILK SUPPLY With Kirm Brnind Pov-d v uppl y in aj wnyn safe na c fewtmnor kliminteterVtt v.. 7 A to &o nwny ow you anywhere you i ply oc rich, full er,.orn, owhuS rcndyforlmbytlio instant h; Kltmfaju.t pur, rountrv milV , . form, nothing m, (,." ;lk ' "J., novru, which tUl, , " u. errant mil aaiu. M Your doctor will rwumnwiul itt.- CANADIAN MILK Pltontctf ,(MmD 1 Sold by- RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. Dr. Watson's Tonic ALE and STOUT One p.icknge makes H gnlldiis of llie most win notirisliing ilaily drink. Kasily prepar' 75c Per Package. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service u ruler management ' V ' Haven. Ideal place to spend your summer hoi onable rates. Good home cooking. Com for. i r. Fishing, lloaling, Hathing in Lakelse Lake and s BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI Motp' Operating Taxi and Launch Service belwce - T" and Ledge landing, assuring guests of quick, trip. Also operating taxi service to all parU of the l-'or reservations and rates, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. rs STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Geurgfi Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER; VH TORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday. Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, pn- FOR STEWART Friday. 10. P r QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and BucWJ Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. t . For Skldegate uutl all ports south every Wednt: flay 8.d0 p.m. PASSENGt-R TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Lesvn I'rlnre HurTt S.0 p.m. for PIllNCE 0EOH0K, KDMi : v' w ' Nirt'O, all polnu Eaitrro Canada, UrilMd states. OINOY ALL OCIAN STEAsltHt LINES. ..... . City TleUI Off lea, S2S Tlilrs s Prlnos Russrt. Phoa BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PfllCES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. phone 575.