j ..li y 1- Wirrtnr-y ', 1021, ' Alwaysgi Keady With Oxo Cubes you can serve a meal at a moment's notice. They are handy for all purposes and all occasions an excellent substitute for meat in soups and savory dishes a household help every day in the week. on ru, c.h U .Max lA, tUJnm. "M"! llJi ! axouumn. JiJ lmtm .v. Aavft cubes Geo. Papadopul-sg New and Secondhand Furniture Store Large Slock of Beds, Springs and Mattresses, O reisers, Chairs and, ail Household Furniture. wi Assortment of New I. aili Dree. 839 Third Avenue. Phono 646. P.O. Box 92 COAL The Famous LADYSMHTH-WCLLINGTON Lump' and Cgg Sizes. (STCRLINQ Stove and Cgg Sixes. We deliver In sacks or bulk. Mione? us your onion ilay or niaht. Prince Rupert Coal Go. Phone 16. Main Office: Hotel Central. JUST RECEIVED. NEW STOCK Of Misses' and Ladles' Flannel Dresses. AT SALE PRICES. BENT'S The Pastime Cigar Store 0pp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes Handle and Hurt Drlnkg, Wo have,' a pleasant back roun. Come in and make yourself nl homo, W. M. Whiting, Prop. EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL 'iny quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Go Phone St. POLICE POLICY I IS DISCUSSED New Commissioner Take Lively Interest In Affairs and Ap-proves Method QOOD CONDITION OF CITY Matter (if general policy were lirtird at length y the cilv police commission yesterday nf- I'Tinon, The new commissioner, . II. .Montgomery, in several Inquiries (i male and nln some sliagcsllnns. Mayor Newlnii said Hint last year's commission had made special effort In rid Hid down town sections or the ciiy of women bootleggers. A far a the Koveriirneiit li(iinr act hail been cnnrcrneil, the cily hail en-ileavorr-il fo keep ilowii daring infraction hul Idem had been an inclination to let Hip govern-menl .ln in Itself if it was not satisfied. Comiiiiioncr Montgomery on. iojm' lhe policy nf n segregated area. The rily seemed Id he in heller condition now than il had ln-vn although this wax possibly due in a ntcniiri lo I he ipijct limes prevailiiijr. A clone lull should he kff.l on things, how-4 ever. .Ilonflcggers hud no bust. ncs in the cily ami could not operate, he Ihniighl, if Hie police knew ihoul lliem and at ead kepi lliem on Hie run. II wan (teller III gel ri I of Ihe bootleggers than secure conviction iinllll lliem, he thought. Had Been Urged Mayor Ncwion said lhe police hud heen urged along- ouch line t . i ...ill. .. ..e "mi iiii-iin- oi Finn , The mailer of stool pigeons was liciici. On principle i;ommisinner MonU'omery subl he was opposed lo uins I hem unless it became aholulrly neeessnry In ilo o in Ihe elTorl lo overcome evil. Mayor Newton replied that Hie cily had not been obliged lo imitate declies ;il year llinuiirli the activilies of IJie provincial pnverninenl alonit that line in Ihe fall. I'.ilv Xolieih.e Jnne. Mr...,l' " Hie ..pinion that from the stand- iMiinl of crime the cily was in a pood rouililion. If il had a bail' name, il was due lo lhe politic- ians he uld in reply to a remark of (lommissinner Montgomery's. Hie new Club rcptilalinn were referred lo but lherc seemed o be lack of definile information on lliem althoufli il wn lhe general opinion Dial lhe rily bad I little more In do with Idem (ban from a lrai?hl mailer of policing. Protectlnn Minors Mayor Xewlou said thai an effort had Jiccn made lo keep minors out of billiard halts and such places last year. There: 'was no rea-nn for complain! ularily of recent lectures by Ihe would be no market for it except jfinw. i:oininisioner Monlponiery forcslry department nml Ihe In- " Vancouver -near where Hie col-jslres.ed Ihe importance of mak- ereased interest in nlhlelics, es- leries on Vancouver Island were line the slrcels safe for women peeially in basketball dtii-iuir the altvady lantruililn?. 'and children. .winter nlhs. The sorl was be- Mr. l'erry said he had con- CoiumNsioner Monlvomery Inir rarrie.l on In an organized cerned himself with lhe develop-brotighl tip Ihe mailer of walcr- manner n far as neenmmvdafion menl tf I'rinee lluperl for some front nalrol and Chief Vickers for playing of irames would tier- lime oast nud he found thai lhe 'slated Dial this rotild be done by extending the present heals of the officers. DEPAKTTWEfirREADS ACT TO BOARD ON RECENT DECISION No Beginners Will be Taken In School this February but Next Year , A Idler Trum S. J. Willis, 'superintendent of education, 'pointing out that the school act iiiade il complsory -for school boards lo provide accommodation for all children In lhe munici-jpalily between, lhe ages of d and It It was received and filed al last alight" hoard meeting. The el-icr, which came as a result of a tpilicen making a complaint In jibe department of lhe hoard's ! recent decision In not admit be- Igiiners i' February, also ulnled Hint il was cusioniary to take beginners Iwice a year. Trustee Williams re It Ihal II would be wise in future to make provision for taking beghiners liolli tri;Vep'lenber and IVbruary. Kxplaiulng the decision which was made by last year' board, Chairman Parker slated I lint it would have necessitated the obtaining of two new liiachers Li Marl receiving1 classes this Veli-ruary. ThAt was not Ktiftleient excuse, Trustee Williams IhouHht Following a suygesllou by BOY'S BAD COLD TURNED TO BRONCHITIS The rrenuenry will, uhlrh lirimrhllU develop into pneumonia In appreciated liy very rew imillwri. The dm.ter of itinee. niotila In, probably, p unrierMood too, hut bow many nioltwra lake Inlo consideration that a heitlecied attack of bron- china freiienily leadi to ItiU rianrcroua tisfi. We would advl4 an niMhira to rive their children pr. 'Wood' .Norway I'lne Syrup I In- fir. I moment liny show an aymplnmii of a rr.hl ir cimuli, i liy d'Miii Ihia M-y may mv ttv-m fp.m an all.uk or lirondiliu or pnnmw.nla. Mm. Lawrrnre yiilrk, Hamtlih, Onl., wrltfn:- -My Utile u,y, u yeara ol), hal a had rolrt whlrh itmM-ri in bronrhltla. I Irlei ever) thin I llu.uirhl would ! lieM tor It, but did not w liirn r-itinr any lielter. I n told to try tr. WiNMCa Norway pine rirrup. and after rlvllir him twn iKilllea he tt wonderful relief. rannot prale It enough." frlee jse a fi.ille: Jarre family alto Me; pin up j,y M t. Mllhiirn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. Trulei Onne, Ihere wa some dioctiHuirm on Ihe advixabilily of tlarliiu kinderKarleiii'. Superin-leridenl Hum wald lhi would be a frond plan but il wan not be In if carried out eluewhere on account of finance. I'riiicinal llrndv THE DAILY KRWfl. WOT FIVE poiiihxl out that kindergarten ""'"I'T" lo Sia there, promii-wotild tu-ove more conlly lhan!i,l,f iUo'u 'ranporlalion. Only Mraifilil veeeivitijr claei. (lately il had been xupexlcd Ihnl Superinlendeiil llurii wa of ja railway xliould be buill from Ihe opinion thai bealnner ;',r'l'. 'r '"'I' irand Klio'iild be admitted twice a year M'rairie, lapidn? Ihe coal fields in future. Answerinjr a ipteslion ''' 11,0 w'a- There was consid-by a member of lite hoard. Mr. ,rb!r elevalijni and 1lie j:rade Hum staled thai 32 beginners ,,n "" "n w,,,u'1'1 l""'r- 11 had applicl for admittance this wou,,l "''fary 'I""" lo build I'ehruary. laiiollier 1 35 miles lo pel to Ihe II was decided l.v the lloanl i,',",,v ,,f 1 he block of lands in thai il was loo late' In alter the oritfinal decision not lo accept hepinn.-rs i Ins lehruary. PfllAni ITTri!TllirP i nt il il a I iriviiunii r CUft'.UC AM IMPDE VCCifroin I'rince Heoise. Ihe same Jiiuiio nit inuLituLi1,,.. Superintendent H. S. Hurn ports 677 Pupils Enrolled During Month of January 'I'lii. .... ....... f..lnt iiiml.nl. i.f , .i.t.iil - rcjtt.lere.1 at Hie city pul.llc .chools during lhe month f - . : - . . 1 yiuiiiaiy wu ii... no oirreui-e in mer I eeetnhcr. acconlinu lo the a : ...... i .ni.iiiiii) r'-"ri ui fUiieriiii'MHifin it linr,. ..'.i,miiit.i to ih ei. ! Wini ut nioi.i Hie following1 i lhe table of attendance for Ihe 'riou schools: Hoys, liirls. Til. lluolll Schwd ID I 1J JIM Itonlen Slreel ini 13! J3 Seal Cove S3 I'l tt Total ,,35 332 it?: An lucre.-.! number if cases of sickness win responsible for a lower jncraire attendance of 05.1'S per cent. Al Ihe prrcul lime Ihere were some 3; pupiU absent nwinp to nienslesj Hie report slated. The report referred lo lhe pop. mil: ' PERftY URGES BUILDING OF RAILWAY TO PEACE RIVER FROM A BRITISH COLUMBIA POINT INSTEAD OF BRULE continued from pa&e one) oilier re.HoiirceH of oil and' min eraU and limber. The Imperial Oil Co. had xpent a lot of money holing and Jjie Provincial Government had aNo done floine, work and tepoifed dial ft ' va a country f,f lrernenilnui ionilil- iliex from ail'; oil producing Maridpoinl. There wa pood MMiii-anlliracIle ' coal' at Jltid-Hon's Hope on '. I lie n.fi. side which had Jinl Iteen put on Ihe iitarkel for Ihe first time Test hliowed that on'e lliinl of Ihe fjuanlily nf coal would do Ihe ame work . a Ihe Drumheller eoal. The firfrt Khiiunenl wan made from I here lail year, gnlnn by cow In I'eace lliver Croinfr. There wax aln ?ol. ami xilver-lead iiiinirij'a'hd yel lijile prn-pecljn Iiiin been done. Question of Distances . Ten years ana, Mr. l'erry caid, it wat proposed lo build inlo Ihe country and Ihe Iiominion fiov- eminent 1Micd parnplilcU urjf owned by Hie Dominion Hoverniiient. . TIiIh wa lhepar- t,,,," " w nines io Vancouver ami mere tii- me .miiruiii.-.' i-irtuiioii land poor (Trades. Huildinp, say point could be readied in 2M ;miles. makiup ''t miles to lide- :il Peinee' ltniu.pl niwl there was a water imide lhe whole ili-liince. Summit lake was lonly 35 miles" from I'rinee Oeorye. Any llrilish Columbia ... . - route Ti ail an anvaiii.l?e mer ;,,,, AU(, lhr(, p !,, iaI J1(ivallintt; f n-.-nini 1 lm lint,, Ho iimliiii lerritorv. . ..: . .i t rt -i .., ' "T nr,p ..,., 01 w " " IVV'll'l Bulld-Rlght'i' vTie coiujPoii,'ifUjiniiila was stieii, H epaker sahl. Dial only one railr.iad was likely lo lie buill for some years, so il was more than ordinarily essential thai lhe mlercls jif the province liould be coy hi-r ed and Hie liuiil built in Ihe rinlil place. If Hie railway were built front .Hnile, il woubl be one of lhe most colIosal blunders thai the country would make. There were no rcMiurvcs nlons lhe road excepl coal niid lo reach it Ihere would have lo bo another branch line off litis one. When llile cotil was obtained there progress here had been sonte- BAMNG mm jf PRODUCT HmJ BEST BY V...- JIOF CANADApi&yQJfl TEStI MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same -Evening, he entertains great armies of film fans .who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into .thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices, with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. READ nlu.l .in.il,..- I., il. .-,1 r lpinen (ieor:c. There had been no alarming change in six or seven . . years, ranic was Hie great need or Ihe porl and Ihal she should gel from the country lo the north . They should gel graini,a'" mer. ,,,r "" 10 e.ifninir II. U -nv nml ..levi.lo.- would .illicitly follow. The only ar?timcnt for building the rail-, way hy way of Hrule wns I lie i Vancouver influence and the in fluence of Ihe coal interests. Admired Vancouver All admired the energy and enthusiasm of lhe Vancouver1 (people and Cenlral H.C. was lo i lie blamed for no! showing as I much pep. We must criticize io.nrelves for nol fighting for lour rights. Prince George Hoard jof Trade was going lo nsk Ihc i I'rinee lluperl board lo lake ac-,lion in rcyard to Ibis mailer and he hoped they would back il. The assiH'ialed boards bad endorsed n similar resolution and lhe Prince llupert delegate, W. .1. Alder, liml supported it. The. ; legislature had - unanimously ( passed a resolution favoring building llirouglt this province. I He fell sure something would be done soon and Ihey.tnusl see that the road Was built in the right place. Prince llupert and Prince George might well cooperate. If their mutual interests were protected il would be a great Ibiitff for this post. What good, he listed, were lhe re sources If Ihey were not devel oped, If llritish Columbians failed to develop lhe country lliey must not complain if the Kurnpenns, lhe American or Hie Orientals came In nml did it. ROCHESTER'S RED LIGHT SYSTEM IS AGAIN DISCUSSED l'.x-Maynr II. n. (Itncbesler's scheme for a system jf rod lights THE ADVERTISEMENTS lo no Useti in connection With I l,,,I,C0 l,a,rl al ni?l,,s vas a"al" lak ! by lhe I9ii police -wn- ntLi..ii -! a 1 1 lalil t it fllll timt " - ..- -" steniay aiirrimou. .i.i.-r considerable discussion it was ;V.oiuiuissi.mi-i .Hi.i.iii.ui.cij in.- PITtuiiil- of poing further in- III it. Chier Vickers said Ihal Hie system would probably -assist in Making patrolling officers more readily available at nlglif. JI cpst in any fase would not be very grent and it might be warranted. The sum of '9fi was Ihe figure Ihe cimimissJnn bad before il ns.an estimate. Commissioner .Montgomery ap-proved of any reasonable measure Ihal would ensure better protection for oullying sections of lhe cily. Temters are Invlirit Mr the annual over haul or Hie C.O.S. "Malaaplna" anil T.lvrn rn.v." iH.pIrs vt swifiratlon ran be ob- tallied nn arnllralUm tu th unilrralrned or to the rulnrlfs ortirr tt Westminster ur I'rlnit" llupert. Trailer are to be wainiv marked nn tnc iillile of the envelop -TeiHlers fr the rriair in ine t.o.s. -Mampina aim "l.ivenrhv." and luimt be rereived at tlw orrii-e t Hie iindeinlKned not later than It iiwm. .Manh luth, mi. J Uiilh ImmiI will be available Mr Inspection al Vancouver the tdtn or IVbruary, t'erlnd renulred for roninlellnn of work to be ataled. ft lui.linl h-IM ll.M Ihn aluoiini r the lender prlre and payable tu the 'Minister or Marine and f isheries miKt amuniuny the lender. Lottem. or any lender, not neeeasarlly arrepied. , ISIHI.I A. MOTIIMIW rXL, Chief In-ipertor of Fisheries Molson'a Bank Hht. Vanroiiver. H.C. reliruary- 4. .1 Vl tKKCNA LAND DIITRICT Of QUEtN CHARLOTTI IILANDS. Take .Nnllie that I, Arthur llolierttnn. of 1'i.rl :lenieii, Brlllh Columbia. Intend t' apply rnr lea.e over Hie roii.mln; de-wrltied l.aniN- Coiniuenrlnr al a t"t planteil at Ihe Ili.rlhMnl rnr lie r or Lot Milt north roal or Urahain IIjimI; iheiire I All rhaiiis westerly ; ibetire -five " rhalna nor-therty, l low ttaler nark, thenre ISil ehaln easterly admif Inw water mark thenre five rhalna soutlierly la point of eonimeneenieiil, .rontalmnir forli aeren, nnire nr le.s. Uieateii January Kth. loi. AUTULH HOBCUTSON. mm WOODCOCK DAIRIES LIMITED Starting February 1, The Woodcock Dairies Ltd. wjll lake over the business ol the Princo llupert Dairy, delivering milk and cream, direct from the farm at Woodcock to the Prince' llupert homes. All our cows have passed the most rigid tests as to health, etc., and are living under natural conditions, ensuring our customers getting a first class product. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. Hsoi RoiH IliFi(-I-5ervice Wet Wash, Three Services, one of wliich will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone us far particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry - Phono S.