Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgercon Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Ofrice Hours, te 8. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phon 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, fioal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. X&Sk i The The best best advice advice ever ever f gitt-n given lo id u a iinin man i)i or a a aii woman li: "Save your money." Handy Andy goes a .tep farther (hail (his and tells you how lo save your cash. He t ells you to buy your hardware and home helps of us. He knows that our poods arc of slatidard manufacture and that you'll he satisfied with our service. This week only McClary's Cray Enamel Potato Pots I Reg. $2.00 For SI .00 I j Kaien Hardware Co. I Sterling Furnace GOAL Dlltrtd In Sulk. At 510.00 per ton. Tlii l a vitjt auperlor furnace rniil. It ttlvta i i lean hut fire till I. iiiirilv free from kiioi. cl.nktT. lick and dirt. Some of tbe larreM healing planu In the city ire now ualnr It with entirely tatlafauory remits. 8TERLINQ STOVE COAL, Delivered In 8ack. At $12.50 per ton. We ire also Atrrnia fur the r'atnuu LA DYSMITB-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ml'n Of fit. No M Oantrel. Pho 16 ill ji LAND ACT, Caoltr Lind District. Ili'i'eriltnK dlmrlrt of I'rlinn nu-rl, ml .Hurtle In Allln Like, ilxjut (iiie litlt mi In One ui-nt nf Allln Tuwiultv. TAkK MITICK that Caul L. KirK-rt, nt A I Ii it. In I lie I'rovlni'F or Hrllluli (jjIimm-till, iii'.i'iiitlin JeTllcr, Inii-iuli, to apply for Mriiilalui In purcliaae llu) rollowliw li'i'i'llx'd land: Oi.iniiidiclnir at a pnal pianled at Dip mirth mint iif the Ktiiall Inland known a Sri'iiiid Inland In Atlin Lake, Ulutlml a alHive; thence northwrtt and on around tills Island roltowlnir tlie itiore lino to the plare or ronmiencrnirnt) and contamln twn ai'rea. more or less. Sept. ird. lttt. PAUL LOUIS B00EBT Saturday, December e, PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMantf I J COOriN rv, ...... Q 1 ( . ' f J H I COM1 LM, IMiTi . . V . IBaW I 1 K 1 i- bo cl ko to c.e.1 coo or 1 .i " , y. v. sa v w. ' v oj . ..-tl.., .7 mas r- i : uy ( 1 . I BASEBALL BOXING WHIST OF THE (joodlboltii'tmis to mnfoaKcalu t oldfashioneJ.religbI& Baker's Chocolate By all means the most satisfactory chocolate For cooking or drinking. KUkHIN CANADA tt WalterBaker&Ca Limited (STABUJHCD oeo MonlrealCanada DorchesfcrMass, poonn or cnoict stOrC; mt mi LOTS OF BASKETBALL AT SMELTER TOWN ;nyox Has Good Report at In- door Game This Season AN VOX, Dec. C Klglil pames tave already been deciileil in Ihe 'everal Anyox basketball leagues. The opening games of the 1921- 1925 basketball schedules were slaved in the Reach ayiniiasium. and a lii? crowd turning out to cheer the players taking pari. I'he same order ruled at the Mine a few nights following, when the Mine teams in the three leagues entertained in (heir hall .and won two oul of the three game played. The opening game at Ihe Beach was won hy Ihe High School, the Hovers being the victims, id to 11. The second gallic wenl to the Bluebirds who 'ook Hie High School girls into amp with a score of 19 lo 9 ''lie surprise of Ihe evening came with Hie hist game to (e staged 'nil night, it being freely doped thai the Smeller team would win. I be score' was twenty-one to twenty in favor of the Coke Plant when the whistle blew for Ihe finish. Out for Ihe firft game. Ihe Coke Plant Iiileriuediales wen- at Ihe mercy of Ihe Mine Inlerme- The finest leaf tobacco from NORTH CAROLINA and VIRGINIA is blended, cut and rolled into making them the If jj" B' W f flP SPORT NEWS DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE dial's from llu- slurl, and they finished on die Small nl of a U to U score. The Pioneers were also badly treated hy the girls on the hill. Seven points' was their limit, while the home player netted twenly-slx. The Cok,e Plant Seniors savtil the night! from bchiir a purefy Mine even-' inn. trimminp the .Mine Seniors ,11 (, 1 11. On ni?ht, tho Uoke Plant Inlermediales were aBain i defeated, this lime hy the IloVera, lie tallies hein? 15 lo 13. The secmd same was ludween the lli'h Krhool ami the Pioneers and was won hy (he former 15 lo 2. Sporf Chat A new kin of timely hill en-was rrtiwned in the American League for the I'.l'i seaxon. I lie title ioiny io I. eon lioslin. nul-Tielder of 1 lie eh'ampinn Washington team, (toslin is credited in Hie oflieial averages with be-itiy responsible for t9 runs erossiiiK the plale through vir tue of his UaltiiiK. He made tliis mark in I5t games played. Ruth was second lo Co-din for effec tive iiititn? wim 121 runs responsible for Th fhe 153 amei the llamldno played. Hob Mouse!, however, had a heller per cent- a?e of runs driven in per game with hi record of 120 for 113 iraine.. ImliviiJual halting per cenlaaes ii M,e American League for Ihe season closed sftow a notable decline on the part of leading hit ters. Slufgers were brought back lo normalcy with an em phasis (hat was disconcerting . some of them, (ieorge Hernial Rulh led the league in baitniu in 1921 wJUi a per cenlage i . H and wax not (tressed ly am her player who took pari in ore than too game. The lop narji of .37H for l2t is corn-tared to Ihe i403 with which ;arry lleilinari led the league in 923 when Iluth was the runner- ip with J93. Ctiarley .lamienor nine second in I02l.wtlli ,35 l'y Cobb had a goinl ytar and. for his nineieeiilli eonseculivc seoson, ballfd Iteller than .300 eonsiderahly befli-r fur iiis ff ures were .33H. Detroit flnisbe.1 the 1923 sea- ou as leader in leant hailing wilh a spurt in the closing days if Ihe pennant race after SI. Louis and Cleveland had been the leaders much of Ihe season. Detroit's balling per cetilage. was .29H and il was (he .first limp ( since 1919 that at least one club In (he American League hud not lulled letter than .300. D droit il so -.Jed in runs scored with 810. "oslou was low in hailing wilh n average if .277 and Philadelphia .came last in rim i e! I :e Cigarettes purest and mildest "straight" cigarettes in Canada. FOOTBALL BILLIARDS HUNTING Jit with ''Xj. rue :in ...... Whits Sux IimI 111 ia lr.ii 'i and the New York Yankees u number of homers iniide. BAHALION ORDERS ' ,'i,-ul- Onloiiel J. W. NieliolU. nieer comniahdinx. 1st tnlioit North H.(l. Heiment, (- Bn. C.R.r. I'armd Ml ranks are request- led to attend special parade at the Armoury, WeitnastHlay evening, December 10, at 8 p.m- AII Sergeants ve reqnotled lo uilend a special nieelmg in fio Serxeanls' Xess after parade tn Wednesday Higna! nertioii i(tnal section parade for inslrwtion tuider l.ieul. Barn irtey, Tuesday ovenhtg, Hecenilier 9, at 8 p.m. Miniature Raiise Practice, hoot Thursday evening at 8 P m. llaniilcap turkey howls will be held on Thursday even ings lM'cemln'r II and 18. SI. I. JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant. Atltl. 1st Mn. North B.C. Hegl. VANCOUVER BEATS EDM0NTON.I10CKEY nmm night YANCOl VKIl. Dec. 0. -- Van couver last ni.h! defeated K1- immtoii iii the Wi;-icrn ijinada ':oekiy ler.glie fivlure li four '"Ills to III!.'. Advertise in the Daily New. TABLES TURNED AT BASKETBALL Iks Now Hold Place of Advantage In Senior League Winners in all ,Mialclies jusl Week ago, Die 'C'dls turned roum la.i ni gli'l and lost alt ire league basketball gatnen. te Senior League ma' eh resulU I' in victory for rtf Elks by 3t .. AO; tbe Ordlo.SMn (he Inler-"diatrteHgue guic j) to 28; ud thf Tiny Tims emerged vic-orlofr in Ihe JuiHor League by io 22. " ; As a result of their victory, he Klks now hold place of ' ii'in-'-. Hciiior Leairue close af, the heeU of the Sons of Canada who are 'sittl in first plate. They were aide I nut nighlLj, heiilon, Chester Clajip, D to seep a ieNii oVt.r me trfiits though nn a rery lottjr one. The score at tin? end of e fst period stood: Kiks tBrfiflrrf ra. 'ne jfiial wpre fas tlttt 4. It ... TT , tfbliifiA.. ....r...i,..l . ;- ni.. i teams lined up if foflnws: Htl foHows: KK:M Hal'biir: Willie) Colls rtpiro nurvich. J V, amine. Kdipe Si,.t. A. Howard. I Ntrtly, M.. Maedonald, t:. Carifi tand If. Stalker. - -- 'I'liiif 'I'lnis ..Y l?ul .iiv.iii, . i. ' 1M Daily News Classified Ads. it CENTS PER WOKD IN WANTKO WAN TKH.--T11 rent rnwlioul fr month at 15.00. Apply Ikix i!a',y jWcv 5 KOll Plumbing anil llsating. Phone Htus MS. II FOR RENT Kon HKNT. furnished Housekeeping suite, 110 Sulh Ave. Kast. Phone Blue 278. If KOA RRNT.- Modern house, five rooms and bath. Apply Munro Mros tt TO Hfcr Three roomed suMe. and rooms. Fa4eral block gleam . heated. David H. Hay Co. If FOB HBNT l'eur room, modern, healed apartment. ul Smith l Mallelt. Ltd. tt FOR SALE ")R WALL. Several ten acre I rads of laud at Ten ace. First buyer gets ten acfes free. A C. Little. 3Htl MALE HELP WANTED SJim.nn a month In distribute everyday household necessity in rural and small town districts. JCn money needed. Million dollar firm behind it. Write for particulars and IhI-territory desired. H. L. Johnson. 570 Melterniott Ave. Winnipeg. dike Budettleh, Oeorgi- ?ihaw an! . Phillips. Colts Oeorge Milebeil, Willi. Mitchell ft. Bart let t. Douglas riwcll, KaHh niillt and K. et- erman. Intermediate League There was much rejoicing in ne (irolo camp for, by virtue if their victory over the tiolt they now share first place will, their ftpiuiiicnts. The game w perhaps the most lotctesling oi the evening and il was a spirited second period rally that brought home the bacon for the tobacco nists. At Ihe end of the firs' half, (he Colts had Ihe long end of a IV lo 13 score. In (he second half the flrolU, scored Id points o tbeir opponents three and eame oul on Hat best end of the final score of 2 lo 82. H. II. Hkinner refereed; .1. Marks was scorekeeper, and Mike Budeu ieh and Douglas l-'rix-zell acted as timekeepers. (irolln D. (lurvich, V. Meugh-er, Jack McNulty. . W. Cavalier W. Oray and (1. Hill. Colls W. W rat hall. II. milh. iKrlxiell and U. McLean Junior League I'he Tiny Tims were afc wm mers over the Colls in the .1 n League liy. ;n lo 22. llalpii Smi . . i ... irenrei ami uie team- im .1 Iiingwiill, p. Baisler. II. Walk. C. ThMinpsoti and I. Kalsuyama League Hliiiidiugs lo dale: Sonlor League W. I. I" Honn of Csnada : I Klk 2 Colls :i In termed I ito " League tlolls : I 'rotlo t 3 HfgimenC ft Ladles', Loague Maple deafl ti.... .'I nil's ! ;. i Junior Learjuo Tiny Tiuin 2 Colts 1 ADVANCE. No Adrtlemont I TO RENT WILL HKNT from Jaiin..r I. Jplly furnished five roomed flat, in lieu of room and hoard for one person. Apply o.'l Fourth Avenue East or phone Hlaek CI 4. XMI .. . - mi 4 ,.i FfR RKYr. RlnVi Sewing Maebines. Phone Blue 3MV. tf FOR RF.NT Threec large house-housekeeping rooms, furnished complete. 2 IS Second Avenue. If WANTKU TO RKXT - Two or three roomed furnished suite or small house. Rent must be reasonable. No children. Apply Box 219, Daily Mews office 8S7 BOARD AND ROOM KOAHD and Room at Ihe Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Office, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. If SINGING MI18. JACK IIIMHN, pupil or Madame launders, Ottawa: Prof. Phillip Boston; and Prof. Walkis, London, . will give singing instruction h appoiiitineiiL Plume Or-jei 121, between 1J aqd.l MONEY TO LOAN sKVKMAI. Thousand iKdlar on first morlgMge security. Mc-Caffery A Oibboot. Ltd. 2 Me ChiROPRAClOR R. E. EYOLFSON Oradunle of Ihe National College of Chiropractic, Chios go, No. 1 Stephen's Olock 'ours. It lo U. i to 6; J lo h -du-rday ufiernooos and Sunday by appointment. Flione lltu 88. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you lo consult u when you desire to sell or purchase furniture, or anv article. PHINCK W PKHT HX CHANOi:, Aucl loneers. FURNITURE. New and SecoiHlhsnd Furnl-I ife Store. We Buy. Sell and Hi change New and Secondhand Ooodj. QteO. PAPAUUPULIS, 39 Third Ave Phono Mtt TAXI Tail 67 Phone (Gall Oeorge. Paul or (lust Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nlg.U Stand: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotel. ! RfeU) mafm urn orax aits i Kid IVTi HirsrK" 1 I (I B u N -Qui' Hlwb, Tll III llwlllllTlP1' $ ii f'o'r. m 1 mNim! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Taken lor Laaa than BOe 4 REGIMENTAL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Enjoyable Affair Staged I Armory Last Night Attendance Was Larg Au enjoyable wln il: v i dance wa staged l.w ilx the Armory by Ihe I'lro xurr B.C. Heglmeul. Ttiere n seventeen tables ..f wi,..- t about IO0 persons aii iiKj dance. Tlie prtie w ladies' firal, Mrs. J W N j: oieu's first, J. Itu u s ladies consolation. l W Hoss; men's .eonsolaiH. ' V Pringle. The prue. w t settled by Mrs. A Squ. l j '.apt. Perry linker Hefreshatenlx wen- . . ,: . j lancing wgt then enj.iy. : one o'clock In the iiiohm ? Ik ) Hergeanl W. X. Boss w3 i of eerninonie and n . c furnished by lite Ihu Hand and Mrs. daw tannic pliilio. During Ibt mtrnn . J. W. Mchollit ok' i ii flv it horling better alt Jabci..' MrdU on tbe tart of th, hh ( the MniHieii an,) j5 my l hat the Wh gtve Uunt ntt.A aoce lo Ibis end. The coinnuller in . da 'g- sisel of Capl. Tinker. , ;u, Hergcaiii Major WriPti' Sergeant Moa, o r; tj Cadwsllader and Pnvai- s A ladies' roiiiMiiltec g ,-. 4. uablr am(nee winch i- mn "i appreciated. II wn m !ur,- decorations and refrrtim and consisted of Mi ' 1 thoni. convener; Mt ' W Nlcholls. Mrs. C. V l Mr H. K. Tremayne, Mrs II; ;j bio. Mrs. W. Brans. Mr l Mrs W. Hanrc, M ; - V Ucif and Mr squires OVERFLOW MEETINGS OUTSIDE CHURCHES Open Air Altar and Loud SpWr Jutt Outside Wlmlntr Cathedral LONDON, lec. 0. An op : n air all hi ami pulpit cr.pjiin'ii loud speakers i being h jul on I Bide Wetimm'ei a In-'!-nil, so that lliousand ( i"--!,:' paiilciwlilig in procemiiin- si'J overflow meet lugs will Of ,J lear Ihe' preacher ordir ary 'nice. Ciirdituil Bourne, making ,nt niiiiiiiiiiceineiil nl the annua' liiepliug of the Crtlhollc IM'lcir i uiltl. -aid the cathedral ""' iillli'tenl on cerlain occamnns u' 'In' year ami I hat the whole of he land around Ihe caliiflr-1' w Id be levelled and clrarnl t priivnle overflow meeting. pniNnk? RUPERT TICKS Saturday, December High . . 10:11 a.m. 1 7 ;;:ltl p.m. I? 1 " Low . :J:.'IG a.m. 7.0 C:ln p.m. 0- Sunday, Docsmber 7 High 10. -.IO a.m. 2-3 23:21 p.m. l.nve l:2l a.m. J' 17:20 p.m. 5.3 " Tuesday, Decembsr 9 High 0:18 a.m. ' 12:05 p.m. I nut n-n:i a. in. 7.V 18: 10 p.m. 3.0