lit i PAGE TWO THE n.Ur.Y !fEV' The Daily News The Man in the Moon PHINCF. nUPKIlT - nniTisn COI.UMHIA SAYS:- Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Ilnprrl Haily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PU1.I.KX, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 'Pillars Of West Are Fertile Lands. Tell The Story A Little Further. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: f- j,Tranient Display Advertising. . . . 1.40 per ineh per insertion Transient. Advertising on Front Page ?.80 per inch lineal' Headers, per insertion ?.c per line ilasified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word iLegal Notices, eaeh insertion .7 I."c per ngale lino Contract Hates on Applieation. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT KDITION rtaentition Cnttt trt frsridnl lor CtMfiitiM Oi. Prince Rupert Branch Salur.lay. Ierender (, 1021. A Itonklet pul out recently ly the Sanford Evans statistical .erviee speaks of the pillars on which the West linilds as the land and their cultivation and he goes on to show what in .creases of wealth mere have heen wiium we past lew years on dlie prairies, mid this in spile of the periodic howl altonl funning jhiI paying, lie deals with the provinces of Manitoha, Saskatchewan ami Alberta alone and specifically mentions that "the re sources and development of l lie wonderful far western province -'fi Hritih Columbia are not included. Here are some or I he Increase mentioned: J Population i MM I -1 12 1 ) , 17.: Acreage under crop( l!)in-l!i?.1) 177. S Livestock on farms ( I'.U .!is:t) ll'.U Hailway mileage ( 111 IU-11)2 ) 107.0 : Electric turbine installation (1010-1025) ... IHHi.1 .Manufactures (weighted, II0-I20) 57.7 Hranch Hanks (1010) ; 101.0 Had the statistics heen similarly prepared for Hrilish Col umbia it would have heen found that the increases here would have heen equally marked. A Gift that Increases in Value DID YOU CTVE LAST CHRISTMAS I WHAT Toys for the kiddies most of them broken by now. "Something Useful "for the grown-ups now worn out or forgotten. Cash to your employees-appreciated but soon spent. Other presents hurriedly bought and perhaps ill-chosen. Are they remembered now? Suppose this year you give them each a Dank Book containing an initial deposit, and urge them to add to it regularly. Could anything be more suitable? AM " Kjtyol foil Pan Booli" l your fill Clirul mat Citti. The mmi Bank of Oiida F. . Robertson, Manager 144 lo not lie unless you ran do it onvinrinply. Two heads an heller limn one hill three, chins are worse than two. People are tired of Hryau lectures so now he is going to ry to 'sell them his memoirs. Since the liohhed li:iir custom. lieu have an opportunity to do iheir shopping while Hie wife is in the barber shop. Even Satnson was an advertiser. He took couple of rol-iiius it itl thing ho trail to move al once. Civic elections are the for ventilating grievances. 1 1 111!' The various organs of the hoily give I pontile (ml the tongue lias Iheni all beaten a mile. liritMi Columbia hail n surplus last year, hut Ontario had a de- ticit of eicht and a half millions which proves well now, look here, what does j prove anyway? When the radio is perfected it will be n preat aid in learning the various dialects of the world. You will lie able to listen to a Cockney, a Yankee, a Ynrk- shireman, or an Enplishmnn. You will not nerd to hear the Scottish dialect as all you have to do to step out on the. street anywhere al any time and Hie burr of the north assaults your ears. A wheel of fortune is usually a wheel of misfortune. fiirls "ins will wui he ne girls, gins, unless unless they iney ii migni ne wen in leu ine smry a nine limner, netween lfl?0 and 102.'l Hie area in field crops on the prairies' increased aro married, and even then you by over seven and a half million acres. conT always tell but what they I'Villll lhl (tip I II I I'l fli !0O tt.a tiinnnfiwac !ti r,w 1 1 I '. . i I , ..'in itiv in " ii. ...-. uti I'liiiii-i.-" in )! iiyiiii I imi have been marvellous. Wheat Increased 175 per cent, oats IIIH percent, barley 227 per cent, rye 12,721 per cent, flax seed, only S. I per cent, potatoes Hi per. renr, roots 250 per cent, hay and clover 127 per cent. For wheat I U2:t was somewhat of a peak year but that wa not (rue for all crops and yet Ihe increase in everything but flax was very large. If it wb true thai the production of field crop, increased it is much more true thai the raising of live stiwk showed nro- gre. Take il one or two examples. Horses increased fromi 111 may :l V rot-eel revert. $10,000.00 PRIZE LIST Everybody likes to take part in contests. Imt some of them are .too complicated and tiresome. j This is not the case with the Ten Thousand Dollar ElcelHm Con gest, now heinc coniliirtrrl hv llu It? Til in I Jul in c-. I :.. iii4i i.. i. . . i: 1 1 i l"a in 1 1 v Herald and VA'opLIv sinr a...... an .i'.- .i.K.tMii ill ,'. Jl till" ir iimr laiiiri " J - . .A. ' . ..f Ii : . . t- turrrasf,! inim nrariv nan a million in nenrlv four million: swine ' ' -'"'-. i o-rj soopie from sfveoty thousand to a million and a half and -nulfrv from contest .which any reader can three .iurtrr of a million to nineteen million. During this lime villages developed into cities, merchant princfs made fortunes. All Ihe facilities of life and even Hie luxuries we're afforded to mol of the people. The principles of PillVrflmnitl f.ttlriivivirr ... Ih. A..iii t.t ...l.iiwtf I.... A ... I . . .... .'..v..u , .Fiji t i. riiiii iiiiiii mill Hr.llll- panicd by Migious liberty mid individual freedom developed Inj a a ufn large I a ru uvlmil extent. I very Best Of The Story winvs i lie &iiu. The best of the nler without diflieulty and with as goo, a chance as any other to win a small fortune. To suh-scrihers who send in Two llol-Inrs for a year's subscription, the Family Herald give a frer es timate In the prize i contest, a large calendar with a (beautiful picture in colors and fifty-two issues of Ihe hest all tnrv comes at the Prill. Ak Wit mtn I innnrt round weekly naner obtainable. oeiore wnai applies to the prairie provinces applies aNn to the pameniar or the Fatnilly province oi iiriun i.oiumiua onlv along ra her d ffercnt lines nerani s remarkanie niier and a All these western provinces from Manitoba to the Pacific Coast catalogue rr valuable articles; .ur i iiiiiiiiiii in neveiop jusi as ini as tney di'i in the periods' nntioned. Possibly vp are advancing faster todav than ev..r:,rPlion liemre, subject to little sftiiaeks frmn ltnt, lo iimp m various in-1" anyone making application, dividual industries. The setbacks are small but the advances! The subscribers of Ihe Family are large. In Ihe midsl of all llii- ailvniicemetit Ihe business of Herald fully umlerslaml the won-the Pacific Coast ports is increasing and Prince Hupert citv ond derfnl popularity of that paper. district are sharing in the movement. ' i In a section of the eomil r. :;..; .. iV. . V11' ,,,r' 1 Miamp PrincetK Heat PRINCE R Skeeha' jloading rewards for new stih will he mailed free NEXT SESSION -rtive'r almnn. i.api. w . .v. .. i-r.umrw 'e mgrew has nas re MENT AND turned from Work Pninl lr mnb ir.. LAST BEFORE ELECTION. couliuued fro'm page one: Raunlay. Pi ti '. UPERT STORE . . ... conririnaii held, enloved and exerc se.l hy.,i. . the Commons oue of Parlia- 1 1. u ,, v,flf,.Ml,rt -l---"-o 10 invr ne ii;Wwde by Sir A. Hn ment of the I nitci Kingdom ofit Jet of the HnlhlL Mm" arp ",l vvt,.le of tireal --' Hritain " and Ireland." Uinr iinrr- ,, ial .,, ,.rm, J Li"9?? BmeHdmenl.. e.pclnlly!m ertnftwHon w.H. J 1 I Ten YearS AgO i Uly Amendment nclly w o.t amendment will In Pflnc.e Rupert , ' 1 'be brought down by Ihe srnvern-'lhe December 6, 1914 arrangement for the recruiting! "If nny public Hill Is passed here of a second overseas service hi- iii it illllA at (lAmmnn a In irnnnneni. ne mates that Ihejhree successive session Attririiiiiirai nan is to tie turned into an armory and barracks. Capt llonmes K. Freeman, In a teller In press, supesls that the city Issue dehentiu-es for bind sale to raise money for the building of a' floating dock for fish boats and small craft. John May of llereltnn is being tried today fnr the murder of Albert 1.. Taylor al. Skeena Cross, ing. The trial opened nl the NOW MOVED to 9 NOTE OF PARLtA. LIKELY TO BE LONG BITTER MAY BE Third Avenue new Phone 556 Next to Electric Bakery Issue at Election propyl is expnrled. II s Mo (tl ,,n,w. , .., If Ihe usual proceiliirr is fU unlikely t,ni Mo- up.ln.l will be rts, p, ..,... i 'werl. the ninrn.lmeul would be,.l( is-ue in ih'e i.rxl ,eral Hw-,M.rr , w,rto.iiv tro.orht down in Ihe form of an linn.. UbroHHm, it n ..hire., from boll, Houses of Leaflue of, Nations 0.nemHMit will aihamen. r,-p,er,,,,g he Par- .J , hmjU,hin of MIT r , ,., liuiiltfktil til W a in n hv Is nmiMt.l 9 .. ' ' """' powers in only one of Ihe topic thewave. Ml w limn ii. iii. L i.! i,. .Jl. " i- . . "I ' "iKii and wli clear at I a'cloekl pnrliamenl of (khada. but o ,.,.,.,t. ,.. " ' a.fopta.1 Ay IhB'l.r'lh H-KieW of lladan ... "" nrrl' our iiioivi'iuai error si, on ,n i.r her mimn return i (0 v-.... Vancouver ...,.i. nd;,....V . .. ...n ....... j, .i 'V " , ' ,r'..w,raP ""'" Ase A..etisi v of ih r-MiMi f v' so inai we mav he u n tlie mnij .- " ....."-i ., 'i""" mai uie " e..... same smhii h tit fwiii.inmff '"iHiiiMts rtn,.in..r. ontriitinn u. in n. Hia n...-. MntiiiA- - iihiit ' pann nn - i. i . ,i ii i . i ' i; r t ii" tifiir iii.m.. l s ..nil . i. Hujii.Miy,., 4iir rts.i was in Uie. iiiosp-1 e iii ine tin' parsing or of IMIs mis .Aet.HPM, , vn itl dBh! dhl ,f If ii u-i.iiM millM ttM.a . -"7 . - ui ... imw- iifinrf. cri1il; cre.nis: Skernn nlvflr" Huh Tins rnorninfr m ipn i.i i ..i i . .1 i i I'ariinioeiit Hninmeio roe ior ronn Nln.l.lnrnlliin i .i . ... ...i aliening liiimiBTHIIon. u1 !tiilii.... v Pfld iri siKMini ne lux ei onlv With .1 . . 1- Ihe He c ese.,i r ii.. ..JilJ: W; . ,po,,,H ",',r Prtic..larly under re- ,((hrP nfal(.M w,,.n 1 ..ii.i 1 .1' ....' .'" x,m- 'he view is fre.pteotly , nil tt H IIIIS.MS. I. PSIIII..1.', -ii" " I ' '" Ii . " .... .' """ heard in oolllicnl circles i ' -inieni ai uie ronun? session re-i.ern raiseii nun section 18 of --.-. K nun Imains still o 'he delenniiml, but'Cie Hrilish North America am I 'the fnllmviiic tins lipAn tutrcreal . i roiitiiniit.ilinl .lifinlll.... i... n. .. ... . - -v , 11. uir re- r.l ns kelv In Iipi U ireneral u ... r, . (whether of Ihe same parliament or nop and, having been sent up In Ihe Senate at lensl one month before Ihe end of the session. Is rejected by Ihe Senate in each ir these sessions, that Hill shall, on ils rejection for the third lime by the Fenale. unless Ihe House direr! lo Ihe conlrnry. be presented to the Hovernor flenrral and heronie an Act of parliament on being nssented lo. nnlwilhtdandinir (hat Ihe Senate tuifh. iwil ih.iiiaIi..i l 11. mil t, j ...,. ,...i , mitr-uii'ii ill i mil. Supreme Court ... Assizes before Provided, hnwnmr ihni n,u Mr. Jus ice Clements this morn- provision shall not lake erfeel Injr. he Jury consist f Hal unless two year have elapsed Peck nrninn,. O J. Kirk, between Ihe dale of the second Patrick II I . Hemmel w. . Clay- reading. In (he fir, of Ihesc, ton. Ilalph lyson. II. V. Tool; . Of. 1 CAO.Inn. re IL. inn I II. f, . . - in,- mll , i,ln 1,011-. Mt m. Mclnlosn Mti A. 11. fi r... Uitt-ui.ii erslilita Hiin. 11... 1 . 1 . . . . ,.. -- -.... . .. -, ,,,, nun ine onie wnicu 11 pas-, Spurr. Ceorge Oelasala, Wll- ed H,e House 0, ,,e third of Ham Hlaine anl Ouy Cameron. these sessions,:1 Parliament of Canada of the powers" of the two House nl Ollnwn. In any event, lively fiBhlfng over ?ie guvmnrnenf wTtn nonce (Dlttrilon nd U) TAKK OTir.F. Oill AtMlriw So.Urt, AtMrt for Kntinrrr Oolrt Miiir. I.ld. In.' fi5?ft:1vlr''?..1" ' r.iil'y. ..v.. will piy nr ih-imkh m uk ml U 3 riillr fw (4.r Wn,nit nl tr r.111 ihe Winn lllver. whirli riov Uomrrlr mo ilriiim inm iiku Ann alxmi Iwo an. I half mil mint) .r Innnr Mine. Tim water will he iiiveri.,i unm the Hream it a point ilxnil run- mile mi tream from Taaii Arm, ami lll 1 n.,,1 m.Ti'Vi 1,'r!rH l"l I ie llirlneer Mine," deyrrllMil m Kleven cnmn rranleil ". Ormip t, Calir rilmrin. he ntlt 1y nr June, ton A eopr ..f this notice anil an aprHirition nirViunt thereto anil to the Vater a". S 4 Wilt lie flleil In Hi- nffiee of tlie Water .. .r """j "' onjeet i,n t, t. afip hallon may he fn,, ,, ,t(.".V1, f' .wf firllament n 11 11, 111 It" Vnrtorla. B.C.. wnm,, u,irlv (Uv, 1 ri afioiit.aiHiji .r 11. 1. ... . . H...,.V."" ;.-' " J" mean : " i "!'". . .1 oe one 01 ine r r t iieaoon nr llila hoi Ire Ortoher ( KMll. tnih j F..NCiiNFFn ooi.i viMM. Mvirrti, w I .... ApMlrant. I B ndrew Si.aiaJ, Anl I Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Pock Englm.ere, Machlnliti, Boilermakers, Blackimltht, rati"1 makere, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant j eipiipped (o iiandlo all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 380