t 1 -.11,- 4 4(191 - - rjnc""vf THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB Sealed iii mr in ilumlnum pncKcts 3FH& HMO is always pure and fresh. So delicious I Try it today. STEWART permanent fa"'!' ousl ruction i I... I I... ....... f In d il id mill urn l) m", wi- l3iu::n will tlin be cloved down , ),- winter Iml an qarly atari , ) iic lllllilC ll" spring. Ulld'l stood Ulil, 111' i'Tf ' ,.,,,31 g,,v. i iinicul, OC IWMln-u..l;jj'iou f ti. A. Clothier, in eugiiwer. 1mm u ii iilriillun of 92,000 v m ii iimi Itlvef' frail . i at '.i; driver havp for'm- i a i for liii" purpose of "i V Irll III by tin Hi t: Me pot on m l-'ur'ii lslf , fi.iiilwiire that "ir h one ..lit h' heart. j Kle iilJ Wash. .... $185.00 tCXOO and $75.00 --if.liilt-1 1 shed. of fares has been pub- i . lt. Duller. lientUi in In 1 1. n iiir KU-r .iiih nan ii.u , itOHMHHl stiffen. ,g from badly " ''' ""' ",,0"",,li,l.urnl band , .rmW a re.mt of a :"n-li- iicvciopmei.i wi.rRiM0nc ,opp, -jmiu-uj.. ulllM. Jofaiu Drydon wa alo burned. , , The Mur and I m!y group of four claim adjoining tiiu Dun well ha hera incorporated under Uienuiiie of Victoria Mine Ltd. wild capitalization of $500,. 0O0. M. V. MhiI in in irciilul of Hip clunpttity. , ALICE ARM Thi- Abbot ford lagging lUtJl John si ark has left for Vao- tovei Island aiui the mainland uio i- lie will pend a few weeks vifim-o,jiive aiWf friends. lire i:nadtmi "JfMl .V Gobi sl"r.' i'Ai. n lender boat GriW ii' rait tallied some lianisge -I'-idiiy afternoon when she .in itfoifl of a wew. -She wa. . .l in the Cold Horaae plant . iil) rflina on I to- hy the I M I'lnpiien. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye F ir on . m Hi.pMt H'.h .i h.iinmii. A few tins in the p.ivirv ..ii" iIwim- ti.uidy Slock a supply on your ImmI t ti j t s u good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert, D.C. Local and Personal i " n Iliiyners, L'nacriakers, Phone 351 H.0. Undertakers. Phono ii. TAXI mill Messenger Service. Phone 07b. if Mrs. Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Aye. l'lione 23, tf Towjng and freighting. Tub Towcna, 50 Ij.p., Capt. M.' Clifton. Phune'Hlue 100. Night phono 23. tf A. Kgan of Terrafee sailed last night on the Canlcna for Vancouver. T. J, Shonlon, inspector of mines, sailed laxt night on the Cardeuu for Surf Iult. Mauee hy crew of steamer "Prince It u peri" in Elk Home toiilfchl at 9 o'clock. l.adio fret, lienllemen $1.00. A. E. Shruhsall left last night on the Crdna for Vancouver, lie it going to the Old Country on a holiday trip. J. II. MeWilliama, wireless to Vancouver. The charge against the Japan- e, lagaoaeni, oi Keeping a gamlna houe, came up in lh- eily police court this morninjr and was adjourned until Fred .Miller, who .has been en caged at Alice Arm this summer, arrived in the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon anil ia registered mi the Prince Rupert Hotel. i o I hile I.. Pitt, manager of the Premier mine passed lb rough the nly on the Cardcna yesttr- A . . i . .'Jl my inimunn oouiwi ironi wen art lronv'iicouver on a buai- . Mies Krma Hraklne, who ha been spending a.vaoolioa visiting with her parent, .Mr. and Mis. K rkine, INgby Island, sails tonight op the Prince George for Seattle where she wil! Mnd a few days before resuming her nurses' Iratninx studies at I he Vancouver General Hospital. l'aengers sailing yeaterday iiflernoon on the steamer Car-deiia for the south included. T. J. Sheulon for Surf Inlet; A. K. Shruh-all. J. H. McWinianis. H. i.hapiiiaii. A. Kgan, J. W. Mc-Keown. ll. Stewart. Gedrfc Heed. J. M. Gnvev. W. T. Harris. Geo. McGee and Arthur Wayne for Vancouver: It. G. Madlll for Alert JUy, and W. Ikuirne for I lei la Delia. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' llo-IMel Annual Hull, Grl 31. 4- I.iilberan llatanr, lleccmber 2. Melropou Hall. Hill no Chapter I.O.H.K. Hal lowe'en Tea and Sale October 20. All Wool and Silk and Wool Underwear Two Piece ami Combination English All Wool and "Venus" Silk and Wool STOCKINGS 'DEMERS Phone 27 P. ). Box 327 L. F. Il"y arrived in the city on, llie Oanlenu yeslcrtluy afternoon from Alice- Arm where he ha liei'ii investigating I lie possibility of securing spruce logs for aeveral log exporting coiii-paules which he represent. He 3 FASHIONS B & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon ml vtnajcx y I r I . 5445 m I flimettr hasy htr ttmtftdfe ej Fttnck tins, the ymtn girl ts wtO ttrstd on Frtwh fashtits, mn t the point of recognitinx the tmwt ornamU for hfr draped dress "I r n complete!'' actaioH Worth when he Utrm ao exquisite orniment at one side to hold a dtawry there: aiW one could icarcS Ihrmajh maay shops with tit eiprnfivrly mail, hocrr. an-f env the dranl (rack Ok same intlividual lwk ai an expensive imrted friKk. I'.Uck aalin crrne ii a smart material tn usr inr I this tjix- o( itr.xnrd fires, either fit the ' entire ilrr-f nr with brl c nr while ' aoe the caprtii ami lo ta. the drairry. A very snun wina jwrvm wore this iden-t tfesJ (IrrM ma'le n( a !i-rly priated crf(e de Chine tii navy and strawberry on pale-gray ground i i -J noon. T- Mrs. M. M. Klcolipns relumed on the I'rince George this after noon from a I rip to Vancouver and Vancouver. Island. Mrs. Wcldon 11. McAfee of (ieorgelown, who has been visiting in Vancouver, arrived from the south on the 1'riiiec Ocorge this afternoon. I. McCorkfmiale, who liat ibeen spending a vacation in Fort William, returned to the city on the I'rince George Ibis after With only one dienllenl vole, the council of the Hoard of Innfe lax) night decided to ad mil ladies to the luncheon on October 13, to' lllghl Hon.W.L. Mackenzie King. - - United Slate Conxul A. K. Wakefield, who lias been on a trip to the Eastern Slates," re lumed lo I tie city on the I'rince George this afternoon. Mrs. Wakefield, who has been as far as Seallle and Hellingliant, uUo returned. Mr. and Mrs. I.. Armstrong and family of I'rince George, who have been on a vacation eonfinuerf lhr.,,10-i. in vmnMma Jlr'l' i Vancouver, arrived from mi 11m nioMtiur "10 uuHi on the I'rince George this afternoon and will proceed lo U,e i",eri"r m " fveninar; Ta Hoard of 'IViide council oiwiwlor for the Maett Timlwr virrfUv i ,k l.l,ram- Arnistnnig is C..VH. ramus bre will rrmain nnen lf- Co. at liuekley Ilav. sailed last r. ,,.laHoii agent al I'rince George. til the tnow file.. J. (). Trelha- on 'the Uarden for Van- managei.ient of the luncheon to! , ,. .. , , . ., way announces. mere will, uer on a vacation trip. Premier McKenzie King and the',. ur l"e however, be no deliveries lo o entertainment committee of the' taMw,'e "arge K-ean Halls after Orluhar is. I G.G.S. Malasnina. Iot, Iinl. tiD..i .,oi i n. i-i- "d .Mrs. (.ninths arrived - - whlch lw been on fisheries pat -charge. The executive also vot- mi. unl Mr.. Charles Win? of """ In local waters for the v lire pemling a montli' forlnlRbt, was in port last ii.'liduy hi Silver silver City. City. ieening mikI sailed on her return ' It,-.. - Mr. Xe-s has reltirntt frmn Hie Any.i Hospital where he has been receiving treatment for several weeks. -- I Itnsney Gray ha left for Seat- where he expect to pend the i i 1 i win witiier. I. S : II Ii;.. Mr. and Mrs. A- W. Sealon l fi Imi week for Anyox. It la their iiitenliiin to locate in Sao KrancUco. ed in favor of adnSitting ladies to the luncheon. from Seattle on the I'rince George this afternoon and will proceed to Anyox on the I'rince John tonight. The vessels of Capt. Grilliths' company carry ore between Anyox, Stewart and Tacoma. He is on one of his periodical visits to the district. - Arnold Evatis, ussislanl purser of the steamer I'rince George, joins the I'rince John today as purser in place of Hert Kobsou who is going lo Vancouver on leave-of-abence. T. G. Gilli-laud, assistant purser of the I'rince Hupert, gifes to the I'rince George in place of Mr. Evuns. Passengers arriving on the I'rince George this afternoon and leaving for the uorlji on the J'rinee Jihn tonight include (ipt. an.1 Mrs. Grilliths. It. Hill I). C. Hrowii, James March. Mi Pearl Hose, Miss Carter. Ii. Mc-Auley, A. 11. Kent. F. C. Town-send and Mr. Wishart for Anyox; 11. Bidder for Stewart. 4 Capt. John MeKernan, who is being trunsferred from command of the Canadian Volunteer to the post of C.G.M.M. company pilot al Vancouver, arrived from Ocean Falls on (he I'rince George this afternoon and will proceed south this evening Capl. McKcriiau will Ik- succeed ed on the Canadian Volunteer by Capt. Gilbert. C.X. II. si earner Prince George. Capl. Harry .Xedden. inaugurating the new fall schedule, arrived from Vancouver and way Hrls at 1 :30 o'clock thk afternoon and will return south direct at 8 o'clock this evening. The Prince John. Capt. Xeil McLean, will connect for Stewart Sniiinn 111 t?ncl duplkate ol ucii an i A'lVOX sailinir froin liere :il ornament. They are vcrv easilv ami in- ...i.i. ,...., IIIIUHIlll lUIIIIU. ONTARIO AND QUEBEC SHAKEN BY EARTHQUAKE OTTAWA, Del. 1. - Ontario and Quebec points as well as Maine, Massachusetts, frU Ilia eartluinakke shock early yesler day. People were awakened by the rattling of dishes, trembling of windows mid the furnituro in I be bouses was shaken and mowed. I BOAT ARRIVALS Passengers arriving from the s-oulh oil the I'rince George this afternoon included H. W. llrown, Mr. and Mrs. II. Law. W. 0. Jones (Terrace), A. Paten, II. Cameron. Miss J. . Liudsetb, J. Allien, Mr. and Mrs. W, 1.. Armstrong (Prince George). K. C. Ncvison, W. Hiller, W. S. Prhu (Montreal), ('.. Geddes. Miss II. Simmer, F. W. .obb, Mrs. ,M. M. Icplirns, J. Harber, Mr. Geb-Ititfl, tl. llowbolhant.' 11. W. Mor- iry, C. W. Slilfox, Mrs. S. C. Car ter and family, H. McCorkindale, Mrs. W. It. McAfee. J. Hlackburn, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Wooilvvanl anil child, Mr. Thompson. Capl. John MrKVrnan : K Jorg.-n-.'n ittiit 11. - j-f'f'yaMAks M II The golden brown of Kellogg's turns to rosy hues on kidduV cheeks. How children leve H with milk or cream, or topped with fruit CORN PLAKES I - ; -; UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnn from pnnce Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanaon Bar, and Alart Bar, Tuttdlf, 5 P.M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bar, and Swanton Bar, Saturdar, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walia Uland, Sundar, P.M. for PORT (IMPION and Naaa Rlitr Cannarltt, Frldar A.M. 123 2nd AfOflu. 4. Barnilar, Aitnt. Prlnco Ruport. B.C. FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Sailings From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, curb WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m.. each 'SATURDAY 12.00 midnight. 'Calls Swanson Bay. Ocean Falls, Powell Uiver. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 12.00 midnight, OL -itli, 18th. Nov. it. 18lli. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Iae Prtnre Rupert .00 pjn. Tor PRISiX GEOnGE, EDMiCHTO.V Wl.t-RtrEG, all polnti Ftrn Canxla. irmvvt States. AQENCY ALL OCEAN ITEAMtHI UNEI. Oltr Tlckot Offk, B2 Third A, erlnco Rupart. Phana ISO. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Foundirs, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38." Anderson l.orkeport : (5. M near. W. A. Parrot! and Mr. ami Mrs. A -F. Wakefield. WEATHER REPORT During September There was Nine and a Half Inches of Rain and 67.S Hours of Sunshine Sepl ember was a wet month and there was not as much bright sunshine as usual. There was Jio frost although the thermometer dropped to V- The fitllowing When Damp Grass turns the toes of your brown shoes white, just apply "Nugget" Dark Brown, until you have restored the color. Shoes won't discolor if you use "Nugget." It is water-proof too. Shoe Polish BLACK - TAN - TONEY RFD DARK EROWN. ALSO WHITE th-ruinf trtkt) and Whita Cleaner i liruid) meteorological department : Mean temperature, 53. Maximum 7. of the ilh and ' I Jlli. Minimum 3:1 on the 23lli. Itainrall t).5G inches. Hrighl sunshine 67.8 hours. HOTEL ARRIVALS' Prince Rupert l. M. Slewart and I,. F. Vancouver; Fred Miller. Hoy, Alice Ann; W. J. Jefferson. &omer-villo; W. H. McAfee Georgetown. Central A. II. Sinclair, CX.lt.; A. Smith. the report of llif Siuiuvside.