PAOE SIX. PRE-INVENTORY SALE We arc making drastic reductions in all departments, and amongst n host of bargains, mention a few leaders. In Drapery Section All Curtain Goods at 20 per cent, reduction. 30 Art Terry in suxe, rose, crimson and cinnamon. Regular $1.50 a yard. Sale price 95c Drapery Damask in pleasing patterns, in green and Homan stripe, 50 inches wide, ltegnlar $1.05 a yard. Kale price $1.25 All Heady-made Curtains, value's from $2.50 to $7.50 a pair, al 20 per cent discount. Bungalow Reversible Rugs : Size .1 yards by 2V&. Sale price ... . ... . . $7.50 Size :J yards by 3t4. Sale price . . . . . $9.50 Size 3 yards by . Sale price $12.50 We have only a few of these rugs and are discontinue ing this line, hence the prices. 3 only Tapestry Rugs, I feel 3 by 0 ret 3. Regular $ 10.50. Sale price $7.50 All other rugs at proportionate reductions. Two only Chenille Rope Portieres. Sale price, each. $3.50 Chinese Crass Aluls. Special. Sale price, each ... . . 50c Comforters Rest Cotton filled Comforters Values to $1.50. Sale price . . $2.95 Values to $5.50. Sale price $3.95 Values to $8.75. Sale price ... $5.75 Flannelette Blankets Grey and Whits. 10- 1 size. Per pair .. . $2.65 11- l size. Per pair $2.95 12- i size. Per pair $3.95 Cretonnes Twenty pieces. Values t)5c to $1.25 in a big variety of patterns. Sale price, per yard ... , . . 75c All other socials previously advertised remain on sale this week. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Third Avenue and Fulton Phone 84 Cash & Carry Jams. SI raw tie; ry. Hasp-berry, lllaek Currant. ,r lin 90c Jams, all other kinds, per tin 75c Syrup, 5 lb. tins, per tin 55c Syrup, 2 lb. tins, per lin 23c Strawberries, per tin . . 45c Haspberries. per tin .. 40c IMackbeTies, per lin . 35c Loganberries, per tin . . 35c Poars. per lin 30c Peaches, per lin 40c All Orders over $10.00 Delivered ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East COAL The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. BLUE RIBBON TEA Distinctive in flavor and aroma. 100 per cent Tea no dusl, no waste. YOU TRY IT. John L Agent. Christie LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlen to Applf t Lmm Ln in Ranire i, Skerna Land Dlttrlrt. Re-, cumin DlMrlct or Coaat. Take .totlre thai Clurlra S. Murphy, of mi Ruprrt. B.C., occupation Enflnecr, intend! to apply for pcrmlnMon to lrae the following dwrlbwl land: OnmiKn-rlnr at a pol planted at the moot nouth-easterly point on Channel Inland, near the moutn or Gardner canal; thenre rolioulnr the inuoiitira or the hore line at hlrti aier mark around the lland. rrturntnir In pi'lnt or rommenreinent, and rontaln-Inr teren hundred arret, more or 1e. CHARLES S. MI RrilV. Sam or Applicant. 1. SAM JOHNSOX, A tent. Dated Vonrnhr tTth. LAND ACT. Not lea of Intantlon to Apply to Lull Land. In Skeena Land niMrtrt. Recordlnr Dlttrlrt or CoaM, and tlluate on Zayat Wind. Take A'otlce that Centre Kerr, occupation butcher, of Prlnre Rupert. B.C., Intrndi to apply for permlxlon to lrie the rollout in r described land: Oimnienrlnir at a pott planted about four chain north or Jacinto Point on Zayat ItJand; thence following the tlnuotltlet of the thore line at hlrh water mark around the Uland and rcturnlnr to I'l3t of rommencenipnt. and container arr. more or leu. GEORGE KERR. Xante or applicant. HOOMES K. FREEMAN, Arent. Telephone Specials For Monday, Jan. 14, only. SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Pels Nuptha Soap, per carton 85c Washing Soda, C lbs. for 25c Lux. 2 for 25c 9 for . . .. $1.00 Chloride of Lime 15c 7 for ... $1.00 I.ibby's Tomato Soup, 2 for 25o Per doz $1.40 I.ibby's Catsup, per hot. 25c Per doz- $2.85 Owing to failure of W23 Tomato Crop in the east all Catsups have advanced, lluy a dozen now as prices will not be lower. Small While Means, lbs. for 25c 17 lbs $1.00 Dry Sail I'ork.'per lb. 22'2c Malkin's Itesl Orange Marmalade. I lb. tins .. 70c Ilearh Kakins Loganberry Jam. The biggest value in town today. Per pail 75c 5 Hiring Ilrooins, special 85c Our best Quality Toilet Paper, 5 for 25c Watch This Space Monday. Rupert Table Supply Three Phonts, 211, 212, 281 NEW OFFICERS ST. ANDREW'S Annual Meeting of Scottish So ciety Took Place D. C. Stuart Re-elected The St. Andrew's Society al its annual meeting last night elected officers as follows: Honorary president General 'J. V. Stewart. Honorary vice - nresldenl Major John McOregor, V.C. President U. C. Stuart. First icc.rc.idenl V- lleid. Second vice-iresident M. M. .NfcLachlan. Executive S. I). .Macdouutd. J. L. Christie. 1). S. Cameron, J. Frew, J. (!. Johnston. Secretary James 11. Campbell. Treasurer James Irvine. Chaplain llev. l)r- II. It. Grant. Solicitor J. (I. Johnston. Warden Arthur Hunter. Auditor Thomas Midy- nmnt and Alex. Finnic. Piper Alex. Mactlonald. Committee were chosen a follows: House committee W. (i. Mur ray, A. Clappcrton, J. Harris and M. Andrews. Milliard W. Anderson, J. M- Campbell and J. Andrews. hntertaiument A. Clain.erton and YV. Vaughan Davie. It was decided that the Catties should acain be renresenled this year in city football activities and ! J. Watson was named convener of a committee to make the necessary arrangements. Annual reports were received which showed the society to be in a healthy condition. Durinir the year 1923 22 new members were admitted. REGIMENTAL ORDERS IsL Bn. North B.C. Regiment 102 Bn. C.E.F. Orders by Major J. V. Nicholls commanding: Duties. Orderly ofiieer. Lieut. J. Ilarnslcy, week ending January 19. Lieut. M. Mason, next fir duly. Parade. The Itatlalion wilt parade Monday evening, Janur ary I i at 8 p.m. for ceremonial drill in preparalion for Inspec-tion by I he (i.O.C. The CO. WATER NOTICC. (Olftralon and Utt). TAKE .NOTICE that V. E. Colliton. Indian Aitrnt, nhote addre N Prince Rupert. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and ue rallun a day or water out of mull unnamed lake on Metlakatla portion of Tlmpean Indian Reterve So. T. mcn rkiwf urttrny and araint into Duncan B.y. about one and a half mile north of observatory point. The water will be diverted from the lake at a point about I 4 mile norttw-aM or MrtlakaUa Indian Vlllare. and will I uted for do- mettle purpose upon tlw land drtcrlbed at Metlakatla TosiKlle, Ttlminx-au Indian Re-terve. o. t. Thlt noUre tit potted on the rruund on the JOiti day of .Norrniber, ltJ. A pipy of this notice and an ap- plication pursuant thereto and to the Water Art. Hit. will be riled in tne office of the Water Recorder at Prince hupcrl, B.C. Objection! to the appllra-tlon may be filed with the tald Water Recorder or with ttie Omiplniller of Water Itlrhtt, Parliament Bultdlnn. Victoria, B.C.. within thirty dtyt after the frtt apearanre of Itiln notice In a local wwraier. The dale of the flrtt publica tion of thlt nonce it iiecrniuer in. ivij. W E. COLI-IStl.N, Applicant. Indian Arent, Arent. fflBaTvVH BsUflHSSBsTsTsTsKi BsTaVBsTaf9l9fEUHBH I iTaWlvJOaVaPBsH I Inspiration. CatbrtsMO Trtdt Mark Whatever your mood as you sit down before the Oulbransen registering piano you find It sym THE DAILY NUrWB. Saturday, January ; igjj Robust Mat Like BAKER'S COCOA The cocoa of high quality. III 1 Baker's Cocoa is invigorating, stimulating only in the sense that putc food is stimulating, it hss a dcliciouj flavor and aroma, b a. great addition to meals and a wonderful between meals stay. Made In Canada By Walter Baier & Co. Limited tHbU--Si IT) MILLS AT DORCHESTEX. MASS. AND MONTREAL, CANADA ooUW tfOaUt ltrdrtSntrra ur?es all ranks to attend this parade so that a good showing; mar Iif in:nli fll lli iiwriHrtiim i EDMONTON PROPOSES REDUCING EXPENSES Matter Deferred Until Monday of Next Week by Council of That City KDMONTON. Jan. ii. The proosed ri'doelioii in salaries of civic employe's, was dleused by jcouncil and members of the 'public and separate school boards at a special meeting, bill no de- finite conclusions were reached, and the matter will come up be Tore council attain at the next 'meeting, which is to be held Monday night. The proposal to brina about a reduction of salaries of all civic eintdovees originally came from Af iho Kfif nf n llnv Coinmissioner Yoralh, who re -si. -ia a "- commended a straishl cut of ten As the roll unwivds, mu8ic J)er cen. Tne alariP. which arc works Its magic, done are the )PjtlK ,,Hj, j.c ,iresent lime, it cares of a work-a-day world. Ajxvas ptPlj )y Commissioner dear old lune loucnes uie cnoms Yoralh.'are hinher llian those of tender memory brings back paj( ,v im,inr.MA fjrnu, n (ie boylsli dreams slirs tne nres oi ;clty. It was also argued that some very drastic sleps must be taken Immediately in order to keep the mill-rale down to a fig ure where the properly owners pathetic, responsive. For it Is fnu,j aff0rd to nay their taxes, as ready to reflect the exuber- jn.leail of letting their properly ante or youth in the latest ann revprt i,ack to the city, gayest or popular tunes as u is to free the majestic music prisoned In the score of a com poser maslerwork. We invite you to our store to day and try the Oulbransenreg- islering piano, A few moments will reveal the pleasures il offers. We will gladly explain the advantages of its many exclusive features. Walker's Music Store Lid. OLD COUNTRYBOOKINGS Passports secured and lickels issued via While Star. Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. The Canadian National Hallways makedirecl conned ions with sleamers of these lines. Full information al City Ticket Office. Canadian National Railways, 52ft Third Avenuuf-I'rincc Ilupert, JJ.G, I'hone H NEIGHBORS RECOMMEND VICKS FOR COLDS Now This Manitoba Family Always Has a Jar on Hand The impulse to help I strong in human nature and people arc always willing: to talk about a remedy thai really brings relief. In this way, that is through the neighbors, many hundreds yes, thousands of Canadians have heard of Vicks. Mrsv Walter Dryla of 101 7th St., llrandon, Manitoba, writes: "I feel that I owe a debt of gratitude for what Vicks Vapo Hub has done for me and other members of my family. It gives us so much satisfaction that we all use it whenever we feel the need of n salve. I.ast winter we all bad bad colds in our family ami t didn't know what to do. Some neighbors told me to try Vicks Vapo-ltub. so I got a Jar and in a short time our colds were nil gone. Now we always keep a Jar on hand." Applied externally Vicks nets like a liniiiienl or poultice. In addition., the volatile oils arc vaporized by the body beat and inhaled directly into the air 'passage. 1 hi double Mellon quickly loosens a cold. At all drug stores, Sue. a jar. For a free test size package, wrile Viek Chemical Company, 311 St. Paul St., W Montreal, P.O. Though Vicks is new in Canada, it has a remarkable sale in Ihe Slates. Over 17 million Jars lnpeclion. The Ilaltalion.j" lu J,ar,J-band and staff will parade Thursday evening. January 17.' WHIST DRIVE BY al i.30, p.m. for inspection by the O.O.C.M.D. D. II. Dress. Marching order with, out greatcoats, fall in with rifles. All brass work and leather equipment to be thoroughly cleaned and sputless. The Commanding oliirer urges Ihe importance of attending- Ibis ENGLISH LADIES Enjoyable Affair Took Place Last Evening at Emad Hall Orchestra Played The Datifthter of Ktigland were al an enjoyable vhil inspection and in uniform as Hie drive in Ihe Kmad Hull last even-pay for Ibis year's drill period i"g- There were ten tables and will only be received by the Hegi-, the prize winners were: Ladies' ment in respeel to the number f'pL x'r"- Kenning: ladies' oh parade. second. Mrs. V. 15. Oakley: men s O.M. Stores.-Slores will be'I,!,, Jack AVynu: men's second, open from 7.30' to H.30 p.m 11. Kenning. Itefreshmenls were Monday evening January II, tor" a,,,l "election, were reu- Ibe issue of clothing and equip nienl to recruits. O.M. S. Da vies will parade re cruils from Armoury to stores. School of Instruction. AH members of Ihe Itegimenl who wisb to complete N.C.O. clasj conducletl by fl.S;M. Youngman are requested to attend without fail Monday evening al H p.m. The course is now under way and no entrance will be permit ted aflcr next week. II. P. PONDKIL Lieut, and Act. Adjutant 1st. Un. North n.C. rtegiinent. ilerl by the Sons of Kngland or chestra consisting of II. C. Ilig-giii, pinno: Arthur Sihersides, lllciinandolin; P. Cameron and It. r cuiiing, vionns. ine commuiee in cbarge were Mrs. (ieorge Lek and Mrs. Jo. Huwe. IN tOBAT(. in thc surncKK court or British COLUMBIA. In the Mailer or the Ktlate of Marnua o. iirr. late or tne t:ny or prince Itiipert. In Ihe province A lUiliiinlila, d-rraed. ALL ierH baviiit rUlnn aralmt tlie Klif of Marnut o. Hera, of the ( ii a I'rliM-e ltuMrt in tlx- I'ruvlnre of Hrlll.h tUilumbla, wIhi dirnl at Itie city of Prlnre IliiiN-rt. I'pivlncn aforr.ald. on the tltb dat of Scptrinlicr. A.Ii. ItfJ, are required t'i m-ihi anie nuiy verified id ine uiwier- Iriiru Milirllort for the .eieculor of I lie drraed on or before tlx- mh day of Feb ruary, arirr wmrn oat tne miu tale will lie lltrlbulf1 anwsir tin etitllh-d thrrrtu luvinir rrrard only I" tlie claims of whlrh flip eierupir thall then have hail tuitlce. aixt the eierntor will not lie liable fur the tald eatate or ahy part ttw-nNif In anv rrrifm of mlHM claim lli rteculor tliall IM4 tlien have received lice. IHTUi at I'rlnre Rupert, B.C.. thlt lib day of January. Itfl. Sollrlpirt fur the r.iecutor. I'rlnre rtilTrtrl. B.r.. puns Mare Phone Blue 428. Cash and Garry Orders $5.00 and Over Lowest prices in town. The steady stream of business proves il. Itodium Flour. UH's . . $2.75 Spuds, F,arly Hose, per sack $1.50 Strictly Freh F.ggs. do. 45c OI! Per CentOC J Discount J on al COATS "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Phone 376 The House Men's Calf Boots, all sue, reg. IM'U and J.50. Now $4.10 Boys' Boots, sues I -5, reg. SI.30 and Sj.on. Now $3.35 Boys' Boots, Mnlliwear. sues II-:'. reg. Si. 10. Now $2.95 Women's Pumps, Oifords and Laced Boots, rcy. 7.00 to fUOn. all sues Now $4.95 Phone 376 of Quality SHOE SLAUGHTER We must have room for Spring Stock. Prices w ,i joii whether we mean business or not. Here are a few of them. Judg' tor oiirself. Women's rme Hnttoii and liceti llools, MXe 2'j to only, 95c. Women's Heavy Calf Lacad Boots, reg. f(J U. , I, 5. 0 and ?. Now 13. SJ dlrls' Chocolsts and Black Laced Boots, rcj Oj. ! 1 1 -J. Now 12,85 Children's Chocolate Button . . ItlMlls. Ilueslllll in; k sines 8-10 Ml. reg 1 1 'At Now $s.2$ Youths' Boots, sicj ii l i. r. g 3.V5. Now $2.$$ Slater's London Lady and Venus Fine Footwtar. Cut from l lo 2 per cenl tur leu laj only UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9.15 The Qreat Dramatic Screen Epic, "Orphans of the Storm" Adapted from Ihe brilliant sLigf siitcs. The fw Orphans." Th;- million lol!.ir photo-play .ennlioii, A stirring, romaiitic story or the I'renrh reolulioii basnl n: n famous old play. Historical romance intenvoveii with U:f thrills of mad days, when crowds of frantic men ti r.i women fought in (he lioe of freedom. A musterpiei screen realism. Ths lesions of u lime when riilu.i n hung in the balance, brought to the mind of million r: manner more roiiviiieiug Ihan btMiks. Kiiiii(c rolnr!ir brilliant settings, an hilertnre, moHir. frcsruiiig nud i.'c roralious, (Kjinaded wig, Miiners, brocade. ulveJ- masks, corsages and buckl . Scenes or Kigeaiitr. colorful ami f unliftirr Lillian Clsh, Dorothy Qlih, Joseph 8chlldkraut, Frank Losee, Monte Blue, Crelflhton Hate and mormons rat Twelve Reels. Admission 50c and 25c. PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World We are side ogenls for I'lirdy's Famous (Jliocolales and Liiii.jy. .Ma,jc j Vancouver. There is nolliliig tWT In the world. A box of Portly', makes a dslightftil giU al nil times. Start the New Veur in the right spirit and gi your mother, sister ami sweetheart a box. ALL SIZE8. ALL PRICES. THE CANDY IS DELICIOUS AND THE BOX 18 BEAUTIFUL. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Cheque. f.