WMfl Yn Want A Tha Latest In Restaurants. TAXI 99 BOSTON GRILL m a hurry Third Avenue. Ucst of Foot! Good Service. mi iara and Bait Satvlba PRINCE RUPERT Private Hoxes for Party Use. In lha Pity. fUtaa ReaonaJie L Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Take Har to Tha Boaton." VOL V NO, 31. . . "i ? 1 1 It f ( M I ) f ? ft l tint it iritftMi.a )f ''(.' ' rM.m-r, nuixni, u.u., Yf,u.r,.1IMr, rr,lJHUAIl. (i, rJSI. VMUrdtf' Twura.f. Circulation circulation 15)3 IBM llrtit Mil t PRICE FIVE CENTS RAMSAY MCDONALD ON FOREIGN POLICY WOODROW WILSON BURIED TODAY IN CATHEDRAL UNITED STATES CAPITAL President Wilson Buried Today with Highest Honors Nation Could Bestow on one of Private Citizens V.HNNiTOX. IVIi. 0. Former President Woodrow Wil-mhi wa Inmcd herv llu uflcriioon without, iiiurlial display but Willi the highest honor ti nation can belovv on a citizen. The filial rcroniouy look plure in lirthlehem diapel of llic cuthcdral of Smut Peter timl Saint Pant. Hll' of the former president' oldest friend attended n nTYire ul his home and 1,50(1 look part in Ihe service at the cathedral, th latter including President, Cool id ge, member of the ?ubine. high official of the army and navy. Congress adjourn td til honor of the dead and in many lule. commerce and' einrnimeiilal activities reeled diiriiig the time of Ihe fun ral. ! The funeral service vva heard throughout th-.' country by radio. I AnV ASPIR ANT T.L FOR MAYORALTY DIES IN F1GHT - Itrttl of Palmetto, Louisiana, la Scene of Election Battle afternoon. Hev. Hr. II. It. Orant WINNIPLi. Feb. G. The col-- -77, jofllcUle.1 and W. Vaugban onization and development policy vt uiii.i..v.!. rew. o. wrs., . . . . . 1 f HUutXUu luiiHiia. iu m re- si irlii.ur' wan ViUril, Hury Mkmt ..f II. aa Imam k nrlli'ifl - pinbubly fatally wounded, vA it d, Clark i'it and ilatuli- were Uiiumlcd In a Kun bat-imlay on the Mrcrln of Pal- la: :.- DEATHTOLLIN BAD EXPLOSION Many Killed and Injured Whan Ukrainian Ounamllh'a Store Blows Up I'.HiA. Feb. rt. Many ner"ii "-e killed and fifty were injureil a itpiiII of an fkidottou in a k : Miiilh n ntore al Kliarkhov. 'Ik- eaila of t kraine. Nine l"'die limp been rectiveieil. The 'li'lon oecurr'd in a neven I' i'rey bnililiiu; where a fond tiiiiiiiiUuriat and several olhe.-ii:IiIiiIIiiii were localed. Panic '"'nei und many person leaped f inn window. USK WOMAN AND INFANT CHILD DIED YESTERDAY Mrs. Elisabeth Matilda Shorkey Passes Away In Prince Rupert Qenaral Hospital Kliubclli Matilda Shorkey. wife 'f John Alien Shorkey, hiKer of and in fun I pirl died yeler-day aflernoon In the Prince llu-I'frl lieneral llopilal. Ieceaied wan a'nalive of Kng-land und wa tweuty-eiuht year "f aifc. sjhe ,d resided in till -"y for a comparatively tdiort i""' ul the MuKKiillem Aparl-inentK, ''he funeral will lake place tomorrow aflernoou from the 'I. I. inlerlakerK' Parlor In Pain lew Co 1 net cry! Archdeacon U. A. lux omelatiiiK. DROPPED DEAD PLAYING GOlf ON C0LW00D LINKSjnsURRECTIONISTS VICTOIIIA, Feb. . William Hume Jllake, K.C., son or Ihe Into Smnue) IIukIi IHnke of Toronlo, ul' H.oppej ,iead yesterday nrter-jLvacuallou 01 vein truz ny 1.11 f foreign speaking people along the principle of a bill providing 0 following his counsel's repre-hoon on Cowood golf links, lie llmla Insurrecllonlsls is reporl-tl0 Caiiiuliaii National lines. for economies during the year senlalions to Ottawa. The con- arrived rrom Ihe east on u "' FUNERAL SERVICE IS CONDUCTED FOR LATE mrs. Randolph jones funeral nervier for Ihe late M" Kaudolph K. Jones, whose' death occurred at I lie first of 'llie week. wa held at I fie Chattel! of ,le c t,'nd.-rtakcr lili! navies presided ul the organ. . . . ... in brrvur.l trial I vr were cx- prrnoed by Or. (Irani, An u. nmliipe,'or frfclid rw1i "present lo pay lal respects to (he de-ccascd. There were floral tributes from Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Illrch, Mr. and Mr. A. II. l.oe. Mr. and Mr. V. S. Fisher. Mr. and Mri. X- Miissallem, Fred .Slork, M.P., Mr and Mrs.. W. II. Wilson Murray. Mr. and Mrs. l. Vance . Maple Leaf Itaskelhall Kills. Mr. and Mr. I. M. I. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. Hunter. The remains will tto forward on tniiiphr (rain to WiHtdslock, Xi-w Itriniswlck. when Ihey will he interred in Ihe family plot. TOURISTS WELCOMED IRELAND ONCE MORE Talllteann Games to be Held In August and 100,000 Visitors Expected IHIII.IN. Feb. 11. For sunn: jear ial the tourist trade iu Ireland has been al its lowest ebb. Now thai normal conditions of life have been restored it i hoped to revive its edd prosperity and Ihe railway companies, as well as those in control of Ire-land'o famous beauty spots, con. template an advertising campaign lo lure Ihe tourist bark. The holding of the Taillteaun mime In Atmust Is expected to al tract lo Dublin and . Ireland about one hundred thousand visitors. There is still much discussion as to Ihe possibility of hous'itiK Iheii'i if Ihey do come, but Ihe poslmasler general, who is in charge of Ihe project, is very saiiRUlue. He believes that IJie visitors can be comfortably Hccominodaleil in private, houses und he has the co-operation in his elTorl of the' Hoyal Dublin Society, Ihe orKnnliers of the annual horse show, Cllliens are brink- invited to promote a scheme for the decoration of Iho city, and Ihe Itotary Club is as-sistfiig the project. CVAPIIATP VERA PDI17 LTnttUAlC VCKA LKUb WASHINGTON, . Feb. 0. ed today 111 consular auvices, re- 'eeu - ed the statu department jjjjj it - "Slrongheurt," the canine COLONIZATION BY RAILWAY Conference at Winnipeg. Dlscus- ... u. ii..... .1 unub . 0r the Canadian National Hail ways, a recently announced by (. IJainl, Ititchie. C. ddcnl W. I). Itobb. wa'Joi,,,,,. j'. wa'rdrop. It. li. Nk-hof, r looie or discussion ul rii,. h-i.,iu v ifc-presldcnl I he chief (ImY amid of the laud 'and townsite ilcpurl- inenl and (he colonization ami doelopineut department held here yeslerday. Plan were laid for Ihe .extension of Ihe department's uclivilies on a larj-'i' scale iu Fimipe ami United Slate, us laid down in the policy und K. F. Field, laud comiiiisiouer and bead of the de parti its rumeninc. expressed the opinion dial the increased work would undoubtedly direct a steady increasing' uuimber of immigrants into Western Canada. HeJ gradually e1rndinp the facilities of hi department to handle (his influx efficiently. Office Opened An office has been opened b Mr. Field in SI. Paul under the management of L. II. Hoyd, who had been placed iu charge of the department' interests" iu the middle and western states, with the exception of the Pacific coal slates, whfre an office has been opened in Scuttle with W. F. Anderson in charge. . (i. I taiii. formerly assistnlil laud commissioner, has been appointed manager of the laud and towusile, department with headquarters at Winnipeg. In reviewing Ihe business during Ihe pal year it developed Dial the company's sales of farm lands showed a very satisfactory Increase over Ihe previous year. A large number of questions- of policy for the future operation of Ihe two departments were discus sed and settled, one (luestiou par- tlctilarly affecling the relation of n.n I., il .i.irelt.w.rs being Hint Ihe company Is liiiir,la,l l,,r,,l .'Hie wl.irlwin.l ll.ree--xMm (,.eable Ihe government catches tolulling 33,500 pounds all ,,u' camimiKii pHm lo a close of a ,,,e Change this morn-keep iu Us' posver wilhln reason lo J( SPCUre ull expression opin- rarmers on the laud und en-:,l,is eve,,,,,t 1,1,1 U is cimrWeiilly ., from ,,. ,ie0,,0 win, ,.efei..ing. Prices showed a tendency to able the.n lo retain their hold- "I'ccled that the minimum oh- Ul pn.xincial liquor 1 cgi.la-jweak,;,,, 'V.U hough Ihey are slid I i.irtll, a ..f JiinikAil ...III I... b.....l....l .hi,, 1. 1 ibl. Ings. Farm Halo The colonization and develop-1 Is ,'""" "'mug 10 near me nuai ic- menl department extending cover supply of farm help iu the.1 un.l e.illnfl li.il Ittld llis'rll.lll it.tl I of Infonnallon regarding condi- lions at ull point in western Camilla, Ihe maintenance of goodwill with boards of trade and other local bodies, an agricultural Bl,rv.' ' cxisiing seiners, aim a foreign deparlnxMil Is now being established lo take rare of all Ibese features In ihe seltlemenl :i no eonrerenee was aiiended Hy 'th. folloina offi.-ial.- and staff" 'tar or llu; movies, vva "snapped" by over sevsnly, camera at one hundred mile grand prix dog race near Hanff. iRritich nMnmnt A! Relax Its Rules; Foreign Policy of Ramsay Macdonald Set Forth A. K. Field, Dau M. Jobiisou, (. W. S. D. " "ls()n '!',,.. C. I., late. I.. II. (.urlou. J. J. Toohill. A .K. Mark. Winnipeg; 1 11 11 1 i D...I Mi 1 Viiln Jit tn." vviuie, vi ii Lincoln, .Muiaska, .i ri. J. i . Mclntyre. Saskaloo,,; It. C. W. I.OII, t. I.. I.IIIIKIII' UIIU (iuirr. Kduionton; F. C. Smokstad. Maon City. Iowa; II. F. Springs and W. I.. Logan, Saskatoon: C. " ii. (irimpey. Minneapolis, Minn. MINERS DROWN LOWER LEVELS ; Trapped In Iron Workings and Only Seven Able to Escape from Water CIIOSIIY, Minn., Feb. 0. ' j . 1 I till lion - .avv.iutia V U I I I II 111 I IITJ 1 1 Ul l .U HPIl" I, ttrly-lWo miners perished when' ,, , , , ,, , .... add Hrilain will be no longer enlatie peers who are e ecled to ,. , , ,, , r 11 the hot lout fell out oT a small! , , , . 1 i nt. , 1 , , , , , ,1 , , ., 1, content to sit and watch events Ihe House of Lord for life, pond and flooded the workings .. . .. . ... .. ... . , ,, .... ,, ' ., . . . and Ihe result Is that the new Neither the rree Stale governor lie Millford Iron Mine near . .... .. i.r . . here laic yesterday. They wero, cauglil In Ihe lower level, and only seven or a crew of P.i were able In gain Hie safely of the liafl and ascend to the surface. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BUILDING FUND DRIVE RACHES $8,000 MARK i The Presbterian Church build. ling fund reached the ?8,ni(lj ,,I,,ark wl"'n nU. Uu unP of l'"! Hk-1- to vwu canvassing teams reporleil...,.,..,!,,.. Jeclixe of t0,000 will be reached. There will be a grand rally of, " cougregaun u 111 me ci.urcu FRANCE JOINS THE ECONOMY-BRIGADE Votes Favor of Cutting Down Bll Hon Francs During 1924 c.viu, ren, 11. me chamber of deputies voted .unanimously oil tUSl amounting to a billion fiaur .. LONDON, Feb. 0. Kvideutly the new Labor government lHS on internal policies such as housing cm .loymenl and agricultnre. An jniportanl conference wi 1 take 1.1... ...,.i......l...l ..-.II. II. a l,.,lUI.,i. ....I... I-.- Tl. menlS aim i to induce the union to allow relaxation of the . . , ., ... It. . , n,-,a ,., .i.;,,,, ........ i,"T,. . ... . . , .7. ...Tr....' i""i"8 - iciurn too miiuii iiuuii me oenimeui ongiu 10 B""'! continuance of the housing policy over a period of ,;,,.,,. ... ... v,.rw 1 ,. .. .. . reported that Premier llamsay Macdonald contemplates i". ' Tk ' Zn"' ;rliamlier more disposed to meet! llritisb views 011 reparations. Premier Macdonald says there tiuirof allowing llic Irish retre-i dilllcully iu including Hu.sia'sentalie peer lo retain 'their iu the League of Nations bul'sfaU in the House which wa iennany'.s inclusion should be insrsled upon. Discussing llrilisli relation. with France, Ihe Premier says Conservative press and anti-Irish (he hesitating, negative altitude organizations in F.nglaud. of Ihe former llritisb Oovern-i This question, however, has not inent has been mainly respousi- arisen since Ihe treaty was ble for the misunderstanding. 'signed as a vacancy ha not o-'n 1 ... 1 u i.-it in. ii,.,.i,l;.i.i i.'i,pmi i ii... ni ..r t . 1. ...... tiiiuiutit; sei'ios iu iiu siiLtrvtiiiie beyond expectations.' LIQUOR VOTE ONTARIO SOON Provision Made Today For Secur-! Ing Expression of Opinion From People milONTO. Feb. 6.. There is be a vote on the li.iuor' iu Ontario soon. ti(M1 wa cnlaliiwl iu the ri.om ,,P irimp , ,e 0ieni, of ,u. provincial ega. ture here today CONVICTED MURDERER SHOWS VIOLENT INSANE KtfKltYtU IU MARCH , VAN COL VF.lt, Feb. 0. Chon Sam How. convictel murderer ofitbe Canadian Fih & Cold Storage Charles Jones last July, lias been granted a reprieve until March demned Vnan shows signs of vio l ,t , anliy lime, just before the one un;nn ... 7. u" 1 . L. 7 flllF.TlftN X RIGHT OF . IDICU DCCDC TA CIT ,UU1UU"U 1V 11 WITH RRITISH inRIiS LONDON, Feb. 0. The uues- not touched upon iu Ihe treaty that created the Irisb Free Stale. is being actively attacked by the iiit'iti ikm iiii iiiiusii t.iiiciais have mentioned Ihe subject in their various communications nor is it believed that the mailer will hr discussed until the question i formally raised iu the legislative chambers. FISH ARRIVALS Two American and Two Canadian Boats Marketed 33,500 Pounds This Morning ,w" .M'erican ami two cana- halibut srhooners marketed vtr' ,,,, Arrivals ami sale: American Yellowstone, 11,000 iounds, at 20.1c and He, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Anna J., 13,000 pounds, at 20.lo and 8c. lo Iho Booth Fisheries Canadian Co. " Canadian Cape Swain (formerly Fugle), 3.500 pounds, at 18.2c and 8c, lo Co. W. T., ti.000 pounds, at t8.5c and 8c, to Ihe Hoolh Fisheries Canadian Co. Subcribe for the Dally News. HOPESTOSEND POWERBYRADIO Whole Town of Twelve Thousand People Aiding Him Perfecting System HIS FUNDS GAVE OUT Everything placed at Disposal of Fritz HavllUek for Hla Inventive Work OHF.HLKUTENSDOHF, Czechoslovakia. Feb. 6. This indus trial town of 12,000 persons fa voluntarily transformed itself into one great eleclrical work shop lo assist Fritz Ilavlitzck, a local electrician, iu his struggle to improve apparatus of his own invention designed lo transfer eleclrical power without wired. Every man, woman and child in Oberleulensdorf consider them selves Havlilzek's assistants. Every bous, every machine hop, every telegraph pole tn the (own has been placed at the disposal of the young inventor. Just at the time when Havlit- zek bad nearly perfected the Uiacbinc . -upoiU-jAbich he 7- had bpii al work for years, bis funds gave out and he found himself unable to carry on bis en deavors. Hut the burgomaster of Ihe town denudes quickly came to Havlilzek's aid and gave him money with which lo continue. Oberleulensdorf manufactures toys, textiles, bats and Steel good. Every worker in .town looks upon young Ilavlitzck as a second Edison, and tbo men of science who have seen his work predict great accomplishments for Ihe local wizard of dec- Iricily. ;; P0UT1CAL POT : LIKELY TO BOIL Election at Midsummer Is View, of Prophet, According to Victoria Despateh YICTOUIA. Feb. C, Itritish Columbia's political p'ot is expected lo boil vigorously from now until next fall. Political prophets have the events of the next six month, lined up as follows: Hoyal Commission oir P.O.Ki Itailway affairs starling this mouth ami continuing well into March. Plebiscite on beer earlv lu June. (ienera! election a few weeks after plebiscite. JUDGING THIS YEAR AGRICULTURAL FAIR ; BEHIND CLOSED DOORS There was a meeting of the' prize committee of t ho agricultural association last night and it was decided to arrange for most of the judging before the. fair opens Ibis year, the lime for Ihe formal opening being set at five o'clock instead of earlier in tha afternoon. Judging will bo done behind closed doors, 'A change is to bo made iu th size of the prize list, the pocket size being adopted so as to be more convenient. There was a full meeting of Ihe committee last night and the work of revising (lie list