WftM Yi Want A TAXI in a hurry t'PhoRe 99 at Car and Boat SrvlM In the City. Rates Reasonable VOL. XIV., NO, 10, Mr Crerur said lie eunic to Oltawu on the premier's iitvi- f.- iuii una discussed with mm llie general poiiucui situation, riiure parlicularly the Hiliilitie of politieiil differences ilc-v loping in the country arising from sectional coiisidsralious. s MJl 1 1 w rtm nH flnk naa The followiiiK candidate, havej mulled Ihelr papers: For Aldermen Arthur llrooksbnnk.i proposed liV St I' lliifLiti uti.l kflilfllll'll llV yiil II Orme. 1 -M "I wish lo make it clear," he laicd. "lliul I wan invited as a private member and Imd no jaulhorily In epeak for the Pro gressives. Mr. Crerur said at the Pre mier reuuesl lie placed before linn iHiliciei he HioubIiI Hie vwiir"i r rainii i rv iinpn nr iikmiihi kiitii n t $300,000 and Will Com- f !- paramount neeeily of re. mence at Once Imirhmenl. a balanced budget. .fiscal reform, national mil-' VAXCOl, Jan. 12. -llnv-jway. an accellrralrd immigra---x npended more than I200.00 lion imlicy, the appointment of -.. i; -elopmeiil work during lite Canadian representative at R' U 1 Par lilt" IIKIIUII Jl lliri " wuinf " i m i?iiiuuiuimj in -tMmrum now nro,M)fft the uVmU0rft in bank, Oov-, MANATPR DP PHPMAINIK One " ' - ' - 1 - l lklM.i.aki..t. it-B i- r lU irojK?rty ul Slfwarl. change in I lie eleeliiral )teni, . ...... .. . . I . i . . 1 : : . I 1 1. S0VIET IS BUYINQ RUSSIAN BONDS AT A VERY LOW PRICE COPKMIAMK.N. Jan. li. A Pflrograd inefHac my Leonid' Ki-awln. soviet comiiiii'sioner of forHKn trade, througli ayenls abroad ha bought at a low price about 75 per cent of the foreign bond of the Soviet Male. This dive rice to the belief that the Soviel liOM'rnmiMil intends to acknowledge Ituiiaii pre. war debts. PARSON MUCH IN PUBLIC EYE : penij ttl ICHM fJUO.OUU ' mr rvunHiiiiniiuii oi iiic , (ioxeriinienl urh a may be If: lEiiHnif it pneetel 150 'necessary t" carry out thoo Dr. Clem Davles of Victoria In- 1 1 will e rnitaved and the Mdieie. ".Mr. King did not ex- vlted to Remain at Methodist i w I ar "tuppm ore Hit tend an imitation lo me tojoin Church In Victoria -r Jlhe (liMoriuiirnl at any time The ore In the Indian rarrie dutlng llie conversation, con- VIC'KJltlA. Jan. 12. An inter- iiiiiiwium vi wimmiiiMuu .,, ,, ., .., Illlil, ii..u'..i....i i.... -i riiui i ntj oim i HI v llll.lll'li'll f MILL DIED YESTERDAY'wl!,,"'! wpr" ul"' ,,r,ISPl1 ,0 Ouecn's Park It. t, Oeorze It, Casey, proposed by VICTOIHA, Jan. 12. Howard Sleen and seconded by Palmer, vice-president of tho ply for a year anu) the congrega-I X Killa. iVicloria Lumber Manufactiuintr illon was- allowed In choose ils Frederick J. Fuller, proposed Company of Cbemaiuus, a lead- own minister, which it did. F.lizahclh C. Kirkniilrlrk. liro- Clienialnus lust uluht aired 08. Portsmouth 2. Xewcastle t. Arsenal i, Lulou I. Middlesboro 0, Watford 2. AsIiIiikIoii I. Aslon Villa 5. Itarnsley , llriclilon it. Fverlon 3. Preston X. K. I. Hull 2. lioltmi W. 2. Chelsea I, Southampton I. Manchester City 2, Not l Forest 0 Cardiff C. (). CilliiiKham nosed hv P. .1 firiil.nni and Ouile recently the mill at .man. intensely active and an able narrow u, v rexnain u I DarliiiKtou 'III 1. J Notts r. 2. ' iake as pastor uev. nr. esiiiKiu,i . E.J Palmer was Leadina Flaure w''o had been in rharpe of lliel y returns are receixed In Industrial Lire of Province V.. J. Iiy S. M. Xew ton and ccoudcd.inir figure in the lumber indus try A. W. Kdce. try of llritish Columbia, died at same couKiTKalion years aKo, and, Uurnley v. Poulh Shield. the church was left without sup Xow the congregation has that Dr. Davis be allowed to for who was the appointee of confer-Crystal Palace vs. Tottenham II cure. The final result was that Corinthians vs. Illackburu Hovers. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE. Division III. Northern remain. The Doctor is a youiif? Walsall I, Xew llriRhlon t. econded by W. O. Fulton; ns- Cliemainus was destroyed by fire speaker. He has Installed a radio Holherham t, iranmere It- 1. -eiilliig. Florenco lllance, A.jand It Is possible the death of broadcasting set in the church yoJlochdale t, Hartlepool 0. "alley ami I). Kennedy. Mr. Palmer, who. has managed that anyone within a thousand Alexander Mackenzie, proposed the business of.lhe company for, miles may join the serxlces with- by John Kelly and seconded by Malcolm McArlhur. For School Trustee Henry Buillh. proposed H Monro ami seconded hy iy 0. many years, may affect the policy nl actually altendinp the church of I lie company in regard to re building Hie mill. Mr. Palmer lias been ill for 0. 'sonic time but had been recently reported improved in health. PUBLIC MEETING A Public Meeting will be held in Hie Hmpress Theulro im TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, AT 8.15 P.M., re Civic ATfuirs. All Candidates will In given a hearing. deals Heserved for Ladies. ( S. M. NEWTON CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. lie is spectacular in his methods and fills Ihe church at every service. Also he takes an active lu- SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Division I. Kilmarnock 2, Clydebank 3. Morton 0, Hamilton 0. Iluith Hovers 0, Hibernians 2. leresl iii social affairs. Amonir Hangers 1, Dundee 1. olher IhiiiBs be is interested in.Third Lanark I, Celtic 3. the suppression of the drug traf fic niid siiil has been entered against him in court for libel by one of the members of the Mounted Police who was recently mixed up Iti the courts and appeared prominently in the recent iuvcsHituliom I . Conference Helpless I' What the Methodist conference .will now do is a nijntter for speculation but one thing seem, certain, they cannot separate the parson from his enthusiastic coiif reyatton. Aberdeen t, Ayr U. 0. Airdrieoniuns I, St. Mirren 0. Civile 2. Motherwell 3. Hearts 5, Queen's Park 2. Union steamer Camnsun, Capl. .1. A. Flndlay, was in port noon today southbound from Xaas and Skeena niver' points to Vancouver. Allan Carolan, Stewart merchant, is in Ihe cily on business havlug arrived from the north I yeleVday moVning. J s PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHIXCK RUPKKT, H.C., SATURDAY, JA.NUAIIY 12, 1021. VttUrdaj't ClrcuUtlon 1633 ItMrt 404 Old L.ii.iitry farmer are taking every opportunity to put labor-saving device on the land. Here is shown a large tractor hauling a fertilizer spreader on a farm at Purlev " Uerks. ENGLISH CUP GAMES TODAY Mlddlesboro and Sunderland Went Down to Defeat In First Round lion lo Ihe cosl of living. They; Fred Miller and A. Miller. Alice voted six lo one against accept- Arm logghip contractors, are in ins the award. Ihe city registered at the Prince It is expeeled thai the men Huperl Hotel. Forestry Returns for Year Larger Production than ever Th Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Hesl of Food Oood Service. Private Hoxcs for Parly Use. "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. KING Ani? CRERAR FAIL TO UNITE FORCES RECORD LUBBER CUT FOR YEAR IN THIS DISTRICT IN 1923 SAYS REPORT Negotiations Between Mackenzie King and A. T. Crerar are off and no Offer Made Progressive Leader OTTAWA, Jan. 12. lion. T. A. Urtrur ha nol been in-' . ited In join .the Federal government. The. former Progressive irader concluded hi" conversations with Premier King jester-; day unit today Iruviva for Xew York, lie doe not plan returning h re before leaving lor Hie we I. INDIAN MINES TO SHIP ORE .J, siihcr. lead and zlur. UMINAT1UNS IliHItlC BEING FILED for Aldermanlc Board One for School Trustee eamtidale. honors ami fur alder one for Ihe! if noon,. The lime for Hie fil-iix of iioniiiiujiou will be up al I nclock on Monday afternoon. cludiil Ihe Progressive leader. Iclinu Mlualion has niraiu arien With the question of adiiiil-'jn connection with the paMoralc Hnir .Mr. Crerar lo the. cabinet of the Centennial .MetliodiM no lonner in ijueslion 'it I? Churrh, (Sorge Moad, Victoria, Ihoiuhl unlikely that cabinet where the cousrealioii laM year) rnatigeo oi an exiensive ucllwl the cinutu conference ami member of the (overiimeiil In that department. Speculation now is a lo how r... n... ...... I. ..i. ....... ... ... . ,, lint tin- i ifii ,- fii im l mi in v l, ,ol H.anl had I.e..,, formally , a(( MnrU,lu8 Muiiialed at the city clerk 8 ..... , "in;e when it rio 'U ior me ., eharai'ler will be made for some threatened lo break away if they lime. Hon. F.rucM. Lapoinlc is were nol allowed lo retain their) rippled to lake the Justice I)e- paMur, llev. Clem llavles. r.lVlllllllll IK V.ll lllll lt.-' i latum for 1 lie ronilwr session. with hi ability that they asked him to remain. The Keueral conference refused lo admit a single mall to the position. ciimiiiK us he did from outside Hie conference and also from outside the country. Ir Havies is uu American, tilllioiiyli Canadian bom. Make Threat Then the roiixrecalion tfueal- LOXUOX. Jan. 12. The first round football patne were played today in different parts uf the country, the moM interstinc feature of the rekulls ltein? the defeat of twft - First "'' IiivfSfim teams. .Middlesboro and Sunder- respectively. Results follows: I lilitckiioiil I. SlicffiVl.l f n. Ilerby 2. Ilur- Fulham 2, Llanelly 0. Kxeler I, (irimsby t. Mill wall 0, Wet Hromwicli I. Accrinclou 0, Charlton 0. Manchester U. I, Plymouth 0. Swansea I, Clapton I. Xorwich 0. Hrislol C. 2. Liverpool 2, llradfonl City 1. The Wednesday I, Leicester I. .Northampton I, Halifax t. Oldham 2, Sunderland I. Leeds I. Stoke II. parlioeot inul a new minister of, lr. Havles Mippllcu al I'n'.Wfst Ham 5, Aberdare marine will be M-eurrd, possibly ;churrh for a few mouths and the tddersfielil I. Ilinulnliam 0. by iriinMYrriiiK some olher'onyregaliou were so impressed Swindon I. Itradfonl 0. Railway Strike in Britain is Inevitable and may Occur any Time says Locomotive Union LOMJOX. Jan. 12. The locomotive men's official organization officially announce that a railway slrjke in Oreat Britain is inevitable and may occur at any time as n result of failure of negotiations between th? companies affected and the eugine- iiit-n uer uie niauer oi wage uujiistment. The union official say the lines refuse, lo make any concessions. i nf" rti!pnie -arose over I It flndrnor ihe Tfarfway' (w-us6twill lioflie calleduV'Cefoltlle boani which tie men assert re- end of next week. Hand, by Walfon! and Oldham duces Ihe wages out of propor- MORE MONEY FOR FARMERS Increase of $35,000,000 Over Last Year In Total Income on Prairies WIX.MPKO, Jan. 12. Including Hie four mouths crop year from .September lo December for wheat and coarse grains and Hie full year 1023 for other pro- duels a total sum of $3Ji,I3l,-(182 has been "set in motion" by farmers of the prairie provinces. according lo the .Manitoba Free Press. This is an increase In the amount of money earned by 35,000.000 over 1922. This does nol lei I Ihe whole slory for there is eight months of the crop year slill to run and many millions of dollars, worth of wheat and course grains is slill lo be marketed. Prospects for Future Good CONTRACTS LET The production of timber in Ihe Prince Huperl district as down in Hie official scaling returns for the year I02.'t far exceeded any former year, the total up to December 3t being 183;-!X7,'JH board feel in addition to railway ties, piles and poles. There were scaled poles I,0:i8,217, lineal reel; fir piles, Hill; hemlock piles, 38,i".i:i; cedar piles, 027,7."7; cordwood, ,- X7U cords; shingle bolls, 23(; railway ties, 0(l2,(j;tu; fence pols.- 121 cords; fence posts. :t."0 lineal feet; mine props, 2.50U RIOTS FOLLOWS HIGH LIVING PROTEST IN HALL CITY OF PARIS PA11IS, Jan. 12. A Communist meeting to protest against the high cost of living and the Hull r occupation was converted into a riot, two persons being killed and a score injured. Anarchists objected lo the hall being used for political meet lugs. Marcel Cachin and other prominent communists were pelted and hooted when they attempted to speak. Filially someone slarled to shoot causing a panic. TRANSPORTER LOADING C.Q.M.M. Vessel Proceeded From Dry Dock lo Ocean Pier This Morning (Mi.M.M. steamer Canadian Transporter, Capl. A. It. Wat son. imfeu out of uie my hock allat 10.35 I his morniuir and pro ceeded lo the ocean dock where she is loading off scows 80.000 feet of clear green spruce for the United Kingdom. The vessel will clear for Vancouver to complete tomorrow morning it is expected. Subscribe for the Dally News. lineal feel. Discussing the ions for the year P. S. Ifunney, district "oresler. staled last year the total scalinss were H)2,o(0,000 board feel. The increase was due not only to the aridity on Queen Charlotte Islands, where from twenty-five to thirty million feel had been scaled bul also lo general activity throughout the district. Speakinjr of (lie future prospects Mr. Houney said Ihe bis tie contracts ror 1,030,000 ties lo be cut this side of Kndako would swell the list next year- This Va 35 per cent more (ban the .jcoittracl last year. ! Month of December j For the month of December there was a total scaled of 1!),- 'Jtt.yiK board reel in addition to piles, poles, elc, made up as follows; Doujdas Fir lted Cedar . Spruce . , . . Hemlock ... Italsam . . . Jackpine ... Cypress . . . . , , . . While Spruce .. Cottonwood .. Poles, lineal feel Hemlock Piles ., Cedar Piles . , , , Cordwood. cords , . . Shingle Holts, cords . . Pino llailway Ties . . . Fence Posts, cords ... Mino Props, lineal feel 1,201. 123 HOCKEY Kdmonlou t, Victoria 2. ijaslatjoi Calgary t. WILL RAISE GERMAN SHIPS Ccntracts Let for Recovery of Eljht of Those Sunk, at t Scapa Flow LOXDOX, Jan. 12 The Admiralty has let a contract lo raise eight German warship sunk al Scapa Flow. .Most of Iheuuwill be sold lo shipbreakers and others will be used for target practice. The esels were scuttled by Iheir own crews when interned by Admiral Jellico in 1J19. FOR TWO SHIPS New C.P.R. Vessels Said to Laraer and Faster Than Those Now Operated VAXCOIVF.H, Jan. 12. jCoii-tracts for Hie construct ion of two steamers lo bo operated in' Hie H.C. Coastal service have been awarded lo John Drown &. Co., Clydebank, Scotland, it is announced. It is said they will be considerably larger and faster than any now in the coastal service. HIGH PRICES BEING PAID FOR HALIBUT American Schooner Panama Drew Down 21.4c and 14c This Morning for 30,000 Pounds The continued scarcity of halibut arrivals Is responsible for Ihe steady rise in prices thai is being recorded daily. This morn-inii Ihe highest bid (or several weeks was made, when Iho Caha- 2,109,71 j dian Fish & Cold Storatro Co. tdok S)!o87808 ,,u 3n.on pound calch of the 5,77o'l55'Ameri,',im schooir Panama for 1,300,091 hicli 21.1o and Ho was paid. 852 2.317 228,502 1,02(5 I30.U2O 3,700 82,80(1 137 25 2,3 111, 4. I 30 2,500 . it A PUBLIC meeting: iii the interests of M. M. STEPHENS, Candidate for Mayor, will bo held in the EMPRESS THEATRE, Monday, Jan. 14, at S p.m. Aldermanie, Polico Coin-mission and School Hoard Candidates Invited. Everybody Welcome.