.!.,...!, .Iiiinmrv 12 1921 drink tt tryJWBOB conn 5 h r" THR DAILY' HEWS. When No Man imT a a a i MaMr Can Work Not onlj "the night cometh, when no man can work." hul IH ntte comes, when every man should te able to enjoy IiLs lelnure. To be independent in your later years, buy a Canadian t.'vernment Annuity. The Covernment operates the Annuities System, not for Its own profit, but for yours, to encourage you to provide for your old age. You Ret every dollar that your money earns. Tor a payment at the rate of a few cents a dav. over a period of years, you can secure a substantial income for your old aie. There are plans of K purchase to suit all, the young; and the elderly, the - married and those who have dependants. No medical examination is required. For full Information, fill out this coupon immediately and mail It as directed. No postage necessary, as It Is Canadian Government business. Mail This Coupon No Postage Needed Til IVrpiiHitrnC of lulwur, jjj AnnuHks I Ira nth, (MUna, On(. I'lMU d m. tb MludhMk cf lf.rm.ll.- 4 fall pnrUrmlmrt a I. ! t a L liramal Aaaallf. Mr mgt L. birthday M J r.r.. ru it oLrlWr Mr.. Mfg., or Mltai M n Aittm ""a" msnwn - litutd by: Dtparlmtnl 0 Labour, Antmu-.ti Branch, Ottawa. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails from I'rlnco Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Point! Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX . Wedneiday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30; Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, rrtnra fioprrt i pm tor rnifCK ni.'ihor. EfvTx wiv Mrp til poiau Xuirrn ':nla, itilW Shim, OCNCV ALL OCEAN ITIAMIHI LINES. C ncltt Offka, tit ThlH At, Print ".nam. Iha IW. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services S iilings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MAHY. For .Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 23; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Vancouver, etc., Sailings (or January 12 and 19 are Cancelled. Agency for all Steamship Llnet. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sitlinrt rrura I'rme nuir(, for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocn all, and non Say, Tudi, t P.M. Far VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alrl Bat, and Iwanaon lturdt Naoa. fr ANTOX, ALICE ARM, ITEWART, Wll.t Island, fund., I PJI. fr PORT tlMPION nd Naia Rl CannarUt, frld A.M. CII tnrt Avrnua. BarnUy, sganU Prlnc Ruptrt, B.C ARE YOU WELL PREPARED Kop the Winter villi WARM, COMFY BLANKETS? .Inst firmed a shipment i III" famous ESMOND BLANKETS, in vnriegnled patterns :iiil colors. Walch For Our Window Display. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings PjraJvl Doing of the Moqulto Fleet which U the )MaM jPt9 chief source of Prince Rupert's prosperity TIip admiral of the Mosquito an fnch at all lime. .Mr, Darby fleet reports I hat at an after- is an old boat builder of Yukon inalli if Christmas and Newfarne. Owning a ranch some ICO Year holiday season the halibut lacrrs at firease Harbor on (he landings during Hir weel have Naas Hiver Sir. Darby, along been on Hip light side, only single American schooners putting in daily wilh catches. For Ihe fih landi'd, price have been hiali. Mlamliny around 20c ami U'r for firxt and opcoinI "elass enlpi( rrppcrlivply. It ix eon-Jerlured that Hip inlprvenliori of Hip holidays has niPanl Hip liiinchiii? up of Hip American flepf whirlr often liatiens. II is wilh brother ranchers, has been hard up arainsl Hie lransiorta-lion iirohleni in that district and he- is slelermined to build a boat that will give 'the transportation service so iirfrenlly required at a minimum of cost. At the' pre sent time the ranchprs on the Xaas rivpr arp in I he hands of anybody wilh a power boat and Hie freight charge are entirely reported dial several of llieloo exoriiilunl to permit of pro-Aineriran boats put inlo Kelchi-jducc bein? marketed xiircesw- kan lefl on New Year's ee und loirelher after the holiday (pleled for several weeks. for Hm deep ea grounds. This would point to the early return it lite big fleet to this port and the fih buyers are exporting a 'hi flotnia of halibut arrivals In pill in during the coming wnek. Anollipr factor against the halibut landings has been I lie par- The stormy weather has been1 detrimental to the lauding of mueli raw fur to dale. Generally fully. The boat will not ! com- Capt. Harry Collison. skipper of Hie power boat Kathleen, arrived in port from Kitkalla early in Hip week lor supplies and necessary engine parts. The power Isial Sterling, Capt. tii'iilurly stormy wpalhpr whicli lMariii. i on the Ward ways for tin been general for Hie past a general overhaul in readine lw. weeks 011 Hie high, spots. Tor Ibis reason the Canadian arrivals have been considerably 'afTei-Uil in Unit the smaller Iwials have been unable to venture far afield in search of their : wily. prey. ! Fur Arrivals for the- spring dash. Soldiers, Sailors, Niggers ft i learned on good authority lhat natives, of Mctlakathv have set an entirely original idea go. ing to keep up the social whirl of the famous northern Pacific lown. With the idea of creating friendly rivalry from purely a social standpoint the lown has' divided itself up into three dif. nl this time of Ibe season fur ,Prrm ,Hp""n'' nameiy me mi- larrivals are numerous but toj',"rs- -'ilors and Xiggers. If date M-ry few trappers have reJ,he Mwr I'"' W a dance or llurned wilh their catches. I),ir-i0,,"'r f,,rm of n'rlalnmenl. ng Hie week one fur arrival is ttrraDl Sailors in ,urn ,r' in ? ""' ,",,or reported from Kitklitla. Ihe limo- ,n U,i" eatel, finding a ready market As V ' .... 1 ....-11 . ii a veritable hive of joy durintr .,. w,l0i"'- 'n';r. season and visitors ise.s the many trappers, wettt out earlr in the fall, wllll", ' . me iun, .,r of tliel" ii,iwh",,,pr " night of the Ibe niHking purl to djspos result of their season's labors. Fish Business t Ik I.... a I t. i j-iSkSa 1 1 Soldier. Sailors or .iggers. is ,somelhing to remember for life. A week ago the Sohlierspul on a dance in the Mellakalla Hall liuniiK i.P ppk I........W ins. whk,h wa worh jron(r m.lttjt ,o ..f halibut has marketed peen on, ,,,,,.,, frnm a aCPnunfs hll, on I lie l ist, Kxchange. Americans NV.ln(,.r nijt ,p j5ai,ors were liih at 20c and 12.0c and whiHl s lp hit factor in the jb.w nl l'..5c and I2e. The ar-!,.nvn Miejay ou, ,0 ,,, jr.vals were: Yakalal. Yenus. Al- Ihpjr rivnN r , phni wih ilen, lalioma. i Getting Ready Many skippers of the halibut fleet are gelling everything in readiness for a dash tb Hie deep comi)leled will be a regular speed fiend, easily capable of aj i speed of 20 miles per hour andj a forced speed of al leusj 25 1 -ii 1.- . lllg 0UI.I lor purely r umrt(,tx ,,,, nlink. ThM ,H ,h,v business and will draw l!i inehesjflp1 f,lp .....i.-i llf n,,. -nll. . .... . . of water when fully loaded. Her I from Munro, Michigan. Accord ing lo Mr. faiby the Van lllerk Is a wonderful machine, and (hough the old firm or lllerk Itros, who originally manufactured Ihis engine, Is extincl owing lo sonm ilisarreemeul, be has been successful in purchasing one of Ihe original engines. A feature of Ihe ctatl Is a luunel stern which will prevent Ihe j propeller fl'imi being fouled either on Ihe bed of the river lor from snays inailyertently en-(countered. Should" Ihe hull j touch ait obstruction tlur propeller will have a clearance of half Tiyv catch ;'as of remarkably : splendid s-ieeu win oe .icrivru wo,,( ,,unlily and rinii.l n readyi'V lllerk engine which is eimiins WJ be ft big influx of Imppers in near future and lhat thr vitnilj i I tin in I lll jnu a mechanic ... 111 ..... ... .. . n - ' r' 7 faclorily. which win. lie voiujr soiup, iw inr- calf said when il met jclf run ning around Ihe linysfack. It Returning MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a .moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS i..mI r,,.vnrni.i funip ieoree has; was quickly raised and little the result lhat Ihey staged one j(r(,n (ninp s,.lte;4 jn rPR,ilar damage was done. of the fines! masquerade halls (MirW My,e atholltl he has re- " ever staged In the north. A rrained from wearing the regula-j Capt. Ililt Holland, aboard the flotilla of native boats came over lion tourist knickerbockers for: power boat Dart, came' inlo port to Ihe city on Wednesday morn- Jne rPasnn that his nether ex- during the week from l'ort Using ami made a combined pur- 'irpmiiu. .i not Juke to thvmlsinglon for medical treatment. . r: .... I . ; .. II... ........ . .I., t .. : I a I. .. i .. . ..I m. ru ii.uiM piiMiiuf iii in"- 111-.11 j iiuinr. ruin mi mn upMiiwu ery kindly, ueorge says inni hi ; future. Cow Hay is crowded .slores. taking back with them ,ar,j (0 make any real easy .Sandy had a little cat, jwilh the lighter boats on whichiloolhsome delicncies and all the 'money across theline as Ihe fre-'lt only stayed a day, jgonr, hull and machinery Is he-) fancy material necessary to ,,ienlers of reslanrants do notlt's conspicuous by its absence, ling thoroughly gone over prior make up wonderful eoslnines. The j,aPP ieir tips umier the plates -Hals have driven it away. jto migration to the watery outcome of Ihe visit In lown was ,, hand them direct in thei : depths. The hallbul sjphooners thai to date the Sailors are still waiters or waitresses. The boys The Canadian halibut schooner Wubash, Vcrna and Margallce a little bit in the lead for the are looking forward to greeting (iygeon, l!apt. Jim Morrison, are at Ihe Mosquiln fleet base1 grandeur of their latest social r.eorge. 'which is being put through its undergoing the once over at venture. II will bo interesting, paces at the dry dock, is now un- eapable hand's. These .schooners 'hi hear what Ihe Soldiers and Shipped Water dergoing the engine installation it 1- expect Pd, will be all set for Niggers do lo each other in The provincial forestry patrol part of the business. According their rirsl dash of the .New Year 'order to gain the top rung of Wit Leila n Capt. Dan Archie, to report the old Caygeorf is look-before the end of Ihe month. ,H social ladder. The secret jliad Ihe misfortune to hit a mov- ing more like a fishing boat every I A Go Oettee Harry Darby of the Nnas river district is holding a real "go service of the fleet is on the saminar recently 011 jap m- .. .s s.hmi n. .,.- ic Job to this end. 'let, Porcher Island, with the re-.compieieu Jim win ne irying nis Unit lhat the boat tipped slighlly;pet out on the halibut banks, a little water. No Skipper l.ouis I.neker. of the and and shipped shipped ltower Poal Lew s Island., s in nariieuiar iiuiiie.ce w.is nunc. Art Oswald, skipper of halibut getting" boat under Ihe Shocklcy owl )n nbai a few necessaries however, and l.eila is none the boat Kayosii, who had been boli-planins mills.. The boal when' . ... .worse for the experience. (laying in southern Pacific cities, Fur Arrival The iivir lioat Hnroon, Onpl. V.tLi ..I rK... L-li The fieorgelown mill, which Prince Rupert last week. While was closed down for a week a! Art enjoyed himself in Ihe south I'hrislmas lo enable the em- he says Ihe little old boat looks Imiles. The boat which ieasureslkaa J., j)( wi(h n ployees to lake advantage of the good to hmv now io feet by a U", tool ..earn - .s oe-rin C() " (,f f including,' ,VP T'' T V. . ' uiun ami is running full blast. relumed home 011 Ihe sleamer One hundred Jons of cement will arrive on Ihe sleamer Prince I Pollerton, assistant median-(John, early in the muting week, ical superinleilenl at the Hootli(for Ihe Albert A Mc(.uffery in- from a 200 horse power Van ura, nil.k(, na. , edicts there ,,M' ,w"m "'I'T' , ' . ' , . 1 " l ' nn rtnaxniliin In Ii a llimilll in Will 7I 111 iirriii inr 1111 111111 in" luiioii iif lie.- nnn(i(( -i . , r,.. the Oenernl Hospital. glad to the the wizard. wizard. is is in in course course of of tonstruclioii lonstruclioii the operation wis necessary as. a result of the overtime the Jaw was put lo during the holiday season. The fact is well known that Mr. Pollerton Is horribly Oeorge .Wweiimn,. tils genial fond of plum pudding which t & 1. .. . . ... . .... 1 1 . , , , , , . , skipper of the launch Dixie Hn pert, who has been on ;t prolonged trip Ihrnugh the. United Sliiles, Is Hcheduleil to. returir t his happy lufnlipg groumts early next month according In a leller revived front, the wanderer makes tough sleighing for weak molars- The city power boat, used in connection vvlih Ihe Shawallans electric light plant, sank at her !yV moorings n Covr Hay. during Ih We are plelion of the new bridge whkh report lhat Iiy is- progressing 11 is presumed sails-, the Provincial government. that Scow Progressing The scow under cons! ruction for (he Wark. Canal logging outfit Is Hearing completion .in (Mime Yard Creek ,V roomy house is being built I hereon, measuring some 50 feet by 20 feel. Tlie old sj sir in or living iharlers built on logs has been fouiid to be loo cnmliersnnw wlien being trans-p(rtei from placey to plaee, ' A scow' s towed; more easiify and lends ifseir to a great Vaving in Skipper Hoomes-K. Frcsman, of rrcenl heavy storms. The- craft time when, moving camp. ' Soil Finish TSirif-T-SBfvice i Wei Wash , Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone us for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL 111 any (jjuntity- Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone St. l( Best Sawi Made) 0 I Ask ljour Hanhwttktkr 1 (STMONDSl I Ik Mini ht. ftlHl unniJV, MiaMTMl, UltaV Ml VaMemwewtr. U Ws. Jm, M H. M