I nor Qlorious iair In SO Days or Monty Back WommsiiqwfrJv la tl:mMf the rrosthvft'ii irhair Hje. A p' TkiUS Itilof itronc vig-rrm fcir tureTy f,jri IU consistent oe. r..l onit-tt; U easy bemuse Van iv-a cobm fitted with a natrnt rubber at-riUfthit feeds the inedicaim r,t ,. tr.'lj to the rooU of the hair, rlun- lif Brwff truurinr with Ov rrr-ra Iki Ik A.' I.U ,. t.L a.f . . - - Ika '-tocrrtiUtKMitf tt.t tc. fw4 tl.. hv nwif'j. . if Vs'i In t. SM-7 ussiwi lit. HolMcktl ills... OnMCS LIMITED TENDtRC I I VOTT'D I f..i 1 till it ii.i- ' I'M 14 V a I"M. I ! lb Lfn?ii in rr ini '.' i i ia -i. AZ - Til A il l CUARANTKi 'J MUV.F Johnson IS GOING TO PUT ON A GENUINE CLEARANCE COMMENCING TUESDAY MORNING BETTER WAIT FOR IT Uf Dointfa of the Motqulto Fleet which Is the W$ii chief source of Prince Kupeft'a prosperity I 1 in i Hi.ii, i-nt . .iir r-u ll'. i!"'.,il h,,iJ I'arn'ir les hiivi- alreioly lliiuli' tin eaon ellort nolirenhie ' : r:wl ive fili ulanl. ; box I ruck ami mechanical Minim IcMik lip-lop under a Ncurnlgta The fit- coal 1 up u. Nw a NMlwork ha noi been ovcr- iitflrrk irf it Ihr lilslnrl Ihf-,,,,,t,rrr. awl lh' I mwri. 11 iV " .il lw rrf sihIs llll IhI '(MM'lfl'Stl "I .1 iin.lir iv. 1 (an li ifciHl in llir renovating process. It in of -print' clean ing in the winter hoi is nevertheless haviiiu aii'aelnry result. Illl ItllX ItimlxT is Iwillrf 1 1 1 - I In Ihe roof. 'I'll, null! mill lefl r. v nx ,. . , ..... ..... ...... .ftii nniiiiiiri iini iiniin n ill w 1 aaawsai i rii'.u 1 1 v li liSnikc Snike Hd Ho Smvi Siuvt Nj H'J Snail Snail iV No Nuritts ur it is 7 ' tmtt ef rli ktl (nvs4 ISsi Ti 1 r nkril s)l tuil r W isi ! Til on ow 'M-f. bt II hV s,. i- ri-i- " -' 1 1 Cr 11,11". l n;n w n.F n w f-i. b--r , . - -' . W . .... ww.. TRC's FOR SALE BY OFIMCS LIMITED TCMPLITON'3 n MtUMATIC CAP8UL1S Jl MM IF IT'S ON on UNDER THE WATER WE DO IT. Diving. I)ri'.lxiii)r. I.iiihl-eriu. Coalui;.' Sliiif, HcHvy l.ifliiiy, (ifiMMal SiiUui:!1 Work. I'uniiing a Sjipcialily. VANCOUVER DREDGING AND SALVAGE CO. LTD. COW BAY. Phones: Green 259. Green 487. iliorlly In rulnil ntlo iirlmii hih! rili box iiiukm' will orriiiy Hi KrfH'i'r purl of Mn- lmir illllil I In' rf-ojienniir of I In- halilnit hnliiiiK rPMKini 111 IVIinmry. Boats Repairing Several owners of halibut ho., comprisins I be home jliave alrrwlv derided lo make i neeeary repairs and I hi 'litHiier Alii, Volunlccr, I.. I.ipsett. .Minnie Y. anil Caypeou an' booked lo be taken up on the McLean ways in Ihe near future for this purpose. Capl. illli'ililliiiip! i'-k ft 'lla-l II llll l II,. Ililiiltl - t f III I L 111! 1 1 i !, I i ITI t ! I i ' ! i I ; ! : : : , i f :- i j ' , . , ' ' : , . . , : . ! i lie ir close around THE DAILY NEWS Art Otwalil It 'iuiiiing Iim dual Tooilli! Willi iiw ib-i k railn anil ijuriJy aiiil oIImtwhc k'hik Ihm' llii! oni-e ww, while Hie m'Ikiumhi' (jilnon Iiuh lici'ii Jii)-fn.iilllcil and lip'l I'tiri'ly in Cuw Hay CriL'u. (il. lllmnli'l ha jijol finUlii'il u'iyinu (hi; Jims ll.'ikf r a llnnoiish (i.iTliaiil. Tho i-raft iimv liniki reili'ii(('iil in a oat of wliili; iiaitil ami willi her hull ri'-raiilkcil ( all .id for any In lu iv finlilN of AjXiloialioii Ca may tleriih uiioii, Joe Brown Fishes II va Joe Drown Jin ky pii-i-atnrial day 011 'l liuiilay ami for I hi' naki! of ailvcrlffiiii; I In- lunr-il iio.ihilitii '"Tf (hi' rily il ' a iiily no iotiril wen; mi hihiil In take ij (In- ii'irl. Jiii,t lU'i-ilmn a lilllc ii'lax.iliuii. took up an ailvanlau'cotiK i -1 1 1 m on Hie jumiiicittl wharf -a;ly 111 (he iniiniiiu' and arnn'il wilh a line ami hook was soon I'lijoyiii an allfiiipl al lliiiiinler lishinj:. However. I he floini(ier. ini not mnmii lo hi- flouiiileriiis very well ami for a while Ihingp wi-re a hit dull. Jul aw he Wai j-'imiu Un hojie Joe fill a slrong lup un Mie hook and run inln (he I'ra-Miieial ihie.k olllee lo r 1 1 (he ,0h lie eotihl heur a hill- hul it ."jiimled like oinlhiiu in the whale elasK, and lhal the lipe lelt as li.-hl an u liuujo lrirt. The yaiie: luilied mil a la Tuoii-rvillc fa-himi and hrlml In ive a heave 011 the line. TIihi Ii Inn larld, amid yi'll aail heeiv I hey lailiied a hefly nll leaded looking fish uliieh nome 'ild liniern said wu?-a mud "hatt. however. Joe kejd hi- head all hrouxli the exi'ilenieiil and afldr .i-iiiiR-iiiv hi lielerx den, led lx lay a hllle longer. II wa a ood hunch for the plcalorial erliRl wa soon lauding finh of very ile.i-ri(dion iiirlu.in cod, rioumler. and ha while -tever4l alihul had lo b thrown liaitu ; sain lo con form Willi Ihe clo-t-!:alihul Irealy r(9iilalioin'. ,. l -ay wa (he eicli Ilia! Job' I itok wore oul and he relurnul lo Ihe fray aHer luneh wi'h a ivh iiiiily Miliieienl lo eim!-fe him to nearly rill one of hi Miai'iou laxi with a iniM-e'laii- eous ralrh of murine nniisler. Big Blow Saturday Hie of Ihe slrongq) $raliv ex.-;'neneeil for -hum?. 4itne struck 'he walerrroiit ni 'Uiird.iy I.'si; I he Ciw lty JloaUjriiiH iri f .e a nireiiiious nine an I II fce. . hands busy holdiiiK the boats down ami prevention Isiiuaxc. Ihe I'rince Itujrl Yachl cliA fhwils came in fur a eer' linn- also and the i'enial ' a1tani commodore, Chelf Thomusou, said lhal he had s.-nl more ex-cilemenl out of Ihe pule iaii walrliin? a jfirl set her heir U.bhi'd. K. II. Mi-rlimer's hoai r :n amuck and tri ' lo iui lio i!chl club wharf down lo lh'. TTTTnmnrrrrtTttTMTrtrtTtrrrrTriT;(.TTTT.--rrTiii''iiTrTTtTi''iTTioMiioii'iiiiiir ibundsd since 1859 on consistenl high cjiiajity ii'lv . L i i:;m!ii iiiiii !!i:!i;;'inii Uiiliillllllli.! iiiiiiii;;;:: 'ii!!;;,iT!::, I i il!!:iillili;!!lllltillli!lllll I I II i! I , iiiii!..:!!.:iiiii;!i!iiii;i! I'iiii IIIIII III liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihii ll l'ii l illl lllllllll l l m I I I T I I I I I II T I I I III I I ' I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 -lr 7" T. m . . . j li iii Tn ;. "T, . I,. 1 U J "v ,It v1' tic r.'lT-i-- A I -J 111 " wl 111 "i mi rfl j 0-23 , ''In atlverlUomi'iil is mil iiil)liflifd or displuvcd by Ihe Liquor Control Hoard or liy the Uovcrmuoiit of llritiih l Coh'liilna. Cold Klorajc hul Chefl maniard lo arrertl her iirour.'-s I c fore any real (rouble larled. l. II. ArudldV (ileature I-.111 ch .Nio'hako ni been uverlianli d jn Ihe Mrl.eaii way Ihin week. Cue 1 hull ha bceu re-caulked and all Ihe iradil have been put in Kood niiajie. There it a winder in iiaulieal eiicl.-ti (hat (i.ll. con-Ii'inplalCH a irio to Die S itit It Sea Island in Ihe xprina hu! wtiel tier the Neehako will carry him or not remain lo be seen. TRAPPERSI My record for straight dealing Is known throughout the province. Bring your furs to rne before selling elsewhere. I need the furs and you need the money. .Highest prices paid. W. G0LDBLO0M, Second Avenue. I'hilip JHiusIa was in purl from Kilkalla durins the week and did a few mechanical r-pair lo his power boat. The schooner Cape .Swain, Capt. "lied" I'iorce, lefl jnirl on Thursday moniiii. Cap in eomimny with his partner lieu. Dick will enjrae in Irapplnjf durint,' Ihe cloe season. Wall (ireen and Angus Hvor have joined force and will shoiily f:u into the lo-,-rie business With (he power boal Yukt. A camp will he established al l'orl Stephens. Capl. Claude Kelchum is lui-y making up his buom of . : niillioii feci of logs al S'al Cov? in readiness for lowing l ihu lieorelowii mill. The lug M.T.3, Capl. Ileg-ej IIW'ii lefl on W'lilnesday f.o- lm-Khiilziiiali en -In briu. dowi- ihe Collian A I'rcscoll I mi. tin of lss to Ihe (ieoryelowji mill. This ijs been made neccs.ary owin lo Ihe deal h of Pcle Colliguii by drowning lasl week. The M.T.3 arrived 011 Tc.es, ty n i;:li ( wilh a scow load oT fish Ikx lumber fur Ihe lloolli 1'i-h-cries and lumber ror Ihe IJly Djj yard and Ihe city. The samjiles of lumber wiur.ii were on exhibit at the l,i-l x-liihitlou by Ihe Itiir Hay Lumber Ch. and loaned lo Ihe CN.il. for exhihiliou nirpoc have been ii slalled In hc froni windows of lln- iuniiic? CHy Ticket ollice. The samples arc lo he shown in Toronto, .Montreal and Londoi . Kugdand. Pics Is Pigs There was free pork for Ihe ralchiim- on the provincial dock no Saturday Ial and Ihe (tin was fast and furious for a fev minutes. A consignment of iii-j.s Uirrjved from Ihe south on lb" I'ri-icess Ileal rice, all nicely craled and consigned lo lb,? Oriental niggery on I'Jevenlh Avenue. The cniles bad all been lauded in an ellicienl ' maim c end were ludii.- l i'iir.ri.l i.. Ill' dock shed when lln I t.lv iii'I'CJhhI. a nail became unsealed iiiid released a slay it: one of the crales which was uw sicutaV for Ihe pigs to make t'i.ir VelavvMy. Soou there was a witil scramble ami beaded bv "Doc" Clapperlon with a club the !os gave chase. However, a pis can run some if onlv bless..,) mIiI. four legs and it was a m-rrv ehase acound Ihe wharf. Ihe sleanter passcuscrs enjoye J (,e tun immensely ami should l(;ava been charged a grandslani! ad mission. After much pulTing jiid blowing on the part of but', the pursuers and Hie "grimier" ihe latter were eventually co-icred amPDoc was lefl lo slum! guard ov.-r Ihem wilh a club while lha rfiuatylcr of Hie pig lia?ers lainiediy some womi an! tiii!.-. The choict' bacon was finnlly pu! in a new crale and sen! o: its way rejoicing. The seagulls are weanir, a worried look along Ihe docks ami seem lo miss their fishermen friends. su lonely have (hey become for human friendship lhal llorks of Ihem fly up low:i in the daytime and sit acros. Ihe si reel watching their good nautical friends da.v rummy. A. W. llewsou. engineer on I hur forestry patrol boal Leila H.. Capl. Dan .rrliii has purchase 1 II odd yuehl "Shamrock I," huill by Jock (libson 0r the tieoigelown mills. This model yacht was on display at the List evhitiilloii in Hie Dig Hay Lumber U o.'s cxhibil. Jack Hulger is having his speed boat remodelled by W. G. (BULL DOG SIZE) mm Best Value in Canada warnr for ii we'Hi PAGE FIVE M ,,(, , j tr. ifti..f ii.i.j j v n c . 1 iarmoroAcia IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA UM17TJ Sole Oittributori VYalionl. The cabin will !x A circular letter was read at lakcn on" and Ihe craft will br Hie Hoard of Trade meeting yes-l rans formed mlo an open runa -tcrday from Ihe Montreal Hoard houl type. Trade drawing attention to 'the payment of interest on the Itolfe Walker .'misiicd tip ih'iCanadian bonded indebtedness leer iiuulin' season last wek and urginjj economy in public lid by taking a irip in his power jcxoeridilures. oal Midget lo Shawallan.s nil 1 ecuriug a ilandy one eyed buek. II is said that Itolfe sneak- J ed up on Ihe blind side uf Hi'! Jeer and frishlened il lo death Louis Amadio, llic eleclrica; wizard of the Wanl Marine Supply house, has iieeu conlined to his home as the result oT z'ua hit on Ihe forehead wilh a luniv of inclal iipe whii-U flt frmi Ihe roof of tlan'. I'arker's gar-ase where Loui was .'orking. .1. Johnston of l'orl jssinglo.i. will inslal a H-10 ti.p Canadian I'cller's semi-deiscl ei.gine in Ins; gin net ooal in re:rtiiiy hi , readiness for Ihe ll;5 season. "Fish" Pheasants Tom Morrison, chief engineer on Ihe Iighlhou.se lender Xewiug-lun, was accosted by Jack Keefe ! recently for having pln-asanls in' hii possession. Jack has a nice, Zurich of phcasauls installed on j Dishy Island and having been "lipped off" that Tom had been playing fast and loose wilh his j game preserves artd seeing him i pass the xhoii dangling a brace of Ihe beauties at his belt Jack: wauled to know Ihe why and ' wherefore of such unseemly con- ! duel. Tom was able to eleitr himself, however, and lo t tie en-i lire satisfaction of Jark by ex- ; plaining he had secured the birds j in question from Vancouver Is-1 land. i A letter was received from 0. II. .N'aden. deputy minister of lands, enclosing a copy of a booklet on Ihe vvnlerpowers of lili.l. -.. I, .....I i..i:.... I.llll.-ll il'llllllllltl ttllU lltllll i that copies of Ibis could lie! Copies in bulk could not be di- Irihuleil. t i v SUCCESS in "baUiujf is assured-vvUen tjovtv use MAGIC BAKING POWDER It contains no alum and leaves no 1 biiieriaste HOTEL ARRIVALS BENSONS GOLDEN SYRUP Arrictid qftixe Family The syrup with the vvondcrful flavor, combining the wholesome and digestible characteristics of corn syrup with the attractive flavor of the cane. Ask your Grocer for it THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED, MONTREAL EDWAHDSBUXG MLVU GLOSS ITAtCH CANADA CORN STASCH Prince Rupert T. 1". I'liillins Ww Itnillnii sent lo any persons Ihe Hoard I. M. J. O'Connor, Juneau, would name as being interested. Central dis- '. W. MaLi'e. Stewart: l'eler Cabrio. AHin. Kl Ui '8 i It ill til tn : al !!i it .H ti X ni hi :1 Itl i)' itl ! '( Mi 2 1 r 15.