I W1 WlMfi Yh Wart a I Mt B 7W 1AA1 ,.. id a hurry Phone VOL XIV., NO, 30 ii Thorni gut Oar and Bast Servloe loa Before Executions DAWSON , Kiln aa-a ,,v H Vno - bu i- In tha Olty. Rataa Reasonable Ma '" . IN Provincial Police Leave to In 1 veitlgete If This Was Boat Accompanied Sergeant Thome to Used by Missing Man Herschell Island But Left I ...!! II lllll a V'i I IIMUlh ntt.r . .. . . . ller,ehrll Mand early In '"a,u ,u cru18 "lc "aTUi,r- uler when Tlirme croi . i .a and Yukon terrllory with HtPIKI LCAYCO i: ucaui warrani oi eecuuon ciIMn V CrtD UIMWIDCr fr'l.r lUklmo condemned to OUNUAI TUK nllinlrtU ill Moth arrived at Ilerehell I' sr.il afler a hard trip. Mor.j WINNII'Kti. leb. 15. Ali-li: wr'vei larteil back before tlie nuiiiicemenl i made Imlay by the uhoii und had no word of it. (winmlian National Itailway here 1 illial Sir Henry W. Thornlon. ROBBED BANK OF MONTREAL Four Masked Men Locked Officials In Vault and Rifled Teller's Cage MMM UI Al., l ib. 15. Cote ,e N ' branch of the Unk of Mi ;inal Wil held no by four lii.'lkei bfiudil and robbed i.ri ., i ii... -"'led all the cash in Hie. Idler' "tivi' and made off. BULKLEY FARMERS ARE DISCUSSING CONDITIONS Reeling This Afternoon at Round kike to Talk Marketing and Other Mattera TKI.KW A, Fell. 15 Thh iiHor. '("ii farmer of Ihe lliilkley Val ley und ulher havin lo do di. ' lly or indirectly wilh the farm K Indiislry nre meeting at Uoinitl l ake Hall to eonside'r wjiy and ineaiis or improvimr the eondilion f (lie fnrinora In II.,, vhIIhi- One mi- iinpotiunt utijeel to ne," 'liseusM.. will i. ,n niarketiiiK 'f Hie product of Hie farm und it T posnlhlo thui i(mv, ro-opera-1 "vi' plan will be, formululed, ;J NEW DIRECTORFOlT l CANADIAN NATIONAL; , OTTAWA, Feb. Tr.. -I), J. 'Me.' -Mi(fa of Toiunlo t.n. I1....11 iin.' ;olnli'd lo the illrcciorute of Jhe ' Vlt SlllTIl'illil,r 11 tl 11,, null jehairnmii und preideul of the ;ytrm, i Icuvinit Montreal Sun day nit;hl for Winnipeg lo icnd a few day In hl office lierc. meclliu weteni delegation and ntlendini.' to mailer of policy in connection with tin region. FRENCH GOVERNMENT . JS AGAIN, SUSTAINED I'AltlS. Felt. 15,' The wu sustained Ibis inorn- :lu on Hie question of confidence r .(Mill I III, 1111.11 llllll'lll 11111 ..... . - . .i . . , . i i when unoiiicr louery loan cinMiie J."". ..,,rrV,7 V Kinlen.led lo Improve France's fi-nr , t I at the , matehcl he officii. p pj(.(.(ci b ,(J pixni or a revolver iulo tlie vaun .,. ....ii...., . , . i wiui nirHcii iiirm in nun men i"i HOCKEY SCORES Seattle I, Kdmonlou 7. Mr. and .Mr. William Keilh cailed this iiKiiniiifc- for Victoria ivvhero Mr. Keilh will- recuperate from hi recent seriou ill moms. Mr. Keilh will allcnd a couveii tiou of the l.oyal Ornnn lteuc volenl AociaTion in Vutieouver. ELEVATOR EXPERT COMING NEXT WEEK. C, i,llowe, Ihe elevator .expert. I expected herejin Ihe bout frouv Vancouver Wednesday, according to a 1,'h-nrnm received thl morning by S. J. Mcl.eod, president of Ihe Hoard of Trade. Sir Henry Thornlon not quick 'action afler prom!, ink' to send Mr. Howe to examine inlo the feasibility of ereellnjt an elevator ut 'this porl. Ho has already reported on Ihe possibilities, at New We DOWN NEAR CANNERY jSTE AMER AMUR IS i 'I'lii1 provincial police received a 'message from the Canadian Fih I e i , a . ii.ti-i .....I UVII1III1 iT aiiiBii .iiiuinrii a uiit.1, aaii-a. tuiO'iie mriaivi-r in iia .iiiuiirun h when Poler Mpj, itio 'Tutiiietrt.' VI Viable alilaa W Saint r left thin afternoon Amur Amur en rr inr .MUC. an Ull In III.. . I . . .J Ii irJ li.l.fJ4il .id. 1 lift. llllpL. 111 . Itl-l .......... ... llllMVinil ' ' - . - - U itljn on tjiJ .roek-itutleinijouaiiheiilinvc which ha already been taken off. The Tee I here for supplies and waler and will return to the lAmur ut once. II i now expected that the stranded vessel will be freed tomorrow on the liili tide. REFUSED ADMISSION TUTENKHAMEN'S TOMB Written Order of Egyptian Gov ernment Shown Excavator by Chief of Police l.t X(Ht. Feb. 15. Howard larler presented himself at Tu- leukhamen' tomb today and wu tefused admission by the chief of police, who presented a written order lo that effect from the Ft-yptian eminent. CREW OF SKANDIA GOT SSOO EACH ON RECENT LONG TRIP The American fishinc schooner Skaudia, Capl. O. O. Ilvatum, a fifteen man bout, made a record for the largest kios slock of any individual vessel to arrive at the port of Prince llupert when she unloaded 1 20,380 pounds or halibut on Tuesday morning. Thi was lu addition to a considerable leek load which was discharged al Kelrhikun on the trip south. The total gross proceeds from Ihe colch.was approximately $10,- 150. Deducting a fifth share for the boat and taking llm expenses of the trip at ?I.IOO, Ibis would leave a balance of 912,000 lo be divided between the crew of fif teen men or a total of $800 per man. The catch was secured on the Portloch fishing banks ami Ihe vessel was -away from port about four week. FANATICS SURRENDER PHILLIPINE ISLANDS MANILA, Feb. 15. Nearly 300 faualics, who had been causing trouble on llueas Island have sur. rendered and Ihe campaign ci'ai! 'hem STILL ON ROCKS Salvage Boat Tees Arrived Ir. Port From White Cliff Island For Supplies and Water i.,h i. f-. A Cold Storage Co. Ihl uflrrnoon I pacific Salvage Co. leamer .. '. - .ito cfffM-l that a ilnrv hail liccii IT.... I'.hi.I llnikt.iiii rami in :il m- in minium rnmi .rciic coasi . ,..- . - received -'- it m.I IiV by HoyaT iiguunu ii 'mui u n uj mc noun noin imr viiu iKuiiu. in HI Hie II1C I rimer I I 111. C uu'ri unnging worn liui inr uviuv Chief Spiller and Coll. Seatnliip A Itargr Co.'s steamer " ' frid J''"1 " J"i'Ufceful. Ttfe , Porcupine Itiver from ller-iy'":'"i,!C- iiorj inai a uvw uj- nni wurk oi iiyiriiiii;r me .miiuf i "'I I "land ii i ... .V-- ii.. ni.i f.ir I'londel of Heal lUnc who has continuiiiif and, nhorlly after the u jr inr uir i rr nunil ii.. : i..ti m.... i... ... i. .i n. i tnAiiiilA.1 ii,1 iiiisuij ffinii; inai .uuiiuo; ires arrivvu, uir .inriiiiuii vamc inoiinieu . .. poi- ... .- , ... ..... .. n..,i vwirn nu ira uir iumi aiviupv in iullil a 9i.' iuiuuiiiiiif titui portion oi i ne .vmur rarf;u (rlually eudt.l lmts PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central Bntish Columbia's Newspaper PRIXCt 111 PERT, IJ.g, FHUiAY. FEBRUARY IS, 1021. VtUrtfy'l Circulation 1,SO. (fin j T'he count luld nn that if I had -a million dollars he t would like lo marry me," .-aid Hetty Sherwood, New York modiste 111 telling of her experience-, wilh Count I.udwig von lloog-lraeton, who nmrried the $10,000,-000 Jlogers heiress. Perry Urges Building of Railway , . to Peace River from a British. Columbia Point Instead of Brule rrgtiig dial Prince llupert use its utmost endeavor to have the branch railway of the Camidiun National built through Hril- ish Columbia rather than from Ilrule through Alberta and pre- enliiig good reasons therefor?, II. Ii. Perry, member of Ihe Legislature for Fori (leorgc riding, yesterday addressed the llolary Club of Prince llupert most convincingly and eloquently. His great point was that by way of a railway from Peace River lo Print licorge and on to Prince Rupert grain ,rould reach lidewaler in 7ir miles wilh a good waler grade whereas lo Vancouver liy Itrule tlie illMance woud be 812. lly taking the I).C. roule a good country would be developed and the haul would be an easy one and II would tap the enlre of Ihe Peace Itiver Hlock of Dominion (iovcniment lands. Mr. Perry I not insisting that Hie railway should come out by Prince Ceorge but that it take ,1 roule which will bring it out in Hrilish Columbia instead of Al-berla and thus avoid the bad grades. The visitor opened by men tioning dial Prince (ieorge and Prince llupert were born und1 craillnl al the same time of the ame parent. They had gone Ihrough similar trials and in each city there was a large body of men that slill had faith and confidence in regard to the future. They realized the won derful resource of Ihe country and realized Hint these must be developed. Vital to Rupert The uuestiou of transporta tion, he claimed, was more vital lo Prince Kupcrl even than lo Prince Ceorge. The port was dependent largely on the devel opmeut of conl nil und northern I I.C. Here was a' country in the Peace Itiver rich in resources which had been known for 100 years but only sinco 1888 whs it considered seriously. lu that year the Senate instituted uu inquiry inlo Ihe possibilities of the country and surveyors went Ihroush with a view to locating la railway. If the C.P.Il. hud de cided lo come Ibis vvuy he opin ed I hat the country would have been thickly populated years ago. Professor Dawson hud reported that there were 15,000,000 acres of land in the district that could be cultivated and this would produce . 100,000,000 DOCKERS GO ON STRIKE Negotiations Failed This Evening and Men Go Out Tomorrow LONDON, Feb. 15. Negotiations for the settlement of the dispute between the dock workers and their employers over the question, of wages collapsed this Friday evening and the strike Is scheduled to commence VANDERLIP AND OIL INTERESTS Millionaire Says He Mentioned ' Harding's Paper to Clear Name of Dead President, SAN FltANCISCO, Feb. 15. Frank A. Vanderlip told the Sen- ale oil cominitlec. today Dial he had no fads whatever to go on1 had never heard any Intimation that money paid tor the Star came rrom the oil Interests. ELEVEN ARE BURNED MONTPKldKuT Vermont, Feb. bushels oi grain each year. 11.15. Eleven persons nre reported was round laler Ihut this e.tUdead or missing following a mate was low. There were ulO$300.000 fire in an orfice build. uHuurd : pajro f(ve' U ea A;. Fi day tuomliitf ttFMt SilM M7. havlm-: left and being replaced by successors coiunicncing at a lower point on the salary schedule. Thq ordinary estimates having been almost completed last week, it remained fur the board to decide on only a few outstanding points. Tha Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Hesl of Food flood Service. Private Boxes for Party Use. "Take Har to Tha Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. TEAPOT OIL SCANDAL WORRIES AMERICANS H. G. PERRY OF PRINCE GEORGE URGES BUILDING RAILWAY THROUGH B.C. Refusal to Grant Lease to Secretary of Navy Ties up Alaskan Coal WABlllNliTON. Feb. IS. Former Hcreluiy Full and He relary Dcnby il wn declared in u Idler laid before Prei-il nt Coolidge by Joliii Maine, the Alaknu railroadman, hud cn-- vi into negotiation in 1021 Tor (lie transfer mid lease of the ni-li .lalamiku vital reserve in Alaska lilting the same Hue a w..; followed Inter in Hie Teapot Home oil rcerv The Alaskan jgrrcini'iit wus nut executed, Iml lllaiuc nid Hie navy had since rofuscd lo permit the use of Alaskan enal by III ' navy. MOSES RETURNS FROM arctic: DORY FOUND UPSIDE RAMSAY MACDONALD ! IS SUFFERING FROM NEURITIS AND TIRED ! MlXIMi.N, lib. 15. .!. 1 llanay .Murdonahl, labor j Premier and si-erelary of j slafe for foreign affairs. ! in the Hrilish Ooverri- infill, i Indisposed with an ullark of neuritis, uc- cording to the neV- iuer. Thl i accoiii- pun led hy insomnia, willi the resull I Ii nl he is very tired. II I not suggested dial In eondilion is in any way serious. School Estimates for Year are Three Thousand Dollars less than Last: Play Sheds Provided for Kslitnules for Ihe year totalling were finally adopt ed by (he .school board afler lengthy discussion which lasted till a few minutes before midnight last uighl. This total provides for $70,002 ordinary expenditure and 8,luU extraordinary. II is 'J,'Jo'. less than last year's total estimate of ?87,lOS when -57U, I VS was put in for ordinary expenditure and $11,000 for extraordinary. Contrary lo what seemed lu have been Ihe general .expectation, Ihe matter of salaries was not cvn discussed bv the board and Ihe schedule of last year was s again used in compiling 1,11 I Ul IlvT A ME DAT estimate. There will be a re- Hll flANK rlllJI, I duction of some -S3,000 in the' payroll as compared wilh last, PCrADniMr UAD year, however, caused by several, II LillMIllilllll If MR leacher.H of many years' service j British Government Will Not Depend Upon Military But on Reasonableness NO CAPITAL LEVY LONDON, Feb. 15. Speaking in the House of Commons on na- Inclusion of an estimate for tional defense. Premier Macdonald technical education was discus-'declarcd llial tlie government was ed at lengtth resulting in the Inquiring inlo the whole problem decision to set aside, $500 for from the humane viewpoint, of this i!uruoseIiTbe. trustee were preventing .warXudiliooiiaiid Tn faV'cfr 0?" nmkmgprovfsion ibarih'liargaltdni?' wlfi"J'rorCfitiv alonx this line but there seemed power they would not depend !o be some doubt as to how such upon military forces but upon a classes would be patronized, reasonable policy. Finally it was decided that Com-! Premier Macdonald confessed mitlee should be appointed to that capital levy as a policy was investigate and report. Trustees m Ihe same perilous position as Williams and Orme were named protection. Ihe committee by Ihe chair. As it was frit (hat such classes would not be opened until the fait term, anyway. $500 was con sidered tin adequate amount to, place in the esliiuules. This willi be increased by financial as-1 Istance provided by the depart-1 School a sum ot $500 was aside und Seal Cove and West-view schools were allowed $250 and $100 respectively for repair purposes. The tqlul estimate tov repairs was $3,3ti0. The most important item in the lotal estimate or $8,150 Tor extraordinary expenditure was $1,000 to provide playsheds ul ibolh King Edward and Horden I L.1 . ll.'UVVl '.- INDIANS AGAIN INVADE OTTAWA menl for technical education. Object to Adoption of Report of The question of estimates j Royal Commission on Indian necessary Tor the repairs ofi mrairs various schools was taken Up. I There was a report from John S. OTTAWA, Feb. 15. A deputa- Nelson indicating that reshingl-ion Trout I lew allied Indian tribes ing of the King Edward High of Hrilish Colunrtiia arc here lo School was an immediate neccs-li'lrvhyw Hie government in re. sily. Accordingly $700 was dc- fard to Ihe mailer of Indian elded upon for Ibis purpose and rights in dial province. Ihey additional sums or $500, $50 and salt dial Ihe report has reached $3(50 were put in for new black-iHritish Columbia that the gov-boards, Minds and seals rcspec-;rlllm',l would pass uu order in lively, making a total tor the eouncil auopnng Hie report or ihe school or $ICI0. An cstimale or ,u,ynI t'ommission on Indian ur. $'J00 ror painting, kalsomining, fiir ' Hrilish Columbia. This repairing the roor and providing cumnutlee was uppointed in IU13 blackboards and blinds tor Hor-In'1 sl"'l several years invcsli-den Sheet School wus uccepledi,li,,K '"diHons, bul the Indians To further ascertain what was eousi. er uu-ir repori uuiuvorauie the trouble wilh Hooth Memorial, a'1'1 "'"l '""'l r'sl'l arc not sccieariy iienueii ami inc amount or Compensation to be not definitely fixed. uwurded is PRESBYTERIANS ASK UNION BE DEFERRED UNTIL VOTE IS TAKEN VICTOItIA, Feb. 15. A muss These iiv -. sheds, 1" VWI it 'meeting 1 of Presbyterians pushed when he recently brought thCis ,.siinuled. will each cost $2.- resolution urging Ihe Dominion name of President Harding lnlouun Trustees Orme and Wil- government ami the legislature me 011 scanuai. ins recenv i'eeen ji(1Ils Wln, iJot, srongly in ' retrain rrom eiuieiing i.nurcn asking for an inquiry into tbe fnV(,r tlf providing the playsheds. 't n Ion bill or ilefe'r heli'i until sale of Mr. Harding's -larion'.j.rU!,PC n,)CK.ser ihought that Ihe membership of lliq chinch Jiad Star, he declared, was made "e-l$, 00 wus too mucu l0 ,)Ul ra tlio opportunity of expressing Its cause he wanted to cull attention csji,liaca for this purposo and untrammelled judgment In regard lo current rumors so as lo stop WI(S v( UC opinion ,hal one shed lo the matter. them. "I was a life long friend of. fttP .,. board s,.oulj President Harding and wanted to lU vpnr vniiv TUDCC HIH TIMCDC AC clear his memory," he staled. He " ". . , . ' IIHUjL' MUlf lllllLiUU Ul moveu oy irusiee urine ami seconded by Trustee Casey that an estimate or $1,000 providing Tor the two be made. The mo- KLONDIKE ARE DEAD DAWSON. Feb. 13. Three old lion carried unanimously. timu Klondlkcrs died Ibis week. The bulunce ot the exlraor- They are Otto Paulson, a well diniiry eslimule was made up or known Honaiua Creek miner;' $3,500 ror legal contingencies, Peter Olson, rancher and slOck-$50i) ror the Hooth school play-ian al Pelly Furm near Selkirk, ground and $150 for Horden and "Old Spirit" Olrard of Forty S4rc- Mtli po. it.