FACIE FOOR TBS DILY KKW? iiuet..ifly. DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMjmu Birch Wood err goll- i hmekt H DOCTOR I OOtsT ) I TllT TUT TOT I AN 1 1 ; Un: JUtT ao r t "t ( TMEOOCToiJ ha.o a Moe fer a. FEEL RCHT r-rl - L COrsrsA THOUGHT fOU MAts ME 13 IN TMf WEEK AM' iVt) MMCIN' FOR SMALL HEATERS, HE ILL- t VltiH t HAD V . J f EVA.MINE TOU oie ' r" A.RE "bmOKirso A-n HT HOt)PTA,L ILLfSO THE TOO MUCH' NEVER MADE THE GET 50c Per Sack WITH OUAM t"ts CONNA C V V Tl L.AT LATCL't' CLt' 1 -iU rs tEE A ) DOCTOR- HydeTransfer nrjon? m Sim 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Orrice Hours, 9 te 0. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fmr Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Oravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. rmjcrzt jjj I mz It III ' li III You can tell by the prices that we put. on our Home Furnishings and our Hardware that wo have your home contentment at heart. Savage Electric Washer S185.00 Hoover Cleaners $63.00 and $75 00 Both sold on very Easy Terms. v. Ill mittX'ffiftftm W Sterling Furnace com I Dllard In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This l a very auperlor furnace coal. It rives a clean hot rire anl Is entirely free from xoot. clinkers, slark and dirt. Some or the largest heating plants In the city are now using It villi entirely saUsfaitory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks, At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Go. Mall OffloM Moi.il Oantril. PhMM 1B TIMBER SALE X6531. 8etd Tenders will he received by the Minister of J.anda at Victoria, nut later tlmn iMMin on the IJrd day or October, imh. for the nurchase, of Licence Xf.531, to rut tt.UOO lineal feet or Cedar roles and rillnir, and II.OOOO HeinhMk and Jarkplne Ties on part or the N. V, or U1 1D7I, nurin vl iiszeiion, i.asiar insinii Three s years will lie allowed for re innval or timber. Further particulars or the Chler Fores ler, Vlrtorla, B.C., or District Forester, I'riace llupert, s,c. . t LEAGUE ARE ENTERED Three Aggregations Will Participate In Senior Competition Six In Intermediate Three teams fur the Senior di vision and six for the Intermediate were entered at the meeting of the City Milliard League held last night in the (Ireat War Veterans rooms. There was a pood attendance and President J. J. Walsh presided. The most of the time was spent drawing up rules to govern the season. The matches will start the first week in November and there will bo another meeting next Tuesday in St. Andrew's rooms to draw up the schedule. The teams entered follows: were as WHIST LEAGUE GAMES STARTED Moose Ladles and Daughters of England Winners In First Ladles' Section Games Last Night Moose Ladies and Daughters and Maids St England won open ing honors in the ladies' section of the Fraternal Whist League and Mrs. Orimvood. The last mentioned played -spare in place of Mrs. H. II. Hemmlngs, regular captain of the team, who was out of the city. Pythian Sisters Mrs. Fred Wermig 'raptain Mrs. V.. J. Large. Mrs. R. Clarke, Mrs. D. MrCnlloch. Mrs. W. Anderson, and Mrs. fiilchrist. I I O 124 t Intl Ffiut Scnvicr. Ic BASEBALL BOXINQ WHIST TEAMS IN BILLIARD SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat Howard Mayberry is the new champion bantamweight lnixer of Canada. In a fast ten round bout at Toronto last Friday night, Hobby Kbber was unseated from his throne by the new lit- !tle fighter. Mayberry wailed for a long time to get. his chance at the title and when ft came lit made no mistake about being the victorious boxer. Though Fpinard, the famous French race-horse, lost all of the three big'races in which he (was scheduled to meet American horses this season, ho nevertheless did himself pround by taking second place in each race. This is all the more credit when it is taken into consideration that Senior-fireat War Veterans,, washeTa mT 'irotto and Prince Rupert Mil liard Parlor. Intermediate Oreat War Veterans, firotto. Prince Rupert Billiard Parlor. Cold Storage. St. Andrew's, Calfies. racers In United States regardless of class. Kpinard will go home almost as much a victor as klbough he had come in first in I all the races. He. was playing a lone game against everything else that, offered and his performance was little less than One or two of the badminton players have been aip at the lie Luxe Hall trying out the new courts and they report that lhe are excellent for the purpose. Everything is in readiness for the formal opening tonight al which lime, new members will be given an opportunity to join the elub. There is a general meeting of the club announred for Friday last night by defeating ihe'evening in Ihe hall, when a new Orange Ladies, and Pvthian Si. treasurer will be chosen to stir ters respectively. The scores in each case were 0 to 3. The games were played in the SI. Regis Cafe and the teams were as fallows: Moose Ladies Mrs. Alf. Christiansen (captain), Mrs. Harry Jackson. Mrs. Jack Ratch- ford, Mrs. O. Stegavig; M,rs. P. Wingham and Mrs. A. R. Phillips. Orange Lodge Mrs. S. V. Cox (captain), Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. II. Morin, Miss Mabel Veireek, Mrs. T. Itouller and Mrs. R. Daughters of F.ngland Mrs. J. Howe (captain, Mrs. D. Wilton, Mrs. Wlliatman Sr., Mrs. Waller Shaw, Mrs. fieorge Leek, Advertie in ttie Daily Nv, Cigarettes FOOTBALL BILLIARDS HUNTING -S cfi'il J. W. Ilamiltmi wlin is leii I ing for the smith. Member of the rluli are expressing regn-l I luil Mr. Hamilton is leaving. - II. II. Lillle, the new manager of I ho Union Hank' her. was looked upon as the best player in the Hazcllon liadiiitntrirt olub tnd he Is expected lo be out tonight. Hob ItarllHt, who is Ihe rack player for the local mr-gregation will have to look to his laurels now. Last year most of tUe rut dm in -Ion players were just beginners Xow some of llieni have develop ed considerabe skill and by the end of the present should ae prelly fair players. There is also a his squad of new players just Joining who will he aide lo .ret some good games among ihemselves. FELLED TREE ON BEAR AND NOW HAS NICE SKIN Glentanna Farmer Tells Story of How Bruin' and he Became Acquainted SMITH F.RS. OeL IS.-Charlie Xewilt, a farmer in (lie Tilentan- la district, has developed into aj !ear hunter and h now the pos sessor of a nice Mack bear skin .mil an additional story lo recount when telling of the iimi- and varied experiences of his hc- i8.. i:-V nit; 1 1 1 it. While at work on his farm a ouple of days ago, Charlie was disturbed by a noise that called 'or Investigation and upon trac-ng it lo its source wan urpriri o find a black bear evidently in listress. As it refused to move Alien called upon lo do so. Char- BEST PROCURABLE BLEND A 7JJ I c?' - : B M00UCI Of SCOTLtO nuiwu Oiltaujeift B Tl eHIMlMtCM mO tVcvtMf -ftcCNUVf f Durowt icouaai The original label look for it at Hie Vendors, and insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by Ihe Government of liritish Columbia. fjfftcSmofa cfa7laUcn the British Consols I2rl5 20r25 ato 1" attractive tins of 50 and 100 IS W ffl I W& M V iHH Cmi KriTiiM rig hit rrvd WANTED i it ii Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvortUcimffnt Tnken for Less than BOc WANI'Eli. I'n.-ii as housekeeper in private house or holel, where advertiser eotihj also keep hoy of school age. Box 211, Harry New olttce. 210 WANTKn. Furniture of 'every description. Highest prices paul. Prince Rupert Exchange. Auctioneers. Phono 052. SITUATION WANTED MXPKHIENCt'.D stenographer and iKiok-keeper wants work, November I. Write Hox 200 Daily News. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half bloek from Post OOlee, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf FOR RENT TO RENT -Vmall House, partly furnished, phone He. 623. 21 1 WINTER II A It HOH for small boats. Caretaker in attendance. Apply Northern Exchange, tf TO RENT Cottages, i room with bath and, 3 rooms with bath. Phone Hwll If. FOR RENT. FurniaiTeil housekeeping rooms. Phone Hlue 217 or 18. 410 Sixth XA venue East. If OFPICB FOR RENT wth modern living quarters. Weslenhavci llroa. , tf FOR RENT. Palmer House fur cheap rates and home com forts. tf FOR RENT F'our room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith &. Mailed, Ltd. tf AUCTION SALE At iTIO.N SALE will be held nl Tenth eniie, at llacon Street on Thiirsdny, October Ift at ?.:io p.m. Oak ilinlng table, chairs. carpel, laenport, lo-aler, beil, litireati, Clingoleum rug, oilcloth. Singer sewing machine, electric lamp, eln. Come via Eleventh Avenue. Philpotl, IMtt & Co.. Auctioneers. 213 ADDRESSES WANTED WILL J. II. McCormick and .1. .1. Allison please coiiiiminicale Iheirndiliesses to II. D. Oa z alio fj, I sk. ll.C. 27 TAXI Taxi 07 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Prompt Servico and Comfort Day or Niifht Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Acrr.ss from Emnress Hotel BOAT REPAIRS FISIIKRMliN. Thp close season will soon be hero. You can get your bonis overhauled by contract or day work, at a moder- nlf price. Wc build anything j FOR HEAL IIOMI MADE IHll.AD. Cnkes ami Patiy, eaf your order al 01.1 AinJin-i- Am-ihi.'. Phone Illue 113. If FOUND FOUND. Lnies' felt hat. Owner can obtain same upon Identifying and paying for this ad News. FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. A singer shoe machine, household articles, range, beds, tables, etc. also April pullets and few lay In hens. 80 Iliiys Cove Circle, Phone Red 211. FOR SALE, furnished. Avenue. - Rooming haum. Apply 92J .iflbro tr ROO.MINO HOUSE for Sale; sen. tral location; steam heal: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write I X 202 Dally CH'ROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 lo 12: 2 lo 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Hlue 85. OONT BE SHOCKED Ride on QOODYEAR BALLOON TIRES For all Cars Ford Tires, 8.C0 to $10.00 Fit Goodyear Tires and Avoid the Shocks MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Day and Night Service. Phone 52. KAIEN GARJ.QE. PIANOS TUNED. tf MUSICAL INS TRIJMENTS IM PAIRED AND ADJ IJKTED J. B. MacKAY- Phone Orcn !;. P.O. )ox FURNITURE. New and Secondhand lure Store. We Iluy, Sell and Ex change JSew and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULI. 830 Third Ave. phone 010. bout build' s, North Vnncouver.lof the nearby trees. Ho then went .the best way lo make sure tliati 'i would not get get awav away while whllo he he home for his .22 rifle and killed the bear with the second shot. Charlie lins lii'nn llmnl in.. 1. 1.. I lie came to Hie conclusion, thalllucky slars ever since. illi i. it i.uisl bit t.H,l(jlt ,nu, ,,llt (((, ol., (n ll!ipn(., M . . on y having his me with dim ,.in. n... .. . . . . .. : - "mi i mi u,,( us ne i oi tl 1 1 mere ".in linn, hit mi Mini nun legs. Accounlu m, in nini... , . ' I i "niiliri ALICE ARM .!( k Mr)oii,il.i srinetr on the tr.tiiMi V (Uiprile, has r.-n,r i Ann from tin- iii i disfKing in C.i-,.n i staked a claim "" vertisement at the Daily Ndwsln,,, original di ofllce. I'iftraslv and Hinrli y. return north in tin -- u J. Peacock, win. summer tier il-ri.ir ing properties, li.!-Anyut wlnire he i-p. the winter. . A very uem-..fi.: held in Ihe Oitio uui hnnor of Wi- Pranee who left Um Seattle. Although the irr. logs IS not CI tn.'i oMrut ions in the . ir Alice Arm con fin 'it- ' Numerous small in ntng down the ml" fits having roinm. n The fuuip o I he l ging . is still op. 4 Hans Peterson i .- - Hlewart where u n, . winter. - - B. C D. Gesry l.a. , Prince Huiiert I nor of the Hoyul li , has gone on holoiav- Mi STEWART After a sum (i.i preliminary wnu erect ion and in.ii iineiil, the Riil'i- Mining Co. hiii Ihe winter lai w.' managing otaVmi- i- lie. It is plaiitieil i large scale nel y.iu1 I property lies on Die u of ltwr River urf l i from Hlewart. - Develnpnieiii of Hi on Ihe ll.C. Wlwr ru n' Us with satisfacli.i y recent sliipnienl i I dry ore gaev smllei 3.(8 gold and I'.H I a total value of l lu , F. O. Wlllkle, m week from Victoi i,i whr ganired a sninll n i plore and develop ' ;;-Heather group m Hi' inon Rlvor valley. A for illiiinoiiil drilliiu iiu to lloyle llros. ami w:: ready in prog re s. M. II. Slater and Mm ( La Verne were niinried Furnl- in llyder and have IcfJ f couver. Another lead of jfoud been discovered on llif group on Ihn west Mdn i?r ' glacier and work 'win" 'on nil ivinlor liv .1 1' Mil: up to 200 tons. Marine ways. I with true woodmanshlp pmned a k MeDon-ild Cull or wrile Krlksen llros:, Ihe bear to the ground with onol' ' ' ' ' ' ' ll.C tf ISND ACT. Caailar Land Olatrlct, Ilwri1lnir (llnlrii-t or rrlnn B- J ami allualc lit Allln l.aki, klmul ' lillle dun VMt fr AUDI TieVM lt' TAKK .Villi k that Paul 1. I iniun. Allln. In in I iiik hi- lriiviiii-i. eruvliirn i.l or llrlll linn I i I , lila. nri'unalliiil jpwrller, lr(ii"i'l' ; Lfi'r r'ei'iiilliiii tu iurrlian M' ' Jt llflMCKll.-H In... I- . ... . it.r., annul. . C'lintni'tirint al i jwwt rianl'1 aouth point or llm amall IManrt V li 1 1 S'rond iHland ... . m Allln .n.iiu , Alllll alKive :T, thrnrr 'n:'..n".r norihwrat A'" and . nouie ior a gun was to rail lolnlling 7.K37 7t u-em ..n.Dn.i 1 at , a free on lop of This lnVfor payment by ll.o city VffJV ' 'SSmVnT "iSS ' c t0,,,M mc promptly proceeded lo dp andllnsl night ", 'VrZr lm' PAUL LOUI3