That Imprisoned Members Vote LAWYER KILLED AUTO ACCIDENT W. H. D. Ladner of Vernon Lost Life When Car he Was Driving Turned Over VFJLNO.N, Aug727. V. II. I). Ladner, a well known local lawyer, son of Hev. Charles Ladner of Kamloops and a cousin of Leon Ladner ALP. of Vancouver was killed when I he car which he was driving turned over on the Armstrong road. He was likely lo have been chosen as Conservative candidate in Yale at the forthcoming federal by-election. CANADIAN NATIONAL ENGINEER DISCUSSES P.G.E. WITH OLIVER VICTORIA, AugT 27. M. II. Me Lend, chief engineer for the Canadian National Hallways, had a long conference with Premier Oliver yesterday. Mr. Mcl.eod recently made an extended survey of the P.G.E, Railway and it is assumed the future of the Provincial system was under discussion. No ollicial statement has been issued. Ambulances to Meet Liner on her Arrival in New York After Being Buffeted by Hurricane NEW YOHK, Aug. 27. Several passengers on the White Star liner Arabic, Hamburg to New York, were injured last night when the ship ran into n hurricane, according to a message nu-rived bv the wireless company here. The message said the liner requested that eight ambulances meet the ship at ,lhe pier when she arrives at the hocks mis aiternoon. The message also staled that the vessel was damaged as a result of the storm, , MACLAREN JS GOING EAST Left Last Night For Winnipeg and Other Points; Will Welcome Americans VANCOUVER, Aug. 27. Major Stuart MacLaren will remain in Canad long enough to Join in the welcome lo Ihc American Ihev reach tins country. He left Here iasi input I for the East with hls-pai'ty and I.. ,1, , rr U'iiinitiPf?. (jllaWIl CAUSE ROW SHIPPING U.S. REQUESTED AID FOR SHIP Message Says She Is In Danger or Sinking With Fifteen Persons on Board WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. A radio message received today by I he Army Signal Corps from Winnipeg, requested assistance of the governmental, stations for I he schooner Lady Kindcrsley, which is declared to be in danger of sinking with fifteen persons on board. BRITISH UNEMPLOYED ARE ON THE INCREASE LONDON. Aug. 27 The unem ployment situation in GreatUril-nin is steadily crowincr worse Last week the total out of work was estimated u number 1,123, 000. WHEAT CROP NOT HALF SO BAD SAYS SIR HY. THORNTON MONTREAL, Aug. 27. ' Sir Henry Thornton lias returned from a visit lo the Pacific Coast ami announced last night that the west's wheat crop would reach 300,000,000 bushels. "Things are not nearly as bad as they have been reported," he said. FISH ARRIVALS Only thirty thousand pounds of halibut changed hands here today at the exchange the sales bein Wabash 0,000 at 15.50 and 7.50 to Booth Fisheries. l'reslio 7,000 at 15.60 and 7.50 lo Atlin Fisheries. Fortuna 7,000 at lS.HTand 0 to Cold Storage. Ring Leader 10,000 at 13.30 and 8 to A 1 1 in Fisheries. REDUCTION OF FEE EMPIRE EXHIBITION LONDON, Aug. 27. In order Hint attendance at Wembley niiiy leach a million weekly Ihc admission fee will be. reduced lo one shilling, commencing ITS 0-TAXl BOSTON GRILL M I and Large r Upstair Dining Hall, mdJ Ambulance J;' ... with newly laid dancing .....' ''''Mi. r .floor for hire. Suitable for Service ""lam,... - 4,i'm .""try. dances, banquets and wed. Anywhere at Anytime. ding parlies. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave: For rales, apply1 to Iloston PRINCE RUPERT and 6th St. firill, Third Ave. j MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. 202. PIUNCH HUl'KHT, H.G., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 102 . ' cieeuution, 1.109. Street Sales, 13! PRICE FIVE GENTS. COMMUNISTS GRANBY COMPANY IS Free Fight in German Reichstag Follows Demand of Communists LONDON, Aug. 27. Tlie sitting of the German HeWistn? was suspended today when during the debate on the resolution to accept the Dawes reparations plan and the Loudon Agreement the Communists caused uu uproar by demanding that their expelled and imprisoned members be allowed to vole tomorrow, says a despatch from Merlin. There was a free for all fight between Communists and Democrats. The German Government will sign the agreement whether the Reichstag approves it or not, it was announced in Berlin today. If the pact is rejected the legislative body will be dissolved. ANOTHER BO AT TUnTTf UT I (KT 111UUU11I lAJul Maid of Orleans Not Reported Was on Way to Coronation Gulf In Arctic M.A'n'LK, Aug .27. Plans re afoot today lo have the auxil- mi v homier llui scck me .Maui of Orleans, n vessel of the same type, which loft hero Juno 25 for Coronation Gulf by way of Nonu-. It Is feared that th Maid of wrirwin uu? vvvu ttuuru iu hid list of vessels caught by the Arc tic Ocean jce packs. TO HARVESTS One Hundred Have Gone From Prince Rupert In Past Week Must Have Jobs to go to Since. August 20, about 100 men have been sent lo the harvest fields of Alberta and Saskatchewan through (he local employment J office, J, M. Campbell, su-peiitilemlenl, reported this morn-las. At the present time the only men who arc being provided with special transportation rales In the prairies are those producing letters giving bona-fidc proof that they have jobs lo go to. None are1 being sent otherwise. il is expected thai thero vill be ftpneral orders for men about the p"'l of the week and then, all desiring to go, will be given an op-l'"i'uiilty. Many men are seeking this work on the prairies. BODY viCT0RlF TEACHER RECOVERED V I CT( ) R I A , Aug. 27. Profes sor T. W. Cotnett of Victoria Lnllegc and High School whose! death by drowning was reported Monday was seized with an attack "f heart failure. The body was Jeeovered soon after. CHARGED WITH PASSING BOGUS CHECKS IN CITY This afternoon Constable A. Miiedonald picked up Cecil Rutherford an( ho was taken to the Police, station and charged wllli passing bogus cheeks, Among those alleged lo be his victims are McCulcheu's I)rug Wore, Gil's Cigar Slore, Owen l.'I.i .. . , ... , iiier, .Mrs, (iraiiiman aim u win siop on " " i-" ... , Chinese Montreal, whore he will bo store, The prisoner had and ' H t on him when nr'rested and entertained, "lis towards' of sailing for Lng-1'iiying will go a long way Tlio date back the money. Ho sign" land Is Indefinite as it i not el the name of Frank Sailer to known when the American flyers Urn ehoiska. ' Uro likely to arms. CONCENTRATES W:JiiHv''tflHHn9HflHOr .v Jlcre aro some of the small Queen's doll house, which china sets, but made in Socheye Pack Twenty Thousand Cases Ahead of Last Year on Skeena River: Naas is Double . The .Mfkeyeipack .f 130,30'inses yu, thSkeena Rive.cjhis year -is something like 20,000 rules in excess of that for 1023 and is 50,000 cases ahead of 1022. The pink pack of 101,00-1 cases is nearly 38,000 cases belter than 1023 hilt still is shurtlc,!,m",,,: '"UA-or the 175.700 cases iu 1022. ' f . . 150, Tons Dal", ,. As already predicted, the sockeye pack on the Naas Hiver! 'W fourteen and fifteen now put at 111,835 cases is just about double that of 1023. The ;hundrcd tons of Hidden Cree nark of 0(i.75 rases on the Naas is more than fiftv oer rent!1'1-' were being concentrated I.aIIpp than 1023. The chum 1023. Though the season for sockeye is over and Ihe pink season prac tically so, the figures now given . do not represent the final boxed j up pack, the returns for which,1 may be expected to be a little higher. . J The figures for Ihe Skeena River pack up lo last Friday j eveninir. with the . figures up to! a corresponding date last year given for comparison, are as follows: 192i 1923 Cases Cases Sockeye 130,300 1 19,503 Springs .. .. 11.003 10,762 Hoboes 10,8 i9 15.291 Pinks 161,691 123.917 Chums .. 8.73G 3,100 Steelheads ... 163 189 Mas River Naas River figures follow: 1924 1923 Cases Cases Sockeye . . . .. 31,835 16,486 Springs .. .. 927 890 Cohoes , . . , ,919 3,220 Pinks .... . . . 66,785 10,372 Chums 21,088 19,907 Sleelheads ... 2i0 220 Coboes will not be running in full swing for a week or so yet. It is expected that a little over 100 fishermen will bo engaged In calching them' on Ihe Skeena River. Balmoral, Claxton, Inverness, Prince Rupert and Sunny- side canneries will pack, fall. brand., the remainder of the plants already making preparations to close. On Ihe Naas River Somerville ami possibly Wales Islands canneries will pack cohoes.v VANCOUVER WOMAN IS KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE VANCOUVER. Aug. 27. Mrs K. Aiken was killed while cross ing Third Avenue by a car driven by 0. Reeves, who is being held pending the finding of tlio cor - oner's inquest. BIRTH A son was born at Ihe l'rinco 1 pieces of china used for the are actual replicas of genujtie one-twelfth regular size, Pack so far is sliirhtlv belter thani RECRUITING NAVAL VOLUNTEERS HERE APPROVED OTTAWA ... P. R. Ponder of the Provincial Police lias received a telegram from Ottawa approving the .recruiting of a half company of the Royal Canadian Naval 1 Volunteers at this port, and is now awaiting further instructions. EVERYBODY IS SAFE ABOARD KINDERSLEY, Boxer Is Standing dv, According to Wireless Message Received Yesterday VANCOUVER, Aug. 27. Every body is safe and comfortable .... n. .,t.. r ...i.. aooam u.e yom-r u. Kindersley, which was recently caught in ine ice pacK in inc A Arctic Ocean and whose crew tried to gel away over the ice but failed. The Hudson Bay Com pany received a wireless message relayed from Ihe vessel .yesterday telling of Iho Condition on hoard. The United Stales steam culler Boxer is slandilig by,, LABOR SITUATION IS RATHER QUIET Liu In Demand For Men Althouoh Casual Work Offers Occasionally The general labor situation in the district is rather quiet just now it is reported at the provin- cial government labor bureau. i There is little demSind for men although there have been,anum ber of casual jobs such as long shoring. When a general call , comes from the prairie harvest Ruperl General Hospital on Aug., fields, it is anticipated that a usl 26 to Mr. artd Mrs. Malcolm number of local idle men will bo Campbell, Graham Avenue. lahsurbed. REICHSTAG TO TACOMA To Ship Concentrates from Anyox to Tacoma Smelter Unable to Save All Values in Hidden Creek Ores: Amount Handled Daily Already Exceeds Estimate ANYOX, Aug. 27. When the new concentrator mill was completed last spring, the results of smelting the concentrates immediately afterwards justified the belief that there would be I .no difficulties in the economic or all tne concentrates produced., auice that time, however, smelling problems have arisen, and il has been found necessary to make entirely different arrangements for the recovery of all concentrate values, smelting costs in addition having increased two. cents a pound more than was the case before the treatment of concenlrales began, which, I owing to the low selling price of copper during Ihc past eight iiion I lis, meant a big loss to the Orunby Company, and consequently had to be dealt with in the only manner whereby the Company would get the best re sults. It has been decided to ship the product of tlio concen- 'Iralor mill direct to Tacoma, and hipmenls will 'gtf forward until : 1,me as experiments, being conlimluu-Ir-ffawc.r --rtn , will -iUj"ir' ",0 .'injr of the con- - Jaily at the mill and Ihe concen Irate result smelted prior to t lie decision to ship the mill product 'soulh; and apart from the in- crease iu smelting costs Ihe re- icovery of values was consider- ably below what the management was justified in expecting, a fair ,per centage of values undoubted. ly disappearing up tbo slack with the flue smoke. It is now hoped thai Hie pro- blenis responsible for this loss jWill be solved within the next few months and thai the entire oul- iput of the mill will be smelted .locally. Only Three Furnaces Hecause of the decision to shin the concentrates south, it has been found necessary lo confine Ihe smelting unit of the plant lo three furnaces, with an approxi. - output of !; "SS local and 'fm-niL'ti nips rnmhinoil Tliix will .,. ..... lllPI,liani cal 'departments lo a certain ex lent and necessitate a reduction in the number of men employed iu these departments Happily, the concentrator has ((J j,e u (l WM ,esigned EXHUMEBODY OF NURSEMAID , 1 Mysterious Death of Girl In j Shaughnessy Heights Homo Being Investigated VANCOUVER, Aug. 27. An order was made yesterday by Mr. 'Justice I). A. McDonald, In the supreme court for the exhumation of the body of Janet ,Snillh, the nursemaid whose mysterious deatli in .the household of F. L, Baker, Shaughnessy Heights on July 20 has been the cause of much discussiou. At the time Of the girl's death, caused by u bullet wound in Iho head, Iho coroner's Jury returned u verdict of accidental death. Sinco then an agitation has been going on to have the case re opened as it is believed there was foul play. SMELTER treatment at the Anyox smelter for and more. Originally intended as a thousand ton per day unit, Granby men have brought its tonnage treatment to fifteen hundred tons every twenty-four hours, and it is confidently expected that within the next few mouths two thousand tons of Ore ivill be handled at the Anyox mill. Everything at present favorably indicates that this will be an ac- complishment before the year ends. .'..-..' . Old Pilot Mill In addition to Ihc ores handled by Ihe new mill, the old pilot mill is to be rehabilitated for the treatment of certain ores and the output of the mine speeded up. Some tunnelling work has been contracted for on the Bonanza property about a mile and a half west of the smeller. Alessrs. J, and Vince Lade, of Slewart, have . this contract and are already at work. The work contemplated forn Granby Point Quartz earlier ini the year will not be proceeded" with at present, sutlicient lon-s nage of siliceous ores coining. from Alaple Bay and the north end of Larcom Island lo supply , tbo flux necessary for the sinejt-ing oT Ihe ores treated. RICH STRIKE ON RAILROAD Tony Serblch Make Most Import; ant Find of Year In Alice District ALICE ARM, Aug, 27. What is probably Ihe most important ore strike in the Alice Arm dis4 Irict (his year, was made last week on the Midnight group, near West Creek, twelve .miles from here, by Tony Serbich. It was while. doing assessment work that Mr. Serbich was fortunate enough lo strike a 2 - ft ledge of high grade1 ore. Samples were immediately sent out for as saying, and these gave returns of 12 per rent copper, 8.3 ozs. silver and 0.02 gold per ton. The pro perly was only acquired last year and this is the first work dono ou il by Ihe owner. ' The most interesting part ot Ihc slrjke Is that It was made only four feet from the Dolly Varden railway tracks, so that transportation problems are nil. It is the intention of Mr. Serbich lo drive a 'tunnel 100 feet in length on the ledge, and if the tunnel is successful be will, iu all 'probability work the property himself. Living quarters and a blacksmith shop will also be buill.. The work will start immediately. s Mrs. I. A. MclMierson Is sailing for 'Vancouver on the Prince Ru- 'pert tomorrow evening.