yd XIV, NO. '31 VAN nit Hi, , i nvi nnd Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and Oth SL MATT VIDECK, Prop. LIQUOR Will VMt Jasper, Vancouver and Victoria and Return to Ranch for Two Days Mli.H HIYKR, Alia . icl I. lit I'tinea of Wales leave lo-swht at t 'ofoek for Ihe Went. Hr spend several hour at inr Park, one day al Vannm. t ml another day in Victoria Hi. h in wary calls for reaching Vincouver on Saturday I'll' fc-mre will rttur to hi" ranch krir ai...ui Ortofeor, t f or two day !'iitr i..r tbo Last on OcIom-, ALEXANDER MACKAY WAS BURIED TODAY Filters! cf Halibut Fisherman Took Place this Afternoon, Rsv. Dr. H. R. Grant Officiating ' IIBST (he auspices of the ,lM, ea Fishermen tnlon, "' funeral took place this af-lernn.ui at O'clock of Ihe late vl'wmler MaeKuy who lle1 al "f i-liii llf I ha uImIi llarv- I IT H H. (irani nillclated and. after 111 i ii.ifriavhri, inUroienl look in rairvtew (-Dilery. Ih iiMl,,r,.,.. afta Hohert llaima. J"'"- Uask, qh anilvar 1 III. ieVi Marsh. J. I llahl. and ,:iirisin". lit.., stnitttif llornl IHIoiles ",rl"l-'l Mr. and Mm. I. Me-'""l and family. Heep Sen fisli- Union, Flslierinen -M'-. and Mra. fleorgi' DavW ,;ii. JIHly lleak, Mr. himI MrKSBila, Mis llelln Mr-N. MuDonald. Jam Mo- ''"l. limn. M..I...M i..r.... M,t. l. .MeAli lev. I". wiui .Mi "" "d Mr. and Mra. I. (lien- VANCOUVER MAJORITY REDUCED ON RECOUNT OF BEER PLEBISCITE kh-OlVi:i. del. I .--A a re- Hlll.u .... - i ii. . . ..... 1 1. irv-ilUIH rn 111 11 1 111 III iiit IIIC mi OH' 111 1111 Vi Anglicans by Vote Decide Not to Admit Women thus Eiclud Inq Haislfon Lady " I.OX M i.N . i k-l . I - Kollo'inir an ! oflieial rultoK thai I lie eonttlu-j Umi of tke AnarlK-aii Synod doe' mil cnl Hie worn' 1 1 lo ell eiially mlh men a tleleaate. Im tucker swain moved I hat Ibe t nr'rry ia) ! taken lo au thorise their adnitnn. II was defaalerf by vole of 69 lo IS. The reeull of Ihe vilc was re-rched wllb rheer- hy Hie dee aa!c lo I lie aeni'ral yind. The oiol ton defimli-ly (rinded Mi Inez SiiiiIIi of llaieilon Iniin the confereiinv HALIBUT ARRIVALS 100,500 POUNDS On Account of Ice Shortage, Some Bought for Butedate Delivery No Change In Strike Situation There wax no change llili ninm I ti a ill I In- strike siliialUll at Ihe lanl of Ihe tonadrftl Kih A ,lild Sloraire G. vhili loilay is entirely cIoimhJ up. To relieve Ihe in- slioiiase. iisii hnvinir houses on the goxcriu iiM.nl wharf were Ihl litornina- prepartnv lo lrin a supply froio Ketchikan. me iasi on uhiki u.u. n.fil In lakinu care of the haliliul arriving lday and, at fish wan iMiught fur liileille delivery. Arrivals and sale I In morning- were as follows. Ihe total losing lOU.MH) pound: American lleavo. t.OOII IKOIIld-. and n.....it.. t son iiiiiiiiiN. at 1 3. tic and Hc lo Hie Hoyal Fish .Nepliine. 11.000 pounds, al la.tfr and 6c lo Ihe Pacific Fisheries. ir..i,i..nl 10.000 pound", al i . Anil I3.tr and 6c nnd i.nuya, -w.i" pounds, al IS.Wc ami 0c. io im llooth Fisheries Ona.lliin l.o. Canadian i i... loon. 18.000 ixnlil'ls ii,..'.. soil. 12.000 pound. ' . . 1 .1 Ilnyjteon, 3,000 poumw. ai and Oc lo Ihe Allin r isuero's Iluledale delivery. PENNSYLVANIA FLOODS PIIII.ADF.LPIIIA. 1 iiitnsif Oct. I. '"f Vancouver o.i the I r KIkIiI l'Ulhs and heavy proper tcl due m m i s Plebisclle (be iivaJor- ilainawe i repoi ,vt' of beer buH been re-conililions m csi"." 1 m aa em DAWSON. Oct. I The . -'denee miii mission IjnililiiiK-) t' Fori Yukon with lli'ir romer.ls including winter mippiirs clolhitu: were !! ry-l liy raila'd by defective winh.' cording In informal ! t;r-. bei by I In steamer ui.oi lnnl(tl building adjoining "av I'd. Hon. Dr. King Suggests That They Are all Obsolete and Should be Changed Hon. Ir. Kinu. Federal Mirn--tfr of I'uhlic York. I nut far ailray when he eavs thai Mi'- preenl wrliestiiles were hulH up; under roaitilions which have radically altere.1 and complete' re iiHiroclimi o a different1 hav- will Im necessary before justice i done In shippers everywhere ami lo shipping companies. I The cost-of opemlinx the railways has pone up since tlie Crows .Net" I asrreemenl was fravned. and will prolmhly never again sink to that level. The port on Ihe pacific uMfe Mome oullels for praij Wfljgf a ml inlets for- prairie ftJrJWrls. because of the roniiruelion uf Ihe Panama aoal. The rnllwn say APPEARS I a i ft -o ft' ' ,Ml III. was RATE REVISION ON RAILWAYS the same service rendered under, shall be settled hy pacific means. comoaraM" eonditions ns to cos. Hiscriniliiation will bavejo be clinilnaled In respect lo com-inodily rale from eastern points to nraii-ie eenlres. The movemenl Of- goixls lo nnd from Pacific psjrta will have lo lie put on a partly with Ihe cost to and from eastern ports. Ihe railvviiys de- and aeeurilies and I hey 'llf llr"- hably ' rinhl. I lie presenwajw-: NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A new Telephone Diiee-Inry Is aboitl lo be print -ed. All persons desiring any change or additions lo service, listings' or new service, please nollfy Telephone Department in writing not later Ihan (irtober 8. 233. 4.JH. 4. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'HINCK HIPHUT, II.C. WIClr KHDAY. (M.TOBFJt I. I't''',. circui.iion. 1417. tBMaftaaa (mmKWfUVtB's Hlfmff raHaaaaaWaaaaBla'lft V H. r.- .h.. I. K ; R tiC.i-ge tV F.'- tflf'h. tlli exV-t e..v.o--'f if i-re.-. pft ; ir-l hfii tmrtmens horily iil.-f tlii-ir .irnv.d m LMdou. Th-y ,-,re to pend sixeral niiuilh- viMtmg in Kuglaud Protocol Before League of Nations Prohibits War and Makes for Pacific Settlement report hi-lorical uiuf analytical in regard to the liilure. special chapters an devoJjid In condeiniiulmii of aggressive war aml'w they cannot sirorrt in apply ine; rompolsorv jurivnytioti oi a wonti court oi justice, strongmen-: Crows Nesl rates evervvvliere. hig of w-ifi mcUn of irocediire, dohiestic jurisdtctiou of J Hut people living in one' pari of) stales, sanctions uf reductions of armaments. SHIRLEY TRIAL SEATTLE TEAM ettre Hint Ibese change oannol.waa io navo i acn r-mco l.e l.roihl about hv ihkllmnle- Pr'nce Qrorgo but Chanqe exiHMlienl ot rate-sinsnmp wiin-oot wrecking railway ' jPrveiiues of Venue Ordered VA.NCOl VKH for the trial of ii. .i t o ...... . .ivjr. mourn rnii'iiri, u lion for the general appnmiion riirn,rr Hgaiiisl let perl instead uf in P 1 1 lie net 1011- arose the I seizure by tile slier iexeeulion prtecss eat tie and Imraes, aiisence is not rega, Oliver us an even - Til I. I . Venue of Uie crows ,esi rates is vety ui,,,av ... -(.,. b,lni ... nv. probably only Ihe beginning of w, of w ,,,,i cMy by Mr. Prinro llu-; nee (ieurge. ' out of Ihe IT under an pf rtidener's WILL NOT RESIGN YANCOrVF.lt. Oct feat of (he provinr In the Xorlb .Okani lion held ilnriitK I. -The deal secretary tVhn by -elec ts Premier's de. hv .lohn va 1 in 11 1 iiik MAJOR ZANNI AT SHANGHAI SHANtSHAI, Oel. I. Major .anni, the Argen- tlnean round - I he-world aviator, arrived here li- day from Foo Chow. He.- landed his plane in the outskirts of Ihe city nl a point where Ihe hoslilU ties of Ihe war will not interfere with him. m- ni's next hop will . be hcihiss Ihe China Sea lo K'aRosliiiiiii in .lupiiii, f . Stritt B07 I noon after v isilirg his old home I in Xew foil ml la til accompanied hy Mrs. Morry, The latter is at present in VVcloria visiting but expects to rcuirn some time this inou Hi. Mr. Moriy, who is an employee IWV Ml Kl IM IlIM "f ' Packers al EssjnKm VI i IV liJO 1 Vll Was naturally inlereslwl In Ibe I ' fishing, 'liUsfness in Newfound- at Will bo Only Amorlcan Hockey am ays Ihey have baij a. j Team In Eastern Canadian p,H,r year. Living there is x- Loague This Soason pensive, meal and woollen goeds The Seattle ,,i:yiany m"1. U? . .i oi irmil UI Mir I ftl IMC VUirtl IIUUM'T ... ,i , . . . 1. . . ' ( Vniutll'll flllltefcJlIlkll VasfV Ml M lTlV Vranrriitt IaVp f.onmii will tl u v lioeo iliirim f Im liAPiir inim rnfiinsimvino- MaawM il...4u. iirH i. Morry who sanr lie wlis .-.- (V! iiiiArIMA .'i n.-.i. UIOIVI IIK'i . . . ... . presidency of Charles F. Aj" "'" 7 Adams who will be Ibe only UnlU'lVJ"flu much. ,,,e l,ul" ,CF uie rr-Hinm.. o. .- - .luslice Morrion jcslerday. the ed Slates member of the Na inert" II1U1. ntin.-i i , -,, 1Mll v,,.. ,. .I.,-.., t..r l, lmill llnnLi.v l.utn. tvl.lel, in .... 1..1.... n.i,..i.i conie sooner 01 . asjIp!( ul priice (;wrr teealwlalion of Ihe scales .. lNov,inUpr 2fi iraiisporuiuoi. 1 1 e-s . ,.,-., jU(,gp prrtpre4 ,h chag Mpotl nresei u co i.i.noos .., ,.- ijf ypnw wlfej for ,t gnnlloss iillRe or preceuenis ami oujllved oonveulions. .defendant slferitT jnderfook U, I pay Milener , w liauwr expense inighl be ine'Uncil , trial taking place ill ttlntMigh I ho on eludes teams from Ottawa, To4 onto. Hamilton and Montreal 12,000 LOSE JOBS SAAIlimUCKKX. Twelve1 thousand workmen are added to v!lhe unemployed of the Saar state 'iby Ihe announcement of Ihe SV ILmnlilitiT If. 111 .t- loel V"..rl ft 1 , ...... vv U VIKC !closinjt down the plant. A deficit 'uf 25.000.000 marks was shown jnn Ihe last balance sheet, since 1 which lime Ihe works have been 'kepl running by state subsidies. . ilirHI.IX In n rofonl n.l.irnil I Kimonn de Valera staled I hat the fund for Ihe assistance of the l dependents of prisouers p'll io jail by the Free Stale had received, S75.000 from America amj 1 25.000 from other sources. I,;,. PRISONER'S FUND LOW Al present, he said, the iund 1 w .inn BOSTON GRILL I Large tpstau- Dining Hall, I with newly laid dancing I riA- Li c iiuw iw Hire. ntmatue lOr dances, banquets and wedding parties. For rates, apply to Boston drill, Third Ave. Phone 457. 1TT0YU PIlir.E FIVE CENTS. EFFORT BEING MADE BY LEAGUE OF NATIONS TO PREVENT WAR IN FUTURE large licit Liqruor Shipment Discovered on Arrival at Dawson Was Hidden Among Fruit an I Polatois: Government Consignment 90 Cases Short: Empty Bottles Found IlAWtfON. UeL I. Territorial ScrreUrry mill Treasurer Hiltli) Ul niglil I'H r uf fruit and potatoes con signed U Mvr ('uditt from Vancouver which were found to con-taia in til W3 bolU of Scotch whiskey and rout, all of which ert sets! Several ert wre reorted imping and from other- Ihe liquid content hail, it wh ltcd. been removed during lrani.il. Oodiu 4lt knowledge of the shipment. A shipatMH of liquor fur the territorial government from Ywiver wa W cae. lmri , m4 mM "f - ""'"pa. AMI U IT r .aid to evulen.e Vh( (INI Y A I ,.i .... '' lanii pr. ir.l with HlLllI VllLf 1 Al GENERAL SYNOD MCE LEAVES ALBERTA MAY FORT YUKON IS DESTROYED flesldn-ca and Mission Building' Co up In Flames; Houpltal Is Saved Finding of the Railway Board Will be Appealed Says Premier J. Oliver Criticism That Too Much Time Occupied in in Legal Quibbling; Mot Functioning Well c ..- YANCOUVF.H, Oct. I. So mailer wluh way Ihe railway, i.; ad adjudicates upon the recent hearing of complaint ngainut liM-rim -.nation's arising from the resloraUon of the (Jnw Ne.l l'as-. agreement schedule of freight rales there will lie an npjeal. ' This is the conviction expressed by Premier Oliver, who returned -''com Ottawa this morjiing. "Gerlauily if British Columbia is not grayeij-rale she is asking, we shall appeal to the Governor (teneral in Council," be said . .- - - - " ' rr- The Premier commented' on niCTHMC rnilCPTinMC "ie fttcl ',ial a!) a ult 'of sev-LUjlUiUj t'JLLLtilUrij fial allendances before the board QPPTPMRPR t9fifitvfi9fi ,,e ,,art formed the opinion that OLriLiHDCn 0,Uv0.0lQf, n,C, jmewa, taken up with Lack of Development Work Go Ing on In District Responsible for Decrease ff$fn Last Year '"Kin quibblin?. He declared that J i his opinion the board was not . Uifiiinms Ihe best advan- :re. Custom collection yfosfe Uifr PI TiYTCfiD T i.O56.20 as compared with j DDflUMC CAlirUT " 37.0I5.23 in the same inonllii UJJ If JYL uUUuil 1 lasl year. The main reason for !he figures bciiiK lower Ihi year! . 7,'T..... is that there is little develop-;BurnabJr Courc" W,M "eplace ineni in progress and little new! Labor tlember Elect as ma-lti ury is iieina iinKirlei i Municipal Accointant It is staled that customs cillftc)T ions are lighter at almost all' VANCOUVER. Oct. I, , Toe : i m I s in the Dominion this year" fturnaby Couiicil at Cdnftidi in- "Ainicled ln clerk ro aaverme PHDT CCCIkirTAW MAM b ' a sueeessor lo Frank K.- 1111 I I ul.1l 111 I I I I III f-t II (SKNFYA. Ort. I. -The amended draft of Ihe protocol on RFTI RN FROM VKT lal aceountiiit. The a nil oh ftil- taalsiiaulatii Mflfl .CfMirilv V:i fll'ePlllfl III lh MSAtlllllv llf fill League of Nations today for approval, accompanied by a general! SJ JOHN NEWFOUNDLAND W. Morry Says Poor Fishing leav" "f absence l attend the! Year In Colon, and Cost of session oi ine egsiaiure. LUInn Hint. , MAM'.IIAI-L . . ... nr Ihe enotitry cannot afford lo payj ' Tiie n'porl cjneludes: "Our purpose was to make war im- H. V. Morry of ort Essing-hialier rales than are paid ly, possible. The plan drawn up (eaves no loophole. II prohibits llmi arriveyi from tie south on people living in aaolher pari for war of every description and lays down the rule that all disputes I Mile Prince (JeoifSe this after- 1 Itrowne, M.I, elect, as Buniei- lowed Ihe protests ot severalf labor union bodies J)rolestlng al the council's refuTfg Browne; MESSAGE FROM KING GEORGE Admiral Field) Complimented on Success of Crnplre Cruise of Speclaj Squadron LONDON, pel. 1. The King sent a message to flear Admiral Field congrijlulaling Ihe commander of the special squadron on the conclusion of the Hmpire eru'se. The, message says: "You have proved yourselves worthy representatives of the British navy and maintained its vest tradition in dts'tawl lands." II concludes with thanks for; the great service "rendered the Empire. Field 1 has been advanced from rear-admiral to vice-admiral of the fleet. BIRTHRATE DECLINING -: K Bureau of Statistics Reports, a Steady Dropping off In Canada Since .1921 OTTAWA. Oct. l.-According lo the I hi rean of Statistics. Ibe Canadian Mrlh rale hus elpadlly ileeliiU'it since M.i.'l 'liie rale durlns March of that yeiir was :'H per Ihousitnd of imputation. I'll i - Maivl .1 wit. ;; m il