PAGE SIX TIIE DAILY NEWS WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 P.M. "The Galloping Fish" Fun! Nerve! Originality! The year's big laugh busier! The hilarious adventures of a timid little bridegroom with a diving YcAus and Iter trained seal. Come and gel in the swim with Freddie, the galloping fish; Willie, the alligator the diving Yenuses crowds uf bathing beauties the flirtatious newly-wed his jealous wife and nil the rest of the uproariously, funny bunch. Hot stuff comedy pulled in cold water, A photo-play packed with laughs from start to finish with a spectacular flood at the climax. All-star cast. Sidney Chaplin, Chester Conklin. Admission 35c and 10c. TIMBER SALE X G425. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Land, at Victoria, not later than Urn on the Mth day of September, 1824. for the purchase of Licence X 615, to cut tn.UOO lineal feet. r Poles and 1-lllnir on Lota 1S and hi3, situated about 3tt miles and on other side or "keena Itlver rrom llemo Station, Itange 5, Coast Land District. Two ( years will be allowed Tor removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chler r Forester, Victoria, B.:.. or District torester, Prince Kupcrt, B.C. Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY PRESERVING PEARS ARRIVING WEDNESDAY Unwrapped stock, per case $2.50 Hook your orders early. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Now in, per dozen .... 50c Wax or Green Iicans, 2 lbs. 25c Celery 15c and 20c Cauliflower 15, 20, 25, 30c (According to size) . Cucumbers . . 5, 10c and 15c Vegetable Marrow, lb. . . 6c Hubbard Squash, Pumpkin, lb 8c RupertTableSupply Three Phones. aio,in, 212' LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchaaa Land. In Oueen Charlotte island Land District, ItenurdinK District ol Prince llupert, and situate in the Kast Entrance of Justkalla Inlet. Take Notice that Edward Shannon or I'nrt Clements. In the Province of British Columbia, Gardener, Intends to apply for permission to purcnase mo toiiowmr ae lands; Commcncinir at a posi planted at the northwest point of this Is'and; thence southeast and on around the Island Tpllow (no- iim tin ne linn to the Dlare of com TIMBER SALE X 6370. II mencementi and containing one and one Hair acres or lann, more or ies. Kit. SHANNON. Dated at Port Clements this kCtb day of lily, t o it 4 . Tlirre will lie offered for sale at l'uullc Auction, at noon on mo mi flay or nep-tirolier. 1034. In the office of the Dis trict Korealer, SnilllierK. ll.C. llie Licence V r.Mt In tint 411 IKIO Jilfbltlmi tl.1 mi nil area adjoining- the north boundary of Lot C70I. tltuatcd apii'oxluiHti'ly t Vi miles norili and ensl or Pecker Lake Station, Kanire i. Coast Plstrlrt. Two years will be allowed Tor removal of tlmher. "Provided anyone unable to atlend the auction In rmrsoii may wibnilt a sealed ten der to be opened ai 1l' hour of auction and treated as one inn. KurUier tiirlifiilar of the Chief Forester. Vl-torln. n r . or Plstrlrt Forester, 1'rlnce llupert, n.C. MOONLIGHT Dances At the Auditorium Dance Friday Evening, Aug. 29. F.asson's Orchestra, llefreshmcnls served. . Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 60c l'hono IMack 449. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. Tea and Coffee PRICES ARE ADVANCING very rapidly and we have been fortunate to secure a quantity of very high grado quality at a low price. We have installed a new up-to-date Electric Coffee mill and can give you fresh ground coffee daily. Samples free. Our Highest Grade Coffee 05c value, per lb 50c 3 lbs. for $1.35 Our Highest Grade Tea Xonc belter. , 75c value, per lb. .. 65o 2 lbs. for $1.25 Orders including Tea and Coffee delivered. Order Preserving Peaches now from us. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders' of $5.00 Delivered. lilrlrt. n.c. HI .Ji ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of her wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows bow to make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 t BOX392 P Rl N CERU PE RT I'Lnm mil fiiiiin of contract can be seen Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best servlco possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist SPECIALS Preserving Fruils Pears, iu lb. boxes, per box $3.50 Peaches, per crate ... $1.85 Plums, per crate .... $1.75 Buy Them Now. Apples, per box $3.00 3 lbs .for 25c E GONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phono 84. Sterling Furnace COAL Detlmred In Bulk. J At $10.00 per ton. Tins Ii a very superior furuare j coal. It irlvi s a I'tean hot Ore ami Is entirely Tree from soot, clinkers. Hark and dirt. Some or tLj Mntext heat I n 1? plants In lh city are now usln it with entirely sallsfaitory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered in Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for the Fainou LA DYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main orricat Hout Cantral. Phcna 16 NEW PUBLICATION IN KETCHIKAN IS LIKELY Plans Laid to Publish Alaska Fisherman at that Place from Bin Plant There is a scheme on foot to xlend the scope of the present monthly journal "The Alaska Fisherman." The management Hid iiiiljiwii in ii nn n (rrimill III 8KAI.ED TE.MlEHS idtlressed to tlii't . .. . . . , , .... .... uiidvralnied, and endorsed 'Tender fin pUl'Cliase lilt piam Ol llie nany wharf repaln, al Tort Simpson, B.C., o'clock will I vl-ink-m" washan Utlll n . I In 10 innvo IIIOV.. it 11 til IU Kel Im i. Mlvi.rl ill thin nrriw until 12 noon (daylight aalng), Thuraday, 8pUm-1 .-liiktltl till (I to publish there ill a bar , 19Z, ror tno coiisiruuion or re-1 ., , -. hairs to wharf at Tort Simpson, Skccna building of heir own. KITorls are now being made to and stieclflcatlon and forma of tender oh; I raise monev for the enterprise tallied at tins iieparimeni, ai me oiiho oi - . the District Einrlneer, Old Post Office and U good many Of tllO POIIllS iu dlnK. .Mcioria. ,: .an. i "!. :,,.,. l.ina ,!'ng inki.n mi "P bv W The 1 A- iirflre;anc ll.Ci Stewart, B.C., and Port Simpson hka Xalion Urol liei'liOOil, a 'Tenders will not be considered tinier I nal ivo Indian trganizaliou. In made on printed ronns supplied by the ll,nttl, ,.f i.,,,iiliMfiii is U nirrceil to ' ll'luliiailOll IS IS ahll liitiartnient and In accordance w t l condl tiona contained therein. . . . I f liat llie bonds taken by the Hro- L-M..t. l..iwlnn miial liu rut tail I on liv fllil accepted cheque oil a chartered bank, pay I herhood shall be paid olT last ahle to the order or me Minister or ruuuc ,.:,., in IliU U Illnv,.p Hie IllONCl 111 UIIS IS Worku, equal to 10 per cent of the atuoiin' prime or the tender. Bond of the ! riominion of wjijiam L. l'aul, an educated luiiway Company win also be accepted a- native, managing editor of the fS; m,u,r'" publication and candidate for re NOTE. Blue print can ne obtained a' l'n nrcxentativu stntaino in iu the uie Alaska niaona i.hi legis tlili pepariment by depositing an accent ta ene(iie ror ine sum m iu.uu payanie Nature. in ine nrner or ine ninnier or runur Wks. which will be returned If the In tendlnir bidder submit a regular bid. uy oruer, S. F.. O-nrtlF.N. - Department of I'liblle Works, Ottawa, aiikusi . tnsi, Secretary. l'aul is an associate of Dan iSutherland, John Huslganl, F, J Hunt, and others all of whom be lieve iu closer trade relations with Prince llupert. RACE HORSES GO BEGGING WOMEN ROBBERS IN BERLIN 1JF.HMX. Fifty full-blooded HFJtl.IN. Holdup women hitv racing horses were offered re- appeared in Derlin. They operate cently at an auction held at Hop- in llie suburbs, usually after pegarten near here, but no buyers midnight, and all llie victims so appeared. The auction was ar- far have been men. The wnine ranged by wealthy owners unable are big and strong and. Instead any longer t.o keep the horses of carrying revolvers liiey use beraue of llie expenae involved. Miiuntuors or clubs. MRS. PHELAN DIED YESTERDAY IN SOUTH Mother of Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls Was Frequent Visitor Hero Demise will be Regretted The death occurred in Vancouver yesterday morning of Mrs. J. T. Pht'lun, wife oT J. T. Phelan, superintendent of (Joverpmcnl Telegraphs, and mother of Mrs. J. V. Nlcholls of this city. Mrs. Xicholls received the distressing news by wire yesterday afternoon! and will leave Ibis afternoon for Vancouver. The late Mrs. Phelan, who visited this city frequently, had many friends here and the regret al her demise will only be ex- reeded by the sympathy Ibat will be extended Mrs. Nicholls iu her sore bereavement. Mrs. Phelan UftliUi 111 till Ujiti I lull tl lliill time ago and since then iiad not i. - i i. hi. ueeit in guuu irmiiii. FLOODS CAUSE MUCH DAMAGE BELLA COOLA Bridge Washed Out and Settlors Isolated but no Loss of Life Word has been received by the provincial police department that there have been floods in the llella Coola valley commencing Sunday which washed out a number of the buildings and many of the settlers are isolated. The washed ll'ce,,,im nn" i''uena. imem 01 One of the bridges is water rises the . 1 away anil mere is no way ny which the settlers may reach the wharf. Only a short time ago there was a flood which did much dam- Xo casualties have been and the isolated settlers arc well supplied with food so far. BABIES WILL BE the JUDGED IN OLD CARLETON CAFE Hie old Carlton Cafe has been engaged by the Fair Hoard and SEES WHITE DEER HONXF.ItS FKHIIY, Idaho. While deer, a buck and doe, have been seen near' hero recently, according to reports from several sources, fieorge LaFotinlain, a rancher, said the doe was en- If ml v wli t f n i'li tin I lio litick had tho excursionist from Ketchikan who will visit I lie city during Fair Week. Committees were slated and further features in 'connection with the visit of the age in the valley and al that timo'AIaskans Were decided upon, village! Attending the meeting were it was. suggested that the side mci.cuu, u. .mhh uu. ... other should'be moved to the isolation Sabouriii for the Llks; N. Mus-as of the river to prevent the bridge js likely to be wash.if l. C'lmcron. II. Jackson. . i e.i i.nv Mm,, when ihe'-I. Hacon and 1. bcadden for the V U UUt K " Moose, and Joe (ireer, Hen Self. II. M. Daggett and Frank Dibb for the Fair Hoard. Committees from the three organizations were selected as follows: Accommodation Jarvis Mc-I.eoil, X, Mussalleni, II. M. Dag-gelt and M. I.. Slepp. Decorations F. Scadden, Aid S. I). .Macdonahl, Aid. 11. F. Perry. F.. Sabourin and S. L. Warrior. Knlerlainnient P. Cameron, J iSlaggard, O. Iloyer, II. Jackson. will be used for the. judging of jj ncmy't w i.: YVilliscroft, D. Ilaby Show in connection wilhMil)P( c i.,iUBn0t )r. n. . Tas-Kxhibition. Kntries for ttiejj c VnU(mit, II. F Haby Show close on September Gj and judging will commence -mediately thereafter. The winners will have been decided before the fair opens. Judging will be conducted' along similar lines to last year. FAIR WEEK SPORT BILL DISCUSSED Will be Conference Later With Baseball and Football Associations on Certain The sporl program for Fair W'eek was discussed at a commit tee meeting last night. The re presentatives of the HaselmH and Football Associations were unable to attend, however, and final details will not bo settled upon until such a Joint conference has been held. In the mvanlinifl, the program will stand as published in this paper yesterday. PORCUPINES ANNOY RAILROAD SF.WAHD, Alaska. The gov- emiu'ent's Alaska Ilailroad has to fight porcupines. IHbbcr in any form is to (he porcupine what waslepaper and rubbish arc to the American goat, popular for lunching purposes, and the rail. road oilicials have ordered rubber hose in pumping stations and all rubber fixtures to be hung on high Miles, i . Self and F Dibb. Financo F. Dibb, L. M. Fuller ind X. Mussalleni. Entertainment The Hlks' Home js lo be I brown open to the Ketchikan visitors while they are here and they will be entertained there by Hie Hlks' and Moose lodges. The program being arranged while the visitors are hero in eludes a Midnight Frolic at the Weslholino Theatre on Thursday night, September 11, in which the Ketchikan City band, Moose saxo phone band and local F.lks and Moose will lako part. The pro ceeds will go towards paying off the expenses incurred in bring ing the bands and ball teams to to tho city. On Saturday there will be a big parade in which four bands- Kelchikan City Hand, Ketchikan Moose Saxophone Hand, Kitiniaat. Native Hand and North H. C llegiinent Hand will participate I'hcre will be a dance in the ... - j ii evening loiioweu ny a i a re wen smoker. Wclcomo Arch Among other things, the decor ation coiiimitleo has in its bauds the erection of a large welcome arch at the corner of Third Ave nd 'ulton Street MONKEY FC t PRESENT ,-OUTLAXD, Aug. 'M.-n-X nion key three years old, the size of : man's band, was received as a wedding present for Mrs. II. V Healey from Captain Thorsen stationed in Ecuador. The species is rare and not represented in the Xew York zoos. The monkey is seven Indies long and has 1 i -i ii c Ii busy tail which is useless except when sleeping. Then the tail is curled like a colled rope two brown snols, each about six and is "fed by the monkey as Inches liV diameter, on his back. pillow Wednesday, August 57, 2J TITE'S AUGUST QAJV HOME FURNISHINGS OriLL ONE WEEK LEFT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR AUGUST SALE VALUES. Some or our New Stock has arrived and we are going to sell these new goods at SALE PRICES FOR ONE WEEK ONLY .hist arrived New Shipment of Upholstered Rattan Chairs and Rockers at Sale Pure $14.00, S1 6.00, S17.50, $20.00, $27.50. Two New Dining Room Suitos in Walnut und Walnut Finish at very nttracHve prjrt,s New Shipment of Window Draperies in Nets, Madras, Manpicsetlcs, ()vei. Drapes, and Heudy-niade Curtains. New Shipment of English and Scotch Wool Blankets. Hog. 15.(10. Sale Price $12.00 Eider Down Comforters. Sale Price SI 2.00 and $27.00 Walnut Finish Dressers at greatly reduced prices, from $23.00 to $40.00 07 Pieces Dinner Sets, from $10.75 lu $55.00 Look for the Blg( Values In our Window for This Week. GEO. D. TITE Phono 20. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER. 3r(j Ave BIG RECEPTION FOR KETCHIKAN Arrangements Well Under Way for Taking Care of Alaskans When They visit city for Fair There was a joint meeting ol . i..i:..a-. ..r 11... u, heavy rains of the past few days j'' f " "'. 1iiw.ii wwi.niwllili. for Ilio! dim i.iMitm uii iiiui !i r. ...n... .1..1.. ;i r..., 11... -".U,8C "". " condition. I,u Cash & Carry Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY GUARANTEED 100'; PUF1E SPECIAL PER TIN 10c MALKIN'S BEST PEAS lleg. 3.c value. F.xtrn special, i tins for CHRISTIES' ARROWROOT BISCUITS lU g. 5ic lb. .Special, II lbs. . i (This i new slock and will ho ohl out tif Hi tin, assuring crispness. ; JI.M MEN'S CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS WOol lined. Made iu England. Sizes al to ti, .Special, each $22.50 KIMONA AND BATHROBE FLANNEL wide. ID different design In choose from. Hep. lov yard. Special, yard ... , BOYS' SUITS 55c lu Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds and Herges. model. Size i!T to ;I7. Kpechdlv priced. p suit '. . S7.50 to $19.50 Universal Trading Co, HBBHHHSBIBHBBBBBBBiiHBBBBHBIBiBBBSBB School Opening Sale PARENTS! Undoubtedly you are thinking of the school openinf day, such as we ore. As u fact wo think of this event earli"' than you do and we gel ready for it. We get our slo' " a good shape so that we may fill your requirement w'lf Hiii limn pn mix Our Hflmnl Olwiiinir Snln lc nn minimi ivent 111 will'1 ... ....... . . . 1 U ... ,.. I,,,,.,,,.. ..- -- we offer extra good bargains in the tfollowiug line' 15 off "HALLAJvTYNK" Jersey Sweaters. Sizes fn ri I,, 'id I),.;,.,, f....... nn .... .v, iw liu, 1 III.V I Will ftiUU IIJI. 111111? 15 off a Special Pure Wool hand. finished lino. "IMlli OF 'Pill' vrT" r..,.'. n 'tit Price fi,in v ' v I tiyjt - ui(to III.' Ill iw $3.00 up. 20, off nil Hoys' Caps and lints. 15 (iff nil llnvs' nml riiil' m,,.nc 15 off Hoys' Hunts, a very big variety of Tweed and ets iu mourners ami Muckers. on 15 off Hoys Suits. Our sizes are unbroken fruni 20-J Price from $6.75. LABOR DAY SPECIALS. Men's Shoes Soiling at Cost. !( off all Running Shoes for Hoys and flirls Ji for M alio women, OUR SALE STARTS THURSDAY, AUGUST, 28. auour mos Phone 645. .Ltd. Cor. 3rd