i I ( Mr r I5v... HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenge. Phona 680. Night op Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Hook, PRINCE RUPERT, 1. 0. Office Hours, 9 U . Phone 6S8. Open Evenlnot Only Far Special Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. the M. S. SING in I Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear $18.00 I Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, It.C. Phone 774. P.O. Iiox 958 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6t. Cartage, Warehousing, and Oistribuling, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Plana and Furniture Moving. of JUNEAU EMPIRE IS ' REJOICING WITH US Says Prince Rupert Cannot Grow to Greatness Without Aiding all the North A recent number of the Juneau Empire says ciJitori.ally : Engineers are ex peeled lo arrive at 1'rincc Rupert before I he end of the present month to make Kiir, vcys ami plans for llio erection of a grain elevator at that place according lo an announcement maiie by Fred Slork, mcmher of (lie Dominion parliament for the Prince Rupert district. II is pro posed to have- tlie elevator jn op eratiou in time to handle wheat in 1925. The success of the efforts-lo make Vancouver a grain shipping port augur well for the proposed enterprise at Prince. Rupert Three years afro (ho wheat ship men Is from Vancouver for the United Kingdom, and the Orient were less than 2,000,000 bushels This year I hey were nearer 30, 000,000 more lhan 2t.500.000 were shipped through the. Pan a ma Canal for the United King ' dom in 1923. The Canadian National Rail ways run through a wheat roun , try that can ship cheaper to Prince Rupert lhan In any other seaport, and the building of an elevator at (he latter place should bring a considerable quantity of wheal lo the Northern. Jtrillsh Columbia town. The people of Alaska will re Joice with their Prince Rupert . neighbors al this new development at our doors. Prince Rupert cannot grow lo greatness without aiding I" the growth of the. entire north. Let the good work proceed. K. K. Knotl, x-ray expert who has been in Ihe cily for Ihe past week, left on last night's train for liaielton. r -,,,,-. . a ' i i BASEBALL BOXINQ LACROSSE J OF THE ANYOX SOCCER SEASON CLOSES Close Struggle For medals Ends in Win For Mine. Team AXYOX, Odd. 1. The greatest footbalj season in the history of Any ox has been concluded and Ihere will be no more play until season of 1925 rolls around. Hard fought games were the or- ler right through, the Mine ami the Smeller teams having Hie edge in the schedules. The leach, although losing regularly the schedule built up a team that was strong enougli to beat both the Mine and the. Smeller teams in the cup gany,lapd an nexed (he silverware, leaving he two teams to fight it out for Ibe medals. I'be Anyox Koolball Associa tion schedule is decided in two series, the winners of the first half lo play the winners of Ibe second half for. gold medals pre- cnlen, by the Oranhy Company. The Mine won the first half eas ily, anil all but had the second series, Ihere being but one point lifference between it and the Smeller team. A win would have given the Mine ' team Ibe medals anil, a draw, which re- ulled, gave the second series lo the Smelter. Then ft was.a Ynat- ler of llifek meeting Greek, only these particular flreeks were near Canadians from all manner place north and south of the wee Clyde. Many Ties Here is the record for posses ion of the bangles. It was a lie. game on September 2nd when the SmeRpr qualified for I lie running. On September tti, these teams tied again. On Septem ber 71 l.i the same, result happened. On Seplemher 19th, in an overtime gaiiw. neither side could score more than one goal. It be gan to look, as though neither team would win, and it was sug gested lhal the money lo pur chase medals be devoted lo the annual sports banquet, which, of course, could not be allowed. So the executive decided to set an oiuer naie ami run teams were fielded on .time, although there was a drencliing rain all day whfch continued right through the play, Ibe ground getting very heavy. In Ibe first seven min ule of play, the Smeller, press ing hard, managed to net two goals kicking up grade, and II looked as though Ibe Mine's chances were nil; bul the Mine players, all good stickers, played for all I hey were worth, and fn tlie. second period, working up hill, mnuaged to equalize with (wo goals. This necessitated over-time, although il was rap idly growing dark, and len min Utes was spI each way, the Mine British Consols dxM Cigarettes for i per 25 r J PARE FOUR 2 DAILY NEW. I'lllM'silll)' III i oitr DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMaiJ Birch OF AM1 OlOCt) IM tRACvoot -too llll Wood Hve lllllllllllfflllllllli A. HQUtoE ALL Vftn WOxl QO TO A.M FtMD I A EAUTIRjl. HOME ' THE WIFE 1 H.vf To no is -1 HAVE ANt n I'bNT IT NICE. MSO IT tVW O FOR SMALL HEATERS, DQV.N AM1 THE DOOR S f J I BOo Per Sack r-1 SPORT NEWS DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE getting a goal iu the first lea minutes. whtLe the Smelter was unable to score before the fi,nal whistle blew. Sport Chat j The chances Of the Washing-Itii Senators to cop oh (he world's series this year in addition to having won their first pennant in the American League look good. When the big coolest starts uex't Saturday, ibe Senators will be at home. Their advantage, seems lo lie. principally in the fact that the Giants, their opponents as winners of the .National pcuuant, have a somewhat crippled line-up with two of the best players laid up on account of jiijurie-s. It looks like Gotham may lose world's baseball honors which she has held exclusively for (he pasfTew years. Kpinard, the great Wrench hampion race horse, has lost his second race in America. Las! Saturday afleruoou, Ladkin win lie International Special No. : it New York healing Kpinard vtfho was second, by a head. Wise Counsellor was luird and tin Ihree other burses iu I he racr were. Z.ev, My Own and Lllllr Chief . Kpinard was badh tumped by Wise Counsellor at he beginning of Ihe last fur- ong. lite opinion of experts .v& that, had it not been for his unfortunate incident, Kpin- ird would have won. Ladkin be longs to the itelmont stables. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League Washington t, Itoston 13. BOBBED HAIR KKMLIN. A young sludsnt of philosophy, Robert , Vogelm,ann, in a newspaper article scores bobbed hair as "the deadly sin against the holy spirit of llama Fashion, .and. .urges German frauleiu to scorn the' style. It was invented by a clever vister -wanting; to.pamouflage.,lhe poor growth of her hair by I rick, he declares. MAY CLIMB FUJI TOKIO Application, for per missjon to build a cable railway up Mount Fuji has been filrd wRh lite departments of home affajrs anil railways by a group of Tokio capitalists. Tlie gov ernment has ordered a survey of the mountain's .slopes prelimin ary lo issuing the necessary per mils. Father J. A. Allard relumed In Terrace lasl night aflr having atlendwel a meeting of priests of the diocese in tho city. FOOTBALL TENNIS SWIMMING BADMINTON CLUB TO USE MCINTRYE HALL COMMENCING SOON Al a meeting of the executive f tlie Prince Rupert Railmiuton 'luh held last night it was d'-iiled lo take the Mdnlyre Hall for the use of the club during the winter, ome work is to In lone nt the hall before il is taken over but this it is expected will '- done within a week'. In the 'canlime members will be en-nlled and preparations made for I lie opening'. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE WAS SUCCESS arge Attendance at Enjoyable Event In Elks Home Last Evening t The Klks whist drive ami lance in I lie Klks Home lasl light was a' g real success. There vere something Mike forty tables of bridge 'hnd a good many of he dancers raine biter. Tin- winners at Tiridgo wore: Ladies first, Mrs. Olof Han son. Consolation, Mrs. L. M. Fuller. Oenls first, C. Riggart. Consolation, Dr. Kyolfson. The coimnlllee in charge did excellent work' uuder Ihe con- enorship of Mrs. Arthur Hailey assisted by Mr. Villjam Reid ami Mrs, II. F, filasscy. Mrs. Hailey sal at Hie receipt of customs and Mrs. Classy was master of ceremonies. Kxcelleul music was provided by Miss SI. Cyr's orchestra. Th eveut was under I lie auspices of the Ladies of Ihe Royal Purple. PRINCl RUPERT TIDES Wednesday, October 1 High 2:53 a.m. 21. 1 ft 11:57 p.m. 22.1 " Lqw 8:5?; a.m. I.I . .;2taVivr: 2-3 M t Thursday, iOctoebr2 High 3:31 a.m. 20.4 ft, 15:35 p.m. 21.7 " Low 9:32 a.m. 5.1 " s 22:08 p.m. 2.9 " , Friday, October 3 High 1:22 n.m, 19.2 fl. 10:22 p.m. 20.H Low 10:18 a.m. fi.3 23:01 p.m. 3.8 Saturday, October 4 High 5:21 a.m. 18.0 fl. 17:21 p.m. 19.7 Low 11:12 a.m. 7.7 Sunday, October 5 High .. . (5:38 a.m. 17. 1 18:31 p.m. 18.7 Low ... 0:01 a.m. 1.8 12:18 p.m, 8.8 for smoKe cJ in either size package 7( Daily News Classified Ads. : 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vartlmnt Taken for L than BOcJ FREE TRIP-VANCOUVER A Fltr.K trip to Vancouver and a small remuneration. 12 foot gasboat to be taken to Vancouver tn Ihe near future. Only competent men new I apply. Phono :ir,. 2.11 WANTED WANTRD. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Princo Rupert Hxchange, Auctioneers. Phone 652. SITUATION WANTED KXPKlllKNCKD stenographer and book-keeper wants work.Nov-ember I. Write Jlox 206 Daily News. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block rroiit Post Oftlce, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf HOARD an Room in private home; renlrnl. Kvery comfort Reasonable rains. Phone Red 218. 234 FOR RENT "IBM . IO RKXT. t'nfurnished llat in new building. Modem conveniences. Apply Joe (laron, Rupert ItaKery.. tf OR HUNT.- Iurtiihfed hoiise-keepiug rooms. Phone Illue 217 or 18. 110 Sixth Avenue Kasl. tf OFFICK FOR RUNT wUh modern living quarters. Weslcnliaver Hros. If FOR RF.XT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts, tf FOR RKNT Four room, modern. healed apartments. Apply Smith &. Mallctt, Ltd. If AUCTION SALES. Goods Dought. Sohl or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 136 and Red 442, TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrrs from Kmoress Hotel BOAT REPAIRS FISIIKRMKN. The close season will soon be here. You can gel your boats overhauled by contract or day work, at a moderate price. We build anything up to 200 Ions. Marine ways Call or wrilo Kriksen Hros:, boat builders, North Vancouver, H.C. tf AUCTION SALE ALL the Household Furniture a 1001 Hays Cove Avenue will be sold by Public Auction without reserve on Thursday, Odober 2 at 2.30 p.m. consisting as follows: 2 leather upholstered easy chairs: leather upholstered Divanelle; oak bookcase, five sections; oak table; Wilton carpet and rugs; dining table and chairs; beautiful solid oak buffet; Victor gramo phone; brick lined healer; malleable range; kllclien cabinet; Simons bed; solid oak dressers; Singer sewing much ine; linoleum; kitchen utensils and numerous oilier ar ticles. Prince Rupert Kx Change. Auctioneers 231 LOST LOST. Hoy's, wrisl watch, near iionien si reel M'liooi. r inner please return lo Wallace's Slore. Reward. If FOR SALE FOR SALKor Lease, Royal ..Cafe. FOR SA l.K. Kledrlfi Waibiug Mnchine. A bargain. Apply imiiMNiiiUdy. 333 Fifth Awuue Kasl. FOR SALK. Ibllson iwhinel phonograph, with r-conh, SI') Seventh Ae. Kasl. lilue 215. tf FOR SALK. Rooming houne, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Avenue. tf FOR SALK. Old papers by the liuiKlin. Dally ..News oince. if ROOMIXV) HOUSr! for Sale; cen tral location; sleam heat: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write l'-i M2 Dally News. If OH SALE. New and used Machinery, Hosts and Engines. N'Tlhern Etching' . , tf FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We IlL-y, Sell and Hx change New and Secondhand Goods. OEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 0(6. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5: 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Hlue 85. DON'T BE SHOCKED Ride on QOODYEAR BALLOON TIRES J-'or all Cars Ford Tires, $8.50 to $18.00 Fit Goodyear Tires and Avoid the Snooks MODERN WRECKINO EQUIPMENT Day and Night Service. Phone 52. KAIEN GARAGE. aMffajRWipLlsWi PIANOS TUNED. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RE-PAIRED AND ADJUSTED J. B. MacKAY Phone Oren 451. P.O. Hox 425 PERSIAN CABINET 'TEHERAN The principal appointments jn Ihe new Persian cabinet, rrrcnlly formr-d, fol-law: Moshnr-nl-Mulk, rninlsler of foreign affairs; ,oka-ul-Mulk finance; Adibes-Sullaneh, jus-lice; Amir Ikhledar, inlerior: Sardar Assad, posts ,lnd ee-graphs; Sardar Khorassanl, pub. lie works. MAIL SCHEDULE fot me tatv- aionnays, weanenunys and Fit days, closes al 3.45 p.m. From the East lil.l.tV 'I'l. .ml . . II - - - n "ii'in., iimi oonji Rug pjy, unlays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver Mmi.lnVfl Irmll ln.A.l I A h u Tuesdays, Mail tiostist ( p.g Thursdays 10 Pi Saturdays ,i.a..w A.I Saturdays l) Pit C.P.R. Sept. 3. 6 and 16. From Vancouver- Sundays . ,P X Mondays 3 P,M Wednesdays . 3 P.M rwaya , AH Fridays .. 3 PK C.P.R. Sept. 1 and 1. fo Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays . 9 p,k Sundays 7 I'M From Anyox, Alio Arm Tuesdays pi" Thursdays pll To Stewart and Premier- Sundays 7 I' I Fridays 9 PI From Stewart and Premier Saturdays v I P Jt Tuesdays . j. P 1 To Port Simpson-Sundays 7 VM Thursdays .. 10 PM From Port Simpson- Tuetdays P Saturdays ....... A J To Alaska' PolnU- Sept I and I:'. From Alaska Points Kepi :i, C, and IC To Msssett, Port Clemnu, Buckley Bay- Monday mail closes .6 'tPM. From Massett, Port ClemsnU Buckley Bay- Wednesday mall due A.1 To 8kldegaU. O. 0. City South Island Points Wednesiiays. mail cloei 4 51 p.m. . - From Skldeg.tte, Q. C. City m South Island Points Salunlays. mail due s.m Simpson- Thursdays . 10 P From Nass River Points Haturdsrs t.H BOX COLLECTION - I' M Pit Ornham A AMin Aves 2 15 8.11 1st Ave Eighth -Kt. 2.20 8 21 (llh Ave. & Fulloa 8L 2 26 8!l Hlh Avo. 4 Thompson si .."2 30 8.31 I Ith Ave. ti Sherbrooke Ave 2 35 8.35 1 1 ht Ave., V Conrad St. 2 40 8 II (ith Ave. A llnvrf (iivfl Ave 2.45 . fdh Ave. A llays'Oove n.irntm V no 8lh Ave. A Cotton. Hi. 2 55 5th Ave. .t Mnllrl.la St .1 00 9.0 Pro. Gov. Ithlifs 3.5 9.5 Prov. Gov. Wharf ... 3.10 9.11 il III I - aa Alt it. i .i wnarr a.io I... I i... . n...i tl ' o on Oil mry, n iiii o.-" - 3rd Ave. ,V Fullon 81, 3.25 3rd Ave. A 6th St 3.28 9 it, NOTICE Advertisers aro remind ed thai cop for advertisements should be In He Dally Now olllco before 4 p.m. today to ensure Insertion in tomorrow's Issue. I' Advertise in the Dally Newi.