rr,(l,.,y rviirunry 15, 102L One Dollar That is all you need to start a Union Bank of Canada Savings Account. Don't hesitate if you can't save more than One Dollar at a time. The savings habit will help you increase it. Small deposits are the seeds of success. Start with One Dollar arid save regularly. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Huperl Branch A. T. Brodcrick, Manager rSLZrl Vt SjLt' ' JEW I PULFORD'S CREAM of OLIVES 50c l.,i(n - Chapped nr l.i h ked lliiinl-. (Ji.ifmg. Soreness, ling. Hoiighltcs... i'(Iki'- and .ill itnl.ill'in til Hie skill. I' mi ii Kit shaving mi'l fin- keeping tin- liamlh in good ill dlllOU ll j- ()IICIU(lllfll. FREE TO ADULTS ONLY. (,ail hi .fnl gel u I'd- boltle fr-e, mi thai yon may try il out yourself. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer DrugglsL BONDS Alee the Best Investment v i Kiiiiiii-nil (lie following a- be.ug safe, saleable fmr r44rii City of Vernon Vi , due I. jIIi J uiif, yS, at :8.0L Yield 5.70 City of Duncan 0 , ilu. IKlli May. lO.Ml, at Of.2U. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert tV, doe I It ft Ik Ilir.H, at MUI.'H. Yield 5.90.' Order-. nia be wired al our expense, interest accrued "alte or payment must Ii nddc. We pay ilelivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. COAST STEAMSHIPS I Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Hnlln from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wcdnetday, 1 1.00 p.m. 8.3. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 4 i-r niiprrt i i"i r-r em.xi:: i;n'ii'ii:. i:iM"!to,n, wis- Mt'Ktl, jliil. Uli-ro i i I citi-.i -mir- AOtNCV ALL OCIAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt Ticket OtTIc, BIS Third Ai erlnc Ruptrl. fhon. t0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY U.Kt, L,Uai)l 'v. 1 Sailings from PrinceRupert nn inrl-p MAnV a. o. ftiiiiwtw? i"iiii For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 20. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, 8wonson Bay, F-at Bella Bella, Ocea.i f alli, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for nil 8teamshlp Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION 'STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Stlllnrt rrom rrlnre roirert. 'f ni Stno" TuMdsv, B P.. VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Oc.n ftlll. 'Of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Ky, nd S.n.on Oiy, Noon. ANVOXLIOt ARM, STIWART, Wl lnd. Sund I P.. 0f PORTaVMRSON tnd Niti RUM Cnnflu. rrld A.M. e tDrt rrlnr nup,rt' B C Afnu. j. S.rnO.,, Ao.nl- CAN YOU ANSWER THIS QUESTION ABOUT YOURSELF Why if il you feel fine at limes I ami ul ollii-i- 1 1 Hies you wake up dull anil tired, had taste in your mouth. tongue coaled ami offen sive breath? Why you suffer from such symptoms as' a MulTy, win try cold, gas on a sour, stomach, heart, palpitation, constipation, sirk-headaehe and a run-down. lir-ciJ out umi upset condition? It is because your liver, Ihc body filter, ha become sluggish and clogged. It cannot purify your hlood, aid digestion orsup- ply the hit ret ions Nature uses to keep your howls moving regularly. And you cannot fccl'your best again until your liver has been properly cleansed ami loncd. THY THIS TONIGHT! Just a -imi, miTuI of r. Timelier' Liver tV Ithuid Syrup after the next few meals. II j so ili'aanl lo lake and you will hi- completely -at isficil ; otherwise druggists arc aulliorired In refund (he mall ensl. All we ask Is (hat you tell oilier what it was that made such a difference in (lie way you eat. sleep, look and feel. U e want your family and friends lo iim- it because nf what it actually does for you. OIL Til ACHF.H'S is sold and reeom meml-d by Ormes Ltd., Cor. 3rd Ave. and Sivth St.. Prince Itu perl. III'. mid by leuihllg drug gi-t- in i'h v i-iiy ami, town. PREMIER CO. IS SUING TRANSPORTATION FIRM Claim of $17,600 Entered In Supreme Court at Vancouver Tor Loss of Ore From Barge j I'll'- Premier liuld Mining . jLtd. is suing; the Coastwise1 Sieanilii. Ac llarpe Co. in (be Siipreine Court at Vancouver for t;.Ono u I levei I lo he lle value of a cargo of gold ami silver crude ore which wi lust from a harge between Stewart and AuyoX abonl li smf' k- , Tbe?-plaintiff i-niileni. that the i uw was uil-iMWorlhy and I lie defence ai'K'ies lliai lrans(ortalioii was at the platnliff . risk ami that any un- I M-iiwiirlliiueH was' ranted by luadiug. I tie i-ii-i- i iniw in progress aii'l .-f.il wiines!.et . from .Slew. ii I in-,' Iteii. tienrd. RECORD LIGHT MONTH IN CITY POLICE COURT jOnly Seven Cases In January and Fines Totalled $50 Expenses $840.75 The month of January a far as the polb-e court was rum-crncd xvii one of the lightest if not the liphli'M on record. CJnef Vicke.rs reported lo the police commission jeslerday aliernoon. Collection of fines lotalli'd 50. There were seven cae heard resulting in four riiiiMil inn. None of the charge were very sriou, four being for drunkenness. A man charged wilh comuiitlhiK an indecent act had not been convicted but be bad been ordered out of town and had gone. The police payroll for the month was tTl5 ami accounts fi.liiliini; SITi ,i were iiihiimiv i,1 ANNOUNCEMENTS Klks' Annual Hall, Tuesday, March I. , Spend an evenintt in the Toll Timbers at (ho Methodist Church Thursday, March 0. Hoyal l'urplrt Kasler llazaar and Sale of Home Cooking, April s. Hi!! tin Chapter. I.O.D.E. Amateur Theatricals end of April. BWL (Mttlll SBH , 0 4f KifttaUl . 1 LaiL. 4 M'fifr sy A THE DAILY NEWS. I'AQE THREE. Local and Personal M. . - .r .... I3.C. Undertakers. Phone (I. Hayners. Under takers. Pboue 351. If liaskulball. .Three games tu-night, Klks Home. Thirty fivo Overcoats, all weights, on sale at llryanl Co., Ltd. 40 We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf Fnlire slock of winter over- coals, marked in plain figures, on sale at half price. Dryant Co., Ltd. lOt "j A. V. .McLean, formerly of Ibis city, is engaged in Hie contract ing business m'Los Angeles and reports thai he Is doing well. - ,. FOH ONK WKKK ONLY, e will deliver furnace lump coal in bulk at IO,J0 a tun sacked $11.75 a ton. Consumers Coal Co.. Ltd. il I'.. C. Manning sailed 1 hi 9 morning for Victoria after having client several! weeks in I lie north country on business for the Forest Rranpli. - r The annual general meeting of the Prince Hup.crl Uranch of the ,'l..l. ...ill i... 1...1.1 ,.i i-jdiiiiuiiio uiuii nin i, i" iii-iii ai the Court House at 8 p.m. on Monday,. February 18. (0 There will be a meeting of the North H.C. Ileglniental Hifle As sociation tonight Friday, Feb 15 at 8 p.m. in Ihe Armoury for (be election of Officers. 30 Sujierjnlendent '11. S. Hum was authorized by Ihe School Hoard lasl night lo call for lenders for public school upplies for I lie 'year. Secretary Vance was au jlborized to purchase a new sup piy ui requisition loruis. The ropiest of-the janitor of King Fjlward High School that It radiator valve,? be purchased lal ii t nf 2.:)d'eaeh was re- fferrol to eonimllfee for that school consisting of Trustee Casey and Orme by (he board laf nigh(. Kx-Ald. John Currie came to Pqinre llui.ert in (0U8 and he is now on his way syulh lo pay his first visit lo Vancouver und Victoria since he arrived here. He sailed Ibis imirnin? on the steamer Prince Huperl and will be away for a short lime on business. -. The police commission received a communication yesterday afternoon from Williams, Muuson .V (loiizales indicating that il was the inlenliou to make refund to Ihe city of $70 wjiich expense was incurred in taking Ihe lale Morris Condon to a hospital In Ihe south, About SO members of Ihe Canadian Girls in Training of Ihc Methodist Chinch utleuiled (lie regular business meeting uhd supper In the church club rooms last night. A story telling contest proved very entertaining and Ihe evening .was. most enjoy-ably ' spent. t The question of effecting a saving by dispensing with Ihe services of the assisjanl janitor at Hoolh Memorial Sejmol wu brought up nt lasl nPjftrs . t::oo1 board meeting and referred r Ihe committee fur that school with power lo ail. II w-ns She idea of some of the board members thai a woman could- be en gaged at u sum not exceeding $50 a 'month to carry out Ihe duties for which a man is now paid 1 25. Oilier .members of Ihe hoard pointed out (hat the duties of assistant Janitor provided for general repalc and carpentry work at all Ihe schools. Tk Dominion's WAVOtirf HEALER Soothing and Raliabla in all Emrgnol of SKIN TROUBLE. Bit oi freM Hmt dtslsr r ti N-Zr m B iAm-Buk eo,TrtU, Sfsr 1.JJ. . iKMyPSptrxis',iLnmrn.J. . . n H Vsss sssssssssssW fSSSSSH ssslslss Winter overcoats (o clear at half price. Call and see Ihein. Ilryant Co., Ltd. (0 The CP.lt. sleamer Princess Mary will arrive from (he north al 8 o'clock tonight. Auction Sale Saturday 3 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. Prince Rupert Exchange. Auctioneers. to (eorge McAfee, manager oT the Hig Hay null, arrived from Georgetown this afternoon. He is in town on business. Allan Thompson has arrived in Ihe city from Kdmonlon to join (be local branch of (ho Union Hank as ledger-keeper. M. It. Lemon sailed this moru- by the Prince Hupcrt for Van couver where he will attend an Orange Lodge Convention. L'ninn steamer Camosun, Capl. J. A. Fimllay, northbound from Vancouver lo Naas Hiver ports, arrived in port Ibis afternoon al 2.30. - O. K. Lord of the C.N.'ll. assistant general superinlendenrs anointing ollice sailed Ibis iiiuni-inp by the Prince Huperl for Vancouver on a holiday Irip. J. Ii, Lambert, assistant district engineer for .the federal department of public works, returned by the steamer. Prince Itupert this morning lo bis headquarters in Victoria. Provincial Police Chief Y. Spiller announced, this morning thai instructions had been re ceived at his office to prosecute in cases where motor vehicles had not been licensed for the current year. Mrs. 'Lawrence Moore, who has been visiting here for sometime With her parents, American Consul and Mrs. A. K. Wakefield, returned by the Prince Huperl Ibis morning enrouta to her home in Hcllingham. - Passengers sailing Ibis morning by the steamer Prince llu-pert for Vancouver included! Mr. Itobertson, Mrs. Hisch and daughter, J. P. Wheeler, J. llad-don, O. K. Lord, J. Morrison, Miss M. Messner, .Mr. and Mrs. A. Webb, Mr. ami Mrs. J. Oyss, Mrs. I.. M. Moore, M. II. Lemon, Mrs. I). W. Hone, Mrs. A. Hills, and child, George Kxley, Miss K. C. I'lunketl, Mrs. .lames Wilhrow and daughters, Mrs. J. Christian, Master Fred Christian, Mr. llastle, W. K. DunVle, K. II. Matthias und N. I'.. Hymn. Mr. ami Mrs. .William Keith, F.. Uv .Manning, J. Currie, J. T. Lambert and J. Hi'irymiin were ' passengers for Victoria ami .1. Smith and M Kleexcy were, booked for sfeuHl'. Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited HikBssssBsssHr'kflssHsBL.sssslH wmmm i.esssHlslssssssssssKsi LP. i P.JF L' Jlilil. M PJ HLskkkKiHHsHsKiKisvTsH 25 K for 15 35 V mOKED HSU LJAT its best There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Holes are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Huperl ltrand is always delivered to Hie slur's in clean new boxes clearly stumped "Rupert Uraud." 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook iii moderate over for 'JO to .'!() minutes, remove paper and serve ul-ouce. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fish and Meal Markets, and (irocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND, SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock . Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is eipirpped lo handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. Laing. Victoria; J. P. Wheeler. Telkwa; W. K. Dunkle,! Seattle; Miss M. Messner, Win-1 uipeg; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hall. I Salvus Fast; Mrs. Christian and j Master Fred Christian, F.ndako; ! Frank Gordon, Sunnyside; Mr. I and Mrs. Arthur J. Curzon and J. M. llockln, Vancouver. . Central Mrs. James AVilhrow, Miss F.ileen Withrow, Mss Gertrude Wilhrow and Miss llena Withrow, V'trsl Cabin; W. H. Hudson, C.N.H.: 1. Uruminbnd, F.xstew; T. S. Keays, Jasper I'.arV. icsEjrjpjai iw.Miiilaw laq H TW-vrk M Mm CATARRH of th BLADDER E.chCanatiTa HJin1 bctc.Bim tfV firm ofconirrjriti FiveRoses FLOUR When Iluyiug Flour .ask your Grocer for "FIVE R03ES ,' 'V The World's 'Rest Jon L Agent. Crae