Salurday. Jantary 12, 1924 i:tai Kall! nilva: ... Genuine Price $160.00. Speaku only in a whUpcr m itui ih Doing iieanl around fj the world. Unexcelled for J ,,,.,..1 .. . ... ... " UIH, UIMl Ol8 01 It anj UiuI'm important in It-t 1 f Furthermore, Its lushed ami whispering v .ice uiiiitf welcome relief fi'in office clatter, and i n iitp, heller ami more effi-' working conditions for everybody. Y"ii are invited to call and see- its many re- The Remington Portable 'I'lir llcmumlMii Portable. I Muii.iunl :. Ixsiiril- IikIh mi.) minimi-i. $85.00 and $77.50, Tot cash. Buy Now at Reduced Prices Eversharp Pencils SALE NOW ON vORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Rexatl Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. " We Prepay Mall Orders. v SOMETHING NEW. . "KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL. "V new ami different finish for flours Unit is waInili i'nry .dmI r.v erdiiigly (uiigh and duralde. .k for color 1 Pints 00c Quarts $1.60 Half Gatloni $3.00 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. Box 1646. Phone-109. Hclgerson Block. l Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Honrs: It a.m. (o 0 p.m. Open K filings Ity Special ApfKittil tiifiif. mm Freo Delivery In Prince Rupert. Behind this label it th remit. Iiam n f lit. largest, most hygienical I" ctcntifie in.ti. lutlon in the Weat a plant that guarantee! always the utmnit In ni.r.'l. . .. J iL. .. - .. , I . J ,,U HID ji.i. lection of aatiifarilnn hntll.. P.. I.!:. I . r ....... . . v muviiimtnt oi Cascade ( prored by aver increas. ing tales now greater than all others in Britiah Columbia combined. Get a supply of Cascade today SolJ al alt Govtrnmtnt liquor Starts Vancouver Breweries lllllim III 1 qfff.-;.uin.l I U 'M!ft .'.'J! A '.LTUJSM jmirjmiB. RMMW Tliig tu vert hement is n d published ' displayed liy tlio Liquor CWJrnl Hoard or liy the (love ' ) sli C tut blu Local 'and'jPersonal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners. Undertakers. Pboue 361. if - Try NANOOSF.-Wellinglon or Telkwa Coal. More heat. Less soot. Philpolt, Kvilt ii Co. If We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful, articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 625. If All Norwegian please allend a iiitM-iing in Melropole Hall to- mglil, January 12 at 8 p.m. Im portant. 4 Auction Sale Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. Prince Rupert Exchange, Third Avenue. to Fnjjlish Lullicr'an Services In Mitiupolc Hall on Sunday at II a.m. I.y Itev. 1 K. llaisler. AH wHrome. Aid. Macdouald staled this m-iiiiiiK Ihal he would seek re 'I.tIioii to the city council this year hul that he would not he a 'aniiKiaic lor the police coiti- IIIIShIOII. the Canadian Forestry As sociation' exhibit oar will ar mi- here by Wednesday night's passenger iraln and will be opened to the public on Thurs day next. I"inl installation Itcbekahs uikI oddfellow, Metrupolc Hall .Momiiiy, January I i, at 9 o - cluck. Itecular meeting Ilc-heknh- at 8 o'clock. Members Hiid uilinp member plea$e at tend. Alfrtsl I.ixinK. charged wtlh upplyinK Uouor l an Indian woman, Mary NHon of Kin colilh, wn dimi!.eil in the pulicc court I hi morninif. The wuiiinn was finei $10 for In ioxichiioii. cliarzes were laid by the Dominion police. C. V. Kvilt announces hU in Uon.4.f itmui: a'teittdLdalw for li. 'flMcTriratfW'TkWr at the forllicomiuir ?vic eleclion. Mr. hvilt ix comtidered a likely win iht fur he i. generally popular and hi four years' experience a secretary of Hip llnnr.1 Trade will ere him well in ml minisiration' of cily affairs. Another proiuUimr candidate foe the nlileriiiniiit (nil ntl mi uounciHl himself today in Die person of Oil. S. I. McMonlie With the double qualification of hemp contractor and accountant I he service of Col. Me.Mordii would be valuable lo the cily and II l eoiiMdored alloselher likely lliat llicy will be accepted at the poll next Thursday. While telephonic and lele graphic communication belween Hie cily and Ilipby Ishmd wire les laliou I.h out of business on Recount of Hie break in (ho submarine cable, messapes wi! be IrHiismilleil o nd from Ihe Million by .lack Harnsley with hi radio set. Those haiiifr nics-siiKes for wireless points such Slewart. Ilyder, Anyox. Ocean Falls, etc. will file llieui as usual nl Ihe Kiivernment telepraph SUNDAY NIGHT! Come io Ihe Methodist Church Sunday night at 7.30. Mr. Hacker will speak f.ii "The Heal Jesus of Today." PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .Morning worshiped u clock. Subject: "(loir Messenger- The Church." Sunday School al 12.30. Kvenimr see vice al 7.3(. Subject: Christ's Promise of Peace and Happi. ness. " Preacher, llev. H. H Oram. D.D. You Should . . of digestion rn Take Care feh00?. largely a matter of Good Digestion. A wise person should use Beccham's Pills to relieve digestive ilia and correct stomachic disorders. On account of their service and reputation for rellability-TAKE BEECHAM'S Ltritit an Medicine lu lk World THE DAILY NEWB. ilsMs i L I " WE QUIET 12 TONIGHT- Tomorrow Alright tin Tablat (tea tick haadachee, rellev bilieue attaeka. tana aaa rtgulata the alimlaativs ergaaa, make you feel fin. "BttUr Tkn PUt for Urn Us" Harry Ward, son of Mr. and Mr. Hubert Ward, sailed this morning on (he Camosuu for Vancouver. He plans on making a trip (o (he Old Counlry. George Hill announced this afternoon that he would be a randidaTi; for Ihe aldermanic board al the forthcoming civic eleclion. lie has had experience in municipal affair as a police commissioner. A circular beinp piveit wide distribution by the manufac turer of I'arapon radio sets contain a reproduction of a testimonial letter from Jack Harnsley of this city together wilh a photograph of himself and (lie station in hi house. There is aNo a picture of the exploration schooner Buwdoin off Greenland, with which Mr Barrsley has been in repular communication for several mouths. THREATENED STRIKE CAUSES DROP TODAY 13-10. BRITISH EXCHANGE N'KW YOUK, Jan 12. The Ihrealeued slrike of railwavmen in ft real Hritain caused sterling exchange lo sink today. The demand rale dropped one cent to 4.2li. The llrilish political situation has sent French. -francs tumbling. Ihe demand rule heiup the lowest ever recorded. The local exchange rales have been dropping sliphlly in sym pauiy wiiii me general movement. Today Slerlinir is quoted lo-w at 4.38. Honjr Konp at 52 and I S. Hollar al a ilisrotint of HOPE ABANDONED SAYING FROM SUB FORTY-THREE MEN LONDON, Jan. 12. The forly- Ihree men who went down on the submarine I. -2 1 when she col lided wilh Ihe Ilesolul inn unnr Portland are lost il i r,..-...l Hope of savins; tlietn has beeiJmonth . . ... i atiannuncii, t,u Admiralty olll eially announce. LABOR SITUATION Not Much Demand for Men and Seventy Unemployed are Registered These are quiet davs at Ihe Provincial Labor Ilureau. .1. M Campbell, local superintendent, reports. There has mil l.enn much demand for men since llu Npw Year and there mc at pre sent, i0 unemployed recisteced at the bureau. This fi however, Is nol nearly as lai-e1 as Inst year. There is a steady .movement of men to interior tie) camps and mine. and there, has also been some Casual work in the city. MUNICIPAL ELECTION A meelinp of Organleil ior will be hold tomorrow, at 2.30 P.m. lit (lie Carpenler? Hall for Iht' purpose Of llisctlsslntr Mm Municipal F.leclfoii. BOAT ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Helen Hell and All fill f!iiPikliin Stewart: K, M. Haynes, Victoria; ii. i-.. scotl, Vancouver; C. A. Procunfer. Sunnyslde: Mrs. it. fiundersoii, StnilheVs; H. Spaner, iTincc (ieorge; Fred Miller and a. .Miller, Alice Arm. Central , D. .Morrison, O.T.P., Thomas jWoodhouse and Polka Singh, Georgetown; M. 11,' Pointer. IWrtfiUfoH. 20 Per cent. Discount AT 80 YEARS OF AGE WAS TROUBLED WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND FAINTING SPELLS Mr. M. O'Connor. Whltealone, Ont.. write: I hare been troubled, niot of mjf life. ltb eliortiieas of breath, falpl-Ullon of the heart and faltuing pell. I wa advised by I friend to try Mllhurn'a Heart and Xerve I'illa. whlrh I did. and at onre found relief, and I have never bad a really bad tteil fiure. I am S9 year of age and ilwajrt keep lueni In the boue, and when I feel any aVfiiDtouts of luv old trouble roinlnr on all 1 have lo do I to take a few doe. With tho tie In of your I'llU I ewwet to aee many year yet. I alay rerotumend them to any one who l tuffering front heart trouble." Nllbuni'i Heart and erve rill are ior. a box at all dealer, or mailed direct on receipt of Jrlre. by The T. Mllburu Co-Limited, Toronto, Ont. NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, while light, even heller than pa or eleelricily, has been tested by the U.S. (overnment and 3j leading universities and found to be su perior lo 10 ordinary oil lamos. It burns without odor, smoke or ttoisc no pumtdnp up, is simple. clean, safe. Hums Olrj, air and 6 common kerosene (coal oil). I he inventor, ft. A. Johnson. 595 McDermot Ae.t Winnipesr. is offering- lo send a lamp on to lays' FHF.K I rial, or even to give one FHKK to the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars. Also ask him lo explain how you can pet tho aincy. and without xnerience or money make $250 lo 5500 per Arthur Hrooksbank is leaving on loniphl's train for Hatiall where he will spend the week end on business. TIMBER SALE X 5852. Sealed Tender ulll I.- WniUmI i.v n.- Minuter nf l.amU al lt..i I,-. sin on the h day of January. en. ior inn purrnase or Llrenre X 0t5. lo rut J US. 000 feet i,r Cedar. Spruce, Item-liK'k. t'lr anil Halutm i.n .m. .m. !.,... on the Miniti 4hnrj ,.r iiuiL.nn i Itanire . Coat Land Ulstrlrl. Two ( years will be allowed for xt-nnival of timber. further partlruUrs of the Chler lor-"Mer. Vletorla. B.C.. or District forester. .Tlnce llupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5798. sealed Tenders will be received by the hltrlrt !'fire.ler. nol ll.. ih.i. .... I ll lllh aluw ,.P I. , . purchase of Licence X SJS. near tienlse .inn, mi Morse u.n. a, in rut 15.000 f hni (if nili,.A i-.! .- ..... .-, " . k,-. -.v, v.. vim i . iiv-inim auu Kiel sam SanloKs. SO fill miailliA ulll I.- -ii......... .... u tnoval of ttinber. turlher particulars of the Chler forester. Vlrtorla. or the District Torester, prince llupert. IN SBABITI IN TNI SUPRCMI COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter or the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Kstate of Murdoch .iiri.ejia, iieceaseil. ,iAr. tinier, mat t was appolnteil Ailniltiule.lne r lh- I'mi.i- ..e i...i..-k Mcl.eod. Pei-essed. and' that all ' parties lamia- riamia ainuiM i ne sam estate are hereby required to furnish same duly of February. A.D. 19ti. A.M FI'IITHF.H TAKK NOTICE that all parties Indebted to the estate are required lo pay the amount of their Indebtedness II, III,- ,111 III M I III. riVTSTI al Prlite nr IKI. iiih I m i : . ' iiajr ui .aiiii.i.i, l.l', ivrt. i nwiiiA i . 11r.nA r.. Official BENTS Discount Sale ITiutL llui'ert, U.C. PAGE THREE. 20 Per cent Discount on Tuesday and Wednesday only 20 per cent Discount will be allowed on all COATS and SUITS in our store Watch the Windows RENT'S Mies' Ready-to-Wear THIRD AVFNIIF City of Prince Rupert 6 per cent Bonds 5100(1 due 1st Aug., 10il. 2U00 du 1st Aug.. HMO. due 1st Aug. KM 7. I2U: due 1st Aug., KM 8. 51500 due 1st Autr.. HMil. 1500 due 1st Aug., K30. Price 5101.20. Price 9IJM.25. Price ? 1 01, 28. Price 5101.30, Price $101.32. Price Aim ..If Yield 5.1H Yield o.!J0 Yield o.!)() Yield 5.1)0 Yield r.M i tciu i,ine Semi-aiitiiial Cimituiik u.-iv:iM in v -..,t- ,i .,.. ada, Denominations Ss25(, !J300, $1000, Orders may be wired at our expense, we pay delivery charges. Inter st accrued and date of payment must be added. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. Recruits Wanted Ag' limit IX to 15. Young men front 10 to IS can Join with parents' consent. Commencing Wednesday. January Dili, a comprehensive ix weeks' course of military training will be conducted under a regular army instructor loaned lo Hie Kegiinenl for this purpose. Physical training and boxing under quulift 'd instructors. Recruits will be examined Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8. 9 Smith Block Office Honrs, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. nl... lis i mi niwilVB I I U BOO COWS CELEBRATED RAIN COATS Manufacturer's Semples London, England CALL AND SEE THEM STEVE KING - Phone Green 85 Third Avenue