ult" i arTii rif " - - ztsux-s ,y f AGP "IX ' nr. n.vTt.v vfu--- Sftllll lU) , f -. .!,. Ilifth i.ow If BENT'S" Third Avenue Monday, December 8 .. II ?x a.m. 5:1 rt a.m. tn-.nl p.m. GIVE HER A SAVAGE WRINGERLESS WASHER & DRYER If she laves over tin? I.riek-hroakinjr wnh hoard, or oh! sy!e wringer washer, (Mul ltor washday drudgery fur nil lime Willi Ilif gift of the WriiiKi'los Savajre. Cash Price $185.00; also sold on terms. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. IT IS NOT A QUESTION OF PROFITS OUT IT IS A QUESTION OF CASH OUR SALE OF MISSES' AND LADIES' WINTER COATS IS CONTINUING Scores of lovely Dresses on Sale in all the latest styles ami materials, in-chidinpr Ladies', Misses' ami fiirls', from ii to U years. A few Ladies' and Children's Velvet and Velour Hals in exipiisile design and materials. To clear at less I linn wholesale prices. Don't taknoiir word for it hut look around for yourself and then romance our values. to Vancouver I'riiicess .Mary. iiapl. C.. C. Saint-ey. was in port from Sl.30 to lii.tii) last nielli. E j u 20.11 V. M 8.0 " M j 4 ilfl rrrrr IaJ eur r llnlll aiiirflat. JIABMKICrAT I.A HOIIKMK P EARLS MHmm rvill ealf4 Mltty Claia Ii atiatlfi.1 Silk Plta-I4 Sift CM. 24-1 men String $40 (POSTPAID) j A1m of re red In mi-lneb atria SmM La GthfM Prtr ir Ina-iprt ssdb f tna..', .',.... K iwtri gtm viili U ' u-t miv triJrTtit tthl ftatliif ihitfl of ' f : 'tail u-l dr kiHf bkntitiMc rarlnc ' t.irttrU rftirm tb ImI or4 1i ' Ttp prtr.i if abcolutf ty hMkttmii' fl- - Tl . i I ikaralM. iraa't U rii ' trrik tlm, ttflnc I pwltfily utfM In i.u.- aihi griituatrd to trM wi rn.bn4k.ab: ftUtrml rot4; (Html Ua - i r i'ii nrianfnid kifrtf CIai Ub (tyUI BMWBL 0UK 6UARAHTII It rV Mt jhrtw itb tbM ttvlt mtf ftturt tm t iayt after rtarial WC WILL t FUND YOUR MONEY fcbJ Hoik or Poai OrOrt taW Mt i lmi'ikm Iwpnn V . ar. tf dlrvO, rtKt Jrt iaU UI farvarU r4al C. O. D acxl (cmh rati (Mi ittf V" DON'T WAIT Tb tn U fmf tlatial. ihtr nal'abit Miwh U f nlrk. Tta taW fa xMUktal lHi w4 irltn M DOtflM.EW lltPv CO.. SOS M(TIHCI T. W VAX. UlLtCS B. C. ''Mortgaged to a washtub" Many women have one-seventh of their future mortgaged to a washtub. Of course, they don't realize how washdays multiply into wash-months and wash-years. If they would only stop to think that one day in every seven is lost in washing we're sure they'd call on us. For our services are varied, our prices are reasonable, we wash the clothes carefully and return them promptly. And the mortgage the washtub holds on the future can be lifted for good and all. Telephone us today. MINIMUM CHARGE 75o CANADIAN LAUNDRy; AND DRY CLEANERS Sixth Avenue We Phone 8 to the In the Letter Box DEFENDS INQUIRY Kdllor. Daily News. Voiir eomplainl re I tin propos ed impiiry strikes me that it i only u mailer of whose ox Is he-iiiff if o red. While I am not sponsor of the proposed inquiry, I am prepared to defend it Willi or without your proposed city manager, providing it Is conduct ed impartially, under Hie peculiar conditions where workmen are called upon lo render evidence against he who holds the key to their dally hread. llrl.!l . I w . ii i r . . . I " ""' 1 '"'' you are noi wor- Vou.lil.ound from Alaska ports ri(, ,,, f i.. i .ii. steamer convicted, you show coiisiderahle concern over the fnlure docility of the workers lest they should not mistake- the slionl of the hoss for I he voice of (iod. I.el us ljop. ihal (he fulfillment of such dreams helong lo the dead past, with or without your city inanajrer. To make it nlain lahet this rfly manager as yours Willi the full knowledge Ilia) such a person would Itching to. lake his orders, develop his ideas ami .11 1 !. mi Timlin iiisiriiciions rrom exclusive circles stieh as ll.ii.nv r.luh, I'rince Hupert Cluh or any other clllli where the select few nssernhle and hijr deals are con- summaled. ' (ti talk like a child when vou say that if a workman docs Ins Work well or ues his intelligence he will soon fret a heller joh. Do you impute thai the hundreds of thousands of johless workers throughout the world an; lhoe who do nol work well or use their intelligence. Take n lip from an old friend, Mr. Kdilor. Throw olT your phains when yon pen your editorials. ('.ondilion ;are compelling us all to think ami sympathize with each other. I Thanking you for space, elc. ! respect fuuly, CKOIUSK II. r,ASK. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dmllv ISLAND. -Cloudy: calm.) : haromeler 21.7fi: temperature. I (40; sea smooth; 1 1 :.tr p.m. spoke i steamer Venture leaving Skeena; river jiorllitifiimd; .:ki a.m.i Jleaiyer l'p'mre Hupert olT Ilam-j jslen Joinl sDUlhliouud. ' DKAD THKK POIXT. 'cialni; haromeler i9:fifi alure 2(1: ea smooth. HUM. IIAHIIOH. calm; haromeler. 2U.7 alure 30; sea smooth. Clear: leinper- Cloudy lemper Noon DlfJIlY isl.AXD. Clear; palm: haromeler. 29.7H; lemperalitre HI: sea smooth: i a.m. out steamer Prince Hupert MSPACiFIC SAILINGS TO EUllOPli MAKE KKSKRVATIOXS NOW XMAS SAILINGS FROM ST. JOHN. tu-r. f Miuiiliiiirlpr. Ui l.hrrtHv.l. Iiwi. J V.Hilralin to l.ivrrmoi. FROM. ST. JOHN TO LIVtRPOOLJLASOOW 'A MarliM-h TO CHERBOURaOOTHAMPTOr ANTWERP ;'.. jr. Jn a Marhnrn Ib. t. Mar. IS Mrllta TO LIVERPOOL Jan, . Mi. in Mnnrarr Jan. S. Mi, f. Monllaurlrr MinirmloM Jan. i. ivh jn Vonirnr TO OLASOOW Jan. S. M). ", Mnntrral Apply to Afenti tTtrjrwbm or j. j. riiKsiiK, ucn. Atu, C.KR. Slatitn. Vancouver. Ttltphont Srymour 2610 Can. Pat R Traffic Afcau. THE CORPORATION OP THE CITY OP PRINCE ROPEPT. TAKE MlTICr THAT: will ls flu'f.l a pavlnr tlvinr aleinri at irwl lnr rrnwn of ten inrlipa n.intxi-rt ..r An ij rjipinrrr ei a iioini riiii rrrt north E. r JONF.4., cur ark, The Santa Clans Headquarters COMMUNITY PLATE HE SURE FELT MEAN BUT JHENDED HIS WAYS Said a well known local ihe oilier day "Well, Sir. Ih mennps feeliiut I ever hail coin or course was (leliue.l Willi a.: oris of lovely l,lirilnuis greH- 1111's from rdallves an.i o;i! friends. And Iherp, I hadn't wii' i oiil a single one. I thought "Uipii "if everyone had lee.n like mysel' a lot of real jov would hie heee losl. I delermitii'd to sr.' Ihal jnolhiiiK of the sorl oersurn ihi nllirislnia. - I am points lo disperse snnsliliie on the "irlad 1 morn" well as reeeive it.'" Vour (irivale reelinp p.jird enn, ho srlceled at Hose, liowait Aj l.aila.V, fourth St.. from otirwid. ranP1 til ' 'rfofra,ip ' , jiHt diiVi'l- will lie jirihled 'on dity if order. I'hone 2.1V. THE DIPAK TKADC AND COMMERCC CANADA ' I Ttnfart for Foun4allona artf Tlmbar Dock j it ur.m .it.aicr a. v-r.i Kmart, j. j SKAII.II IrlMrrn fi Ih- rirtKIMirlriiti' '..f rmiro-i r.iiiiiiUlliinr lor a rrin elva-i I lor, Willi rrn,.iln ill ami llliilirr ilork 4ml rmxnicl till.- roumUllon (or rknt rraln wari-hoiix, will lx rrrrltnl al 'otuMi iiiiiii ikmhi df lrl'l. January fmt.1 , l. I I niiler .Im.iiIiI 1. wnt Iii an ..anii I ralr.l lnirlf,fM lii.rfci.il 'Tiulra f. I. TIm- Omnril of tlir Corn .atlon of lh. Itiim HiiiM-rl Klrvator I'oiiiHt.iliiios" art' .il or I'rinrr! Ilniirrl InlruiM lo roll- "''"'"I lo "Thr lirpnly MlnlMrr, Of-irnri imveinrnl firinn rwi wiii. ran-' partiiwui of Trail A iiminirr fiilawa." ... . ' "''"' f lliolifr ovrr ulilrli. li nl lenrter Mr Hie orfc i ii rrcpird hank ru-nr for Tril 'i "'"T '"' un(- 1,1111 fsirtlon ofi Tlwnianl iN.ilara a I o.ooo.oo i mail pay rr" rmiiinrnrmr rrom a point i 1.1 fwi r Hutu sonlli of ilw rrnirn llnit iturr- 77 , ' ' 8,11 AVMiiif ami lliya r.or i.lrrK thfiire alnnr lh wral Hirllon of llaya l.ovf r:lirlr a finwii on thr? plana ami profllM rrmtrn In III Offlrn of ilw aMi- to tnr Minister of Trail It ( .sntnrrrr, fi.it" t arroiniiaiiy earti imovr. wlnrli Mini III tm rorrHtt-d If Ilw partjr iriHWInir uVrlliM-' to rnirr Into a roniraM for thr work on n. trrins HiN In lilt irii.lrr. Tbf rh(ii of nniirrrfiil trmlrrrri. will lie rrliiriMrt, Th rlHNtiiv of llir aiiriai of Hie rrmri- lln Inlrrvrilon of Hivi fill tmrtrrrr will li rrtalnril aa awiirllv Jove r.lrrl ami Teh Avniiis, aa loral H' 'I'" fnlfllliiiMit or ll rontrarl lo iinprovniivnl. ami IiiipiuU lo riwrlallv1 enirrnl Into, er ilirnui- mar I r-roM "f"" "" t""! aliiitllnir' r,,rl l'h rnnlvalrnl pa' vain of Imn.l nirwtly on ilw work rtrfpi mh imrllnn I 'f ,h lwi.lnl.ii of Canaila. if iti r.m aa U Inrnrrfd al trrrl lnlr- i I'lans. fifrlflraMnn". ami all m-inwarr f-ri i.itis ami al arliool pmrirrlv. ' Inforiiiaiion rrrarrlinr Ih prnswr woik J1" Hinall r.. or Ih work l tlrmt rn.ni v.. P. Mow A Coin 7ii.iin. or whlrli 111(1.7, . to Im ni,liny, rommlinir .nr. Wlialni Mnil.1 r.v tii rorpnralion, ami in 1 imaint tn. i '" I'nri iMimr, oni.irlr wiwii or nriv "'"I rrlal ral ier foot rmniarn fh.llara if.n.ilo. M rwliilred for plan, ami t77ij. Tli irial anint la lo 'erlflrail.iii.. '. p..ii to i rrinrm il o.i I paid in JO annual lnlalinnl, rrnim or plana and spwiriralloin in kkI i l'ri-.,n rtH-lrlur in trillion anlnl ron.liiion. inM.ruHnr itw work mut do ao on or Th- iowt rr nr lrmlr will not nr. Ir..r th r.th day or January, lots "arily k arrrtd. ny nrnr. r. e t irinni MlnCter Iii1 IM. tttn nir t Norrmbrr, lf, Oiiit., onibfr. I7lb. llii rxT.nl Till CORRECT SERVICE FOR THE TABLE We carry all the Community In the Adam Pattern Tudor Plate stocked In the Marquis Pattern PHONE 20 KOT'll. o.l.l ipts iH fjjft Itoxvff mk lilaal Xmns (Uft Bufrett Sets, r.uilHiiiing t'O pienis with KnHmft Maiuless, ur Mat llniolle wilh I'laled HI 20 Piece Lealhereltd Case With Drawer MaLle, attw.. TAW; Koto:, mat will i ih.fi d frn rlilr I i.imicl i. ai.l l llw Hlni.i.i of lMt litt HUlurill l. (Mlrurl - rum ft.ll 1(1 rt. MHl I. .Ill I t lirt tU Ullll rrwn ltot K.iri'Mvf Uiih- i Winn l.iH. Ill a 'I '"r "1 ''" Ii iiit4i-rii'titiMl MIm urMritir" KrariN.titl. fK-y. "rk lr. ndveri eiiieul llRMl' of :. For the Old and mwu '.' "I' H.l.r maiV Mvim'. ...ih.wlna ., (. MMay "lfMf in a millllor.il ill ilu- .. .. .Ii "ItnmMr H.. t " mi iiui1. iitn ... over me was lail l.hrisimas' " um- ii ir i Takii fn. , . . . . . Ihf lMn Lf Miihm rnvi, Cl morning. I had passed up Hie miHn. PWwimi .if firm ommhIm Christmas card idea enlirVly an i; .JT'Z annum tnr ih. trniiilatn of (mrvr rruM Mrx jMMmii . plMI lluatr Vnn Rlvwr in Urn mh. rHm HP enmmllatt tit Urn trif. TnW .. I ttl . Im . BaiMl tl PntiitM-r MHw lim. H i: ih. Itmll day nt orlolr. Iff . riirw mti amii ror Knnnrrr VM mu 1 NOTICE 0 CONCILIATION or RCttRVC jumir is hihipv mxnn, ihai Hi rwm r,..rlii ii i.r.fr in & u rlii.lrr. Manrr i. i.aaat uiflri. u m. ov n mm i IfpMlf 1 M.lrr of Uih1 iM-pariirwni ,r I af TlrfMia M i: li.n-nilr tuih lf -Advertise in I'm fl.nlv News. aT Qvmii Crtrltl M4 LaM Oit.kl. D'.lrKt ol Print Kprt Tafcr Mir UmI I. suiiuh slntMui. : Maaaril. H.C.. mtnyl tlttm-ruu. u. Imm i.. fl rr Iwrailutntk 1.1 Immi lk r.-lhiwinr UtrrilH-4 Undr ...im 111 llii a I M ptWiird nmr tttr auuHMstM wttrt Ksrll Mlnw. aiHl IIm,. . - rfcaitt I.. Uirr ill m rhaiu. 'I net u. . u. rli 'lam. Honn. itivri, .. r , . i , (I Itillr. In c.l ur iiMiif.i. m.. . i a: nuiirifi I-. scrrt n r . AMl m, aH-Sfl. Ar' '(. I'rli i'M' i MS ..inlr X x rauji HAHO riscon S S 7 ISiM QUAtlTV im Maaaaa MA mow me 0iM t ONDS siwirm taiiiDt iiw to. mmt uvs a- mm,.: . Young KITCHEN CABINETS i i 1 1 1 ii in i is? We Have Just Received a New Slock of KIIlIicm CbineU at prices from $45,000 to $05.00 are Hie iimI useful pieces ,,i i can Ih iht in a home. Tljcy put lcm i h.. SPECIAL 0 Piece .Dining Room Suits. Solid Two Tone Oak $238.50 LaJies' Swiss and Irish Linen Handkerchief o. Fancy Gift Boxes, from C5c to $1.25 per box. OUR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS are all on display and we invite your Inspection. We will put aside any article and deliver wJien rcquctttd GEORGE D. TITE THE HOME FURNISHER P.O. BOX 1647 ' M II. IM.v ! el .11 I t u( ., II Vei Ihh... . H.'ii.'.l ..1 1 V JOrincc (Srorge ftotcl TORONTO InCer'iapf Shoppie and Bu: x: OatrM 2V3 KOOMS las 4 Utt hCiv-t -I -AN mi. mt 1 r;..,m0 Great for 7?,e GIN you will ask for cuarn The J'ui iiy Sl.id.i.i il J- oi I : Year, . A M .jibk - m w w BBaBrBBaBMvaaaaBaBaBaaaBi . uu piil.Iisheil or ili.lay,.,! j,y lu, ,j(,r ,-mn Hnanl i-c "V llri h lioliunhia. (lie Ii'"