When Exposed to Air tea lose its freshness and flavor. 11 "SALAM H3S1 For that reason is never sold in tmlK. The Daily News pni.NCE nuPEivr - nnrnsir Columbia. IM'ibiished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince '. Hupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, Jty mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Hy mail to all parts of the. British Empire ami the United' Stale, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries in advance, per year $7.50 Kinriifirp fr r', ri n'akln'flnl in.lAnd tit ....I'vu. mis, vFTimin i uniair, iiniiusinesstike and nnpalriolic. "Canada for (he Canadian,'" wherever pniblet n grnid molto. Viiinipeg'4s opposing Ihe giving of the Pacific cnat a fair neai peeaiise nl the present lime Winnipeg (he grain market of J he prairie itid it feai lhat this market will be shifted to Edmonton and" Calgary if the grain -comes we(. Winninnir u willing for the sake of benefiting iNelf inanciallv to continue the unjust import on (he Pacific coal. II i purely n matter of financial interest. Winnipeg i also leading a 'movement agiMtivt expenditures Thai is in prevent the wet being built ifv to prevent elevators coming here, lo prevent harbor works at vuiiruiMcr, m ; prevent new expendilure a much a pnihle W - - , , Edmonton..Stanfl To Develop W(th;Us.; 1 Prinrrft.tiperl becomes a greal grain shipping rmrl, Ed ipoiikuj vyui i-conie a great griuu market. The Interests of me i'hciiic -oai mid hdmontnn are closely associated si.-iiiiis io gum irom tne progress of Ihe other. Prince lluperl mosi iook more nun more to Kdmonlnn in a biiines wav The people of otiercily should gel In know the people of Ihe other. - With common interest wc can well g( (ogelher (o enforce our ju( demands. DAWSON BOOSTS I PRINCE RUPERT Tells People of Edmonton What For Qraln Shipments ! The lime Is "not far distant' kvhen halt of all the wheal ship- pel frnni Ihe prairie prminreij will he exported hy the Pacific; coast port i the prediction of P. ti. Hawnn nf Prince ltuierl. n director of Ilie-Canadian National Itailway, who was in the rily Sal. unlay, say the Edmonton Jour, nal. Mr. Dawson arrived on Hie prince Itnperl train in the after noon and Iff I again Sunday uyri- ing hy the Continental Limj'cd to attend a meeting of the hoard of director in Montreal or. Thursday. Prince llrMrl, fay Mr. Daw. Mill, expert to .ha.re in Hie wot-em roasi grain busbies wn li Vancouer and energetic cfro-f are being made lo secure the establishment of grain elevators at that I'ily. On his visit ral Ihl week wcck he ne will win iak lake up Ihl mallei . . . . . ., ... , i Lin!, tiii. ii 1 ' ' w.ij '"""iwilh the federal government I rnnnieni .civerning on rro.ni rage. i5s.n0 per men Local vlleader, Vr insertion.;. ; . . . ... .2."c. per.Jine Clarified .'Advc'rJiMng, per iris'crJLion. 2c per word Legal. Notices each insertion, . . . .1 , . . , , . I.'c per a'gale line . Contract Nate, oh Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All ndvertiMng should he in The Daily New Office on day preceding pniilicnlinn. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. liAtLY KDITfON Ship Grain From Canadian Ports. In all the talk about 1-Viday. February 15, I92t. Special Advanatages Mr. Iiawsnn i astrong bimster for Prince Hupert a a western jgrain export port and a some . iU special advantage alone llii iliue he instance the following: lieep water along entire water-frhnl. no dredging necessary. Much shorter pilotage distance than oher Pari fie roat purl. No 'privately owned waterfront. The LX.ll. own 10 mile- of waterfront. anl one mile i nwn. eil hy government of HrilUh Col umbia. This obviate Hie possibility of cxhorhitanl charge for real estate required for elevator and associated iidurle. j (LX.lt. operate over it own on .refill Iift1it inlil llrini.A lliitinrl a n. I cnlward, there ha been little mention made of the develop- u,,,, 0(,s noj j,av1 tn (iay j0is meiil uf (Viiiiadian porU a ngaintt American. Halifax i asking n any other railway a it doe on licit grain be shipped through that port rather than through ar taken into Vancouver. Portland, Maine, hut the rot of hauling the grain to Halifax ii (LX.lt. ha already over fie exi-e.ive-compared wilh the cot of taking it to Portland. AIo'miles of trackage mi Ihe water-the Canadian National llailwuy ha inline lo Portland and Ihe front. business is handled largely "by a Canadian road making profit for the Canadian people. The case of Prince Hupert aud Vancouver i different. Grain front Alberta and Saskatchewan can be hipped to thec Mirt much more easily than it can be taken to an Atlantic port and at the same time Canadian port are being developed, Canadian up by belter grade anil other ad- workmen encouraged and (Lunula a, a whole i being benefited. vantage Give Canada Benefit Whenever Possible, Y When il js possible In do o Canada should be given the preference. Ketchikan i always trying lo gel laws enacted lo giv her (he preference and lo put an. embargo on Prince Hupert. That is because Prince Hupert ha all (he natural advantages. Hy pfiltirig an" embargo on thi port Ihe people of Ihe United Stales, the consumers, are the ones who pay the extra ro-t of Ihe products imported. ' We arc not asking for anything so foolish as (he Ketchikan people ask. What we want i an even break with Ihe American cities and we can then hold our own. Let Ihe rales, mile for mile westward be equal lo thoe. eastward and we can compete on an even basis with any porL That is all we ak. Hy giving the Pacific coal porls that fair treatment they ran then nisc for business and if Ihey get it no oife can griimMe. TJie shipper of grain from Ihe prairies is benefited arid (he consumer alo shares in. Ihe benefits. Why Place Embargo To Build American Port? Why should the railway of Canada place an embargo on the Pacific route and llui build irp American twirls. Crain i now neing snipped lo American port from the prairie., gelling u better rale, mile for mile than U given shipments lo Vancouver Better Grade drain rate from Alberta point to Prince llnpert are Ihe same a to Vancouver. While the distance ii a III lie longer il i fully made Saving of several hundred mile In the distance to Oriental porls. bile Ihe distance from Prince Itnperl to the I'nited Kingdom by Panama Canal i greater than from Vancouver Mr. Iawnn said existing freight rates are Ihe same from both port and he had nodnnld hi would apply to grain once a grain movemenf has been started. The ming in pilotage and other charge wYnihl offset In the vessel owners the longer lime that would be reouired for I lie trip from Prince Itnperl to Hie t'nile Kingdom. I T V a I i en i ears go I In Prince Rupert llhrealened lo make mince meat mil oi a complaining critic who said he would beat him up on the street. Aid. Mnrrlssev. elmtrmnn nt Each! I In' civic finance commillee says ll.nl i I .- .11.. ...til . . . - ii nn- my win ave i.unii a year tor coal and ' 1 8.000 in operating expense by having a hydro-elertric Instead 0f sleam electric llghl plant. QcueBX rG Doctors recommend it it a tat food for bbi bn mother's milk it not vallskle. EyUUrsnditjutt pare milk and pure sugar put vp in srsled cant wktch kp it absolutely pure. The leader line 1&57. Write (of bee Biby Welfare Book. The Borden Co. Limited tu- MONTREAL WIXXIPIKi. Feb. 15. A radio hundred miles STANDARD PASSENGER TRAIN EQUIPMENT IS ORDERED BY RAILWAY Prospective Business Causes Preparation to be Made by Securing More Cars MO.VJTlKALrTvb. 1 5. Orders I H So" GREAT ACHIEVEMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL RADIOPHONE SERVICE Speaker In Telephone at Winnipeg Broadcasted From Calgary and Heard for 15 new pieces of standard' passenger train equipment lintel been placed by Ihe fLX.lt, Jlail-1 ways with firin in Montreal andl munition. Onlnrio. Work has commenced on Ihe new cars nnd delivery of ihPiii will be made In lime io place the equipment In service In take care of the heavy tratlic which Is expected during the coming surunier. Order for SI cars have been placed .wilh Hie Canadian Cnr and Foundry Company. Montreal. Thi order call rnr Ihe building iif 10 first class passenger car, 0 second class pnenger cars and t fomparliunl 'ears, orders for 11 cars have been placed with the, National S(ee Corporation at llaiuilliin. Ontario. This order 'calls for Ihe building or seven bairgage 'cars ilud four baggage smoking cars. The later cars nr "divided into two secllons. the rear half for smoking and Hie "front for bag-Khue. I The Man in the Moon SAYS A MAN wild chew loltnrco i v 'about on a par wild ii woman .who kisses a pus dog. . I - I i MISS l.inie Font wa married! the other day and he I already beginning lo prvoare fur Irer tin wedding. UUKAMY eye innylM' all right but not In think aboiii iluftng. iiiiine' hour. 1 1 PIIKTTY on you will hear jlhe boy iliMiiiig the relative' 'merit of vartntu iuake ofj mll marine mgine. of painl anil waterprnofing and cabin Uiiil ci4kpit and ; per, and fiflilog report and crabbing grouni1 ami nil or of olfier tndih IhliW. - - M AllltlAiiE out an ind to 'love' young dream. SOME people are Mich prude lhe will not Id 'Into Ihe wood he'aue lire Mrce have lhe(r t.inli bare right up to their :runk. NK of the Httjerl for discission ill Ihe debating -ieljr 1 1. How loud doe a dollar Inlki - I I I t not very good form l kii'k a trane bulldog. He inigtil. HHEVITY I Hie ohI ..f wit, hut I here i mdluiiB funny atHrtri leina hor o ihe rh. exeriinent roiiduclisl in conr.ec. a Ial, ijft B skunk he may lion with Hie jmadlan .allonal n fw ,jltar for Ihe lMe! Hallways program nroaiieasi irom and he l nlr laelv in get im Calgary whereby a meage byj.rpni. long distance from Winnipeg wa .. broadcasted at Calgary proved a it ak,., nrnei!lnr more tbnn distinct succe. The talk from . -ii i, rifle lo keen Ihe here wa heanl imultaneoulyLnr fnim the door Ihe.e day. over the radio in Winnipeg audi - a far wet a Wlnria. Xanaimol ii- . treo vour hand in and Portland. Oregon, and. goinui w .- ,.!. how are nm picked up at many intervening , BrMp opportMHfly wIich be, point aim ny Hie ianaiiian .va. Pnmi.A along. lional welboiiihl transconliiienlall . train at Kamloop. A N(.jNV f,;,,,y w n-. While general pas.enger agent mIr,.ml. You have to have Osborne Scott of Winnipeg wa ,w r irr lK,fftrc VIM1 tnrn speaking iver the telephone to how , ,., ,,., rJfhf (Lalgary general baggage agent' Harry J. Spenre alo In Wiiiniueg wa listening to Mr. Scoll' me age from Calgary oer hi nulfo. Many phone rail from local radio fan told Mr. Scott bow NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Oas clearly hi voire had been heard' A new oil lamp that give an from Calgary and one Winnipeg nmaiingly brilliant. ofl, white fan aked htm to listen over Ihe light, even better than gas or phone to his loud speaker a few electricity, ha been leted by Ihe moment. What Mr. Scott heard U.S. Oovernment and 35 leading very distinctly wa himself being universities and found lo be. an-', addressed by Ihe broadcaster at perior lo 10 ordinary oil lamp.' Calgary saying that they had had It burns without odor, smoko or forty acknowledgment by wire nnie no pumping nn. is simnle. and telephone wllhin twenty mln- clean, safe. Hums a air ami ute after Mr. Scott' talk from all 0 common keroenij (rnal oil . parts or Ihe l. Also rxirri- The Inventor. O. A. Johnson, ing Calgary' appreciation of 595 McDermot Ae Winnipeg, i good wihe extended to their offering lo send n lamp on W winter carnival and wihfng the days' FHI'I (rial, or even lo give, same ucce for (lie Winnipeg one FM'.F. to the f!rl user Inj winter sporls week. each locality who will help him! Tin achievement mark a di- introduce it. Write him today IIIhaI I t..- ( I .. .a . ' The following motion ha been! 1 . m " r panicuiars. .vio aK him nlac upon r...n n. mi.. ii ,,,c "lanw leie. io explain now you can get the notice board and will be voted upon tomorrow nighl: "That uoi lorlion.or iit hydro-elerlrio undertaking be proceeded Willi until Ihe rily , engineer and superintendent or utilities .uh-mil estimate, plan and specifi cation and same ore filed wilh Ihe city elerk according lo bylaw." According to today' despatches, a Montreal editor has phone and I the mnl remote agency, and without t'iperieneej dl. or money mak 25n lo .'0n ner lance neiween YV mnioes and month. Calgary roxered by the lelephonej being betwoon eighl and lilnei When yon buy Kdvcrllslnr von buy CIRCULATION, and ee thai rni eel II fin Less Time and sweeter, cleaner clothes MO one wants to spend an unncccnary minuts at vvathintf clothes, o vviic women will ute Sunlifht Soap. It has a sure, cntle way of doinf the wash that no ordinary soap can equal, Tl blend of Nature's Finest Oils in Sunlight cause it to lather richly in even htrd water and His- it wonderful clcanvinj powtr without hurtint hands or clothes. It is a pleasure to use Sunlight the purett laundry soap in Canada. LEVER BROTHERS UMITU) TO "ONTO WE EXCELL In r'umtsliiog vonr Home w ih g d Subtai! t Our service at . m- ludd.ag BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Third Avenue. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We h.vr ILinlwood, Fir and (icd-ir 1 1 L Lou: If von are tir-d of Knlsonnne and P-mt. i i N Panelling. If you lire thinking upbuilding a house, we h i. vmi reipnrr, also Sash, IhHir-, lilas. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. Phone 3S1 Phone 109. Helgerson Block Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE, Officii Hours: 0 a.m. Jo 0 n.m, Open Evenings hy Special Apjoitmer' I Corby s ff BBBBBBBBBBBS- ( niflHuoiiDiio r.-lVifl . vv. 7 , mX&miMreL ii) your uvch Ihe Quality Whisky of Gmoda i JBBk I v - :A This ndverli.emenl is o( p,,shed or displayed by the Li,,n6r Cottlrol Hoard Oovernmcnl of HrUisli Coluinhia. IP or t" the