PACJE TWO. The Medicine Mad from Fruit Juices and Tonics i i sW AS 0mM jk Promptly relieves Indigestion, Biliousness, Headaches, Constipation and Rheumatism, 25c and 50c a box. FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, Ottawa. OnL 0dDkri, N.T, L4a, Elf- Cri.trrtk. N.Z. The Daily News piuxcb nupF.riT - nnmsu Columbia. Published Every Afternoon. VTpt Sunday, the Prinee Itupert liaily News. Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PUI.LEX, Managing Editor. Member of Audit lureau of Circulations. DAILY' EDITION Saturday. January 12, I "til. Going Out For Tourist Business. Apparently Hie Canadian National Hallways are alive to the value or the tourist business and are going out after il. So that this riiymay benefit from the efforts of the railway, the closest co-opridiou wilt be necessary between the city public iNxlie- and the railway company. Lal year showed a great increase over former seasons j( ih number or tourists rsdliug here, and the next step should be to induce the visitors to make this a point for a stop-over. Th? most important factor in inducing tourists to remain ner-wui he Ihe erection of Ihe 'Canadian National Itailway mvi, mc niiiMiiiig 01 wnicn nas aireaiiy been announced. To. Great Britain. il wa'niiuoiinccil in lh new .-..ln.x.. ,.t lk:u . day that the Canadian (Internment Merchant .Marine would make its first shipment of lumber from this port to the United Kingdom. That is very important a it indicate- the feasibility or milking not only lumber but grain shipments from here to the Atlantic seuboard, of Kurops and America by way of the Panama Canal. Little 1j liltle we are gaining recognition in a small way as a shipping port. The year 102:! saw a great development in that t and the r.iture will undoubtedly justify ti,e efforts or the pasT. Recognition, is not obtained at once. Vancouver bad an elevator several years before grain shipments were made thmngh it. That port had a hard Tight for recognition. So it will be-here. There will be many disnppoinlments but in U,e long run we shall win nut. ' Interests Of City ! " -f'. r t Demand Best Men. The el.-rtioii campaign kere, is- now fairly on. .Mayor Newton nas announced that he will ammsr .... it,, i.r. ' rr... . t m t. . i ' "" "" ' 1'K.iniriii i oesiiav ......i il i . n' ','eSt IT T PSsil,ly t'1 ,l,e Mi d w, W9 m ist , have Ihe lief rJU:i.t..? l ... . . . . i"'--'i-- V"i wnen il is too late. This is II... tim f..n u. 1. open ports .the year round. Van couver is already shipping lar?e dualities of grain. The business enmuienced in 1920, when C0(l. 000 bushels were shipped through the port. The nexl year Ibis was increased to 7,500.000 bushel: in imil, will jrvr uiirj I II , Balanced Budget I Oreat Timber Resources rt I On. i r l. Ki ............ THE DAILY NEW8. Pacific Coast Resources ' are Developing Steadily and Future is Auspicious ! Hy F. (i. llawsnn, or Prinre Itupert, Director of Canadian National llailwavs., (From TortMitii iide i The pirjt of the Far West is one. ..f "optimism, llusiues rnnuitioiis are good and the Outlook N-exrellent. Tin; proving ... i.iMi-u i.uiuiuiM.1, winm may iruiy ne termed the real West is already making great forward strides. As he progress the movement gains iniptus, as it is hound to do in a .oiinlrv with sucn greoi natural resources or limber, minerals, fish, nnd agri I'ultural lauds. urilisii Uuiuntbia was om-e deserihed as sea of mountain, urn must; who Know me province unlay describe it as a land of Tortile valleys seoaraled bv ninunlabj dial are rirh in mill-' Itrilisji Columbia are many pro- eran; traine.i i.y mers wen ) perties that un.1nuble.lly will lrtikMl will iwiniiiinwinl fi)i ninlLn.... . , . 1. . j-.M.i, in- fuiiiiii iiiiimvh. in iih ...... ... . ' isoiuuern enast porlinn are me lineal .ptalily an.l or uiiri ! loeie.l t Urilannia IWer i.roii.ti't ititt I'tiifoi IIia-a ! ti: . . . ' , , .Mines, wnien nave t.een law lions il is no wonder I hat ever-lir,M,uePrs foP y,.ars ,, n , ..... ,,.,,-,, .-, .-. (.southern inlerior of llrilish r.vrry year nuns more neome im- !.,., u-... .. . . ... are me great rMiiiivnn . . . , . if (isr a larver amount of business. ... ..... "' "M-aieu at i.raniirK, Uiw 1; 1. 1 , , , , . oouMedly the larirest ' producers nrovnee as a w ine nlaviiur . . r. " KM an" "m " M larger part in the life of the Io. minion ' i-i-ir- th i'nM " as GaUway to Pacific A.l.led to Ihe ,le,eloi,ment fiv,'Y arSe coal mines operatini? li 11.. 1 a. ii "ii iuu"ourr i-tiaiui nn.l I hi m- Kiies naturally with the development of Ihe Alaskan i..i.rii i.ncs.Uiiiee i- 11. o ,ri lerior of Ihe Province which ness by this route. Us -reclion wilf create business for itself 'thai has already well comnienVe.l'i!,Parc f'Mds mc menlionin nun lor other hotels in the cilv :iml h.nilil iw.i nn.- ..-,.. :.. ,. i.w.k ,1, ,...i. ! t k. juro those at present operating here, be plenty of business for alL There should very simhi bo far as the local citizens are coue?rned, the policy should be to always show the visitors every iiosiMe courtesy and to, as far as possible, provide for their entertainment while" here. Will Ship Lumber mise rnr llie nil ore. a lias only l one lime r,...,i,. ...,.11 recently been dernonslraleil lhal w,n asricnlliire was sM.ken of pram trrown in .ineria ami ras- , coiinecliun with llrilish (.1-kalchewau could find a more ........ .. 1 IIIIIIM. ...I. IUle II IIJIS llfXIIIIll' .-ontmucai o.inei via ine i-acinc kf.,.n, ;froa,0,, j tl.f II s,f r' ill coas. enner n.r su.pmeni u.repi ,0 provjn,.,.f ani, wilt, lmil in ine iirieni or in r.urnne iiv way ...:o 1.... .... 1.. ..I. uenlll. nf II, npnv.n la lnmhAr Wn PrOOUCeil Provincial air.'lir lh ni:..rf . , . nm ini rn ar ni i iimuiM rr isiiiou umZ tLnl, h '"'.t the fi-!nd .he southern mainland, and W V 1 III! 1 1 1 II III ill In.. . . . I . . nnd at the same i': of the railway. Thrn,, h . ,J .r,!!,c m operation the end of Oclober. hut during " " ton and Ihe n, l lion , e: Z 1 ",u,me"1 ,l OI. "'.tn,r .f"r "v"r ry TI norn- lheen months of IV33 to thai nun ui or a a f nurafre ... r r courageous noliev. " """'. .1 "en seem- as a if ;t .... .. . . . . few-v.r. k'u I.. 1 ".V"B m a l.ilitv SeiiZ" " ""',nr? f,,,,re attfl' Hnancial sta t.ruvi..,,. ii" . . iu " VVn,K f. J,,r whether it he in the T ",et i1'1 r ""minion affair. It is -I. t the eon i, i ,-aM"k i ILVliiiKKKfSr "" w,' H regardless of Feed Baby KLIM F0WDCREO WHOU MILK It is not Sterilized Compare re-liquified KHm Whole Milk with the strictest test certified milk. Ask your doctor he knows! Canadian Milk Products Limited ...w.-.. r-ii. TORONTO Sold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. WINNIPEG MT male me niiicini raie snowed z,- I23,u)yf000 feel, boartl measure. 'year, nn inhrease of over five hundred million 'feel part, or that cut ra exported- Ninety million feel wa sen! In Ihe Atlantic seaboard through the Panama Canal, a aarninsl only fifteen million feel Ihe pre vious year. Good Mineral Production Mining proiluclinn I keeninsr up well, ami ft if. sutnxested by ome expert dial I hi will be a record year. In northern the Ornnby Consolidated .Uninj: Co. ha been producing copper rejrularjy at it Anyox piVr.t; Hie! in. 1. .... 1 1 pnt. ..if ,of the Panama Canal. Just re. !,.;,,. . A,-..K 11 t. ..t 11 r.. 1 ..i. ' ,p .m... 1 i nnij .-ir iirnrj I iiiirnu'ii spoke richest :..., . . . . , .il land hn been he.,vi- St :.- .. s ... s. . 1 ... 111 1111 ill .ill jilirrtim ill ttiiiiii peg, and it Is now becoming re-copniieil as a facl that Ihe paci fic roule is cheaper and more ly limbered. There is, however. an immense tract of rich land (about Ihree and a half million f;i.i.. ,.. ,i,... 'acres. In cenlral Mrilidi Cobuii- ,,,n ,l,al bfl eTeareil. ea" more, the Pacific seannrl have the great advantaire of hcin? ami wlncli will siislnin many thousands 0 families. These lands are close to Ihe Canadian I .National Itailway. ami are read' ily available for settlement. Varied Sources of Wealth Last year Ihe total value nt fruit rniell .n Itriti.ti 1'ntiinil.i-i I . " 1 lasl year il jumped In 20,ooo.non 'was almosi five million dollars; bushels, nn.l it is estimated thai ,e Inlal value of the noullrv and mi year ine suipmem win, ll"7 Wild 11 1 vi t 1 1 l.irt I I. a le-- Slllll1'll."a III I 1 551 pounds, being an increase of (port, wild Prince Ituperl a solven it s eVM Km H'- cenlral and northern! Harvest of the Se. k'ts of Ihe world. In Ihe eiK r i,?. ' . .m"n'v "'"-pari or Ihe province the enor- And yet there are. other a.tivilv of the economy trroon i.uh1 't i.' V .' "tn ".mou quantities of ,ilka spruce, sources of nalural wealth that Then. Collart and vvell ;unoor ed V.v o and Western 4'hemIock. codar. and have helped b, make llrilish "I. Ihe financial condition of lhv i ' ', . in-Several oilier yanedes of timber Columbia propertu. There are , of that policy will result in eventual ' i ac ,g f ,V cnl o a Prop?r basis In the Dominion there i et me iiiiim aciii t'l iiinprii TiiriL- fitri.,. n . ... -r Ifllll llir- IIIIII1J1 iriA AaaAf.l jii lesser qtiantllies. are, all l ie fisheries, nnriienlnrlv -nt sought by buyers from the: mon ami Ti... n....t i r , " unent. ,ttiraita, ulli America, ipnrlaul fisheries loday are In Calironila. Ihe easlern seaboard northern portion or Ihe Pacific oi ine continent and Mirope. I-tp-,0oasl of HriTish Columbia, will. i ii. - . . sou t, ifii.iiiriiif'n n nrrnii . . i:...i .. . . -. ..e nmeu for Uie flllur Thpy ..... ,,ie ,a fi " ; "m"r " " ai. ""'" Prince Huperl a a cenlre. This . n,!J.T !:. Uo: wrmng are avauatiie only in ... . . niiiir Ihe .ifiiia ..,i i!.t.i .. I year o .,. lovemiier, nvpmll.. the fresh halibut Ihrnuph Prince llupert ha antounled to over I'O.flno.OOO pounds. The I total n fish ' proiluc- a against 1 ,50(5,(1 fit ,000 for Ihe .mn r.ori..i fr -tt' i tMon rlliih Columbia in 1022 ....... ' mr in i-t iwiip . ,wa if 1 8,8 10,058, or 5 perscent r .... ...... t . .. . larjre ,,4iu' n"uery prouucis ot me I'omtniou ot i.anaua. in iuib ine I o I a I calch wa l t,38,,.l;0. valued at The developmenl of Ihe astri- cullural areas, Ihe lourit roulns Ihe mines. Ihe fnresls ami Ibe fisheries, a. well as the develop- DYSPEPSIA WAS SO BAD COULD HARDLY EAT ANYTHING! Premier Mine at Slewarl has' Mr". r- i"ti,, om.t wnun: been sliipplng' ore, and navinir '"" "tm I ll- very mtIkh. Iar,re dividend, and in the same "ll" 1'' . , . . m. i. rum. .hi. i mum lunny nefxhhorhood there are a nnin- eat nyiwnr, n.r try.nen had .inn it ot mines uinr will he ship- " ' ' "r nsen nirren-ni nieiit- ping ore very soon. In Ihe. Hulk-''"IT' ''?! !u'.,n l " nte ny , ,., ,, ,, ., . ,,, '"" - ii t Happened to rtiq on Hi. ley alley (he Dulhie Mine, near Iran of nurrton uikI Hitler, and alter Smilhern, Is "hipping a large ""'"if II for a iw.rr time I fHt a M tonnage of high Brnife ore. al- bttrr: .' n""lnu'',l " ik... i ii . . .. . r"iieieiy reneiru ann how I am reailv innuyii ine mine Is reailv onlv In the development rlaife. whib? ." at Dome Mountain, near Telkwa ,,,,r,,or "if"t nutera i mamifariiireii and at other points In cenlral 'Con?' lZ T mn"'m C"" ,""',M' clo-e seconil. Ten Years Ago ii rrince rtupert OCPSatTMfNT OP LANDS. NOTICE. Application loe -ar.ilno Ptrmltt It, ht Aiirillr.Oui.A fi.m .. .. Mark- on ihp r, .r".,:,':-",f.r."" rr.ilnr .ni.i.. V.;-."k. "S'r... "".".'" ' TP r ni.i. 7 . v. " .rr" nnn.n b. v.T... run i.nirae, kill). . ,-, ..-,., murp nufrt, vanrmivrr Verno.1. ami William. jk. w , .VJ u.h t. wwvir "r irore . ;" I nil, Muirilf r,.M.. ........ .. .i i. . . i," r;; " ' " "im irn k mi urn t an ... r ,i , naiiimi pureil, InrlL i- "epailiiK-m of Land, at Vie- o. ii. ,inpr..x. " Ml. Oenartmen, of ni.iria, in;. Janiiary tin, to, ISTATI OF ALPRtO WVNOHAM CARTCRl r.Kr .MITITP ih.i t... . . S I 2 f.?.'.""r. ''n'"'.. 'leeewml w.J ; V"'i tif. nxn. lil:t'pri. cimtV . :.. Vlrlur... .h- r.u, . m .11 i i r-T".'"' "Hi"t named. in. .....I. ... .r'"" .ami rlalm. In . 'Z ."" ' nn.ter.lrnW. ' .er....-u 10 , OATr.n tl.l. sift lr t J..rr .a.. s.illrltor for ihe- EtemirH I0 Central n.illillnt;., Victoria, D.C f i t he following are (he nomiita. lion for the ciic election: For mayor. M;ve M. .Vewlon ami Thomas 1). Pallullo; for abler- men, A. . Allison, Victor llasso-Hert. L. HiillocL-W 'll.lnr'!'" , . ilK" Jn,,n . . "havn, John ih.. I)ir. .innin- llnn.r.l.... r.. - - i aiii m in if ii-iirfcr W. Kerr, r.eorgo Leek, Thornn II. MaillumL 'HintnaH MrClymnnt. Krrgln Pnfurdrty. January j (9,, 25 n.11 "'My Back Aches" is not much wonder that the mother IT in the home has backaches and head-t aches when you think of the multiplicity of work and worries she has from morning until night and from week to week. Hut pains and aches come from poisons in the system and if the kidneys and liver were doing their duty as filters of the blood the poisoninjj would not remain there. This is why it is usual to blame the kidneys and the liver for backache, headache, rheumatism etc. The way to get rid of such pains and aches, then, is by arousing the action of the kidneys and liver and this is most promptly and most certainly don by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-IJver-PilU. OLD BOX mim 11 mm Ily using this popular medicine you can usually obtain relief in a few hours. You will realize then the advisability of usinir Dr. Chase's Kidney-Li ver Pills once or twice a week so as to keep these vital organs active and ensure that the poisonous waste matter is promptly removed from the system. In most homes this medicine is kept constantly on hand for use id cae of emergency. Not a bad idea, U it7 You will jtilce that while the price of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pill ha Utn increased to 35 cent, the box now coo-tains 35 pills instead of 25 a formerly Likewise Dr. Chase's N'erve Food u CO cents a box of CO pills, instead of 50 cents a box for 50 pills. KdmaoMo, Bates Si Co., I Ad., Toronto. CHAS MDNETUVE ONE PILL A DOSE ONE CENT A DOSE NEVB0X niiu M. m. Stephens has called a public meeli, for t .. r.:.! lwr' r anmu- w.ninm II MM..1K(.n.ery. . 1 ..iruml M - Mo. nisht to discuss civic isoe , ;..:,.." V;."" ' " " """iiMUIion, ami llie value of grains, ver, I'rmr. Kunerl. New West- .Morn.,ry. . II Morron u,, , .. 1 . - iiniiru iiiiiri llllll(i;ilPv 11. urn . . . I ... .... . rie present. .Norn na on ni m.,.i.. ..j . . . .. numer., poiaioe an.j rooi miusier ainr Mrloria a imiional n. .a'le. hrank Sailer nn.l kri 1.,,, . in ... n ...:i. u. t. . . """j " nn- camoanrii mi rar Vancouver nas iieen ine .. ... . . . , . .. .... . ... . . - - , win ne snon and. snappy. " ,. . . . ... , . . """'' " cioe 10 zinoiineis mr grain sniiiriiug. stell uaw: tor si-nooi triislee. p. W. ihe (H.i iu...nin. l'i.i.. , Vi.... . .- I'"" won incomes 10 uau- niiui... i,Mf ..... i... ... ... .... , 4...1 ... urgeu nrsi to see that renresentaf iv mo.. o..,i.n . ; .. .1 .............. ...... i.nm ,, M,r mr iiiiurr, sucn a ""n mm ir. v . i. women are nominaled tr, It, a. . .. " " Ihe value of five and a half ncoirress ns oi.1v n i.r-.... ,... .Iith bv aeelamallnn 11.-., ....... ; ..o....... inisiuoiis anu men mat bahle mat next year Prince Ku- , . .. ' " '1 , "'i"" "! u,ose me" Mr wnmeii whom thev consider will perl New Westminster an.l Vic- " 7 "r. inese in roun.i Know n.e country can viiulire. lit SOe inal tile CIVIC nlfmr .in. ...... .t I ...I . . it dnllur .im I horn ara . r. on vlin n a ... ' ; Wlllum Mail-on J 'lev llslx .... Mrs. i:. L. Monroe and her Mnv f..r v- vv. , . tnolher. Mrs. iMr.rcti. snile.1 Ia.i itiev v. .ti u. ... . .. . - .... 1 """"-'ru '..!. it-u noiioiiiicai rionoillicaiiv y mill aim up well, re M.srr rnn.llli.a ll.o.- mnu -V ... ............ uimi in.-. ni ....I tnr r.. 11.. . . . ' . .. ''oilier Turin nroilnel 1..1I v. 4 na. Ui.rl.l '!....... ...... L.intSltl for New'i. !. ri.i.i. 1.. . '..11... , " nutitey '"'Miey ' and aim to 10 gc get -share .sln " in lite alninsi unlimlteili -- "e; 1 " ' i rvpreseniatives. vt'it-si-iiiaiives. .. ti It . js is use- use. am amount or grain business that ",r- miance neuer known, an.t in len yenrsi of 01 ine increase in ine proiluciion troin now Hie Kal will not know t i ... ..I.. ... 01 a single commouny I wnuiii ine y esi as lite samn place ii mention cheese. In 1 0 1 rt there heard of in Ihe year I0:t . r IH.nno pounds; In verily believe ihul Vancouvrr l " ,.,. . .. ... .......... ... . . - - .iii-ii- n. iiriHiiii-.M. i.i ..-iot'5i ini'ii in ne :i ti frpi,ni.i t Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating 0. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern ...onv.., rounoers, woodworkers Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIWO. Our plant etpnpped to linn. lie r.ll k,ml f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. inn ij DENTIST. Helgerson fbefc. PHINCE R0PCRT, li. C. Office Hours, 9 to S. Phono . Pn Evenings Only For Pclal Appointments. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 P... St Bteam Heated Hot anl fiold Water llatcs hv I) ay or Monlh P.O. Bos 7. Phone 5- Shockleys p,aning Phone 383. Rouai um .. .. So'fl AgcnU for smV.r""'' B,C' Lumber J. F o 1Z!?1 !.-,.:iV. FlrVen..r " MPnicc h",, t"r. Sprnre a iiii Ce.l Vir y i'r' Miasi.ahingles. Fir Veneer. Ceilnr Piling.