Bbm and Bat tUevIa I! A H in tM City. Rate Reasonable IL im VOL. XIV.. NO. 30". 'airbed by time a It i ttivlcdalr f .tin "he hand of tomb robbers. II 1 a spevlmrn of Hie funerary ir' of the. F.ighlecnlh Dynasty, r'.iar rrnwncd goihlee f death Mind at llu four romers of the cuffin with otilKprrad wings lo shield Ihr dead monarch from evil foi e The figures are boldly end deeply Inched, FRANCE WILL NOT FALTER Will Meet All Obligations Caused by Failure of Her Debtor, Germany PARIS, l eb. 5. France will hoimr the eiiBaKcineut xhe wax olilieil In contract hy the failure of her debtor, (lermnny, ilerlaml l'lcldenl Millerand at il banitiet here To win victory in the Ureal War he had jiiveii till her mmim: lo maintain her credit lulai l ihe VM'uld have to Che nil her rc-iouire. he said, uch wa the uiianlmoiix will of France irre-I'lii'clive of the part die dialed, Hie president ihrlared. LLOYD GEORGE PAYS TRIBUTE Woodrow Wilson's Name Will Oo Down In History, He Says Dreams Not Yet Realized I.ONbO.V. M'eb. r. "Wood row Wilson will become one of Ihe weal flfture .uf history,'' dc-clared havid bloyd C!oiKf itcr-dny when nolified of Ihe denlli of Hie ex. president of the United stales. 'Wilson, like Lincoln and other preal Idealislx did nol live lu sec his dreams realized." MANY KILLED FROM EATING BAD BEANS ALHAWi fiio r. Shvpii the Nlwiid and u,ln one lo (lie lop of the mountain, lie had found that there were many dlfllcullir In the way. however. When the road westward from Prince George had been planned. it was with a view to going only Stent Coffin Seee First Light In a Ur a,.lolK je I8(J 3,00 Year Chastely Sim- M(f, ,oIl, C tnlnicr t) ,,. tte In Design jjC ori9 ,0 wou, noi yuppuri " j any such policy unless the roail UXOIt, Feb. 5. For the first eventually was rarried lliruugh .s:? iii three thousand rar the l() rmee Huperl. Tim ultimate i si -lone eofhii of Kin lu- Van-.himen, wnj., in to get through lo ancient monarch f.eouVfr prllC(. nuperl by yplMUs. HUHMI lorill jrMfr- , Nt ,,.. ruu(e wa. 1iT U H majesiy. .tJ'T V Mnleeltve uoldeii'shNueTllie f uiih ekcl proved rhaslrly fcilMt.t. l.t alAMltlll llllll MM 1111. taln.UiC minister said, ttiey . . . would have lo (jo by way of Calloway llapid. Accordingly H was proposed lo build that sec- lion first and by the time it wa finished they would have the road beyond located. It wai use less lo carry the road lo I'yee if II wa to cod Ibrre. Salt Lakes Speaking of Ihe recent deal in ronnectiou with the Salt Lakes mid other laud, Mr. I'allullo explained that there was an agreement be! ween the Hail way Company ami Ihe Koverumenl by which certain land on Kaicn Island and vicinity were lo be subdivided and the province was lo set one uuarter interest. Under present conditions the cost of subdivision was considered loA meat, so an arrangement whs made by which the 4 iuv cm- incut secured its land iu a block. The Salt Lakes and surrounding laud were conveyed lo Ihe province lo be used for park purposes am) eventually Ibis would be turned over lo the ,cily of Prince Itupcrt. He did nol Ihiuk il would be wise lo do il now. as In thai cae Ihe cily would have lo pay all cost of Improvement. He also did nol advise thai Hie laud should be declared a nubile nark as I hey they couM spend only monies' olcd for parts purposes and such a vote had not been made for. years. 11 was heller, he thought, lo Keep ill touch with Ihe public works de parlmenl here and pet what work Ihey could done rather I hail have thu land conveyed just now. Under Ihe transfer the pro vince Kot the whole of Digliy Is laud except the part owned by the Marine Department and the Indian lleservc. The forty acres on Kaicn Island was lo bo chosen by the Provincial le parlmenl. He considered that (ho railway company had acted generously. They would also pay a share toward tho construction of llio road. Redistribution Mr. I'allullo spoke of the value lu thu north of the. Increase In the number of members and consequent increase Iu liio vol Ing ulrenglh in Ihe. legislature Persons r .i.i i ii..... .iui,.''rhi Uueeu Charlolto Island - v u nut null' - - .i u;"p . . s n result of callus bomo pre- would benefit by Ibis ns the served bcutu, which It Is bo-'member would have more lime lieved devolo to looking utter their were spoiled and had pro-llo luced a deadly poison known as inlered-, allhougl. In tho past fiolullhls, 'h did io 'b'nk tliulr Uit iresfi Itupcrt and the rest of Kaien Is lam!, (he Tsimpseau peninsula, the Oueeu Charlotte Islands,; Pim-her and Pill Islands and a few- small islands. Win n iu (he Last the ioiiiiler said he had been pleased' lo fiiuF how Ihe people looked on llrit-l ish Columbia as a prosperous, province. The finance! were In. a sounder comliliou than ever! and times were belter than in the Fast. The action of the. (ovrrumenl In developing the' offshore limber business had had! a stabilizing eifect. TinilxT was Ihe life of the north country. Immigration Mr. Patlulbi urged I lie value of a sound lmmigraltoii policy. lo rafscTlhcir owip. uiuttiyi. They had been accused . of -bringing green KnglUhmeu lo the rountry hut these men made (rood and their children became pood Can adians and so did Ihe children of the people of oilier nations. All should be welcomed here. 11 could not be expected that a man would soon forget his own country. He would nut be a good citizen if be did. What was necessary was to instil in them the spirit of Caiiadiauisin and make the children into good Canadians. He did not believe Canada was going lu the dogs. Ilijsiucss conditions iu the coun try were never sounder than today and Ihey must gel away from the spirit of pessimism. STORM RAGES CENTRAL U.S. Trains Stalled and Several People Killed Owing to Driving Snow St. PAUL, Feb. 5. Stalled trains, sleeted wires and snow drifted on the roads today are the result of a storm which raged yester day and, last night through the middle states. Many Chicago circuits were cut off. At Ypsllantl, Michigan, two women In an automobile were killed. At Flint a boy was killed driving a car which was struck by a train. A man fatally Injured was run down by a truck In the driving snow. REBEL LEADERS ARE SENTENCED TO DEATH Commander of Former White Army and 20 Others to Pay Penalty MOSCOW, Feb. 5". General Pepliayev, former commander, of the white- army and 20 of his followers, have been senlenced to dealh by a military tribunal al Chian for coupler revolution ury activities In Siberia after PIMNtiK IIUPKIIT, H.(l, TUK.SIUY, FEBRUARY 3, 1021, Kolcluik s defeat. 1-Illy seven war. okhers have been sentenced lo prsou H 9 ' SKLsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl sassssssssssssssV " ssssssssssssssssssssssssssH 'L: i MsBaV H IBsassssssssssw sssssssssssssassssssV -AjTMssssssm LissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB .Mali in Furha, u woman of frail physique, is able lu bend iron bars while under Ihe hypnotism of Krick Jan lluuiisseii who is able l,o inculcate her wild five limes her natural strength. The two are appearing on the American slug? lo demonstrate this unusual act. PRESBYTERIANS MAKE GOOD COLLECTIONS FOR CHURCH FUND Willi only 0 or the It canvassing teams reporting their returns, the total for the Presbyterian Church building fund last night stood at ?G.0(MI showing net collections of Ihe day to be around the 1,000 mark for the six committees. Height and early the canvas started yesterday morning and the enthusiastic teams met with splendid results indicating that Ihe ram-will go over with success. The objective is a minimum of $10,000 but it is now hoped thai this total will be exceeded. FLOOD AT INDIAN i ' : i i ! j I i :i ! i ! RIVER DOES DAMAGE Logs Carried Away, Trees Up rooted and Roadways Badly Damaged Waters Now Subsiding WM Ym Want A Tha Latest In Restaurant. TAXI QQ mm if. BOSTON GRILL a harry Third Avenue. tt Deal of Food Good Service. m PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VuUrtftjr'a Circulation, 1SZ NEW LAUNCH IN FORESTRY DEPARTMENT Leila R. to be Replaced by Better Boat Suited to Rough Weather A new launch Is to be built for the Forestry department to be used In place of the Leila R. In these waters. The boat now In use Is hardly good enough to face all weathers, cruls" Ing along the exposed coast of Queen Charlotte Islands and crossing Hecate Straits. The new one that will take her place will be larger and better equipped. She will be built In some British Columbia yard. PRINCE RIDES HORSES extent or the damage has not ing there. yet been estimated. Tho Hoods waters are now subsiding. POOLING SALARIES LONDON, Feb. 5. The cabinet Subscribe for the Dally yew?. It Strut KIM 24. Private Boxes for Parly Use "Take Her to The Boston PRICE FIVE GENTS. ROAD TO CALLOWAY RAPIDS IS PROMISED SEVERE SNOWSTORM SWEEPS OVER CENTRAL STATES AND STALLS TRAINS Government Will Build Road to Galloway Rapids First and Make Surveys for Going Beyond "II ji l lie in 1 -ii Itoit of I lie provincial government to cum- had been neglected. Willi two, Mtitei roiislrmlioii of tin road lo Galloway Rapid and while mure members In the north the Dial is going in i lu muke u llmroiigh reroiiuaiunre of Hie coiinlrj 'prestige of Prince Itupcrt and, between here ami Terrace with u view (o finding out where Ihejthe whole rountry ought tu he! nad will have lo go IWore commencing ronslriu-tiou on the icon-idrrably increased. This' oilier side uf (ialiowuy Rapids." Thai wa n f ta tt-m fit t made constituency now included Prince' Is Hun, T. l. I'allullo in addressing the Liberal Association last night when referring In local issues. t Mr, l'nttollo emphasized Ihe fact 'that lie hud filwu favored TUTANKHAMEN'S TOMB IS OPEN building of a road to Hie back of Germany Sends Note to France Complaining of Action Toward . Separatist Move in her Country HKIILIN, Feb. 7. Germany has sent a new nole lo France eiudiasiziug Ihe heavy responsibility of France in Hie event of : inability (o meet her financial obligations I The note complains, that French .support oT the separatists entailed a serious infringement of the sovereignly of Ihe Reich and, the oppression of 700,000 defenseless persons. Germany asks that tbe French re-establish conditions in the I'iilatiuale of Germany according, to the treaty, disarm the separatists and allow unrestricted resumption of the activities of the. German authorities. ALICE ARM TO I HAVE BRIDGE Work on Suspension Structure Across Kltsault River Will Start Soon Work will soon start on the construction of the cable suspension bridge across the Kitsault Itiver al Alice Arm, Major It. M. I Taylor, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, announces. Tenders are Ibeing called for Ihe piling and itimber work.. and' as soon as the lemfnTci's'have Leen Jel andhe piling assembled, work will pro ceed. the innuxuralion of .extensive lodging operations on tho east side of the river. j The bridge will have one central cable suspension span of -30 I feet with timber deckiusr and approaches from either end. ' II is planned lo have the bridge completed nd ready for opera-j t foil by the end of April. MCMORDIE IS LIBERAL HEAD Elected President at Annual Meeting of Association Last Night l.icul.-COlonel S. P. McMordie. a pioneer of Prince Itupcrt, was chosen last night as president of the Liberal Association, at the annual meeting, Then. Collar! pre-siding. There were present lion. T. I. Patlullo and Fred Stork,. M.P.. both of which addressed the FNTFRFH FflR RAPFS gathering and were given a good rUI ftvl-Ojm.,l,,i0lli C111LICU Following Is a com- - 'plele list of the new officers for Reported that he Engaged In tju. t.omj,ij. ycar: Formal Contest with Jockles n,,n ,.pHidenls (tight Hon. Tralnlno at Epsom w. j Mackenzie King and lion. ! 'John Oliver. YA.NCOl, Feb. 5. More LONDON, Feb. 5. The Princo nml vice-presidents Hon. T. than a million feet 'of high grade or Wales, it Is reported, motored )f pailullo, n. .. M. Manson. logs were carried away, hundreds yesterday to Kpsoui downs, rode Fred Slork and F. G. Dawson. or trees were uprooted and road- several or the horses quartered, president Lieul.-Col. S. P. k a GHANDI ORDERED Neville Secretary II. F. Glassey. Treasurer James MeNulty. I:i-imiI ii John Ilvhhavu. S LONDON, Feb. 5. The Horn- Nelson. Fred llennlng, L. W. ministers, are reported to be ser- bay government has ordered Ihe Patinore, II. Gordon. lously conslderliur Koolinir their release of Ghandi, the, Iiulian salaries, as was done, during Ihelnallnnalisl leader, who on Murch 18, IU22, was senleueed "lo six years' penal servuuue lor sou- HOCKEY SCORES Vancouver C, (legion I. c ,.ijJ;,.y n KJmonloi; y OLIVER WILL FIGHT BATTLE Will Defend Himself In Person Before Royal Commission jf Investigation YICTOHIA, Feb. 5. Premier Oliver will fight his. own batllo before the Royal Commission on P.G.C Hallway affairs, it .was learned here yesterday. The premier will not bo represented personally by counsel but will -appear for himself to disprove' tj I Iwweeimiebargc tof Ibes pr-.j 'vlneial party, "j The Premier, il is understood, 'will be to all "c l"Ca,vu prepared i answer i-i ..I.;l. ill l. . .,- ... .... . ...... . . -f aUack!l Inad(, tipon Jln ocale, almos at Ihe moult ur , t,e Mlsaull I iver and very clo.e lolhetownorA.ceArnuw,IIre-, Commission Place ineffectual ferry services ' Iwl.ich have been employed for ;...." r, .."K". t "J some years. II has tteen aguaieii a coiisnieranle nuiuDer or legal for by Ihe people of Alice Arm,.,, ............. .. 4 p. lis., auui lie j ' iu rmi .'i uiicmu a- hj i u for some years and final decision . ,. .rl, to build it was reached following ",'".r UIIIIUUIKCIIICIll Ul I III" UI'UIIH- meiil of (he commission and its scope will be, made this week, it ' is understood. r CAPITAL LEVY IS DEFENDED Smtltle Says Government Justified In Using Wealth of Unduly Rich KIIIKINTII.IOCII, Scotland. Feb 5. Hubert Smillic justified at capital levy at a labor demon- st ration here last night. He. said he believed Ihe labor party could justify itself iu taking from the excessively wealthy people the Inrirer part of their riches in order lo consuinatu reforms essential to a better standard of life among people generally. BRITISH ROUND ' WORLD FLIGHT Planes Will Take Opposite Routes to Flyers From United ' States OTTAWA, Feb. 5. .North Ot-tuwa and Moulclajr will be on the route of Hie round Hie world ways were badly damaged by a 'there and entered in the forth- ,McMonlie. (flight to be attempted by llritish flood which raged for twelve coining races, and engaged in a( First vice-president Then, airmen commencing about Ihe hours at Indian lllver fifteen formal contest with the pro- Collarl. Jmbblle of March, Col. L. llroonm miles northwest of here. The fesslonal Jockles who are train-: Second vice-president James announces. He declared that they aimed to complete a round the world trip in l0 days. Starling from Croydon, Fuglaud. llie. (light proceeds eastward through In. TO BE RELEASED F.. Parker. W F.. Williams, J. A. (Ha, Italy, llurma, China. Japan, il, mostly, i . i. nrrHiu, a aim liunuuu unviv tu mu 9iaiiiii)$ point. Union slramcr Cardena, Capt. A, K. Dickson, arrived from Anyox and Stewart at 2:t5 this afteruobu and will sail at. 5 fur Vancouver and way porta.