PAGE SIX. Youth is always in style and Gossards prolong youth Model 382 TOT Model 228 (Jossard fhyLaec In Front WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND SAVE MONEY Barrels of SPECIALS for Everyone Profit is made in turnovers not in holdovers Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSETS, BRASSIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Farmers Market Phone Blue 42S. Canned Tomatoes. 2's W'tC Canned Peas. 2's .... . 16c Canned Com, 'Sk ... . . 15c I'ure Jam, Slruwbcrry, 1 lbs ... 75o lkilluwi Hulk lates, 2 lbs. 25o Jap Itiee Special, 3 lbs, 25c Hulk Cocoa, 1 lb. pekg. 15o Farmers' Cofee 50o 3 lbs $1.35 Farmer' Teu, 1101113 belter 65o Olendale Hutler. per lb. 60c We sold '-'30 lbs. last week. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Offloe Hours, U 8. Phone CM. Open Evenings Only Pop Special Appointments. "Being slim may be a matter of pounds; but looking slim is a matter of where those pounds are placed." Gossard corsets and brassieres offer an easy wav to keep the figure youthful. They do not permit one's figure to,"let down" and "spread." The new soft front, offered this year, is straight, giving a flat abdo men wimout any restriction over digestive organs. . The Qossard Qospel teaches nine ideals nine types of feminine figure as beautiful and as distinctive as the Nine Muses. Be Your Best Self and feel yourself upheld in a natural, easy and graceful freedom, by letting our experienced corscticrcs show you which one of the nine ideal figure types is yours. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. m CANCCLLATIONOF RIStRVt. .NOTICE IS lltllKBY C1VEA Hut the rrerve rilsilnir uvcr Lol ill. Ouwu Uiar-Ml? Islands District, Is csncilleil. C. II. .VVtifc.N. Ilptiutv .Minister nf Lauils. Lan.H lraiiliH'iit. irioria, u.i. th January. mi. TIMBER SALE X 5767. Scaled Truiler uhl lx- rrrrltMt hv ih Mlnl.-lrr of Land at Vicluria nut Iiiit lliau iioou on tlie ll day of Ft-bruiry, ll. lor Hie imrrliase of Licence X 517. tit rut 3.1 10. nun fMt r tinmr, n.u.tii llrinl k and Cedar, on an area Mtualed on cnannei isiaiKi, uaraner Canal. Ilanre , iai I'iMriri. TIMBER SALE X5626. CSTATI OF ALFKID WVNDHAM rMTKaM DICUIID. 5,000 RADIO FANS HEAR LECTURE GIVEN VICTORIA ON SPOOKS Everyone Surrounded by Aura: Ghosts Are Stored up Thought VIOTOIWA. Feb. 3. - between 50,000 4iiul 100,000 person.,us far' as could lie estimated in Western Canada and in tin United Slide a far south a Texas, listened lo a remarkable rartio leclurc in Centennial Methodist Cliurcli de livered by Itf.H.'S. Halei'uu the late' development in modern I science, piiillcuiarly wit li those having to do with the psychi-v world. San Francisco psychologists heard Hie lecture by means of a special radiophone, set after telegraphic coniiniiuieatiou with Vic toria earlier in the day. Nearly 5,000 instruments in Seattle alone were tuned in on it, accord ing to estimate. There was a large personal midience in church. lr. Haker created llio prealesl revelatiims witb t-eiriird In Itmmt. TAfcF. .OTICK that Probate of the latt ' Mini. lee of Lnul. at Vlrli.rL. ih,i ll-r Will of the abVe fumed deceased ua than mion itti llu 41.1 .tav i,f IXiriurr duly lued out of the Victoria llerlatry I for the purrluv of Licence X 1701. oi ine supreine txurt or Brill. b Coli.inbla li cut I.IU.Oiio reel of spruce, Ceilar. on tlw 3rd day or January. Ii. to IIiiiiI.m k and KaUani. friHii an area Itualcd :AIIOI.IE Afi.NES IIFPPKL CAIITKK oflal the head i.t Tuck Inlet W i.f frlnce Victoria, Hie Kterutrli therein named: lluiert. Itanire S. at Iillrlrl. ALL I'LIISO.M bavinr claims araln.ll Two J, will Im allnued fi.c r- una raiaie are requeMea iu ein in aucn, moral of llnilier. claims In wrlttnr duly veriried to tlie Uiiderslriied! A.ll FI IIT IKII TAKE MOTICE that on ud arter the Flrt day of March. lil. I lie Eteculrlt will proceed to dl.tribute litis estate bavlua- rerarj only to thoe claims of which he shall have been duly uiuini: DAILU this Sth day or January. I9H. CI1EASE t CntASE. Solicitor for the EterutrK. 410 Central Bulldlnr, Victoria. B.C. WOODCOCK DAIRIES LIMITED Starting February 1, The Woodcock Dairies Ltd, will lake over the business of the Prince lluperl Dairy, delivering milk and cream direct from the farm at Woodcock to the Prince lluperl buiiies. All our cows have passed (be most rigid tests us to health, etc., and are living under natural conditions, ensuring our customers (jetting a first class product. Phone Black 21 . P.O. Box S95. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Soft Drinks. We have a pleasant hack rocm. Come In and make yourself al home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. Uuival or timber I further particulars i.r Ihe thier For cut SU.uuo lineal reel or Poles THE DAILV NBrrVS. Tnonr 1 tbrmry 3, it!, liSI Jr Used (or maklngU I Mr hard and toft soap, forM softening water, (or clean Ino.blslnfectlna and for over 600 other purposes. RtruluaTITUTII. 1 low by the effect on (lie stones .. null) lie fimU liim coineys to oiners our true cnar- ed houses ami the wav science haslalPr ,ul condition. Ilauntcl solved their mystery and found Juen lM-cgm so imbued with a way of purifying tliem. Shadow Leaves Trace Your shadow never falls upon as we hae learned lo do with (lie sensitized film of the camera, on which we can see no trace of the subject until it is developed. You cannot euler a room without leaving your portrait behind you. Your dog knows and believes il. Hours afler his master has pone along the slreel be is able lo fo- TIMBER SALE X 5753. Sealed Tendera will t reeelted by tile .Iiirtrlrt t'orerter. lint later than tmuti im Three (3) years will be allowed for re-:"' Ifii A'K "LJllVl; J.1, rV. "H? uie iiiiiueiiri'S ui people mat in. liubil (hem that if you arc suffi-clvntly sensitive you can itu Into I. Itobert I.yuis Stevenson and many other prominent men have bad similar gliosis. TO COMMENCE SKEENA ROAD Work Will Begin This Year Mr. Patlullo Assured Board of Trade ( Definite assurance was (then a committee of the Hoard of Trade yesterday afternoon by Hon. T. . I'attullo, minister of lands and member for 1'rincc llupei'l. thai u sturl woubl be made Ibis year on the propu ed tnliwuy , Icadiup from (be cily Inwards the Skceua Hier. The minister said thai no definite plans had yel been made with respect lo the Sail Lake lu! Hie tinvcinincnt would be willing to ro-operatu with the I'll nee lluperl .Swimming Club in iinUkln improvements. Mr. I'allullo also expressed himself us anxious (hut something should be done I u wants building a trail up the inuiiiiluln lo the rear of the city. A start Human ",ll H be "',' ' ,ru .beings dispense and lis -,. their mrim.nre We nr.. " Jcar iiu Milieu. interest when be told of modem aU MirroufnliU auravhlch Tbe committee interviewing Mr. I'attullo consisted of S. F.. l'arker, V. K .William and J. W. Sc.dt. S. J. Mcl.eod. prcsi-ileiil of Hie board, also attended. lllnir. on an area sliuaied three miles it fonts of tin nnl anil siiiiution water ntatk S.K. of kllwaiiKa tanita, Laslar Itl.trlrl. .. , , , Two (ti years will be allowed for re moval of limber. Further parlirulars of Ihe Ciller Fores-ler. Victoria. B.O.. or Plslrict Forester. Prince Hiipcrt. B.C. Further particular or the Chief Fores ter. Victoria. B!: or Dllrlr Foresler. Prince niiirt. B.C. LAND AOT. I.. a a i a - for Table Dessert Al Ihe following prices; Harllell Peats, lb. tins 3 for $1.00 Hartlell I'euis, 2 lb. tins 4 for $1.00 Loganberries, lb. tins 3 for $1.00 Hlackberries, tl lb, tins 4 for $1.00 Hlackhcrry Jam, i lb. tins 76o Ilaspbeny Jam, I lb, tins .. 85c Strawberry Jam 90 o All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. a husband and three small child ren, the oldest of whom is llireo years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner have lived iu Sinilbers for the past three 'years and prior lo that resided ibere on Seventh Avenue. The 'youngest child was born a week ago, the mother dying from hbod poisoning. GERMANY REFUSES TO HONOR W00DR0W WILSON No Flag Displayed Today Over Embassy In Washington WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. Hy direction . of the Merlin (iovern-menl, the (ieriiiau embassy refrained this inorniiig from any display for ex-presfdent Wilson. No fliurt were flown from the Herman embassy although older embassies have their flags half masled. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT MAY BE ABOLISHED TOHONTO, Feb, 5. -Abolition of capital punishment will bo Hie first reform ullempled by the llrilish Labor Oovcriimcnl, according (n a cabin received by the Mail and Kuipiie, John Davis, said lust night, thai Hie subject will be inquired into in Ijtbe near uju.rc and ti decision ' iruciieu, FISH ARRIVALS a wall without leaving traces that nd Price, can be brought out by proper " ? r ' " ": V5 H? ", ,a'er traalincnl," I r. Haker said. 'Ha-''" "u,'i,,,,r "" cnpauis ne- ''"ITessed upon the house, diant rotres are constantly ia-!.c",,,e in? through all objects to other! j,,Mf !'s'ci''C :,H,,,0,,,,'I," nre ... . . . . . . ..ici'iiiinleil fur iilriii!r lln. litiiw i.r LAND ACT. Are Soarlna-Tvvo Soaring Two Boat. Boats Marl Market Catches Today Fih nrriwil were -till liglil onjeeis, ami can lie nrouglil oui l: ...,:.. "' ;'". .," (bis moruinif cind the t.rices tmid moio-Hi'iniiy ami iniiucnvu ifor . such ... fares as offered .. . con- thought. limied o soar. Two boat mar- "The conclusion Ghosts of ,,UMylk,,,,l l,m J'' psycholos fs thai ghosts are but elU , """ " tolow. , accumulations ,t.hit. ! M pasl thnuphl Impressions and . . J.- - pounds, at Sic xibralions" i""'1 Hc" ai"' ltis, J.uuti !'t' a'"1 Mc l" ,hf John Wesley had a bost thai i:",n,;1i,,Il !.1, years as is frankly revealed in his diary. lr. Haker said. Cardinal Newman, Archbishop Wilberforce, Jamer. IV., Cliarles Corp. Hall. II.C..M.I'. has been Iraiisferred from Telkwa lo I'rinre lluperl and (iorp. Hrice will be leaviiiK here -borll) lo lake his place at Telkwa. Con. stable Ureal wood of I'rluce Hr. Haker also dealt wild the ntt an,l ""''t' lvlf of moval or timber. I''""."??. .or.i-.,r."" .47 'V'.'S1:' ..f r i , Telkwa have exebanaed pol. v l.uitiatK-w V1" " V I, a t V i l" ' 1 I'tti, SSIi'i I li I J Illicit iii ter. VKtoria. P.C or Olstrlct ForeHer. I '.:!!:. . TV f.".'.' , r'"h '"' of Hip snb.pi.iweloii full nf wll.l Prince nunert. B'C . ",H? 1,1 r ' ltr anowea lor re- . .- There will be offered for ule at I'nl.llr Auction, at ikk.ii on the ud dav of rheii.ri in,. If. ,.rn ... h . . n -. V n ni.iee t r fir or iann. and. at ml V icinri. . ...( laij. lair animals ami memories, in Cell our ,,, ., in,...,o7Trni. ta l.... l..- eler, Victoria, or the District Forester. ;lifc nild lieVi;s thai go back 100.- ,wn.r, "r"" IHsincl. He- nnce.i.upen. b.l. . 000.000 years. alinK Willi Ihe fake Mib.i Charles S. Vurphy. of TIMBER SALE X 5851.,e and sete;.ly vesllM & W:.," "rie .-rairu iriHicrs win oe receiveu uy me oriinlls III lie II tl III a ft DOily. ,nr loiiowinr tiewrioeti laout Uiflitnen ' Ihe mission rlnr at a po'l plained at tlw iimi south- I-ieence A C?6. lo rut y.150 000 feet uu iw ua oi rruruirj, . nM.-i.i,n ,,, ra.ifrij fNiiui ihi ..iiauiMFi i.iiM, near iw B..M. of spruce and lletulM-k. on an area J lo ,,Vif,'lui . of. u7ure,x s$ilj'psyeliolocv is lo bi'nisb these ('ardner :anal: thenre Mlowlna situated at the bead of Chief Matlticwi nay. lunire I. CawH Und m-tricl. Two i year will be allowed for re. HKival of timber. runner Part iru ara of the Chief For. ester. Victoria. B.c or Dl.lrlct rortater. rriurc nuiteri, d.u. TIMBER SALE X 5763. Sealed Tender will Im received by the anuiiHi I oe KiatKi, relnrulni Hie angels of hope. Comfort atld ln seven hundred acres, ns-re or lest. belter .lays o come," r. Haker, CHWUf. 'WitM. said. "If man has aneeslral, J. HAM Joiitsox. I... t ... l .. . ... - "aeiis. iiit-niiii I.-, iir Hi-it" nun memories." celestial MRS. HARRY TANNER DIES AT SMITHERS Leaves Baby and Two Other Children: Oldest Three Years of Age m skeena Land fiistrict iiefo-dmr in.-' Word has been retched here trlct or Out. I. and te on Zayas Mand..,,f the death at Slllilbers on Sal Tfaka Xi.l l-w f list I tmt.rvm limrm (saatitkai . 1 iion butcher, or Prime iiiipert. ' B.C. it,. ; urduy of Mrs. Hurry Tanner, lends lo apply ror permission in cae tlx ; furmerlv " of this "' eilV- "- She leaves 1 tollowlnr described lands: lmnenrln- . , . . post plained about four chain north or Jacinto Point on Zayas Island; thence follow Inir the sltmo.llie of the slHire line at hlrh water mark aromwl Ihe Island and reltinilnr to fioiiit of roimnenrement, aiKt contalnlnit J.oou acres, more or less, CF.OIir.F kKllll. io of applicant. HOOMKS K. FHtEMAX Arent. Buy a Tin of Fruit lulwl fTlll. CORPORATION OF TMC CITT OF PRINCI RUPIRT. TAsK Mlfir.F THAT . I. The i.imiiicII or Hie Corporation ol jib Illy or Prince lluTt Intends lo eiHh sirurt a ciodT side-walk rife 'J' reel wide on I lie .Will side of ilh Avenue from K.P.I.. niew Place to W.P.I.. oi MrHrlde street, as a loral Improvement ami Intends to sprelallir assess the d' iilein Ihe land abutlliir dlreetlr ihi tlx work except such rtHMi of the cnl a-Is liH-nrre.1 al slreet lulerseetLMis. 1 The esllmaled cost or tlie ui.rk I, s 7(iil IHI. of which a J 1.00 Is to ! tui.l In Ihe Corporation, and lite estimated annns1 is-cisi rate (er rd rronlare Is .IfJS.IlT Tlie simu-isI asses.ment Is to be paid In ' annual Itotalments. 1. persons desirlnr to netiilmi snlii.t uiHlertaklnr Vie work iiumI dr so on or oetoce ine jrn aar or varrn. u(. t. F. JiiAFK, , . CUV Clerk, fisted this Slut day of January. I ft 1 4 Soil FiniP Thrif-T-Service Jet Waslij Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash i lay neeifs. Phone us for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. Big Reduction llMllllllllWii,1il'1'1i111aaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaS on all Coats and Suits BENT'S Phone 376 The House of Qualit WONDERFUL SHOE VALUES Loggers. I.uiiiheriiu'ii, Teniiislers. un , j wtirk-rs reiiiinnK kimmI litnivy, ! l ml well mu,. yvt weur sliiMild see ur iisstu lnienl nf lhi rfo- w mHl. b, fore purchasing,. To lie huiiCsl we boiighl imi heaily mid e ilcrf, iIiich our sluek we havMiiarkeil tht' ltj'kM.s lo s(i - .j, wishing llifs cla or solid rnutwisir. (Join in ami h"k liiein mer. We feet sure :n;i when you see the excellent values we inv nuw (c (Millie hi anil look lliese wnixlerfiil nllnis out ni.iv-jv u is u I'lcastire lo u l show mi the gmxls. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. SHOE DEPARTMENT, WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday. 7 and 9 WILUAMFARNUM In "The Gunfighter" A dramalic sor of the hreel West v: r t wlncli the ui lion is swifl. the scenerv brut; the (heme roninnlir Oiuiauimg ul-o brillisnt (r i tlariiiu liorseinaiihii and inurkMnaiilii(. Ikir M .Ji slruiig DUpportiug r;tL CLYDE COOK COMEDY "THE TOREADOR." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. Admission 35c and 10c 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. , Recruits Wanted Ag limit IK to K. Ytiniig men from Hi l If join with parents' coneiiL (iommeuciiig Wednesday. January Ulli, u romi"rh sive six weeks' of military training w ill he i nndu tr under a regular tirmy iiislriirlnr loaned In lliP llegi'"' for Ibis purpose. Physical Irainiiig and boxing under iuulift'l tn'i'i:: tors. Recruits will be examined Mondays and Wednidif at 8 p.m. ,J- Be the 'Candy Kid And Buy a Box of PURDY'S The Autocrat of the GANDY World Jdeal for the Home, the Party or the Theatre. A T00TH8OME DELIGHT IN A BEAUTIFUL BOX. Hole. Agents: All Sizes All Prices. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CA8H CHEQUE