Demand Bulkley Valley Beef. As soon as it is available Prince Hupert residents should insist on getting from their butchers Bulkley Valley beef. The inrniers want to se their beef and if is nf eveeii.r.t people here like Bulkley beef as has been evidenced on many i.iki villus, j ne nest, acuon mey can now take is to make sure wuu mey are getting uie Deer mat has lieen grown in the neighboring valleys. If their butchers do not have it, insistence will make Ihem sell it. "Bulkley. beef only" during the autumn win nnie me lunners proniem oi marketing. Co-operation , Must Be Real. ' ' It is very nice. to talk co-operation with the farmers nf-the interior but now comes the lest. Will people here really cooperate? Are they sufficiently interested in the district to make themselves a factor in the marketing situation. They can do it easily. The success of Prince Hupert depends verv larsrelv on the success of the fanners of the interior. We stand to benefit by ineir success. I lie least we can do is to help them to succeed. The matter lies very largely in the hands of the women of the city. If they make it quite clear that they want the home grown beef, they will get it. . Local dealers have promised to co-operate and to take as many Bulkley heeves as possible. If the people here ask for that beef and will take no other it will be easier for the local dealers to make good on their promise. Woman Question Again To Fore. . v The quesiiou of the eligibility of women to take part in public affairs is again' to the fore. The Anglican General Synod has by a majority vote denied them admission on an equality with men. An attempt was also made in Prince Hupert by a' very small minority to exclude them from the luncheon to be tendered to Premier Mackenzie' King. Apparently it is not yet recognized that women are' citizens entitled to all the privileges of citizenship. When-ilie Prime .Minister of the Dominion comes here and is honored hy being entertained at a public function it would he a mailer of disrespect to him and to a large seclionJ"trM3 community to exclude! women from that evjETiT '. , . -. .. The Daily News PniNGK HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Huperl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. If. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertlslna and Clrculntlnn rtr.h,sn. UAILY EDITION , , , .iviiiuug - U O tunor ana rieportert Telephona - - - 88 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $i 00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0 00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $750 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Wednesday, Ocl. 1, 1J2. Must Register T Vote At Election. Those who visto vote at the next municipal election for mayor and aldermen miist register during the present month unless they are registered properly owners in the city. The fac.t that they pay a trade license does not exempt them. They must go in person and sign the form at the office of the city , clerk. i Every year Ihe same slory is heard. "I did not register." Then the person who has so mglected bejnoans the fact. Just now 11 is impossible to say who will be a candidate for mmiicipal honors. There rmy he a number of new names on the list and it is just possible that citizens may be much interested in the campaign when it comes on. At any rate it costs nothing but a little effort to get on the voters' list and this is the time Udo it. Railway To Meet Vancouver Rates. It is satisfactory o know that the CaKadian National Rail way win meet through his port the rates on export ".-"'l Hum flour through MI1MII muling VO i-uiirjmuies """I v lotinu I . I IT . , . . . , , VJIIIB liailtllCUO III doing business Ik s waVnml do iw.l eem it. i. I i i . .. " - ... ... nave Miuuiiru mi- I, e.xpuri rie tiirotigh Prince Huperl. nnv rale Ihev ........ iiuii umi mey couiu give a netierx rale Vancouver. It is clear that as the local railway is mnnagtd 1 through couver there ,s i ,t much help to be expected fromthenr in se-' 2;P,Vn:i!hi y'ill largely lie winWal tive to get, the business starthjlh. ; . fAMOUS AD SLOGANS THAT JUST FIT ST POLL CO 3 & "Good, ( "y JiislSay- GIMM $TR0LLR$ THE CIGAPETTEWfHTTTiEgDiGIHAL CLAwip K)forJ5? 25for35? hJlmtfSOM&mhtWo wM The Man in the Moon i a prize. SAYS. O.N'K way to raise innnnv win. which Id construct the highway iioni 1 1 ore In Terrace would ho fur I lie cilv In lk all.-kklt slake on t lie chances nf Us being num. IE they make paper out of straw (livy may possibly use their old newspapers as fodder loi the callle. That, would be pulling Ihe newspapers to some userui purpose. HKi beads anil Kllle n.i.i ...... "lien nail or one and Ihe same person. 111(111 priced goods are often Ihe cheapest, vbu who wants a cheap wife 1 . TWO of the latest colors are "midnight blue" and ' "morning after." IF the Prince conies lo Prince Huperl, he'll have lo sell Unit old panama ami buy a bat. "Prince Hupert will soon be a large city?" Let me Ibink awhile. Where did I bear that mien nr twice before? PUBLICATION OF VERSES IS SOMETIMES DELAYED Only Makers of Newsapep Know Why Things are Sometimes Left Out or Held Over Sometimes there are delavs in publication of news and this ap plies particularly to anything of the nature of the verses in a competition. If the verse do not appear on Hie day following their arrival it does not mean that they will be left out. Onlv (lie makers of a newspaper are aware of Ihe reasons for delay or for thi'nps being omitted altogether. They know only loo well and often reuret having lo keep things back, i following, are a few of the verses received to dale in Ihe verse competition: Polly's Lamb Polly bad a little lamb Twas just as cute as it could be. It wandered away lo Ihe meadows one day Where it romped so merrily. A wolf chanced by, The little lamb did spy. 'Tis a sad, sail tale lo.tell, The little lamb ery soon And went Oh! Header, why do you ask, "Well! well I" The wolf he knows, as he winked his eye, Hie lamb has gone lo the sweet bye aiM bye. Ode To Our Forefathers One day I went lo Stanley Park oo, Tcf see if wbal they had told me was l rue. A monkey sat with a mirror In hand, Anil powder puff, saying, "Isn't this crand?" "I'm like women in the things I do" I Said I, "The Darwin theory , irue.7 . . v s " Tragic There once was a halibiil caw Who said, "In the depths I idiall slay. Hut some succulent bail, I am grieved to relalo Held a hook, (lie's bound eastward Joday). The bee is a wonderful thing, Honey to you it will bring, Hut don't get too nlKh. Jtil look at Dad's eyi It has a most beautiful sling. The Blue Jay "Compensations," do you say? "Though clouds burst Huperl way?" Yes; storms from our blue Dash out all gloom of hue. In the rain, watch Ihe Hlue-iav Hoyal Hupert's bit of blue! The verse must have In do with some form of animal life such as a bird, fish, animal, insect or -germ. It may lake nny form desired such ns an ode, a quatrain or even the nnn- nlar limerick. Three prizes will ne oirered. 0 for first, $3 for second And 82 for third The verses will be oubllslieil as submitted but the name of I ho author will bo reserved lo bo used only in case of bis winnlm The verse should be neatly THE DAILY 'NZV78 1032 J 80661 written on one side of the paper only and addressed lo "Competi tion Minor," Daily News. No manuscripts will lie returned. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert October 1, 1914 T-r r )' Ne-M ireach'fd Ibe cily late this afternoon thai the body of 1,. J. Hoyl. Ihe victim nf II lit !! 11 fl I hunting accidml in the wood across the Skeena Hiver from Port Ksslnglon, bad at last been located. The body is being brought inlo Prince Huperl. The bardect foughl football game of the season was Ihe match between the Callies and Merchants tolay to decide no session of the Exhibition Cup. up lo ulinnat the ast minnle. Ihe Callies were leading by 3 lo 1 but the Merchants, with a Sterling Furnace COAL DtHttrad In Bulk. At 510.00 per ton. ThU la i terjr tuperlor turmrs coal. It frhea a clean hot rire an-l la entirely Iree from soot, cllnkem, lark and dirt. Soma of the lament heating plaita In the city ire imw ualnr it wth entirely uturntory results. STERLIRQ 8TOVE COAL, Dellered In Saeki. At $12.50 per ton, We ire ilaq Agent) for the rimoui LAOYSMTH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA C0AL8. Prince fopert Coal Go. Main Offleti Hotel Oantfil. Phoxe 1B t9Ji Lovellaa a (Sckuin) Fmocci Atdi Mikinifuita 0lr Uttl Troubadour) ISMnub) (Boyrr-lVllino) (Sprino wKh OrctmUa) El maio disctf to rrht Callnt Low) (frrlqurt-Granadot I (Spinlih) (Supra w with Jr-htra) LucrciU Bori (Vale Sntimentale ,,,!,, SchubCTt-Frank) (Violin SnUi) tOJ4(alie Staccato (TranTlplonby I PUro.Bin.I) iRavina) 1 nmunbuto) MlKhaHrrun DoubU-tidti Red Seal Record, $2.S0 Dinorah Slumlicr Sone (SI. Carina) (Act 1. MntrUl ($upran with Orctu-tlral (lullaa) Pretty Mockine Hint (Uurtan-BUwpT (Kr.ll.h) Amttita Galli-Curcl Double-sided Red Seal Records, S3. 00 No. 2 in C Minor -Adagio (Concerto Sofffnuto- Part .1 (Jd. Mormml)(Ra:hlwinliK.ft.OD.lll 8065 Concerto No. 2 in C Minor Allegro Schrrcamto- Part 1 (3d. Uovtmnil)IRachiiiai:lii.i.1 Op 11 Sergei Rachmaninoff with PhiUalchia Symchonv Orch. Concerto No. 2 in C Minor Allegro Scherzando- I'.irt 2 (M. Movement) (fUchmanir .jf.Oii lg) Concerto No. 2 in C Minor an ci i- . . -i an a II Jd.MovrinrnOfRachninlnoff Op ttl II Sergei Rachmaninoff with U ykiiKiu.jirimnuv Phflaoelphla Symphony Orch. I cioirvina UUines ... . ... . , ,.,ur f.trurnni MT ",o Fox 7y tPatsT-t? L ' It-F TlL Orchtf 1 sf&JiXn 2(A' t' John May, Indian. Is under ar rest at Hnelton in eonnecllou with Ihe murder of Harry (Her!) Taylor at Ihe Sealy dutch bridge. Idreal cr"lil is given Chief Mlnty for his (piiek wdrk on lite case. Ijipior is said to.bate been Hie cause of ' the crime'. . ; The Peoples Part ner in Columbia Timber Kvery ciliten nf llritish Colum bia, thouifh lie riinv nol rentive jibe fact, is a partifer In the linv lew iiiiiiiijik iMisiiiess oi me province. Hy' virtue of Ihe public's ri'ithl In Us national domain every in-babilant of possesses a certain defined rltrlil in Ihe devel- jopmenl of its forest resources. I lie parlner of (be public- is the investor who, relying on fair ami eipiilable treatment, has risked millions upon millions of dollars in the purehao of rland-ing limber in llrilish Columbia. The value of Hie public's eipilty in the province's forests is very clearly shown indeed by the fact thai allhouxli it put no actual cash inlo the concern it netted three and a half million dollars income from forest revenue, last year. This amount was collected by Ihe government ami applied (n public works, education nn.l oilier expenditures The value nf the standing Urn her lo bolb partners lies In the "WinlnHKlar, Oefobnr I. in t Toa ... record.. c - l"TZ cod kAi ...H"r.lMc (Org" 1 vnnw,;lt.fK.I.ri5 . i'PT 1 ur ja ,lrr0fdt f ' T,of lack - JS,.-'-' , . r 7 roi I - LAa 1 lll : St'hBn'JS,Mo-,rt,0f' V t f rtMt -Fox T'olt .1 Never -'. L. v . bll..yKtCO,Jt- Wly Murray 1 .cH, at inixhiy S,ail .made l a di.iw -i :i , piwsdnliiie. il .o-e-.,. ,,f (.(,,. j;,ii hihI .';, f:i.t e.n?IHM.. iiy ine nine nie nnai wni.-iie blew. version inlo merchantable pro- duel. If Ihe lumber industry nf llril- ish Coluuiriia were taxed out of business the investor would lose his money and Ihe public would lose their revenue. The public of llritish Columbia would then be left with, a finn, scenfe stand of limber wfifch wmild ijosl . IlityiWfl VA.'nrriounl fif money lo protect hut would not yield a cenl in return. They would also be left with a reputation thai would scare every sane investor out of Ihe province. This series of articles communicated by the Timber Industries Council of llritish Columbia. TAX SALE Balance of List of Lot Pur- cnasod oy Bidders from city Yesterday the following is the hnlanre iiiiiirei' toi on, .i7.trt. M. M. SIiiin. blWtrifr-lot J 111.60. nrrelHH!. Iilork II. 911.21. I.. Asloria, hhwk .'tf yrt,l U0.07; lot 3, fM.n;.Jt t, 171.03; it C, iUi .115, 915.17. : i, Section 2 "Lot, 5, blank s', Mi.. Mary t-Mllslone, 972.06. Thoe winhlnir In Diirrli.iie lls Ibal have nol nir..i..iv i.r sold limy do so until- N:ih)M::y hy applying al I he iiidfKaof elly Iren.tirer. After u,iii i f II will be neeesmirv i.. .. r,..iu hip council. - Section 8 " W. M. Wriyht, block .1, lot ::. 35.IB; lot .12. 9:i0.r,8; l.loi k r h't I, 9Z.1.8fi; bd M. H.ifl.ii l, 9IH3: loi 17. lilt -it ii l6.(iH; block .T, lot" VT, H i lot r3 Siosn- i,. i t . i. Mock 3H, lots Irt ll!.C5 enih; to) 2;', SI MM ; d; 2, 21 and tr,.fti iii 33. Sit (".? ii.i. -ii , i ' " m, o.j, umi si. 9l.1.ol each; . I, iiii in .111111 U(I) , or , ,, the ,, list , of . purchasers nl ii,JIJ.55 eaoh: hli.cL l ,ii iiimiiclpal lax sale yesterday. Il.el hd 3,,; hlprk ... .m,i cjiho eing tiir nil- v nio.M; loi 10 f7.(). set figures noted: unless otherwise Section 7 Mrs. S. M. Johnson, block I, lot 10. block I, lot in, iohah 33.0 J,rook"1",nk '' 7, lot IH, nlV.yM,,,Vr!Kl"' Mork 53. 9.1 i. ' Id: doek 1 Ii.i r.n l K'l llil. III 'dock i. l.d r.l nam. i... '. mis :),), M. M. Slenlieny iif.ii in tni I". I21.H3; toU U.M Jin, I i, l7,f57 each; loin Y.VJful fiyi ZVn each. ; L II.. Rochester, whof hna"tfn "perilling (In. J)nsl week.Jirday nilf , a! Mia Mnnlir ruin it, ;.( AmitU ers. wirr return hom.otids nf lernoon'M (rain. Advertise in "Th HalU ii. THE PAPER THAT GETS OUICK .j6ui