f ulay December 2ft, 10? I. USE STMONOS SAWS Tlielr teeth r o a lougluiM wliich m.kt. them liold their krrn cutting edge unlrt vrryutj(r. ,M S VIMONM CAMS iAW ffl. ImiTii. M " MUTi H..MMI,. P Christmas Suggestions Plum Puddings, in ' ni.,i :i lb li-.wl--Chrltma Cake Christmas Crackers Christmas Stockings Mixed Nuts Mlied Candles fruit department .Imi, Orange W Mil varielici i - lUnann ,-ipefruil. i .tui flower, Olery, Lettuce. T iitrtl'M'i. Sproiils, Par-ley. I ,ir iM i r u1 and Sweet S,.-.s il MEAT DEPARTMENT Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chicken and Fowl At Lowest Market Prices. Rupert Table Supply 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 LIVE TURKEYS, CEESE AND CHICKEN ARRIVING V " -- I iiIikmi- l''iullr liir.iiia. Hr Ii. ... 25o I vrl I'i'ire and 'li'"ii-i-i llii-U i( ym da-i- "ia- tn-r arly. MEAT ORDERS fit at . mir I n;il r I luiici' Sailar' ..Illltlir'-r and HoihIcIh-.-.c o'lf Wind-iw f"r I'i I hn-'iila Siiln' nV.lureil lrir.-. 'I .title llnliii, U lit (i , $1.00 l.iltl.' Kits. ' (-. (! $1.00 M 1 Xiil. lit. (..i $1.00 ' i Or .inoe 50c Sl... I i Iv Phon Blue 428 Farmers Market Orders of $3.00 delivered BSBBaBBHSBSSBWBBSBaBSWaaBBWaBaBBlMBWMBHBaHBflBBWBB Your Last Chance to get Your Turkey at 40c per lb. We arc ..CftM-nig a tli-" rtiinl or .'0 ter -,'l " ,,nr ei-y tiuiili'ialely tri I inys and IMU.I.S ax mir ltrk .lllli-l H eleareil I"'-fore Hie New Yeitr. Take ath anlaue of Hie follow inu ii n-e: Jap Oranges, per hox 85c Mixed Nuts ' lit . . 25o Xmas Candles, t ' r Ih. ... . . . . 35c ;iiil 40o E Phone 18 or 84. GDNOtVtY STORE LADIES! A new line of SILK EVENING DRESSES JUST ARRIVED Call In and Inspect them MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. GETTING READY ! FOR DOG DERBY Big Event at The Pas, Manitoba, Attracting More Interest Than Ever This Year ' Hi: PAS, Mhu., I ,Hj. Camj.iiau I'M. . Probably never M.f,.,. (u t. ,jMlM.y ((rlnjr iH.-mif in Northern Multiloba has l-n.-h keen interest heen flHiwn !! all lover of this fascinating ;.tii.iiir sport un is manifest this ''iir. . While Manitoba s eighth an-hnml i0-mill' iinti-tip dog .l' i'l( is some, nix week dislanl, -l nearly loo racing ilngt are l in I ruined aily an. I prepared f"i- tin- KTuHlhiK grind over the i 'mil'. Tin- glorious un-! l.i. I ion Hint nil these race were run in , : i;iii xnowslorm and each em n wa driven hy II owifer. ..i.iv ii ) diffecent. and drer , . niiiitt- d lo train he dojc ..... .....it unit rnn lliem In Hi rare. In I'.i.'l Ihe dUlanre iim' ii- lena-lhened of to mile- while the puree WH eree.l l f.'.bOO all.l MUI Iho 200 In- Ite "an Hie ureal rnrinR cIhkxIc n il j. ii.wn ln.lay. Previous Winners l.illiiiatii ir nre nrevloin wln- ........ n ner ol I lie l .u-'-i tl I.W miles I. Alberl famnhell: .lark llupliem 3. W n..v..y Time 'I hours ! nun- nles. torn inn miles I. ltalerse Caniibell: I.an-v M.Kay: :t. A t "r -"I"mi nduranee. Owner,! n, am mil I, W. Win- .liner, and trainer are fatty ex-jlpi-ioii, driving' "learn owned by ..eismg ll.rir team, daMilnp e- c. j; Morgan; , Urry McKay; 3, ric-ly over rourae and Ink- T. )Um. drivlnit fnr C. l. Han- e? I ''" to ennoeal thoir.erofl. Time, 2 hoitr 50 iniii- "I ' ftil. N hi of -oniptlnK teams iaj m. no milmi I. W. flray-y.-i avail.rt.lf. hut It U a wll-,aoii, .VivliiK fr . II. Mnrgaa; 2. I.IM.WM fa. t thaWMhil new en- r. Im..u. for il. II. Hanrfofl; 3. in.-, mil f;,rc the starter at llam (..k. Time, ?t Ii.mim 52 m dock in the nuirninK if )h- iMiiitl. :l "'''' "w lranw Willi n23, goo tftilm 1. W. Oray-! i-ni.miit f younr an.l Min. .Irivlnjt for II. MorKan; 2. ' ' w'11-bWNl, wolf-hnun.l '-.yriy"' fluitick; 3. W. Winlor- l.n.kic. wlnrh are expected tn uik Tinw, 2 kMMir 52 miniile. ' iiiiiin! inn ii..- a fa! ai-e lliroiiKliout 1 9? i. 2WI iitften I. "Slmrly'- jltuMirk: 2. Allan MaeUnall; 3. I " Mih aUandonmenl of lhe(iray4iii: ilriver, 22 ;K.10.Kfi Ml -Ma-kan liMrtry .weeplake ini n,oma Oelahlon. owner: I HI i. . :..,V liiK ..i t he Pan. me known an ilerby slaaed an- nrayiutn. driver. nniiiiiiiia, ua the arealeat :;' f il- kiml in the world. I In- ihrillina event oriainaled in Hi.- (all of I0I6 when a small .-.,'ciic uf ilng-lovinjr iiorthern-T. fin iniilatetl plaiin for a race. ! ha- -inee been proved that v.iiiicni Maiiilolia i ideally . I . I ( -. I fur the emiiliH'l of Ihene i.n'c. mi. I the development of lu ll lai'intr 'l"c-. wlm have rar-'H-, I tin- iuiiiner of riviliiallon Mini 11 M II I'll. First Race 1916 pie .Mail nf eftaldUliln? the in -i iinnual .Iok race, over a di-1 inee o f l."tO milen. carrying with ii .ine of l.on. wa worl ...it In tlie lale (Irani Rh-e and l perfeeteil by Hie lale Waller ...ie. ..f .ska rarina fame. I hf nainex tf thee two men are ... . iiieriltei upon the memorial en,. .ieeii!eil to The Ia lop li. tn -.nelalion by A. I.. Mat-t, -1,,,!, now heiw eomHel for ..-.ether with a pure of 2,5oO. Un- fni lierhy rare wa held n Marrh I. Itl. with the old -iv le itiltoamin ue. with the ,,.- Iiii.-he.l In it in tandem t i-Iim.ii The nexl race va -lave.i in IVI8 ami wa wimilarly ciirne.l .ml with Ihe eseeption .( -h..i leniiitf the eonre by fifty ...ii In l2o II v for Ooyne .. iniroiliiee Ihe Alaskan lillch ..ii.l -le.li. .Irlvinjf lii doa two ,1,1.1,-1. In Ihia rare. Uoyne , . I v ..ui.li-lanee.l hi rivaU and ,x. ...I the inn, mile iii the re-.1 .1 lime or 13 hour- 1 1 min- iie.. II i perhap eoinchlence 52 minute Tie, 23 hours Change In Course Thin year a ehaime in lli. roiirne ha been ailoile.l ami Ihe team foil rare to lli Herb Lake gold ramps and return, n distance of uliatbtly more than Ort mile' The slartinu tHiinli . wilt lie again on Hie Sakalche-j wan river ni ine iiini-mi nay railway hiidae, (hence the route will follow along Ihe Hudson Hay railway rttrlil-of-way-as far a mile 8I" and there the leam-s will I urn Into Herb I .alee to Ihe vitlaa-e of Herb Lake where the rThl rivtc lv er-ed with tcle-i THE DAILY XEWS PXC.F. FTVT. They offered him a partnership If he could Invest a little money. But he hadn't the money, and the opportunity waj tone. Don't let lack of money poil the opportunity that may come to you. B "-, One dollar will open a Union Bank Saving KkW, MI Jack Hay UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderlck, Manager Time l' mumics. l'.C'n. loo mile l. Waller ..ilaiiity of I In sporting fijansle (inync; Sam I'rantcaii: :t, Jack i.iii(.m-,i wm-ut-ww aUu-( Hye. Time, IS hours, H min im- ii is n-diiniistHi a a urn uic. limns :io 1' l"' ',; wl"' dug: i'H going etronjr and in Ihr niik of roit- litton. DINNER FOR UNEMPLOYED Salvation Army Affair Yesterday Was Deeply Appreciated by Many Who Attended ' Christina! The Salvation Army dinner and slipper for Hie unem-) ployeil, liel.t In the t.il.nlel yes- terilay aflprnooii ami eveiiins. were eaeh a lilipe sneees anil the men were highly aipreeiative of the many klmlneses 'exlendeil lo Ihein in Hie way of Christmas eats and elntliiilir t.y Hie citizens if ,rinee Ktiperl. It was a very busy day al the Salvation Army barracks. Tin-volnnlnry .workers arrlveil early and by noon Hie three larjrr tables were loaded with jrood lliinjrs whirji :o to make up the one dig feas at 'Hie year. Kifly-five men, who bad no home al which lo snenl. iiie iiav eain. and enjpyeil an old fash-t'hrl-lmas dinner iin-lud- 'inp turkey, plitm puddiua. intiii-e jties and many oilier delicacies. 'Itefnre leavlti? 1I. Ilea invited j I Ihe meii lo ri'liK'n for supper al r...in. l'roinilly at 5.30 o'clock Ihe iliall doors were ntetied and a .'... i ''..i U iirilllM l,U. ,m. pen I iii values. music and! "- sm.s. Supper was served lo out ami every few hours word , . , . , .. ... . . . . . , .. ., seventy etshl men and five ilin- Wlll lie iiri.iirani ifi i ne i-.i- reptiHina the proaivss and ..Inn.llnn .. f aknli Imua nn.l .IflvAe .n,......p ... ,,..,,.. r..n...-iio. diirina Hie entire route. I his; . . ' . . . new innnvalinu In doe raciutr. il i iteiieviHt. will prove very popu lar and will fto a Ion? way lo make Ihe event more interesting and allractive. I. A.l.lili..n In III r.AlnrA 1fiee I'."' i. L V. MoNaupl.lon. dlslrirl pa'ssen- -ilHir-i mil " -'..p.". (rela1il -carrying dojr learns for a pur-e of sfitm. lined do? I'm in will be liiuile.1 lo five do?s. Hie dogs iiiirmjr ine mnp race. "Shortv In ck. last years winner declared after Ihe 1921 event thai hi ucres was al- uers were delivered lo men who were unable lo allend at the hall. Ihe supper. Hie ball was darkened and a short bill interest in: lantern lee-lure was given. The projecting machine and "Klnndyke" slides were kindly loaned by llev. . Hacker and a se. nf slides by H. yer njrciil of Ihe II.N.H. Several old favorite hymns were sun!: and Cipl. Ilea closed the pro- i: . ...... ..r n...nL. hitched to a lohoiriran in Ihe obi " '-'"" ." inale slvle fa.on and hai.linp ' V ., . ' , a load of r,nn pounds. They will " " " " . i- 1-1 ...il.. .lav fop "' unnii.i...ni .1 n.ii ..11.- three day. Ihe witmer hemp determined hy Ihe lowfsl lime for .irDPimnlk 100 mitec The ..t.. .... imi r ....,..ii..rr inner. Mrs. m. rorresi. .auss i.iv.i llllllll ItllJ" I f.iii." "il- .-... it race is to encourasre Hie breed ing- and raising- of belter com mercial dogs which are indispensable lo the northern traveller. M.u Mr. IAfl.tr. eluded Mr. Kesler, tlhris tintss. Ainjel tiross, Mr. Moore, Ainiel Keiihii. Mr. and Mrs. H. t'.oilwal- .Mumforil and Miss Hose llnrri 1 Vote of Thanks ; Al the dinner a vole of (hunks was proposed by one nf the men """rw" , , ,'lnleresl it had laken in Ihe un. II is Ihe usual nil and in farl (.n)nlny0 a, u,e festive season, an unwrilten hiw atnonpsl dojr. T)i ((n ag0 ImIpi, HHishers never to use a whip on.nnk(l )o jr trinuu who had donated underwear and clolbins follow inp Ihe request in Tucs. .day's paper. ' I The catnpaiffii for funds - starl . i, . . .1.. .-i i...i..i i Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser thrn you. She reads the shopping news. She likes, to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows adoerlised goods lice up to their claims. She saties time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and lo prepare you an appetizing dinner. These benefit too. MANY CLAIMS TO VALUABLE LEGACY Correct Use of Famous Title has Encouraged Pretenders About Ihe yenr I8R0 Hie pioneer prosppclors of Hrilish Columbia discovered a remarkable coal. After many Irials ami lests it was positively established tha: Ibis coal represented Hie acme o economy, efficiency and comforl To this fuel Ihev cave the ncv !lo the Daily News for the kindly famous name of "Nanaimo-Wel liiiuton." reiuesenlinff all Ibai was best In coal. No sooner was II found thai I he public insisted on petlins Ibis Wonder Fuel than olher coals were put on the market under very similar names. bo much so that the public were al mmueo. o .. e err--. . ()( W0(). y hp SnIvngn-- , ,0 say whk., was the gen . . ' . " r Army and Ihe Dally News in rnn. nine and which Ihe imilalion. Of gr.n.l M.nr.y e, ins oops ()i) , W f ,,' u wa, eaiy afl(r a tria, llllfi- i III'"', ntn-ut r -.iii. n i- . tl t nt.ll 1 ...ill U ..... 1 1 1 . i.-v .. . . -1. first day of Ihe race, nexl 10.20 p.m. when he turned for home and iiLiiin at 5 o'clork in Ihe niorninu. some fifty miles from Ihe rinishing line. He slopped only IT minute at Ihe half-way murk and he arrived bark at BLUE RIBBON TEA By an overwhelming majority the people of Western Canada have decided that Blue Ribbon "Mountain Grown" Tea is the best. Ask for it. I Scottish t , rr MMM- was s 1 1 eu 'inim h imu , MllUir cRVl IMU'U lb i reached Ihe lolal of $121.30. In a. billion to Ibis, there, were cen-erous donations of poods by ' local merchants. The sincere Ibatiks of Ihe Army is exlended lo nil who assisted in any way. j Following is Ihe. lisl conlain-Jnp the balance nf the cash don ations: Already acknowledged $101.30 1A. Friend 1.00 ,n. il '. i.oo mm IDatighlers nf Hoy Hash A. Friend . keVherjr & Thomson. MARRIED BEFORE 1.00 2.50 Al a negro wedding when Ihe minister read Iho words, "love, honor an.) obey," Ihe groom in-lerrttpled ltlm and vaid: "Read thai again, sab. Head il mice m.V so de lady kin ketch do full solemnity of de meanln.' I've been married befo'." more laslinsr and more powerful beat from a few shovelfuls, hardly any ash. no clinkor or nck, all these, points stand out when you make a practical test in furnace, firpplace, healer or cook-slnvc. This famous Nanaimo-Wel linplon coal is sold only by Al berl MrOaffery lo whom all or tiers should bo phoned direct, l'rnmpt delivery service given 1.00 by their own teams and trucks. l'.npland 5.001 Their phone numbers nro 110 .50 land li.OO PRINCE RUPERT TIDES advertisements are written for your Read them. Help her help you save. tf Friday, December 26 High . ... 1:31 a.m. 20.5 f. 15:22 p.m. 23.R " Low 7:25 a.m. CO " 20:01 p.m. 0.1 " Saturday, December 27 High 2:21 a.m. 20.9 ft. IJ:7 p.m. 23.5 ' Low 8:1 1 a.m. 5.8 20:iC p.m. O.t The ?. .-, Buying advertised products is a bond investment not a stock speculation West of England Company Wishes that everyone may again this Season hear s the "Song the Angels Sing." "PEACE ON EARTH GOODWILL TO MEN" Discount for Cash During Christmas Week 15 per cent, on Leather Goods and Slippers 10 per cent, on Rubbers Phone 357 Family Shoe Store H. S. Wallace Co. and Staff Wish Their Friends a RIGHT MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ROOMS TO RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK it