rdnesday, August 27, 1924. A You can just see him grow stockier and healthier and happier on Kellogg's. With milk, cream or fruit say, could anything be so nourishing! CORN FLAKES Ovtn-freth atway$ FLAKES Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern imakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. YOU WANjT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Selected Brand okeena doc neve For picnics, -hooe "Rupert Urand'" Salmon. A few lins in the pantry -re always handy. Stock a supply on your hout that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. -or VANCOUVER. UVER, Prince Rupert, B.C. Salllnrs sailings rmra inmi l'rince rnnrt nunert. 1111111. VICTORIA, Swanton Bay, and Alert Bay, Tuedi,,S P.M. VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.m. , laland, Sunday, 8 P.M. for VANCOUVER1. UVEFf, For ANVnir ALICE AI lr ARM, adm STEWART, crnut BT u.t. Walta "ORT SIMPSON and Naat Wr Cinnirln, Friaey A.m. ,2 2nd Attiu. i. Barntliy, Agtnt. Prince Rupert, B O. FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB GtNESS Petersburg, j Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to be a Number One Stock. THE DAILT NEWS PAGE THREE; t crunni c nocw litfal an.) Pprsnnal HWW,BU' NtAllUtSUAY B.C. UiHlertakers. Phono 41. Long Summer Vacation Has Slp- Hayncrs, Undertakers. Phone ped Away Rapidly Several 351. Mew Teachers Coming Dance, Elks' Home tomorrow, The long summer vacation of Thursday, at 9 p.m. Easson's two months having slipped away Orchestra. Everybody welcome. like so many weeks lo I hem, the - children of this city like those! C.P.H. steamer Princess Alice, all over the province are now Capl. Ormiston, southbound from on their last week of holidays. Alaska to Vancouver, will be in pext Tuesday morning, Seplem- porl from 3.30 lo 0 o clock this her 2, public and high school's afternoon. reopen for the fall Term. W. 1). Vance, secretary of thcl Mrs. Alice Meagher, mother of school Hoard, staled yesterday J. II. Meagher of this city: is re- that be expects Ihe attendance on turning lo her home in Seattle the re-opening of Hie city schools on the Prince Rupert tomorrow will not he any greater that it evening after having spent sev- was when they closed in June. eral months visiting here. With the exception of the suner- vising principal, whose position Misses Dorothy and Pete Tre- has been abolished by the board, mayne are sailing tomorrow there will he the same number of night on the steamer Prince teachers. High I new pedagogues Huperl for Vancouver enroule In will, however, make their appear. Ouelph, Ontario, where they will ance before the city classes tak- ake up domestic science studies ing the places of those who re al Macdonald College. signed at the end of last term. ' Westview School will not ho hrnest Hlue arrived in the city re-opened although if was ihe in- from Hyder on the Cardena last tenlion of the board earlier in evening and will leave on this the year to do so and provision evenings train on a nonuay trip (o that end was niade-in the es- to Port Arthur, Dululh and Mm- liniatcs. The children from the neapolis. west end of the city will continue to be brought lo the large schools Mrs. F. Shaw, who has been jn town where Ihey will at least visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. have the advantage of separate Judge, is leaving for Vancouver grade classes Avhlch could not be tomorrow night to visit her operated in the small district daughter, Mrs. .Y C. Hobinson, school. and will proceed later lo l.os Sdal Cove school, now that Angeles, California, to join her there is no longer a supervising husband. principal, will come under the Mrs. Harry Donaldson and her school. jurisdiction of Booth Memorial daughter, Mrs. Harry Whipps, of New Teachers Philadelphia, arrived in the cily D. H. Hartncss will be the prin. on the Cardena yesterday after- cipal of Booth Memorial school noon from Alice Arm where they and Miss S. A. Mills will have have been visiting and will sail charge of liorden Street. Miss H. tins afternoon on the Princess a. Mercer will bo vice-principal Alice for Vancouver enroule uf Hooth Schoorand W. W. C. l home. O'Neill, formerly of Terrace and I more recently of Burns Lake, will Majoi h. I). Jolmslone left tins ho vice-principal at Borden morning with Crorge Bryant on I street. , ' Ihe gas boat Harla for bwanip H. The now leachers-who will take land to bring home a parly of 18 up their dulio willibe: wy scuui who ii v. uceji . pi i . v. . m. i) .eiii, vice-prin- cauiied there for Hie past ten cipal of Borden StWel sch6ol. days. I lie party will return lo Harry O'Xeill, ' Vancouver, the cily this evening. Hev. and Mrs. F. P. Thorman and family of Telegraph Creek will pass through the city on the Princess Alice this afternoon en-route lo F.ngland. They will pro ceed Fast from Vancouver and will sail from Montreal on the steamer Montrose on September a. uommanuer ii. i. nougson, K.N. went north about a month ago to succeed Mr. Thorman in charge of the Upper Stikine An glican mission. There was a good attendance, especially of youngsters, at the show put on last evening in the Fmpress Theatre by Prof. Utel! with his trained animals. Prof. L'lell, who has been in I lie city LOST AND FOUND "Have you noticed thai my daughter has inherited my voice?" "Oh, why, yes! You know I ! con I.I u" t imagine what had bc- wiiic if. ii. ivHUll .imp. BOAT IS LATE CX.lt. steamer Prince lluper'. Capt. I). Donald, from Vancouver and way ports, will not arrive unlilseven o'clock this evening and (lie train for Ihe Fast will bo held pending her arrival. The train from the Fast, due at I o'clock, is reported on lime. Advertise in the Daily News. rCZEMA Yon tre r.nt , x d e rlirrnt- Ing when tou use lr. mrnt (or Kcirm and skin Irrlu- uom it rrllevri at onee na eraou-m ally hrala the tkln. Sample !xx Dr. Chaae't Ointment lree II you uientlnn thl paper and send 2o. srninp fi-r tK)lRRe. aor. a box 1 all ilmlers or Ktlniaii nU'i) ft Llmlti. Toronf Booth ScJiool. Miss llutli Slew'arl. formerly of North Ilulkley, Seal Cove school. Miss J). I,. " Laxlon, Mission Cily, Booth School. ' Miss Jean Mi Keir, North Van couver, Booth School. Miss Jean McKay Horden Street school. Miss Nora'Hivetl, who is re turning to the cily after a year's leave of absence, Borden Street school ' II. C. Bell, of Hevelstoke, sue-' cecdingC. Wo'odworth on the High School stair. W HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Miss Joan Bovine Sinilhers; J. Jefferson, Somerville; W. ami district for several months, c wmij,,,, w i- ii.,n i v n..i plans remaining here for the yea jj. j. VVjch, Vancouver: winler and he has rented a i?rnes mUe, HyderjfAIrs. Harry building where he will train more Donaldson and Mrs. Hairy animals that he is obtaining. Ills , Whinns. Pliiladeliihia., show contains birds, while mice, toy dogs and other animals. POSTMAN ARRESTED VANCOUVFIl, Aug. 27. Herbert I.e Messurier, 33 years of age, a postman, was arrested for Ihe I heft of a letter containing the sum of $3.50. Central j J. P. I.inilgren. Aifyox; F. 'C. Johnson. Calgary i, Advertise in the Daily News. iwl,S .WMOia?.''V immmmmrTW, Soothlfig-Stlmulatlng. DELICIOUS Blended from tlieclioicest Coffee Berries selected for their excellent flavor. Ask forA'Supreme." Free coupons in every tin entitling you. to beautiful china cups and sahcers. ('.. Vw ...V V ' SPECIAL FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon Rnfe-kih bloomers show themselves below an extremely brief frock thai has a suggestion of the peasant dress in the slashes and stitching on the neck opening and raglan sleeves. Them Is a little hop on the Rue Saint Honor in Taris, that itrcrt of many ad-renture In shopping, where they make a specialty of Russian and Roumanian frocks for small children. The dresses are made usually of fine white cotton crepe stitched or embroidered In peasant fashion at the stashes in-the neck and sleeves. The stitching Is done in scarlet or black and scarlet, in tinen blue or in blue, red and yellow. Chambray would be very pretty used in the same way, the MRe green or yellow chambray with a stitching of sandalwood brown, or pink with old blue. One could use pin-check gingham without the embroidery lad bound with plain ginsham. Health ! That priceless possession, most valued by those who have temporarily lost it, can be regained and retained by regularly taking 4X Cream Stout. It's an easy, pleasant, palatable way to encourage the system to extract the utmost nourishment from the food you eat. 4X Cream Stout is itself a valuable liquid food, prescribed and recommended by many physicians for invalids, convalescents, nursing mothers and all those whose physical condition requires. gentle stimulation. It also appeals to thousands as the most acceptable meal-time drink makes them eat heartily and helps digestion. Drink 4X BREW CREAM STOUT Brewed and bottled in Vancouver at the model brewery renowned for cleanliness and perfect brewing. It contains the very finest of malt and British Columbia hops it has the body, strength and flavor that good judges prefer. You'll like it, too. It will do you a world of good. Try it! On sale at all Government Vendors VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT " TAKE NOTICE that Fullon SI reel between Sixth Avenue and Ninth Avenue will be closed for one mouth, commencing Friday, August 2tf. Residents are re quested lo gel in their supply of coal, etc., before that dale. F. W. PFA11SON. 203 City Engineer. amatco 3 PLY COTTONWOOD VENEER PANELS 7 For panelling your rooms it rivals the most costly hardwoods. Bejiiveuate your Home Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Children's Shoes OF QUALITY SPECIALLY PRICED $4.05 Tan or Black Calfskin, welled soles. Chums and llurlhtits. Button only. Sizes 11 to lVi. Regular $0.00 and $6.50. $3.05 Tan or Black Calfskin. Welter soles. Button only. 8 to IOVj. Regular $1.75. 05c Child's Palenl Leather Slippers. Patent Leather Boots and Rubber Soled Strap Slippers. Vulues to $2.00 pair. Family Shoe Store